FAGE FOOT LADIES The purchase of an Enterprise Range means the exercise of good judgment and true economy on your part. See the NEW ENTERPRISE KITCHEN RANGE For coal or wood . at Kaien Hardware Easy Terms Miss Nellie Lawrence Teacher of VIOLIN and THEORY Phone 177 315 Second Avenue West COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. .Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy nay, Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 658 iui The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating -Wrapping Ss Oeneral Furniture Repairs List your goods with me Phone Black 1Z0 . GEO. J. DAWES -I Get quick results with a'want ad j WEEK-END SPEQALS For Thrifty Shoppers Astounding new low prices which will suit the family purse new shipments arriving daily. BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY! Goodrich; Miner and Fleet Foot Outing Shoes Men's and Boys' Athletic Children's Tennis Shoes-Heavy Brown Duck with In strp or Uced Pattwn & Ankle Pads and Trims, 59C 69C Clearing at. a pair Rugged Rubber Soles. Priced below cost Mens QQp Wl, Boys' Oo Sp College Styles-Sizes Palr anting Girls in Lace or Strap Patterns. T28 Sl,95 t0 S2.95 Leckic's Famed Boys' Boots . ., , , , ... , Children's and Misses AH Solid Waterproof School Boots-and how they sturdy Schoo, SnoeSt Oxf0rds and Strap Slippers, do wear; selling below Qto fjs St Qn QC Selling QQn to Q- QC Vancouver prices; pair O QA,VD now VOK, QJL,VO WE ALWAYS SELL FOR LESS Cut Rate Sljioe Store SKIDEGATE Mr. Hughes and Mr. Alexander, officers of the lighthouse tender! Estevan, which was here recently, paid a brief visit on Sunday with :Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Stevens. Both Messrs. Hughes and Alexander are ' pioneers of the north coast and are well known on the Queen Charlotte I Islands. The latter Is a brother of ' Dr. II. L. Aleander of Prince Rupert. It is reported here that Noah Timmins, well known Eastern Ca nada mining man. may shortly come to the Queen Charlotte Islands to took over claim which were recently located near the Prince' Rupert group at Kootenay Harbor on tne w est toast. Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Emmersoruand ! family of Djjby, Inland,, PtacJlO. pert, were recent visitors at Tlell, i being guests at R. T. Ward's farm. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bmmerson, who formerly resided at Dead Tree Point, have many friends on the j Queen Charlotte Idands who were delighted to see them again and extend them a hearty welcome. Out of debt, out of danger. Unusual Picture Is Showing Here "Zoo In Budapest" Being Featured At First of Week on Capitol Theatre Screen "Zoo In Budapest." first of the week feature offering on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here. Is said to be one of the most unusual pictures of the year. Filled with natural drama and dangerous eDlsodee. th background of the film is a continental zoo in which the animals are not kept in cages but are permitted freedom of roaming in preserves especially set aside for them. Tne central romance is portrayed by Oene Raymond, as a youth who recenU ruthless slaughter of ani mals for their furs, and Loretta Young, as a young girl endangered in i a uddn upset' zoo. While the activities of the animals are quite spectacular, the story leans more to the reactions of humans to the oppressive circumstance found in life Itself. 6 maniac let loose in the zoo, a child lost In a snake cage and an elephant stampede are amone. the exciting episodes. O. P. Heggle and WalMe Albright are among prominent members of the supporting cast "TIUJE THE TOILER" . . rs. m 1 . 7 "THAT'S . 0030 C'l-OM Out here . . a a . . VfBJCH VOO HOW a r AS w I 1 f i I n-T ytiA III- I T- A MOVaJ, h l?L IVAS5UM, MiSS TOT DAILY MTTS Monday, Aujujt ' WHIFFLETS , From the Waterfront and waypolnts, were a number of Skeena River cannery workers returning to their homes In Vancouver following the closing down of several of the canneries In which they have been employed. PRINTING Office Supplies Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 231 One -tajo -and zzz v?ll!hL,i I GOTTA. , ANNAIK(Z. I ' 1 'PHowb - n MICE 8 1 nvar unarrr I A EIU Hawkes Lands at Quebec Saturday United States Speed Flyer Ileaches flhirrtlvr After MaUlnr Tun On board the steamer Cardena, t mrauU wiucn arnvca in pun, ui 11 uciut Friday night from the south, sail-1 QUEBEC Aug. M: (Cp)-Capt. lng an hour later for Vancouver ! Frank Uwkeg ,anded at gt airport here at 1:31 Eastern Stan-' dard Time Saturday afternoon from Vancouver. He had landed at King ston at 10:45 Saturday morning., after having made the flight nonstop that far from Vancouver In a ' little more than fourteen hours. He Andrew Beattle, well known and stopped again at Montreal at 11:50 popular chief engineer of the U.m. steamer Catala, is making hit final Capt. Hawkes said he had been voyage this week aboard the nor- j forced south of hU course on the thern liner before leaving the ship; projected non-stop flight from to take a month s vacation which Vancouver to Quebec through Nor-he will spend making a motor trip .them Ontario by fog. j from Vancouver to California. He! j will be accompanied by his family j' j and Is planning on sizing up the arrive Saturday mornings from the movie stars in Hollywood at first south, sail that evening for Stewart , hand as well as seeing other inter- and return here Sunday nights ! estlng sights in the Oolden State, .southbound. The Prince Rupert brought In 136 passengers today of j C. O. S. Malaspina, Capt. Hen- whom 10 disembarked here. I : dersen. which is at present engaged ! in patrolling the halibut grounds Th B c Packtrf cannery at following the closing down of fish- v Inlet is, apparently, to coning at the end of last week in Area Unu Unon canning operations . No. 2, returned to port late yester- ior mmt Jdfing from the day afternoon, unable to continue fact tnt the steamer Catala called : to patrol Hecate Strait owing to thre rterdy on its way north to fog. The Malaspina recently con- discharge three thousand cases of ducted an unsuccessful hunt along can 11 Mported by the Catala the coast for the missing pilchard that Ure mn ot Ptoks had lust run which failed to put In IU usual . develoPed in the seining area ad)a-; appearance thi summer on the cent to Lowe Inlet The Catala also ' west coast of Vancouver Island. ' brounl north 8.060 cases of cans 1 'or ciaxton cannery on the Skeena The Armour Salvage Co.'s power fjTCr whlcn wlD Charge there tug Salvage Princess, which nasi orrow i been on a pilchard packing char- - " ter to the West Coast of Vancouver 1 Island, Is due back In Prince Rupert early this week. The charter of the Salvage Princess was curtailed owing to the failure of the pilchards to put In an appearance this season. Completing the company's final, voyage of the season on the Alaska tourist route. C. N. R. steamer Prince Rupert. Capt. Neil McLean, returned to pod at 9 o'clock this morning from Skagway and other northern iktats and will sail at 5:15 o'clock this afternoon for Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Powell River. Under fall schedule of steamers becoming effective this week, the steamer Prince George will arrive Wednesday mornings from the south, sail that evening for Anyox and return here Thursday evening enroute back to Vancouver while the Prince Rupert will Special For Few Days CLEANING Children's Clothes For Roys and Girls Under It Boys' Suits i-Ap Cleaned and pressed 0 u Olrls' Dresses IOp Cleaned and pressed""' Ideal Cleaners Second St. Phone S8 Lawn Mowers Ground Made lo Cut Like New Star Welding Phone 313 Social Graces MONDAY & TUESDAY TWO SHOWS 7 Si 9 Feature Starts 7 35 & 9:35 Admission SOc & 15c 2 Dining flHHI $-.00 St Ig.OO v u Tables at OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of the Fisherman, Loccrr, Miner UOOMS-J10 ptr month, SI per week. SOc per night SHOWER ItATIIS Third Avenue Phone 94 JIMMIE CICCONE Wednesday Ui "INTKUNATION HOl'SE ItOMANCK IN UNUSUAL SETTINGS "ZOO IN BUDAPEST" With LOKETTA YOUNO, OENE RAYMOND, o. V IlirnJ . .. .. ..... ....... ...j. , . . "MjGIF. iouiii iiiius iuvr, miiiic iiuiiuicui vi juiific uraxis snarl in A Fox Release ,n4 ' MICKEY MOUSE in "MAIL PILOT" -r- f . niiir II llll tr r lomfay uuk u;ii in .-uvnu ffm.wx rrrrn hong- ALOlil MACKENZIE'S FURN1TURI 1 L rio urop f , Qi 1 Dnlng Table. Drop Sides and 3 Chairs for 1 Vanitw rtiMur UlrMl-a a una 1 1 Tlrnoimr n i 811.! . m . i j . a . w. ...... rw . . a 1 mraa. 1 usner urn uh, n u.ri-iiiiuw iur. iini Above all used goods and In good fn PHONE 775 Thir l .rr THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMEITI COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TIUIL -IIKITIMI ( OI.IMIIM UuiuUeliuvrs ot ELEPHANT IWud tlir.MIC.tL IIIKTILIZI.H Pro4iKri St fUfnwn of TADANAC r.txi tnoi.VTir AMMONIUM rilOSrilATC SULI'IIATC OF AMMO.Mt! TRII'LE sii'Eitrnosrut LEAD-ZINC CADMIUM -BISMITH NEW ROYA HOTEL J. Zarrlli f. , ' -A HOME A WAT Isci HOME Rates ll ll at M Rooms. Il li Prince R ,1 E Phone 391 I' F 1 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Fami "Rupert Brand SMOKED - BLACK COD Prepared Daily lij Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., LtdJj PRINCE RUPKKT, H.C By Westover. I LibAMCIM J i COMB Ci JVS I I I AJAW 0 AOuMlli ! ? 1 mm rai urw' ,rF vr Mmrrr y ,w A New Role For Rosie nil I THE NAME AUK I I'll- l.l.l. H." (tM