PAC1T. TWO iv- M A SATURDAY SERMON PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Eviry Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert iijTpiStor The Power of Possession ' 1 ' , . - : x rat ! ! SUBSCRIPTION HiATES ?lty delivery, by mail or earner. yearYy period, paid In advance... $5,n& A few days ago a young lady said to the writer, "Jesus - r- -)inuj.t juivu ueen supremely nappy ior ne.ratnaieci u ui- By mall to all parts of Northern ana Central British Columbia, Iwavs" paid In advance for yearly period - - 3.00 i j . . By mail to all other parts ot British Columbia, th British Em. m Happiness is not dependent upon external environment pire and united states, paid in advance, per year $oo but upon correct mental and spiritual attitudes. The By man to an other countries, per year ... 0.00 "Beautitudes" (Matt. V.) is a series of illustrations of Advertising and Circulation Telepbbne DAILY EDITION Member oi Audit Bureau of Circulations ,. v ABANDON FKASER SALMON BETTER FOR EVERYONE .98 Quite a number of years ago the Daily News objected Not only would it be better for Prince Rupert and bet-i ter ior the interior towns that there should be a reason- i tive a strong will subordinating Now it seems that the people' in the south are just be-1 itself to a teacher, it is willing re-ginning to realize what we have known for years and are!cePUvene"-" u a i"" siting at suggesting a line of policy advocated by this paper years 'XSiSSZ ago. It is just as useless to try to build up the fishing on lt a Darwin. as a pupil before a the Fraser while the Americans take their toll each year mass of sea slime, a Robert a. mu- ft ..1.1 t. . 1 . i i. iL. xt ... . able rate given on the railway cars between Prince Rupert I tlng at the feet of The Master and uim xerruce, uut u eems as u it would De a goou ming ; letting the world go by. getting almost nothing out of it because the rate is pro-idren ye hibitive. People do not transport their cars and pav forty To bf' dollars for doing so. If the rate were brought down the extra expense en tailed to the company would be very small. They would not : world in the dignity of virtue and meet on equal trms. nave to pay out any more money in order to carry an ex- lruvn m contrast to me vulgarity oi tra box car for the autos. Anything they received would deJ.sf.1 5?!! t? to hp nraptiVnllvvplvPt fame. He was meek and gained a billion dollara. oe pracucauy velvet, happiness through the school of awful lot." If at even' point along the line of railway ay including including; i suffering suffering. his HU last last words words were were that that we are asking. WHO WOULD IT BENEFIT? cesses the world, of evolutionary m much science. So does Mlllikan. So does ; Jesus. So in a deeper fuller sense Someone who does not own a car asks whn this wnnlrl 1 Jeaus possesses the world. The It's not strct:hiiiB things very iar sy tiut rubber batnhijc suits like this one will soon be seen on Canadian beaehej. Tht nu Chase, who gave a demonstration recently, says they cannot be outdone by cloth swimming suits. THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, March 12, 193? correct attitudes towards life resulting in happiness. If, men, we discover tne right attitude . toward any fact of life we may ' that is not to a greater or lesser de- . , . transmute that fact or event into j gree possessed by Jesus. There is no oavuiujy, wm i. iwt i happiness. Even Death may lose Its place where the cultured intellect, sting, The third BeaUtude literally rendered reads "Happy the meek for they shall possess the land.'' But "the super-man," does not kneel side by side with the most prlmLV tive at the Lord's Table and hold; out hands for a common food thus.Edlto rnew now mucn is The answer U "An the duejfmi'rii agalnt n iiu na c ueen lOOKing in vain ior me lOUnst trade wnicn really possess theHntelleet of a very lected!" f ' mey expected, n uie lourisis could go right through to (select few. but the ethical teaching rnnce uupert, tne inducement would be greater for them to make the northern trip. At any rate it would be worth a trinl 57. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of Ensland) Very Ilev. J. B. Gibson. Dean 11 A.M Morning Prayer and Sermon Sunday School at 12:30 7:30 VMH Evening Prayer and Sermon Mid-week Lenten service, Wednesday at 8 pjn. Confirmation Class on Friday, at 7:30 p.m. to three men Prince Rupert would benefit through the hotels, theiThere "Aud What is not a spot on this earth a garages, the tire dealers, and all merchants would stand ' a chance of getting a little pickings. The private citizen ,, owning a car would have an onnortunitv of makine the' tour through as far as the lumber mills beyond Prince; George or of driving out to Vancouver and other cities, i i 1T iT "r TavnPIr O It seems quite probable that the section of the northern I MlJKl H l( I I II HS Provincial hiphwav hptWPPn PHnro r.Pnrn-A nnrl .Taano.l AVXVXA M. X IV X 1VI ia- will be finished long before that to Prince Rupert. In view of that it is very important to establish the rail route for cars at this end so that prairie people who wish to do so may drive through to the coast at this point FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AliiiMer, Rev. XV. I). (Irant Holllntwortli, 1JJ. 1 11 A.M., Morning Worship Sermon Subject: "WHAT THINK YE OP, CHRIST?" 12:15, Sunday School 7:30 P.M., Popular Evening Service 8ermon Subject: "CONFUCIANISM" A religion without priests, without liturgy, and without public worship except twice a year! "Come to worship; go, inspired to aerve." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE (Christian Science Society, Third St, nesner Work) ' 1 ' This Society Is a branch of the Mother Church, thfc First Church pf Christ, Scientist, ln Boston, Mass. Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "SUBSTANCE." Sunday School at 12:16. Testimonial meeting WednesJay at 8 p.m. Reading Room, Third St.. Besncr Block, open on Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 6. HssiBMSsssHsmsHsiwsBBasasHSMaasasMMiMSMsa The Letter Box Mil. KANE'S LITTLE JOKE Dally News: us iv wuuiu uv tu try tu uuim up tne riMiing ua me iNuasiKan spenoing sieepiess nn ujc 8W.ay and ladl98 ute lhjnklng of, j propose herein to hew to the while the fish have to run the gauntlet of American traps !8lave an 'on. it is a Lin- new .pg wlu and olner ,me ond ,et the chlpj fall wnf,re and Canadians are not allowed to use traps in the a"? ,he T'l.n"!!?er ncw Mnn. i 'they win As many of you probably channel. There must be a give and take in all these inter- L.!.??.?..??8 n .... - . . . 1 have the be$t t,e to the rntinnal relntinn? nnt nil m'vp nnrl nn tnkp JT . Jase aeaares wun empnasis mat main part of Prince Rupert and national relations, not an give ana no laKe. .u To mc the meanest flower that an anRtll ot ft hat ......nv mmu .- .. Thoughts that do often lie too WQs promlscd jujtiee from tne rab. deep ior tears. , The rcallv clever oarson todav is tr th.t Ha . . - " a - iiivv b m t any h vv 9uviiu' tttv mill words. "Let Right Be Done." and believe me. fellow citizens, I will do the rest. When reinstated in this 1120 acres I will file a plot In the most ured portion of this city com- our requirements, and will grant each owner of Improved lots a clear title "with safety l clauses clauses tnerein. therein." but dui free iree from rrom Quality has BO SUDSUlUte IS1 Moose Dance Is Enjoyable A very enjoyable dance took place latt niaht in the Moose HaU under the nuapices of the Moose Lodge v-v w. .....0 mn nne wno oin una nnnwn in- in ih.cH. r ru n.m ..Mi ,n - . ICfl, "frestijromlfie gardens1 this present year's, taxes. After Ihe first year the annual tax would do! levied by the provincial assessor1 To people living on my land oiitajde ' this chosen area. I will exchange! their lots to similar holdings in this rhnn area While thev would lose and asking questions It U Mary sit- ' ;oome on whieh to live. , torv ln sleht." I was faced with the we ohut ltv r.nU n,nt refusal on my writ. This writ I still various members of the committee hold and same will never die since Ted Rorvlk and H. Loakec presided I have this endorsatlon thereon. at the door. Now what I propose is that if RefrehmerU wwe served by I'wnna i :haito n vnnunct ii. nn n tkn on t nr kn hi. i..t.. i i u. i tu. . . . a .. .. Dreaiure were execuiea anauisi our Mrs. Edwards. "vv vjvui n i tijucist is iiiuuc, nut in mc ojiiii. ui uus':iiw Muui uc iuukiiw id mc me cnairman oi tne ejty nuance u, , . ! , . tility to the raih company but Wltb.the idea of help same school. He was one wlUi Jesus committee U MM o bflh High alee. Sl1 'YiSJ .LTVnTn . . . ' ing both them and us, we believe that it will receive wr-i J?t thp th"lht !t Z wm happeru that he 'SSSS, !ous consideration and the probability is we shall get whatl r.l SSS. ! .! 5 5!5 Zi? I nL k.. ,nn MP. I - - bwui A- w oc ail WIC City dty fTVCITCU IOLS JOT . . ' ' - U earning Hortess chased At- Post Office News stand. 3J5 Granville St.. Vancouver. Kar! Anderson, Prince Oeorge. B.C. R. W. Riley. Terrace. B,C. General Store. Anyox. Smlthers Drug Store. Smith. of Jesus is erasrmble and under- Frh nMIr: "Prnsh i.iHv- wh er. B.C. standable by the roost backward as this fUh breathed its last Just as munlc,Pal debt. on payment to me well as the most enlightened you came in the dmr of an anount equal to one-half of Twenty Years Ago i In Print Ituprrt a great deal in tearing down andi George Blaefc. pu-n- oi theYu movtne their buildings yet, as It is. ""u w i r-m Lhiv.nuuui:ii niv 4iunvi4vu vi-v hiu.uv viwwtsw wsa v iwic huiu ii i crv ft. uuiKi nub mwiiva Ti if 1 1 PKKi nv it pnmmnn cnmn Ti nnn n u ih tmtit mikmiiiciAri i hviitrM mmmim.,i rr . late all. You may from the Skeena watershed and planting them in the Frn-!eonvcy to the unenqulrtag its true common brotherhood. I offer a cure for'our present nn-:;"y J " WZ. ; 'TT -BiHMlf to sol-'Mrt. Black were here Um Mm , ser, the argument at that time being that the Fraser River significance. There is a tendency to "Take my yoke upon you and anclal condition. There Is no sense " J f JL bankers and flnan- S"r the steamer princes M;u , ' fish were mostly caught by the United States canners and ! i!?? ,rm!, for, 1 fl k an? ,n hWin We lruUl-A" Mn th ciers win of course lose on their de- their way to v,,,... that Canada benefitted very little from the money expen- benture holding but th,y ..r Bifc lu. iu ren,,,,., :,.,. , -, - I I: 'reverted icvrncu to w the uic kii,j city on uii account hccuuiii, ui of 0..lllv nt imnflAia Uila rtpht onl'np UJ UlWWtt on OIlKlit: tin- 1 1 rI 1. irm. r Kflmncr will ci t rnJn inaTlnff . . . m . a w .tww - . . Man in the Moon default in payment of taxes, and the end is not yet in sight. Prince Ruoert. What rlaht has a Kanlr tn fiHvoriiA nnj Hnllttr 11 n 1ai tO be He stated that the Yukon given a year-mui It Is impossible for Prince Rupert ollthnrfTW, hv Ulp MdB(mi Aet n tor all claases of nwll and keep Up the Improvements. We shall be forced to close many Easter is less than two weeks .streets, else face damage acUons. Thanking you. Mr. Editor. I am, GEO. F. KANE. The city council l.nt ni; L: r quested the tennis club i n. . stabllshment ot court ,;, a polls Hill grounds until uih tip., as the etly engineer bruin plons for a general - -:. grounds scheme there Ocean Falls Man Dies in Vancouver Th Olhr H,1V I hM rH n InVp tn -i w-. TVm rlMth inrron . also for the railway company. At present the company IS 'Except ye become as little chfl. ithe effect that prosperity was Just Nnu, nlnlfl 1n .hlw ,hat mler oreheatm elod the dance ago in the Vancouver C : around ttws corner. Which corner? dont understand lnU expreMion I with the National Anthem. Door pita! at Vancouver of Ri.:: m .t . .... i. nwiiLm n'ara nanraA t ftnll.. ASMl 54. Of OCCail F.lll- j' Jpsim Ls to b Btutelv alive and as rh. v,i t i . tut. ' "" " r: ' ' ' .. . . . !rnu a child w T ' , "w UUM, "'"-'case after UiU plea has been pre- Montgomery and C. Horswdl. UrI?'?jT- i'l'V?0?'" n5 !?me 0' .mr sented by the Attorney-Oenera! At A. K. Nelson was master of core- wwmvv- mrwj ww..-w w- iiril infllUf KU UrUKc. WP PH II - ... . . I . . Jt t.i i---a lemment to properly endorse their the genial Joe Slaggard and the took Dlace from Cm it- r tt chapel in the southern An itching rash A blemished skin Eczema? Will DDI) lira! ovrnic"lf SomrtlM Hon ften It takes lonjrr U 7S the poUon complrtdr snd rrMont Mmxillu t Irar kln. Itut the burniot the If rltlnr. (lie Irritadoii, sit Mtbti tovltd, loktaally. W. J. MrCUTCIIEON. DRTGfilST OU.MKS LTP. r.uniou's 10 Choice varieties t ' 100 BultMV prepaid i J-W n.owrnriELi)s company Ask for list Tun ; Br "How do they do it?" Among your friends lliere'n sure lo ho at least one smart young married couple who are the envy and admiration of all who know them. With, an income that is frankly abbreviated, and with no benevolent Aunts in the offing, they still have a home that is correct and comfortable in all its appointments, a home that Is admired and copied by their friends. "Yen, Jane is a remarkable little manager," will probably he the young husband's proud answer. And there is little doubt almtit it. THEY DO IT T HIS WAY Take a look around that home and you will find no end of well known advertised products. For' .lane is an efficient little mana-gcr, She can't afford to take chances that must only be debited to "Experience." When she buys for her home she must pet tried r 'and tenant) trusted products which carry an honorable name to guarantee her satisfaction. You will find that .lano is a consistent reader of the advertisements. Are you?