FAGS FOTO y Quaker r Corn Fl.ket re m.tc better rlic J"i"n f Vluun IX I Amrln May 5, 1912 The deputy minister of agriculture has Just completed a tour of the Naas River Valley. He found the settlers very optimistic and the outlook for the future very promising. The party was accompanied by It. O. Jennings, road superintendent McCaffery &i Gibbons yesterday sold lot 20, block 34, section 1 for $15,000, this being the highest price yet paid for t single Inside lot in Prince Iupert. The vendor was E. J. Clayton and the purchaser a Spokane man. Rev. G. W. Ray P. R. O. 8., noted missionary, will be the speaker at evening service in First Baptist Church here today. He will describe some of his thrilling experiences in the course of missionary wortc in South America. HOTEL ARRIVALS Mrs., a A Meier, Jte:shikah, It. M. 'feHepirC Juneau; P. E. Phillip Beeehtr City. Illinois. Announcements Ridley Home Uaaaar May S. Three Plays, Presbyterian Church stay 5th and 6th. Moose Dance May 0. Legion Oand Concert May 13. 87 Eagle; Butterfly Dance May 13. Ladies refreshments. Gentlemen 50c. 8pring Sale. St Peters Church May 111. Elks' Balloon Dance May 20. ..wax wrapped flavour of Quaker Corn Flakes is too THE delicate to entrust to an ordinary carton. So we pack them in our scaled container inside the sealed canon, then wax wrap and seal the wrapper. Triple-sealed . . . wax-wrapped. All the freshness, crispness and flavour are pre served for you. Subtle and intriguing, because ingredients in this flavour are the highest quality ever put into a corn flake. Special malt, pure CANE sugar, and salt of crystal purity. Won't you try Quaker Corn Flakes ? We have made this wonderful flavour just to suit your taste. 4 UNIAKER Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert 3179 LAKES LOCAL ITEMS Louis Schuiz. well known Atlln merchant, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon bound for a business trip to Vancouver. James Bremner, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bremner of this city, left at the first of this week for Telkwa where he will be employ 'J an the farm of Mrs. F. V. Flshei. There were 40 passengers aboard the steamer Princess Noran which was here yesterday afternoon southbound from Skagway to Vancouver. Seven persons disembarked from the vessel here. A telegram received yesterday ufternoon announced that Mini Irene Mitchell, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John R. Mitchell of this city had succeeded in completing her third year arts at the University of British Columbia with seconJ class honors. Game Warden Ed. Martin, who returned to the city at the first of the week from the south, un derwent an operation for appen' dleltls while in Vancouver and is now gradually, recovering. The operation was performed by Dr. Ne'.l McNeill formerly of this city. Owing to the absence of a witness, the divorce case of Thomas Cook vs. Esther Mary Cook wai orijoumed on coming up at the Su preme Court assises this morning before Mr. Justice D. A. McDonald. J.T. Harvey is counsel for the pe- lt loner who comes from Smith- trs. The divorce case of Ethel Ber- nice Allan vs. James Ernest Allan both of Prince Rupert, Is belny beard by Mr. Justice D. A. McDon aid in Supreme Court here thl; afternoon. The couple were mat-rled October 11. 1024, at Bassano Alberta.- W. E. Fisher is acting as counsel for the petitioner. Dr. Maguire - Dentist ROOMS 7-8-9, SMITH BLOCK 525 - Phone - 525 LOCAL ITEMS Grotto Taxi. Phone 45G. Aylmer Fancy Golden Bantam Cornt per tin Aylmer Chill Sauce per btl .' lalkln's Best Extract (Except vanilla), 2-oz. btl .tf Chimneys swept, stove pipes ancij ! gutters cleanefl. Phone 5. tf Why hire a ton truck for pound Parcels? Phone 131. tf Trade your old coal range in on a new Beach Electric. Latest Mo dels. Terms. See our windows. Gor don's Hardware. tf j Mrs. C. H. Sawie New Hazel-ton arrived In the .. city from the interior on this morning's train and will be a visitor to town for the next two or three days. H. Langley of Victoria is .acting as official stenoaraDher at the ses sion of the Supreme Court Assizes now in session here, having arriveo from the south yesterday. Mayor Orme will officiate at th opening of the Prince Rupert Teu- nis Club Saturday afternoon at 2:30. Tea and refreshments will be served. Admission 25c. In event ol rain, the affair will be postponed. KINDLING FREE ICS Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLeod will sail on the Princess Adelald tomorrow night for Vancouvr whence they will proceed to Mont- leal where they will embark May .g on the steamer Duchess of York for a visit to Stomoway, Scotland. The Cut Rate Shoe Store . has moved from their old location in the Meeker Block to 621 Third Avenue, next to Prince Rupert Bakery. For rubbers, running shoes and every kind of shoes, call at the Cut Rate Shoe Store first and see their low prices. The blaze of color coming froa. Dave Glennie's show windows on Second Avenue has been attracting the attention of all passers by. Here is row afer row of pot plants, all in bloom babv roses, geraniums, oleander, genistas, hydrangeas. Martha Washlngtons and fu scslas simply flaunting their beauty and demanding a second glance. This window display is well worth seeing. lOfl The Seal Cove Transfer will give to any customer who buvs a cord of wood, stove length, a sack ef rindlini; free. This offer is mado for one week only. Phone Green 609. lo REMOVAL SPECIALS We have moved our stock from our former Fifth Avenue Store to our Third Avenue Stores. We are over stocked on some lines which we offer you at big reductions. Here is your chance to save 12 c 15c 15c Chase St Sanborn Coffee New stock, this Is the best try a tin, per lb Aero Brand Tea Good quality, per lb Empi ess Indo-Ceylon Tea per lb Oxydol Powder 2 pkg. for Peas Size 4 & 5, good quality, per, tin , 4 rur JUli i fiaictiia' 45c 42c 38c 25c 10c Good Infcriof Potatoes- 0 vie per sack JPl.tD Fresh Stock Independent Sweet Biscuits Sandwich or plain, good i assortment for afternoon Of) pi teas, 3 lbs OVUj Royal City Pork & Beans Op 16-oz. tin for oly Olive Oil Star of Italy Vv s 04 IS km.. fA.W k..:.. v.. v Mussallem's Cash & Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents' No. 1 Store Fifth Ave IMione 11-84 1 k! i o t iln ii.. ma! No. 3 Store 727 Third A v Phone 375 Friday Special 1 lb. Malkin's Tea QflP With your coupon Munro Bros. Don't forjet Ratepayers' meet Inr tonight at Moose Hall. The B. C. Gazette announces in corporation of the Ocean Falls IIos pltal Society of Ocean Falls under the Societies Act. Nick . J. Coulter of Port Edward arrived In the city on this mora Ing's train for a brief visit to town. CsE. Evttt returned to the ty on this morning's train from a brief business trip to Skeena River cannery points. -"rVDrysdal and P. L. Wood. Who arrived in the cltv on Tuesday from Premier, left on yesterday af re-moon's train far Terrace enrout to Lakclse Lake where they intend to enjoy some angling. Decree absolute was granted by Mr. Jiutlce D. A. McDonald In Supreme Court this morning in ov rilvorc action of Martha Alii" Williams vs. Albert Williams, both of Kltwana. W. O. rilton was counsel for the petitioner. Eric Gee. , manual training instructor in the local schools, was the sptaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club in the Commodore Oaie today, his subject being "Manml Training." The luncheon was prc- rtdd over by O. H. Munro. tre sident of the club. R. Hunter, manager of the Hasten .branch of the Royal Bank if Canada, arrived in the city on ihis morning's train from the in terior arui will sail on the Prince George tonight for a vacation trip 'e Vancouver. Ray Commons, ae-"ounUnt in the local branch. Is rellevinf at Hazelton during Ids iDsence. Plumbing Prices Reduced i. Why Send Out of Town For Plumbing Ooods? 4-Pleee Plumbing Outfit Complete with QQEI trimmings vSJO Compare this with Eaton's catalogues and remember, we pay the freight. Labor charges reduced from 11.50 to $1.25 per hour Smith & Mallctt Ltd. Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Typewriters FOR RENT Call or Phone 6 McRAE BROS., LTD. Hotel Arrival? New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot Si Cold water: Steam Heat Je. PER DAY AND UP J. Zarelli THiiOi) tHt MI-LADY Beauty Shoppe Kdtcx Special, 10c Permanent Wave $5.00 Ladies Hair Cut . . 35c Children's Hair Cut 25c Phone 655 PROGRAM OF PLAYS lsoiuUilneNew in Amateur Thea tricals Ueing Offered at First Presbyterian Church Tonight Something new and different In amateur theatricals is being offered j tonight In First Presbyterian. Church under the auspices of the, xmrd of managers. The entertain-; aent will take the form of three ; me-act plays, the first of these be ; tWi a mystery play, the second a j oomwiy and the third a melodrama. , The cast ol characters includes I .he following: Mystery Play George Mitchell, J. , A, Teng, S. J. Hunter and Robert Cameron. "A Bedroom Suite" Miss Malzie1 jtfacdonald, E. J. Smith and Robert Cameron. The Successful Liar" Miss Maude Boldfc Miss Polema Cameron. Alex Mitchell. William Mitchell, jeorge Mitchell and Robert Cam eron. At the opening of the perfor mance and between acts Miss Nellie 'jiwrence and her Juvenile orches- ; .ra,will render selections. The program is timed for two lours and promises to be an excel-1 lent entertainment. Considerable; care has been exercised In choosing the cast and. by skilful arrange ment of novel lighting effects, the setting will be a rather unusual one. The entertainment will be offer ed both this evening and tomorrow evening and. Judging by the advance sale of tickets should be a definite success. JtiBFl WTK3 .".JIXBSI WStWtWmBMt WATTS' SPECIALS - for - Friday & Saturday PASTRY FLOUR Austra- OCf llan. lu-lb. sacks, per sackuv' JIF -Suds in a Jiffy" 1 7o per pkg a Monte 29c 18c 27c 27c 38c 25c JAM 28c 36c 25c 14c 25c MALKIN'S BEST TEA Bring your Malkln's Tea Rebate Cards to us and save Qq Per lb- i aED ARROW SODAS OHol Family Package, per pkg. u ROOERS SYRUP 9ft-! per 2-lb. tin vi 3ARTLETT PEARS Rose- 1Qn dale. No. 2 tins. Der tin MELBA PEACHES -- Del Large 21? tins, finest quality, per tin HEINZ PICKLES Fresh Cuke Pickles, per Jar HEINZ BAKED BEANS Small Size 3 Una Medium Size 2 tins Large Size 2 tins CASCO POTATO FLOUR 2 pkgs MALKIN'S BEST PURE Strawberry or Raspberry 2-lb. tins, each PITTED DATES Fresh stock, per 3-lb. pkg. UPRIVER TURNIPS 12 lbs SQUIRREL PEANUT BUTTER, per lb. CAMEO TUNA FISH per ty-lb. tin GRAHAM WAFERS 09n per 1-lb. cello pkg. AUVy CAMPFIRE MARSHMALLOWS Z 30c DUTCH MAID MAYONNAISE per 8-oz. 23C i per 16-oz. Jar - 43c 8EK 18 FOR. FRESH FRUITS AND VKOKTAIILF.S. WE HAVE EVEItY-1 THING IN SEASON Terrace Asparagus arriving every train Watts' Grocery HIONi: 65 rnoNi: 56 "THE STORE OF PLENTY" i:ii!a'i!ia'irai,!i:nni:iis:iiuai:iii'2l1lan OWN iff alb YELLOW LABEL NOW25ci2!l BROWN LABEL NOW 30c V2 II CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Notice is hereby given that Central and Lrx t! Irr.protea Taxes are now payable. Tax statements are now !:: , pr and will be mailed shortly. The city will pay 6'. mi - aJ 1 on General Taxes and to October 1 on Local Impr..vemniin- Telephone 458 D. J, MATHtSM Ssiw20on i h SI by 2Ww Ke:hn'hl HniM AvT -Vt i;v Emptt! "Britain tnnmlfrom KI IHH'E Sizi'-SpMMl-Siarf ire the outstanding d.tufci d world famous fM PRESS OF BRITAIN . . . Plsv lenn.s oaifuD- sue doubles court. Vary it with squash rcqu Swim in the Olympian Pool. Rest in the mmfortof your 27foot living-room spartmcnt V , of Fir CUss apartments with private bathroom. Tourist and Third Class too. Frequent sailings between Quebec, i train to ship-side) and Cherbourg, Southampton. ftl! nfmufm htm U.l lrml tn. 0 Arcnt, C. P. It. Station. Vanrouver H.C I'asDe-idasBia tDsaiific' WORLD'S GREATEST TRAVEL SYSTEM The Fish which made Prince Ruperlh "Rupert Brand SMOKED - BLACK CO! Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., W IMUNCR IILTIMRT. U.C. UNION STAiicima mmITED ,8,''w,ik lve Prlnoa ltux-n lor Viw""l''r I'nm f i, ' vii A, t;VKIt " Tl liShW, I'M. Tmk i n.?1??? niu TlvUij VnortJvrr, Tbi'riKly P"' AiJ! tN;, KU;KV nun iv miiixhiiit. wy aiuing, 10 Port StmpiKni, Alice Arm. Anyo. B!wn