Price 50c a box Stole 500 Chickens But Left His Card IN A certain suburban district, 500 chickens had disappeared, but no one could find the thief. Then one morning, in the hen-house of E. O. Wasncr, a pocket mirror was found. On that mirror was a thumb print. In the finger print records of a ncarfiv city t was found a print that matched it It mid, as plainly as a letter, The man who stole those chickens is Albert Iponi. He lives in llakersfield. II is father of 11 children, but not straight' They found tho chickens in a hidc- FocM mirror with tell-tale thumb print Stops Body Odour A thumb print sei,t him here out, licneath the culprit's ltrn. They put him behind the burs. lie made tha mistake of leaving a record with a, finger print impressed. Germ-Laden Prints This is told to remind you that you ' buoy, in every country, is brinpng 'leare fineer Drints on everything you iootth. And those finger prints are usually germ laden. You pick up the germs from things otters have touched, from handshakes, from pets, etc. Your touch may convey them to foods to a piece of toast you liutter, to a cookie, to a chocolate. A few of those germs may breed to millions in the mouth. From there they go to attack vital organs. Life Extension Institute lists 27 diseases which may be conveyed in this wav. Colds are the moat common. nerhar. Anv hand which has been used to clierk a sneeze or a cough lieoonies contaminated. And every touch of that hand, in the print it leaves, may spread colds. How to be Safe Lifrlwoy Soap is used by millions, the world over, to combat these dangers. It contains an antiseptic. Its lather washes away the germs, or makes them inactive. So, wise people use lifebuoy often, and always Wore meals. Thev tcarh their children the habit. Thus Life- safety as well as refreshing cleanliness to thousand of twers. A Delightful Way Lifebuoy is a luxurious sosd. based on two palm oils. No better soap was ever made, no greater beautifier. Its tauter is gentle ana abundant, i here is no perfume but a refreshing scent of safety, which lingers but a moment, yet tells you it purifies and protects. Another safeguard is against body odours. Lifebuoy 's friendly lather goes deep into the pores of your akin, cleansing them of odour-causing waste. Use Lifebuoy for every bath then all even ing or during the day, you may be sure of no offensive odour from the body. If vou will prove these facts for vour self, by a simple trial, you will always with to have this luxury eoap at hand. Try Lifebuoy Free If you don't use lifebuoy and want to try it, send a clipping from this ad vertwement with your name and address to Lever Brothers limited. Dept. 55, Toronto, Ont. One full sue cake will be sent you without cost Lifeb uov Health Soap 'B1U A Luxury Soap Plus an Antiseptic The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous Rupert Brand" SMOKED Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Siorage Co., Ltd. . PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A DRY SHED Delivered Dry to Your Bin. You are assured in getting full weight"' JASPER WILDFIRE EGO Per Ton, $12.50; Cash Price $11.30 lASrER WILDFIRE LUMP Per Ton, $13.50; Cash Price .. 12.50 PEMBINA EGG Keg. Price, $12.50; Cash Price lUO Dry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 j that opportunities were still better FAMILY MEAT MARKET ST Round Steak 3 lbs Sirloin Steak 2 lbs Rump Roast of Beef- 6 lbs Shoulder Pork 6 lbs .... Leg of Pork 5 lbs Shoulder Lamb, 5 lbs Turnips, 10 lbs Stow Lamb, lbs. Turnips, 5 lbs Loin Pork Chops 3 lbs. Liver. 1 lb. BacOn, i lb Spare Ribs, 2 lbs. Krout. 1 lb. ; : , WATERFRONT WHIFFS Halibut Crisis is Approaching Salmon Packers Commence Operating Herring Seining . Continues Owing to the low price situation, a number of the Prince Ruper.t hulibut boats are now tying up with a view to cutting their losses and avoiding further "hole" trips. With prices of 4c and 2c prevailing, it js absolutely impossible for the fleet to even pay its way much less operate at a profit. Even now it is beginning to appear- that the only remedy lor the situation is a iur-p ther curtailment of production by reduction of the number of units In operation. A crisis appears to be fast approaching so far as the halibut fishery of the Pacific Coast lis concerned. After having spent the past few years In California, Kenneth Meag-Jher. son of Harry Meagher, former agent here for the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union, returned to Prince ! Rupert during the past week. Conditions in California are far from t promising and Kenneth concluded 50c 45c $1.00 75q 75 c 75c 25c and at oUiets as BiHncttcr f r many years. But his background was that 1 of a sallorman and, long before coming to Prince Rupert, he had! gone down to the sea In ships for many years. He was 69 years of age when he died and his career had been packed full of action and adventure. He hailed from the River Clytlp, the home of doughty seafarers, and was born at Rothesay near Glasgow, his ancestors having been Irish. His friends are paying their final tributes of esteem and respect as they give him an honored burial this afternoon. We are in little old Prince Rupert. His fa- sure that, if there is to be a reward ; ther is now engaged in cod fishing in the hereafter, our old friend Bob at San Pedro and, It Is not beyond will have richly mHtefj hjj. I the realms of possibility that he. ! may also return to Prince Rupert, j Thirteen members of the staffs I of the Prince Ruoert Fisheries Ex- Halibut prices have although to not as great an extent as at Prince Rupert. During the week ending March 1 some quarter of a million pounds was landed at Seattle, selling at from 7c and 3c tq 14,5c and 10c. At Ketchikan dur-lns' the week ending March 5. 234,- 400 pounds was landed of which the lion's share was taken by the Al aska Fishermen's Co-operative for shipment on consignment to the eastern markets. What little fish was taken by the regular buyers brought only 5c and 3c. The only industry of its kind in the British Empire, the digging of razor clams, is carried on in the Queen Charlotte Islands, according to Sam L. Simpson, whose article "The Trusty 'John' in the Whale Country," in the Canadian National Railways Magazine for March, tells a fascinating story of the islands, which are regularly visited by Ca nadian National Steamships. Mr. Simpson describes other queer Industries such as diving for abdlone shells, and points out that the only whaling stations left on Canada's Pacific Coast 'are in the Queen Charlottes. It is here, too, that grows the "airplane spruce" which, once used by the Halda Indians for totem poles and cv.oea has now a distinctly modem significance. recently perjmental Station and Interna- I slumped at Seattle and Ketchikan j tional Fisheries Possibly no figure was more widely known or more highly es teemed than the late Bob Hanna, veteran fisherman of Prince Ru pert, whose death the local waterfront has mourned this week. When the O rim Reaper removed Bob on Wednesday morning of this week in Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital, one of the real pioneer landmarks of this community passed on. Old timers recall Bob back In 1008 or earlier operating gasboats. one of them the Beaver and another the Rainbow, between Prince Rupert Commlsslon here are winding up this afternoon an interesting singles badminton tournament which has been In progress during the past week. During the past winter a court was rigged up in the basement of the new building and a great deal of enjoyment has been derived from the sport during the season. The second meeting of the newly formed colloquium of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Sta tion took place last Friday night at the home of the acting director, H. N. Brocklesby. There were 21 persons in attendance and the feature of the evening was the pcrsentation by Orvillct Denstadt of a paper on Late Developments in Vttamtn Re search." a general discussion fol lowing Uie reading of the paper. Next Friday, the colloquium will hold another meeting when the speaker will be H. N. Brocklesby who will be heard in a chemistry subject. , . Regulations in Forte New regulations of the International Fisheries Commission to govern the Pacific Coast halibut fishery are now in full effect Including that which closes the Massett and Timbered Island banks entirely to fishing operations. While a Umlta Uon has been placed on the catch of fish to be taken from certain areas, it Is not expected that there will be much probability of these limits being reached. The new re gulations Involve a good deal more statistical work to be carried out by Commission officials. Taking the Prince Rupert all-star basketball team and party of fans to Port Simpson where the first of a series of two games for the Nor thern British Columbia senior championship will be played to- j nloht tho P n T Cant Harris and didv isiana tor ine Rovern-,Kerr ftn Margaret It Capt. 0eorge ment. Later he had followed the ! Frlu ,n at 2 Q.dock thu afternoon fishing game sometimes as trailer, for lnc nehborlng vlllagc. The party is expected back early tomorrow morning. Jack Hazelton, who had an arduous experience recently In the losing of his net boat "Oh Yeah" while running in from Pearl Harbor to Prince Rupert, has purchased another boat "Donalda" and Is busy again. He Is engaged in fishing herring under contract for the Bacon Fisheries. He put out at the first of this week on his first trip, operating In the vicinity of Captain's Cove and Porcher Island. Flewin It Brown have commen ced packing spring salmon with the Taplow II from the trailers In the vicinity of Port Simpson and Warke Canal to Prince Rupert. Fishing Is quiet and deliveries light averaging around 400 and 500 pounds for the DUC provement in the run is expected soon. The nrrvalllne nrlce at Prlnnci iwnwmrprr - Rupert is 12c for red springs and Cc lb' for whltp Thr Tanlow was in ves- .... - 1 - CAp 'terday with her third load, having 300 pounds. 25c Chris Johnsori, production mana ger for the Seaport Crown Fish Co. : of Vancouver, was a visitor to Prince Rupert early In the week on company business. Whlle ln Prince, Tint... I - -1 a aan MrefUMAtltsl FOR HEAD COLDS i em t with the Bacon Fisheries for in creased shipments of fresh halibut to Vancouver. There has betn a curtailment of herring seining at Pearl Harbor, the herring seining ground contiguous to Prince Rupert. The Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. has now met Its bait requirements and the reduction plant of the Rupert Mar-lune Products has been closed be cause of the low price of fish meal. The boats Balsac, Capt. John Orvlk: Anna S., Capt. Eli Skog, and Zen- rdl. Capt. R. Qammon, are still einlng however, the first two to, nipply the halibut fleet with fresh bait and the last mentioned being ngaged in filling the Gammon & Watt fresh herring pound. George FrlsseU's power vessel Laura F. II has been on the Ward Ways for hull repairs the latter part of this week. The vessel is being put in shape for another busy summer between Prince Rupert and Skeena River canneries which will soon be commencing. With spring In the air. Shef Thomson will soon be engaged in getting his fleet ready for the sum mer yachting season. The grid is already being booked up. and with in the next few weeks, there should be considerable activity in the way of spring cleaning anf overhaul. In the face of a steadily dropping nrtce situation htllbut landings at the port of Prince Rupert showed a distinct increase during the week of March 5-11 inclusive when a total of 338.300 pounds w is brought in of which 139.300 pound was landed by Canadian vessels and 301000 by American. For the season up to March It landings had amounted to 668.450 pounds of which Canadian boats had brought 340,z6O pounds and American 13,300 pounds. The prevailing price throughout the week for both American and Canadian flab was 4c and 2c. hi W. Green of Port Slmoson wat In nort yesterday with 100 oounris of i ftnrlr salmon from Watke Canal.! The fish was taken by the Bccenj Fisheries as was that brought In by j ' the Taplow II In bos tub. of ,uc Generators from $4.50 New Guaranteed Batteries $7. 3 irfjtr.uranw;, Bcum 11 do poii-lively relitvs th itch- lnc almott at soon apptitd and ffftctt a healthful healing of tha tlun,Dr Uih i Oi mmnt it a raott Mtitfactory treat ment lor t' mi, Hemor rhoid! or Pi'ei and all Irritations of tha ikm. Fifty Lighting Plants Quoted on Application VANCOUVER AUTO WRECKING CO 1219 Granville St, Vancruver 1X4 1 V4 X 4 .Mill Run Common cither SIS SIUPLAl" $12.00 ncr M ft. H. S. OLSEN tra 1 1 A I I "V MBKIN Saturday March PAGE SIX Sharp Pains In His Heart Nerves In Bad Coiditioi Mr. Fred J. Chase, Thomson Station. N.8., write: "I have used Milburn's Heart and Nerva Pills with wonderful remil U. My heart would boat bo fast I would hart to tit down when at work chopping in the woodi. I had sharp paint in my heart when I would lis down at night. , My nerves were also in a very bad condition.' but after using two boxes of Milburn'i Heart and Nerve rills I feel just fine, and am fourteen pounds heavier than I have been for years." Soli t til drag lad teMril BtorM, or m tiled direct on receipt of priee by Tke T. IflUi Co Ltd.. Toronto, Out. MiaiiiiHsM P. Cntmuln., V V . , . " "V rriuuy x, caiuiuoj TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 p.m. ADMISSION 15c & 50c Feature Starts at 7:40 & 9:10 If You Enjoy a Laugh- -Here's a Thousand George White's "Flying High" With Bert Lahr (The most Imitated comedian Charlotte r I wood (The longest laugh in pictures) and Pat O Brl I Classy nances and Latest Song Hits Viv1lv "fivmnhflnv Murrlpr M(rvH n wj.-. ' KKAZV KAT in "Disarmament Conference" ramount I MONDAY Si TUESDAY "THE YELLOW TICKET (Viennese Nights Destroyed By Fire SEASONED SITKA SPRUCE We are nlcascd to offer the following snecuu r ,. ., ..... -' LO' i' ;. 4 Random Ltnjthj JUG HAY LUMBER COMPANY. LTD, Do Your Spring Repairs Build Your C EUROPEAN EXPERT WATCHMAKER CM im km t-at' n mnt3nt finals f r (if f Dnvo 1 TVi i, trf School at Copenhagen, then 12 years abj i.iu w ;k4 in the big cities of Europe All Mail Orders Promptly Attended to. Prices Rrayigall TERRACE, HRITISH COM MHIA most WOM E know, . . that If tliey specify the name KelIof.g'i war luiying corn flukes, tliry are sure of grtling l moot popular rcailytiwat cereal in the world e une of the most economical and eomfniral foods the market affords . . delicious with milk or cream for breVfsl rxlra welcome for lunch with fruits or bonryj fine for the children's supper or for a wholewn bedtime snack for grown-ups . easy to digest. Always ready to serve. trouble. No work ... with a wonder flavor and rrispneis Uist other corn flakes have ever hern able la equi Kellogg's Corn Flakes have lieen Imitated ti and again hut no oilier corn flakes are etf "just like Kellogg's." That's hy wise buyfrt pecify Kellogg's In the rrd-and-gTeeri p"' age . . . villi the Inner-seal waxtite wrsppfr U keeps the flakes fresh and crip even after opts Ing. Still another exclusive Kellogg feature. il 'and a$otUui elation the N. II. C rrtrr renin- at 10.30 K. D. S. T. Alto KM f-t " SeailU at 10.0C. tmel soa Denter si 10J0. r fen 3L3 II N II I 5hSfee-- FLAKES v. 1 1 i i iwtuj' " .nnuw ..ruiria "