Today's Weather Prince Rupert Overcast, light southeast wind; barometer, 29.70; ' temperature, 41; sea smooth. Vol. XXIII.. No. 77. PITTSBURO. April 2 M Dyers, prominent manufacturer; of this city, Is dead as a result of drinking radium water which he was taking in the hope of improving the state of his health. A nation-wide Investigation In connection with sale of so-called radium cures is expected to ensue. MAINE FOR PRESIDENT Republican Delegates From Northeastern State to Support Hoover PORTLAND, Matne. April 2: Thirteen delegates from Matne will go to the Republican National convention to support the renomlna-tlon of President Herbert Hoover as a result of the state primaries. I The Maine delegates will also use j their Influence to bring about a I repeal of, the Eighteenth Amend J ' ' merit. ' 1 Ford flOVfiltNMKNT BORROWS " Money for relief VICTORIA, April 2- Bills Introduced yesterday included a REVOLT AT I I P Kill 01 the Imperial Economic Confer Government's Unemployment Measure Tut Through At Ottawa Br Vote of 68 to 28 OTTAWA. April 2 Third reading was given In the House of Common Jastj&bt U.U govwrv-ments bill extending until May 1 provisions of the Unemptofmem Relief Aot of test station. The vote was AS to 38. The Senate passed all states of jence meeting In Ottawa tht sum mer and the hope that It would result In an arrangement for a great Increase of grain shipping to Britain, he thought there might be British firms who would be Inter ested la securing control of the Prince Rupert elevator. He sugges led that the chamber write ihe Liverpool chamber asking to be put in touch with any firms that might be Interested At least one British 'firm had operated In Canada In the past and with the changing condl the bill last night so the measure m)fht on, now only awaits itoyai Astern oe- j prop0si was well received by 10,1 uecwnuig w. i the chamber and action will be ta MEDICINE KILLS HIM Edward M. Myers, Pittsburg Manufacturer, Dead From Taking Radium Water ken aloog those lines. President Plllsbury staUd that the present lease expired in July. 1933. and the chairman of the drain Commission was coming to Prince Rupert at the Instance of Hon. H. H. Stevens, minister of trade and commerce, to Investigate the local situation. DE VALERA Irish Free Stale By No Means Un animously in Agreement With President's Attitude DUBLIN. April : -Revolt against President de Valera In view of his defiant atUtude against the British Kovernment on the questions of the oath of allegiance and land an nultles is spreading. The Irish Free State is by no means in unanimous agreement with the stand of de Valera and hU Flanna Pall. MORE MEN GET WORK .Motor Co. Plants at lnt- bcarli and Portland Start on Production of New Models I-oan Act under which au- increased to 2,200. thorlty Is granted the irovcrn- PORTLAND, Oregon, April 1- mcnt to borrow $7,500,000 for . Seven hundred men with an an- unemployment relief on capl- inual payroll exceeding tnl construction of highways will nnd bridges and conservation fund. LONGBEACH, California. April 2 -The Ford Motor plant here is about to start on production of ths two new models whlcn arc to bs In the Lcelilature turned out by the company, mc 1D32 1 present staff of 500 workers win o 'this week. $1,000,000 go to work at once In the to ..i ninr nt iii FnrH Motor Co. on the production of Ihc two new models announced by the cunvany committee and designed to .realise )flte KUthwest wind; heavy swell wno,ooo,oou aanuaiiy ior we puo- Trlple Igtand Raining, light Uce coffers. Including In new laxwisomheMt wln(j. raoderate. which are estimated to bring in! Dead Tree Point Part cloudy. $224.000 000 annually are a levy,lght southwest wind: barometer, on stock and real estate transac-29 70. temperature, 46; light swell. Uons and on sales of cotton, grain ! and other commodities on pro-. duee markets. I The bill will be placed before the Senate today and there It Is ex-1 pec ted a real fight win take place. The salei tax proposals will come more especially under hie tn Uie Senate, it Is anticipated. If tne bill gets through the Senate and Is signed by the President before the national conventions In June, NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PJIINCE RUPERT, B.C. SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1932 Who do you think the two are with the white collars? Earl Be;i y and his son. Vucount Boro-dale. as they ride with the lo'.lowers of the Cottesmore hounds u ut.s leisure. England. SALES TAX APPROVED Alternative Revenue Proposals Ac cepted by Unitea States House Now In Senate Fight Ejected New Measure $900,000,000 Expected To Ilrlnf to Government WASHINOTON. DC. April 2- The House last night, by a vote ot 327 to 64 approved a revenue bill presented by the ways and mears ANGLING LICENCE ' ... J$ ,NQW PUTN VICTORIA, April 2 Amend- j ments to the Game Act pro- j riding for a $1 angling 11- cence on males over eighteen years of age and upward, re- visions of game licences for residents and tourists, recel- ved Its second reading In the Legislature yesterday. WEATHER REPORT DISORDERS IN SYDNEY mmltte will hold a number of , unamoer oi commerce utsi iiigiu. nu &uys. new taxatljn measure. With the revenue bil! at last disposed ot. the House of Represents .Ives will now take up the task of deflating government expenses Many congressional leaders -are in favor of a reduction In the salaries of congressmen. BIG LOAN ISASKED Minister of Railways Asks Federal House to Permit $61,500,000 C.N.R. Debenture Issue Langara Island Cloudy, moder-1 PROBING MURDER Two Suspects Under Investigation In Connection With Death ot Seattle Woman SEATTLE, April 2: Two men are under Investigation here by Coroner William Jones in connection with the death on February 2 last of Mrs. Betty Fastener, wealthy Seat- OTTAWA, April 2: Power to is- tie woman, who succumbed to the sue debentures totalling $61,500,000 .effects of bullet wounds Inflicted was sought for the Canadian Na- upon her in her home. A large am Street Battle Staged Between 3,000 Ku KIux Klanners and Police SYDNEY, N.S.W, April 2: There were grave disorders In the streets of this city yesterday when a battle between 3,000 Ku KIux Klanners and police took place. The demonstration was in protest at the arrest of one of the Ku KIux Klan leaders for activities during the recent opening of the Sydney bridje. The rioters refused to disperse and the police charged them, injuries being inflicted upon sev eral persons. Peace River Man Jeers at Local Reluctance to Move For Formation New Province North B.C. and Alta. In It each year. At the same time they are ruining us. "It is going to take a lot of agi tation to win. Get It started and all the newspapers In Northern Alberta j and B.C. should be kept busy as It 1 wtll take a world of propaganda to get our own people In line for It. "Did any of you ever take a survey of your school yard at recess time and figure out or try to figure out how we are going tp hold those young people In our country, which should provide homes for them all If the proper development was, carried on? I note you say that the propo Vanderhoof and District Board of Trade Endorses Local Request For Reduction The Vanderhoof and District Board of Trade has unanimously endorsed the resolution of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce asking for lower rates on automobiles between Prince Rupert and Hazelton. The Prince Rupert Chamber was notified to this effect in a letter read at the general monthly meeting last night. In the letter, George Ogston, secretary of the Vanderhoof board, stated: "Your action was unanimously endorsed at the monthly meeting last night and the matter is being taken up with the Canadian National Railways and we are very glad to support your action in this matter.'' i OPERA IS CLOSING Chirago Organization Lost $300,000 Last Year So Will Not Be Operated This Season April 2 For flnan- political observers believe It will i t th rpoiihir mnnthlv meetintr of the Prince Runert 'terday that the Chicago Summer be doing well. The Senate finance , .-u tt Oon. will Drobaoly be suspended this year. Last year there was a de- hearings tn connection with thc as t0 the new province, I am one hundred percent for , Qf $300,000 which was almost it and the longer it goes the harder it will be to got it for entirely bom by Samuel Eskstein. both Alberta and B.C. will have all the stronger hold in the . ,1,. -f country as they put a few dollars Chicago Symphony Orchestra will . I . - . U I Int. In. .,,,.. "ontlnue their activities a,s usual t is expectea. DISPLEASED AT FRANCE Americans Complain At Discrimination Against United States Goods-Embargo Suggested PARIS, April' 2 The Amerleftn Clumber of Commerce here has urged Walter B. sltlon has not yet reached a stage ; States ambassador tlonal Railways in a bill debated In ount of money which was In the, where you can take a definite stand, protest officially at French dls the House of Commons last night. ; house disappeared at the time of The sum, Hon. Dr. R. J. Manlon, the shooting. minister of railways, said, repre- sented estimated needs of the line! Canada enjoys unique leadership ln 1932, In national parks. UDon it. I am wondering if you are crimination against American pro- waiting for Vancouver to bring It up' ducts. The Chamber will also sug-to ' the stage where you will take the gest to President Hoover the advis-stand. Shall we wait or act Is the ability of enforcing an embargo1 question." j clause against France. Tomorrow's Tides Sunday, April 3, 1932 High 12:00 ajn. 19:3 ft. Low 6!G4 a.m. 62 ft. 18:20 p.m. 4:7 ft. PRICE: FIVE CENTS MIGHT WEREST BRITISH SHIPPERS BILL FOR INCREASED MUNICIPAL TAXATION IS APPROVED Disposal Of Local Elevator Is Discussed By Commerce Chamber Proposal By T. H. Johnson That British Firms Solicited Was Adopted By Chamber of Commerce Last Night Be The Chamber of Commerce at its regular meeting last night decided, on motion of T. H. Johnson, to approach the Liverpool grain interests with a view to interesting them in the local elevator when the present lease expires next year. Mr. Johnson explained that he undersood the chairman of the Grain Commission was coming here in the near Xfuture to look Into the local eleva- . tt- tor situation and to consufi with RrAllllMli 016 local Chamber of Commerce In IVLirVJLlll V regard to It disposition when the 'lease next. In view An T expired in July Earl Beatty and His Son Follow the Hounds Mill Rate Limit For City Raised As Well As Improvement Levy No Objection to Measure Voiced in Legislature When j Second Reading Given Yesterday Present Curbs I Will be Waived For Two Years, Poolcy Explains VICTORIA, April 2: Proposed changes in the Municipal Act granting wider powers of taxation to municipalities in emergency times on a limited basis were not opposed on being given second reading in the Legislature yesterday. Hon. R. H. Pooley, attorney-general, explained that the bill would waive for two years the limit of twenty mills for general taxation purposes. SUPPORTS LOW RATES extending the limit to thirty-five mills. Municipalities will also be given power to levy on a maximum of seventy-five percent of improvement values in place of fifty percent as at present. 0NAUT0S UNCLE SAM IS LAUDED LondonjitTlmespproTes -United. States Efforts to Balance Budget . i , , -.'LONDON. April !2Th London Times. In a leading editorial, lauded the determination of the United States government to balance the budget. United States had long way to go. it was pointed out. .before the point was reached where taxation became oppressive to the people. AMNESIA SUFFERER Louisville, Kentucky, Girl Picked Up In San Francisco Yesterday SAN FRANCISCO. April 2: Miss Hasel Gray of Louisville. Ky.. who had apparently been the victim of amnesia, came back to her senses In an emergency hospital here yesterday after having been picked up wandering in the streets.. The last Miss Oray remembers was when she left her home in Louisville with 50c In her Durse? A further letter from Page Rideout of Peace River Was ; CHICAGO, reasons! it was Intimated yes- j ne wnen picked up here. Million-Dollar -Post Office For Sacramento City WASHINGTON. DC. April 2: The Treasury Department awarded the contract yesterday for a new post office building at Sacramento, Cal. The ground breaking ceremony took place today. The building will cost $1,300,000. GIRL FALLS INTO SHAFT PITCHER. Oklahoma. April 2:-A Edge. United .three-year-old girl, Gerald Collin, to France, to fell into the twenty-foot shaft of a lead-zinc mine here Thursday and was partially burled. After twelve hours of frantic efforts by miners and rescue workers, she was finally taken out, apparently little the worse for the experleuo .