F -.urday. February 27,M93 ' ' THE DAILY NEWS PA3E FIVE Tiousands of People Read The Advertisements on This Page Every Day RENT THAT R00 SECURE fflMLL FURNITURE,, REAL ESTATE, ETC., I 451 FOR RENT Rent, 6 rooms, 2nd Ave in, Ame Importers. tf! let Bl u k 487. , .. . . M . - -nt. $13 a month, Mussa'. iiiicery. , (tf) I - i KENT -Modern bungalow,! Avenue. McCutcheon, 941 Av-nue West. (tf) ': NT -Clean, well furnljlml 2-room suite with bath i Apartments, phone Red tf ft rv nt steam neaiea apart- I, ft i r- f ,vp large rooms,' kitchen ((nfrally located; $35.00 .:rh. Hm dwelling, hot wate. Fifth Avenue West. An-M faffery, Olbbons It Col- 1 1 ,T - Any person can do nn Third Avenue and Ki living quarters by he cottage next door to u News. Only $20 a 1 s .1 great opportunity FOR SALE True bred Police. Dog, i .mths jld. Good, with Aj)ply Box 122 Dauy LD bed couch, . neaj-ly BOARD AND ROOM ROO M : kit- new, and Over Prince Rupert '. 53 3 ! v irnlthed, or othei-Mi cottage, ejectri.: close to Dry Dock. ' appointment Phone mi Board clow In. gooa Phone Blue 390. SITUATIONS WANTED housekeeper wants objection to children t H. MllUpaw, Room Block, between 7 and HELP WANTED MENT JOBS-How to gt Br leady for sprtiif apis Free Booklet. The M. ; Kensington Bldg, Win-j PERSONAL WANTED to conduce "ten Cla&sea at homo ( ' kiet. Address Canadian ;rten Institute. Kenslng-Winnipeg. TRANSFERS MMON's Transfer Phone 177 p iy Birch, cedar and Jack tf MOOSE HALL FOR RENT A" ' i ill Dinro him UHve and Dance1 J15.00 'Ut Meetings p.00 n,': ' ;! $15.00 -nn Mutch $j5.00 Store For Rent Typewriters for Rent by day, week or month -Kose, Cowan & Latta . Phone 234 Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avenue CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS SALVAGK & TOWING !"If It's on oi unaer the water ' do It." 1742 Atifn Avenue, pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. 51 Fully Equipped ror Diving aiui General Salvage Work aoaia ana scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire BARGAINS IN GAs ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Coolldge Propellers Sand and Gravel In any quantity delivered anywhere by water Phone Day or Night 5C4 P.O. Box 15C4 land no mis NOTICE Is hereby given thtt I, Geo. Bacon. oocuMtion miner. In. tend to pplr to the commissioner of I umM ict permission to purelute the following Isads Ctammeneliif m t paw About 1U. m outh4y from Tulsrqulh post Office, thence 30 chslns southtrty. thetwe 30 eliln veaterij. thence 29 chains northerly, ttwoce 90 etatou to point of commencement, ooaUlnlnf 40 eres more or less. October 37, 1931. GEO. BACON. The Auctioneer Packing Crating Wrapping and General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me AUCTIONEER List you goods with us Prince Rupert's leading Auctioneer. G. M. HUNT 3rd Ave. Phone Red 63? WOOD FOR SALE Any Length Apply T. Glenn and R. Vlereck T. k R. TRANSFER Phone Green 609 Reasonable prlcej Orders Promptly Attended MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE A complete assortment of FURNITURE and FLOOR COVERINO. Everything for the WINDOW. If you are selling out we will AUCTION your goods or pay cash outright. Call us up. Prompt service. Phone 775. Mackenzie's Furniture &' Auctioneers Painting and Paperhanging By Day or Contract Charges Reasonable J. P. M0LLER Phone Red 802 I 1 gggggBl aaMBBBlBBBBBa H gggggfl mm I for sale and all other small For rent, advertisements In this section ehrr,rf ,. , , ..w.wllci laKen rof ,esJ tnan cents a word. CHIROPRACTIC W. C. Aspinall Three Year Graduate Chiropractic Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment Green 241 and 549 Open Evenings 6 Excnange Blk. IS TIIK M.4TTEU OF THE ".UIMIXH-TKATIOX ACT" and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PATRICK LIDDY MU.VILLK. IlKCKASr.ll Take notice that tT order of the Honourable Aulsy Morrison, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, dated 17th Deoetnber. 1931, 1 wai appointed Administrator of Ue Batate of Putrkk LMdy MulTllle, deceased. All parties having claims against th aald Estate are hereby required to forward same to me property verified on or before the 29th February. 1932; and ail parties being Indebted to the u:d Gataie are hereby required to pay ttw amounts of thesr indebtedneaa to me forthwith. Dated at Smithers. B.C.. this 8th day of January. AD. lS3. H. B. CAMPBELL. Offlelat Admlnlatraarr. LAND ACT Nntke of Intention to apply ta Lease I J nil In Queen Charlotte Island District Land Recording District of Prince Rn-pett. aoo situate on the Southerly part of Langara Island. Parry Passage anu being tie forenhore adlotnlnc the true- ; ttonal West half of the fractional South-,aat quarter of Lot 674. Queen Cfisr-lotte Island DHdrtct Take ootlee that 'the Home OH Dia I trlbators UmKed of Vanoouver, Brrtlar. I ColamWa, occupation a mefchandls.a:. ! corporation intend to aootv tor a GEO, J. DAWES Phone Black 120 ' of the following described land: Oommeoclng at a post planted at the ' Booth-east cc river of the fractional - West half of the fractional South -t quarter of Lot 074. Queen Charlotte Iv land District, thence South one chain more or less to lew water mark: Uienn following low water mark In a Soutli westerly direction 20 ohalns more or lew to a point South of the Sauth-west oor-ner of the said fractional West half o the fractional South-east quarter of Lot 674: thence North one chain nn or less to said South -wett corner thence North-easterly following the Southerly boundary of the aaM Lot 974 SO chains more or leas to point of com tnencement and containing two 121 acres more or less. THE HOME OIL DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED. by: Theodore Neton I Page. Agent. i Dated Febnisry 7th. 1932. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Tuesday ss. cataia i:30 pjn Thursday s. Pr. Rupert 10 p rr Friday ss. Venture, midnight. r eo. 28 as. Prtn. Mary p.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Cataia p.m. Wed.-ss. Pr. Rupert ... 10:30 a.m t rway ss. venture p.m. For Naas River and Port Simpson Sunday s. Cataia 9 p.n. From Nats River & Port Simpson- Tuesday as. Cataia .. .11:30 a.m. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. Cataia 0 pjn t weanesaay ss. pr. Rupert 4 p.m i From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Cataia ....11:30 ajrt i Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert 8 p.m. ! From Ocean Falls-Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert ..I0:30 ajn, Friday cs. Venture pju. For Ocean Falls ' Tuesday ss, Cataia 1 :30 p.m. Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 p.m. Feb. 14 ss. Prln. Mary p.m. Feb. 28 ss. Prln. Mary p.m. TILUE THE TOILER" II l"'- I 1 ClCHTo!' 1 . MOT MtO V f DECISIONS STRIBLING Ernie Schaaf Wins Notable Boxing Victory in Chicago CHICAGO, Feb, 27: Ernie Schaaf of Boston scored the most important victory of his boxing career to date last night when he took a decisive ten-round decision here from William L. (Young) Stribling, former contender for the world's heavyweight title. As a result of the conquest, Schaaf now becomes one of the prominent contenders for the heavyweight crown. Old Country Soccer SCOTTISH LEAGUE First Division Cowdenbeath 2, Third Lanark 0. Dundee United 0, Aberdeen 4. Hamilton Academicals 7, Lelth Athletic 0. Hearts 0, Motherwell 1. Kilmarnock 1, Clyde 0. Morton 4, Falkirk 3. Partlck Thistle 2. St. Mlrren 1. Queens Park 1, Rangers 6. Celtic 0, Dundee 0. Alrdrleonlana 2, Ayr United 2. BILLIARDS POSTPONED Three outstanding games In! Thursday night's Junior Billiard League fixture between Jewelers and Hawks were .further postponed from last evening until the week end. - Billiard Averages Junior League I G. T Av. J. Saunders (Jly 8 1600 200 iW. Stuart J 10 1914 191 N. Chenoski E r.'....:.M0 1896 190 O. Howe E iv 10 1898 1P0 J. May H 11 2071 m P. Johnson E 10 1877 188 L. Raabe (J 10 1874 187 j W. Hutson H 11 2030 185 j P. Vaeeher LN 10 1840 184 j P. Chenotkl E 11 2008 183 A. Zadaroskl E) 10 1833 183 1 R. Fong (LN- . .r.... 9 1645 183 W. Funnell (J. 3 546 182 R. Wicks H) .11 1947 177 W. Murray H 7 1236 177 F. Aldrldge LN) 10 1763 176 A. Strachan (J) 10 1739 174 Z. Batt LN 9 1516 172 B. Wendle (LN) 6 1028 171 A. Murray (LN) 2 335 163 J J. Bulger J) 11 1694 154 jC. Perry (H) 10 1535 154 W. E. Hayhurat (H) . 4 604 151 CRIBBAGE February 29 Grotto vs. Musketeers. K. C. vs I. O. O. F. Elks vs. Eagles. Seal Cove vs. Moose. P. R. Hotel vs. Swifts. LOCAL ITEMS Conductor T. M. Spencer arrived in the city on this morning's train from Smithers to spend the week end at his home here. H. S. Parker returned to the city n this morning's train from one of his periodical trips to various inter OH; mac. Miac's Phone 98 THE MARKET Sugar Yellow. 100 lbs White,-100 lbs. reed Wheat, No. 3 Alberta Wheat, Bulkley Valley No. 5 Alberta Oats Brar Shorts Middlings Barley Laying Mash ... Oyster Shell . - Beef Scrap Oround Oil Cake i Fine Oat Chops ior points on business for Stewart Crushed Oats ii Mobley Limited. Fine Barley Chop And Then His Anger "Rose" 8b vam'iij QHAv . ru. aft CO1! ill1 ems t The Daily News The paper that Northern and Central British Columbia people look to to keep them informed on world news and the problems peculiar to the north. The Only A. B, C. paper north of Vancouver and west of Edmonton. The Daily News goes into all the- TOWNS AND VILLAGES MINING CAMPS . .-. LUMBER CAMPS PAPER MILLS FARMING CENTRES 5.00 5.50 1.75 1.75 1,65 1.75 1.40 1.50 150 1.70 2.65 10 2.90 SAO 15 Nuts Almonds, shelled Valenclas . 0 California soft shelled Walnuts .35 Walnuts, broken shelled .40 Walnuts, shelled halves 50 Peanuts .15 Cheese Ontario solids . '. 25 Stilton, lb ! .35 ADVERTISING COPY MUST BE IJf EARLY 4 lfo uice me' . A LIT TLB IT Copy for display advertise- ments should be in the hands of the printers not later than 3 pjn. the day prior to publl- cation. This Is necessary to en- A. -VI. ....I.I. . 4., U. A. , uuic ucab uioi biuiia ,u uc oc- t 1,83. cured. IJBO! M FISHING CAMPS It is the paper that is read by the fishermen, miners, workers and operators throughout a district twice as large as the three Maritime Provinces of the east. When a person wishes a message to go to the people of Northern and Central British Columbia there is only one way of sending it, and that is through the columns of the Daily News. The future is full of hope. The Daily News is making plans to keep pace with the progress of the country. No one can afford to be without it. The cost is small. Delivered by Carrier, in Prince Rupert, per week, 10c. Mailed to any address in Northern or Central B.C., $3 a year. Mailed to points in Canada, Britain or United States, $6 a year. Mail Schedule CLOSES AT POST OFFICE: For the East-Monday, Wednesday and Fri day i.-.. 2,p.rr. From the East-Saturday, Tuesday and, Tnurs day 10:40a'.m. For Vancouver-Tuesday 12:30 noon Thursday :. . p.ra Friday n pjn. Feb. 14 and 28 pjn. From Vancouver-Sunday p.m. Wednesday . 10:30 a.m. Friday pjn, Sunday .. 8 pjn. For Stewart and Anyox Wednesday 3 p.m. By Westover. COMB ACeOSS VMiTH THAT HtOB 2 ZS THAT T1L.I-IB SBMT IN TO MB H 5