it. I A. Defeats Panther econd Half H i i GH Cbtintry' Soccer Exciting Basketball Witnessed ENGLISH CUP By Large Crowd Last Night and j Arsenal 1, Semi-Finals Manchester City 0. Climactic Finish Was Afforded. Newcastle 2, Chelsea 1. 1 W M J ft' .j, . . r' -. si . ' ' for , r, .y- 3 , - S Sm 111 'TP ' Htu w ft , I r s-, ' 1 4 .,4 " '1- ENGLIS1I LEAGUE First .DjyUion Boltpn 5, Birmingham 1. Grimsby Town 4, Blackburn 3. Leicester City 2, Blackpool 2. Liverpool 2 Sheffield United 1 Middlesbropgh 0, gundeflapd 1. , , There was tense excitement for the basketball cames !p)ayed in,,theU(litqrium last night. With the fans going wild in their seatp,- the C. N. R. A., with ten niinutes to go and tie score 23- against them, crept up on the Panthers steadily and, in the. dying monients of the game, turned Sheffield, Weaneeday 2, VfestWrW- This makes the 0. ff. R. A. flromwich 5. West Ham United 2, perby County I- SCOTTISH LEAGUE First Djyision Airdrieonlans 2, Third Lanark 2. Celtic 2, Motherwell f Cowdenbeath 2, Dundiee j.. Dundee United 0, Rangers 5. Hamilton Academisals C, Clyde 1. Hearte 2. St. Mirren . Kilmarnock 6, LeJUi Athletic 3. Morton 1, Aberdeen 1. Partick hTUtle 2 Ayr ynited 1. Queen's Park 2, F&Jkirk 1. ENGLISH LEAGUE Second Division PfQdfQrd 1, Notts Qoyndy 1. purplsy 2, PortfjiLe 2. CjiarlUn Athletic 3, Swansea Town 3. phestffHeld , puiy 1. Manchester VRt6& Z ?l?fsm& Argyle 1. Nottingham Forest 2, Oldham ; At,et!C Preston M Northend th A , 2. Millwall.O. ,, I SouthampUi 0, Bradford Otty 1. Stoke City 3. Leeds Unjtd 4. Tottenham Hotspurs 2, Bristol pity 1. Wolverhampton WapdeiVFS 2, j parnsley 0. SCOTJISH LpAGV'E Secon4 Division Alloa 0, Raith Revets 0. Boness 1, ArbrpaUi 4. Brechin City 3, Hibernians 3. Dumbarton 3, Albion iTovers 1. East Fife 5, punjjsflpjin.e UjW a East Stirling 0. St. Johnstone 1, , Forfar Athlete . djpyih (My ?. Queen af 8outh 4. Klnfs Park 1. St. Bernard's 1. Montrose 2. Stenhousemuir 3. Armajal 9, BASKETBALL March 15 S. O. C. vs. C. it. R. Tuxis v Merchants. Cardinals vs. Amazons. Rovers vs. Japanfse. seenjingjy sure deteqp into a cinch for the secopd h apd they will battle with the panthers jagajn at a later datp fpr the CS' championship. j I The Intermediates also put up a Hl4r)ing and very close garneputtne High School got trip edf? in the, The$e boys also put up a real feet few minutes and again de-jclean and fast exhibition of ball, fegted the Tuxis 26-2. f At no time was the game secure for The girls' game was a pnje-sided either side. The score did not vary flffajr in which the Amazons thor-:any mole than two or three point? WJfhJy defeated the Cardials 17-7 fcp cjpch the Ladles' League, j The Japanese Younj; people de- f(tcJ the League o Natfops H-8 tq,gyp them a chapce wth the Rovers to battle for Junior League hopore In the second half. . center fcame This game tart4 fest with the Panthers playing stejlar basketball and using perfect combination fhlh eompleUly hafffed tfte C. N. n. A. who strained ypliptly but to jno avail. It looked like ft pne-sided affair when the whistle blew at half time and the score stopd 15-2 i v f Th second hair srq wun ine same enthusiastic play, the Pan- $tfis completely optplayfng the fail way boys who w$re a little qff in tneir snooung. wijn rui ju mip- M Vo go the score stood 23-5 for Paptfcltra. Then the faps were treated to one of those peculiar changes which often happen In sport, The C. N. R. boys started to pep up and sank a couple of bas- ket. Ttiey got neartenea at tnis 4pd ripped the ball time after time through td Styles under the basket, piercing tne aeience 01 ine fan- tbr who were weakeplng fast. WWi deliberate and decUlye play, they kept tm Pantnprs ax pay ana kept piling up the score or theirir elves till, with A fpw rajnutes to i)ay. they found taajstlves lied. Th fans ro? red' with exejtament as C. N. R. scored again to give them a lead of two points just before the whistle blew. It looked impossible 1 for a while for C. N, R. to win but they played winning ball in the face of defeat and were Tewarded by victory. 27-26. C. N. R. A, -Styles 10) p. Mor- 17" At the end o the day .... Settled in a comfortable chair with pipe and paper, there's only one thing more required for perfect contentment a glass of BOHEMIAN LAGER! Ifo finer beer is brewed in Canada. It's a British Columbia product. VtooniA Phokik tiuLWiNO CaiHM'LrB' ..-v'cT,,?.!.r. Tbi advert ist iof lit is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by tht Government of British Columbia. victory, oeating the ranthers rison 2l, Johnson i9i, Lambie (6), Nelson, J. Morrison. j Panthers Mitchell HO). Irvine, Cross 15), Lyons 2t, McDonald p, Thurber. Intermediat r.anie J between the teams. Both teams j played good combination but the j Tuxis were away off in their shoot- ing. If they had scored half their shots they could easily have won. However, the team that gets the baskets wins so the High School beat the Tuxis, 26-22. H,gh SchoolWa,ters (5) Wing. nam ,,3,, Unger (6) Vance Xobey Hlckey (2. Tuxis Morrison S, R. Morrison (6), Nakamoto, Thurber 4i Smith '11, Hansop i3). Girl's Game The girls' match was very one- We4 nd J1 Amne P1"1 a over the Cardinals. Amazons Boddie (7), Pritchard f$K Tite (4)) McLeod, Riuhie. Cardinals Lowe. Irvine (3), stone 2). Oilchrist (2). Rlvett. steen., Junior League The junior match was also very one-slded. The Japanese played all 0Ver the League of Nations who imVe a nablt of dribbling the ball too much and taklne lone shot Th'e Japanese used combination and cinch shots instead of long one an dconsequently won. 14-8. Japanese Y. P. Obata (6). Kan- aya (4) Klshimoto 4, Suehiro, Nakamoto. League of Nations Gillls 2), Antonello, Arney, Marshall, Greer. Ajien (6(- Basketball Standing SECOND HALF OF SEASON Senior League W. L. Pts. C. N. R. A 7 ! 14 Panthers 6 12 Sons of Canada 1 l 2 Intermediate League I W. L, PtS ; High School 7 4 14 Merchants 5 5 10 Tuxis 4 7 8 Ladles' League . 1 W. fW-' Amazons 8 5 Qardlnajyi 4 Junior League W. L. PU Rovers 5 1 IVI n Japanese Students 5 I0l League of Nations 3 Boy Scouts 3 Fire Protection Proposals to Be Dealt With Later In yew of the fact that the fire marshal for the province is expected to pay a vjsjt to the city in the near future, the house committee recommended to the hospital board last evening lhat certain proposals offered some time ago by the fire 'marshal in the Interests of better i fire protection at the hospital he not aetcd Upon until after the official has been here and made a l personal Inspection. Among the (proposals ar that fire hose racks and valves Ije lowered '.so as tope ut closer reach, that the fire extinguisher be regularly inspected and records kept, that drip basins be placed below lyco) barrels and that alcohol and such supplies be stored In a C99) place awAy from radiators. People, as a rule, are not so dumb. They know exactly what kind of weather we are having. JLflf I'Vl'V-'W JLVII W ; A thorough knowledge of blend ing is an absolute essential to a delicately flavoured, fragrant ) cigarette such as Winchesters This knowledge comes only after long years of experience in handling choice Virginia, Burley and Turkish tobaccos and the facilities which are available to Canada's largest manufacturers of cigarettes ensures a blend which is perfection itself. i ia n ai at ma Ol UK in MVS BUBI - tat m Winchester Imperial Tobacco Company ot ConaJi, Limited CIGARETTES r?si-jt -".---.'j. --yit... ,.i..u.. . . SPORT NOTES . ! ' 'J. .". - The psychic bid in contract bridge Is pictured by Mrs. P. Hpi' Sims as a munster wnlch, to garble a metaphor, will bite the hand that feeds it. Mr. Sims, petite wife of the doughty Captain of the famous "Four Horsemen" of bridge, has reason to know, she asserted, because p&ychic bidding by her teammates was the potent force that eliminated them from the ReUlnger team of four competition, Just played in New York. "I Invented f.sychlcs, you know." Mrs. Sims explained. "Years ago in Chicago. I ws pWylng auction in a tournament, r was u Utile rusty on auction so I simply bid helter-skelter. i It worked like a charm, so I wrote jan article about It. ! -- ! "I m"uu to call It T.'ychologlr.i: i bidding, but somehow I wrote it syclc ' I'm a lUUc erratic .at spelling. It seemed to be great stuff and I kept bidding them. In a Philadelphia tournament I bid so rnany they accused me of being dishonest. But they worked But I syjrted' something I couldn't stop. I'm through With them forever, Peopl are teUlfli aboyj t)m, and the game is being ruined. Psyr chologloal pUy is )l right, but up more psychics (please spell that, ycies'f." , Mrs. Sims is women's vlce-prwl- q"ent of the American Bridge League and the former holder of four national bridge titles. She started the Interview by reading some notes she hAd Jotted down concerning psychics Hero is what she wrote: This advertisement in not published or deployed by the Liquor ftnlro Hoard or by tho Government 9 Jirjllsu Columbia. Blended Right! --.i. .JL.LUtiW J-Ji.ll.'t JLL.J I am a Frankenstein I have i cared a monster Brilliancy comes from without, not from within. Sy-clcs are a mental stimulant to the iftrjdge nijiu. Stimulants give the i user g sense of brilliance. 60 do sy-iples. BUoiulants dlstlU fear; so do lyeics. Every hand to the addlpi OreseiiM problems you haVe a weak hnd, fKir your opponents must have game. Tfly hid bjjlManUy to stop Uiem. I.' ypy.r mtim ba l)nd either. you mle game hy passing his forcing response or you rech trpue. You have a good hand, bpt you are , j afraid of one suit. You fear again) j yoy bld your weakness, and your' yumici una ygur wunwa. rorcingi bids frpm hjm frantic denials by; you, and you are swallowed under j a sea of doubles. So It goes. Bg i hands poor hands vulnerable unvulnejable Jn the hytprlcal reaching out for the Mar of brilliance. If you lows, out comes another syelc and arjpUier. If one pays, your vanity is flattered. You ate a syclc! 80 opt comes another and anoljje.r. Ynu sit persplrlpg and trembling like a drunk nd-dlct. Syplps 'are Qjjjy or' a IqJ cause, M the everW) mjnd pf h" addict evfrv hand h " lw rauso the rnomjtnt he touehe ii.." Dr J w. Vc-burgh of Stewart, mm occn appopia 9 coroner. I' Ij announced In the BC Oazetlf. The appolntmenj of Dr "!. . Whlllans, wlo, left Stewart recent ly, has been rescinded. 4, Sweepstake Dratf in j . . . . . 1.1. , 11m SnrcpUake to Be PuM FJrt of DUBLIN. Maivh tkktUln the Inr v. u.-nr. stake op the . Sleeplecliasc will on Monday, havtn from last Tuesd; 0' Life 1.1 nor -there is always ' courtesy. . Itll EstaVUMirq "'"-1 LAMB'S RUM "Lnmli's Fine Old NgJ Swa Old and ll.r llril 'a" n, r.., V..aor w direct from t" 5 " ' , , ; i, OH!" " rjuor l;o"" ' pC l parlpient This advernsernnnf JP Mhed or "I'P'd or tf mm control n " ltui the f7overpmnt