I r t I! Tomorrow's Tides v anal crooks hav-Mnaman'a chance" Chief Yao-Bseng mning. he better trunga from 8oot-d phut a pedal study the. Halibut Arrivals Summary W.O0S 1 h V and 4c ' '" ' 75.000 7 and iJte. American m. 77c sMt 4. Death S;,:,v 7cand4s,gsgc 'v,"; lh,MHMcaad 4a, Royal i' Hi ; ooo. held ot. i '"HJ. 7.7c and 4c. Itoeal , . 11 14 -W0. 84c and 4o, ! I.,"11 :i,wo.7.7caKM,AUin 'h siioo.8.4e and 48, Pacific Canadian 1'irn,, 7mM). 7c and 4 Edmund ''t ciaxton deflvory). " ,:"H'. 7r and 4e. glome fcJru 4.000, 5,8 and 4.2oc Mrua,vii . 11.800. and 4.550 '"r.m,. pi 'I"' "rlre- KmTllind 436c pK,';;;: i,u,o- nj 4.2 .ihio. 5.78c and 4.36c, Blor- .. ' ' llIX ton Hlt.....i B0W. and 4M B W'HH.. Brand 5c,AUln. tied The Brave ended their ww-ninit bueak at eight straight games nd it was their fourth defeat In the laM 24 name. Vancouver Stocks (Couiuar D JuhniMa Oo I Vancouver Reno. 1 44. Pend Oreille. 1J0. Noble five, .11. Premier. 111. National Silver. Ml. Porter Idaho, JSVt-Bridge River OsfU Jl. Oorgia River. JS. Reeve. It. Whitewater. 41. Cariboo. 4 JO. Reward. .IS. Meridian. JO. Bvj Missouri. .It. Lucky JUn.. 04 V. Silver Crest, 44. Waverly Tangier, Air. Indian. .02 B. R X.. Jl Wayatde. 61. Native Son.. .101. Bluebird. 034. Cork Province, .814. Morning Star. J4. Toronto Noranda. 35.16. Sherrttt, 141. Inter. Nickel, tl.M. Mscassa, MVt-McWattera. JO. Sleoo. 146. Qranada, W-Klrkland Uk OoW. Jv. Sun Antonio. 1.10. Oils Sterling Paclfle, .40. . A. P. Con.. JO. Pubyan, .01. Freeliold. 14t4j. Onlnvont, 1. C. it 1 M-Home, 3.30. She ARE WEDDED I HERE TODAY: Miss Mabel Irarson Becomes Bride Of Jack Garrett at Ceremony In First Presbyterian Church I , First PreabyterUn Church was, the scene of a very pretty wedding at 2 o'clock thU afternoon when Ml Mabel Margaret Irarson, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Irarson. was united In marriage to John George Oarrett, only son of Mr. and Mr. John Oarrett. of At-lsv. The bride entered the church to the strains of the Wedding Marrh from Lohengrin pteJd by Mrs. E. J. Smith The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. D. Orsnt H oiling worth under a beautiful arch of flowers and tall palm on either Me of the arch. The itueat pews were marked with white streamers and small bouquets of sweet peas Ushers were John McLeod. Alvtn Johnson and Aubrey Ivarson. brother of the bride. The bride, given In marriage by her father, looked charmlog In her model weddlnc gown f white Valeneiermes'Vsee and s8k net-ovef Bfhtal aatia with one puff sleeve and eape effect, wearinc a large BteMrre hat and muff with French hand made flowers. She carried a sheaf bouquet of Hly-of-the-vaUev and Ophelia rosebud. datoUly tied with white satin ribbon. Her onlv lewelry worn was a platinum and diamond necklet and earrto Mias Molly Lawrence, as brtdes-maM. looked very sweet tat a gown f turquoise blue point d'esprtt with sash of sold taffeita. wartn a mall turban to match and carrying an arm bouquet of blue foreet-me-aot and yellow rosebud. Stanley Onlby supported the groom and. during the signing of the register. Mrs. H. N. Broeklesby sang "AU Joy Be Thine.' accompanied by Mr. B. J. Smith. The arooms gift to the brldes-rmU wm a torquotse and pearl necklet and earrma. and to the trsomaman a tortoise shell toilet Following the ceremony a reception wo held at the home of the bride parent, 413 Bghth Avenue SasC Masses ot sweet pea were seat ta decorating the home. The bride and groom, standing under m arch of white wedding bell sweet peas an drone, were ala-fcM in receiving by the bride's mother in a chocolate brown lace drees with hat and accessories to match and eoroage of rotes. The groom's mother, m a black silk velvet and kMft ensemble with corsage of purple vioteU. wore a large Oalns-borough hat to match. A buffet supper was served from table laid with a hand embroidered cteth and centered with a. three- tier wedding cake. Tall pink tapers burned In pink and white sconces and smaller silver vase held flow ers in pastel tones. The toast to the bride was given by Rev. Grant Holllngworth and rcsnonded to by the groom. The many boauUful gifts on display were evidence of the popularity of the young couple. Mr. and Mrs. Oarrett will leave on the steamer Prince Rupert for a honeymoon trip to Vancouver. Victoria. Seattle and elsewhere in the south, the bride travelling In a Hetty blue suit with a nai ann purse to niai" mm u.uu. ui xvhlte Irian lace. On their return to Prince Rupert they will reside on Sixth Avenue West. The groom U a iionular member of the collectors office of the Court House. The hrlde has lived In Prince Rupert since early childhood. Head of Relief Department Was Here Last Night Considerable .. 8:00 a.ffl. 1S.1 ft. Ik 10 Today's Weather 10:41 pjn. 18.7 ft. 1:16 ajn. 62 ft , Prince Rupert Clear, calm; barometer, i. " 29.88; temperature, 68; 13:03 p.m. 10.0 ft. sea smooth. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V-.iV PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, AUGUST 28, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTS mWVOUTICAL MERGER IN PROVINCE HEAVY LIFE LOSS-MUCH DAMAGE DONE BY CHINA FLOODS Oriental Disaster As Result of High Water; Millions Are Homeless it Hundred Villaires Covered Renewed Rains Cause Yellow River to Continue on Rampage, Governor Of Shantung Reports H ANGHAI, Chiiw, Aufj. 28: (CP) Despite recent re-' at ihhb on the ellow River are receding, the '..if of Shantung reiwrts that the disaster hae i. i -rave proportions with three million refugees in A.-vrn part of the province alone. Eight hundred vil- i under water and renewed rains have caused the nx- again. Studying Crime TO BATTLE FOR FLAG Crucial Series Coming Vp Between - Nw-Yrk UUnts and lUnion tnm NEW YORK. A MR M: CP-Io-in ihr Bit Leaf Ctrltlw m k in the crucial series be- Now York Otants and Boston 8i.tv iradui and runners-up in h- National League respectively. The leadership ot the OlanU waa pared to live games yesterday when the Brave split a double-header with the Cincinnati Reda at BoaUm while the Olanu lost the first same to the 8t. Lou Cardinals at the Polo Grounds, the second belnc called at the end of the eighth on ac-rount of darkness with the score Travel New Style Ouest ot Mr. anu Mrs. MrV. J :.rotj famous explorer of At rtca's dars st -pt T. u o... president of the American museum o! National history, rid in new style. They took this Improvised railway carriage aft t an aeropia.- nisnt down the continent Four Halibut Boats Ordered In From Hecate Straits By Patrol Steamer on Saturday On the allegation that they had halibut gear spread after the close of letral fishing in Area No. 2, the local halibut boats Toodie, Capt Peter Wold; Rose Spit, Capt Axel 01-sen ; Morris H., Cant. Charles Giske, and Kaien, CapL Ole Stegavie;. were onleretl in from the Two Peaks halibut banks in Hecate Straits where they were found on Satur- day afternoon by toe Fisheries Pa trol steamer Malaspma, Captain Henderson. The fishing season tn Arm No. 3 was dosed at midnight last Friday by order of the International Fisheries Commission, the quota for the year tn the area navtng 1been reached. The owners of the veaseh j claim that they were flbt actually W. Edgar Griffiths, head of the fishing for halibut but were round-provincial government's unemploy- Ing off their final trips of the tea-nent relief deportment, passed on In Area No. 3 by ttshfng for through the city on the Catala last black cod. mnlng In the course of making the ! W was uncertain this morni-g a round trip north on official busl-'to whether prosecution would be new and will be here again tomor-' actually launched by the aathort-row southbound from Anyox and to whoin tb talr aU Stewart. While here. Mr. OrUnths rPorteo over the week-end. was In conference on the steamer with City Commissioner W. J. Alder MftnCQ FinnrA Ic and Government Agent Norman A. 1UUUOC uaillC Id Watt In regard to local relief Interior Weather Terrace Haay. calm, 58. Anyox -Part eJotnly, oalm. 58. Stewart Haay, eslpi. SI. Haselton Clear, oalm, S3. Smlthers-Clear. oalm. 36. Durns LakeGloudy, oalm. 54. Enjoyable Event Khvthm Vendors' Orchestra Mskes Finsl Appearance Here For Couple of Months A crowd of about one hundred .persons was In attendance at an other enjoyable dance in the Moose Hall Friday night when the Rhythm Vendors' Orchestra of Vancouver made it final appearance here for diiRuM w&a linn a couple of months at least Joe to Hie vehicle but none of the four 8lCTrd presided at th door and occupants were seriously hurt when the committee In charge consisted a Ford sedan driven by Mia Mur- of Tommy Morgan. Andy Mac- lel Vance swerved when the trans- donald. Jim Bacon. N. Ounderson. mission gear became defective. Olllls Royer and Sam Haudens-struck the fence of Thomas Priest s child Dancing was in progress Harden on Qraham Avenue and fmm 10 pjn. until 2 ajn. and at Associated C.C.F. Is i ! Name Chosen by New, Group for Election Aim is to Express in Provincial Life National Principles Of Co-operative Commonwealth FederationOcean i Falls Man on Executive : VANCOUVER, Aug. 28: (CP) Delegates from thirty provincial organizations representing the Canadian Cooperative Commonwealth Federation, the Reconstruction party and the Socialist party Saturday decided to enter the provincial political field as the Associated Co-operative Commonwealth Federation Clubs of British Colum- ! s-bla. The declared aim of the new STEAMER STRANDS Ss. Aleutian Returning to Seattle Under, Own Power After , Having Struck Beef SEATTLE. Aur. ZS: Leak In f through Ihe engine room double bottom and in her oil tanks, the Alaska Steamship Co.'s liner Aleutian, which struck a shoal at Jorgen's Point on the north end of Vancouver Island Sunday night, was today reluming to Seattle under convoy of the liner Victoria, snother ot the same company's ships. She has 150 passengers on board and had sailed from here Saturday afternoon for Alaska points. Survey and repairs will be made here following the arrival of the ship. It is expected that the passengers will be transferred here to the Victoria which was enroute from Seattle to Alaska. Both vessels are expected here tomorrow. DROWNED AT FRASER LAKE Ilypnlyte John, Fort St James Indian, Victim of Accident in Necoslie River Recently Divisional headquarters of the provincial police here have been ad-'iaed of the drowning at Fraser Lake on August 18 of Hypolyte lohn. 50-year old Indian of Fort St. fame. With four other Indians, Duncan Sam. Bercom Song. An-aanie Prince and John Felix An-toine. John was crossing the Necos-lie River in a canoe when the craft capstsed. All managed to get safe ashore with the exception of John whose body was later recovered. After investigating the circumstances. Dr. W. Ross Stone of Van-derhoof, coroner, satisfied himself that the circumstances were accidental and that no Inquest was necessary. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER. Aug. 28: (CP) Wheat was quoted at GBftc on the local exctwnge on Saturday. The price was down to 87c. today. Ml Helen Orant arrived In the city on Saturday afternoon's train from Haielton'and salkd later on careened over to th nihr aid nf ! mldninht delicious refreshment i the steamer Prince George for the street and landed wheeU un'were served with Mrs. Peter Wine- Vancouver. Mis Orant was form In the musket at 5 o'clock vaster- ham and Mrs. R Oiske In charge of lerly a member of the staff of the day afternoon. I the catering. jUnrted States consulate here i group l to express in provincial life the natloal Co-operative Commonwealth Federation T. E. Pattlson of Ocean Falls was elected north coajt regional vice- president. DR. TELFORD NOMINATED Vancouver Physician to Oppose Geerge Pearson In Nanaimo Riding as C.C.F. Standard Bearer NANAIMO. Aug. 28 (Canadian Press i Dr. J. Lyle Telford of Vancouver was chosen Canadian Co-opraUve Commonwealth Federation candidate for Nanalmo-Albei- 1 riding In the forthcoming pro vincial election at a conference here yesterday. He wtU 'oppose ' George S. Pearson, Liberal M.UA. for Nanaimo in the last Leglila- . ture. Dr. TeMbrd spoke in Prince Ru- ' 3ert ten day ago at a public meet- ing under O.C.F, auspice, later I ranting interior, point. . . TRAIN. LATE TODAY This afternoon's train, due from' the east at 3: IS. wo reported this morning to be three hours late which would bring It in at 5:15 p m. The steamer Prince Rupert for th4 south. Is being held pending the ar , rival of the train. This is the final tram on summer schedule. The fafl time-table is now in effect giving trains to the east on Monday. Wed nesdays and Saturday at 7:30 p.m with trains arriving from the east Sundays, Tuesday and Thursdays at 8 pan. TWO BOYS " DROWNED Rex Perry snd Herbert Jamleson 'Lose Lives in Lake at Salmon -Arm Yesterday SALMON ARM, Aug. 24: (CP) Rex Perry, son of R. R. Perry, local barrister, and Herbert Jamleson. a visitor from Winnipeg, were drown . ed In Shuswap Lake here Sunday, when their boat upset Two other boys escaped. SILVER ANIT 'COPPER ON NEW YORK MART NEW YORK. August 26 (Canadian Pro) ether closed at SSVfco. on the local meial market today, a drop of one-half cent since Saturday. Copper was unchanged at Vsatffi