fAUl 1W0 THK DAU.Y NEWS Saturday May 13 1933 THE DAILY NEWS. Well-known British Jockey FfttNCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA , , .... , . ' HUES' t Punltsned Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince ftupert I Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue ! H. T. PULLEN - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City dellrery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance . 3.0(1 For lesser periods, paid In advance per week 10? fey mall to all part; of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year 8y mail to all other countries, per year .. ADVERTISING RATES Transient rtlsnlay advertising, per Inch, per Insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation ..ss GLAD TIDINGS FULL GOSPEL MISS 10 ft 711 Third A Venue H. V. Johnson In tharge Suhday, 11 fejn. Prayer Sunday, 2:30 pjm, Sunday School Sunday. 8 p.m, Oospel Message Subject: "WHY DID dOD NOT KILL THE DEVIL?" Wtilncsday, S p,m.. OdSpel Message, and lunch for the unemployed after, the message. Ally one having cast off clothing to ?ivc to the needy please - " noUy us at Box 62 and car will tall for same. 3.00 0.00 1.40 Saturday. May 13, 1933 A SATURDAY SERMON The Power of Thought (By Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean of St. Andrew's Cathedral) Thousands of years ago the writer of the Book of Proverbs taught the greatness of the place and power of thought in one's life. He said that "as a man thinketh in his heart so is he," arid today people are just beginning to realize the truth of the teaching. , Thinking is the fountain of all actions. As we think so we live, and act, and ludge. The?' thought mark's out the track along which our acUohs run. Everything that has been accomplished in the world has originated in someohes brain. Thought determines action. Therefore vague thoughts result in unsatisfactory and indefinite actions and wrong and sinful thoughts result in wrong and sinful actions. Christ-like actions are the Inevit- e are. What people think we are we call reputation and reputation may collapse in a minute. A strong character, which Is the outcome of a long series of noble thoughts, is not easily overcome but no one can afford to be off his guard. Unless continual care Is taken there comes the little rift within the lute, that by and by will make the music mute." Thus we can see that our able product of pure and holy , thoughts may be either our friends thoughts. If our thoughts are out of j or our enemies, and they are "Our order our lives will be out of order. 1 glory or shame, our happiness or This truth Is illustrated In the I misery, our solaee or destruction powerof mind over body.' A very In-' summed up. They are the Alpha and terestlng little parable tells of an ; Omega. of life." Eastern pilgrim who one day meets! It is helpful to remember that we "The Plague" and asks "Where are cannot" possibly think of two dif-you going?" The answer comes "liferent things at one. and Uie same am going to Bagdad to kill five time. Our minds have not trie thousand peopled A tew days later , power to contain jiwo dlffejtnt the same pilgrim meets "The. thoughts at any gtrrti'nomfht.'Jfcti. Plague" returning and the conver- therefore, if we are thinking of that satlonU rc-opened. "You told me." which Is good and pure and lovely, said the .pilgrim, "you were going td' there is no room for thought of Bagdad to kill five thousand people, evtL If we think of Jesus Christ but Instead you have killed fifty when temptation comes the impure thousand . "No." said "The Plague," thought will be supplanted by the "I killed only five thousand as I pure. The call to duty bidding us said, I would. The others died of live and act in accordance with the frjeht." Which parable remind one highest and best, we know, may not of jthe large number of peoole to- always find us ready to respond but. dav who imagine they are ill when when it comes to us In the person they( are not. . of Jesus Christ, there is a world of Thousht also has a wonderful difference, the thought of Jesus power In determinlns character. A Christ as our Redeemer and our ft man thinketh in his heart so will Friend, as the One who has the hebecome In rharaeter. Character deepest interest In our life, effec-sprlngs. from habit and habit tt tually cheeks the wayward thought beln formed every moment rtf our nnd we realize what is meant by life. Character J what we relt are "the expulsive power of a new af-as distinct from what peonle think fectlon " CHURCH NOTICES F!kST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Itev. W. I), Orant Ilollingworth, UA. Organist, John K. Darey 11 ajn.. THE FAMILY SERVICE ,t Members of trie Sunday School will attend in a body, . Special address to children 12:30, Westview Sunday School JrtO p.m, Sermon Subject: 'tJiE DIVINE REFLECTldN A sermon In observance of Mother's Day jt'lhe dose of the sermon Mrs. F. O. Dawson will give a reading of "A LHUe Parable For pother" by Temple Bailey. MUSIC AM. Qhorus, "Up with the Morning" Chbriis, "Little Children," isblqlsL Miss Marcelle Jabourl. PAi. Anthem, "Sun of My ftiur ' Contralto solo. Mrs. A.'J. Webber. Everyone welcome 1 1 INDIANS IN SUPREMACY Cleveland Maintains Lrad Over New York at Top of American League CLEVELAND, May 13: (Canadian Press i Cleveland Indians had their margin of leadership over New York Yankees and Chicago White Sox m the American League reduced t h.ilf a game by losing to the Philadelphia Athletics yesterday In the National League Pi.!-burg Pirates lout to tin New Vuik Giants at the Polo Orounds and h their margin of leadership nr. one and a half game. The St Lout Cardinals lost a close game to the Braves at Boston and dropped with the Chicago Cubs to a fifth place tie, the Cubs losing to the Phillies The ClnclnnaU Reds advanced into third place as a result of a victory over the Dodgers at Brooklyn. the Dodgers sinking to seventh plarv The Boston Braves are now m fourth place. Yesterday's Big League scores: American Lragne Philadelphia 7, Cleveland 3. National League Pittsburg 3. New York 11 ClnclnnaU 7, Brooklyn 3. St. Louis 3. Boston 4. Chicago 4. Philadelphia 8. Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAP. I E Pittsburg New York Cincinnati Boston Chicago St. Louts ... Brooklyn .. Philadelphia AMER Cleveland New York Chicago .... Washington Philadelphia Detroit ... St. Louis .... Boston W. L. Pet. 14 6 .7U0 12 7 .fltt II 11 00 11 13 .480 10 11 AH 10 It 4tf . 9 11 .40 . 7 14 233 LEACit'E 16 9 .936 13 S .909 13 8 .GQ9 13 10 MS 10 11 .476 10 13 436 9 IS 375 6 IS JM Old Age Pensions And Hospital Fees Hospital Assoclatior Informs Local Board As To What May II Done To Collect From . Recipients Regarding the attachment of old age pensions In payment for hospital fees, a communication from the Britten Colombia Hospitals' Association, read at last night's meeting of the loeal hospital board, in former the board that recipients of old age pensions mast be paid in person except in case where they were of unsound mind or otherwise Incapacitated in which case the money went to trustees. The cheeks, however, might be senrout in care of haspitals, In case where pensioners were hospital inmate, and the hospttal officials would thus have the opportunity of attempting to induce them to pay their hospital accounts The penetor were meant for the maintenance of recipient whether the were in hospital or not. Hospital authorities could question patients whom they thought nUfht receive pensions as to whether they were pensioners and m formation could be obtained from the pension board office. The hospital board was informed that the managing secretary wan keeping in toueh with this matter. SEND A TELLTiHAM U Is net too late to remember Mothert Day, Telegraph to her. She will appreciate it. 4- - I-4- a The following Is the scale of charges made for reading hotjeea. 4. Miirrlage and Fmgagernent announcement $2. Birth Notice $00. Funeral NoHeea $1. Cards of Thank, $2. Funeral Flowers 10c per name. 44'evt'44 "fu.V Austin I 4bbbb81bbsl bbmfbbbbbbbb ; BUNNY IN SHOUTS Never again will Bunny Austin, fa mem B-rttJtn tennis star, wear stacks, be announced after wearing shorts at the Dulwich tournament . CUPS ARE PRESENTED liaskrtrmll Trophic Distributed by IVfH.w Mayor at Benefit Dance List Night The Prince Rupert Basketball As sociation held a pleasant benefit dance in the Elks' Hone last night, the feature of the proceedings being the present Uu by Kx-Mayor C. H. Orae of trophic won In the four leaaues during the past win- ter's Competition The preheats- Uoas were made J act before the1 supper hour a fallow: Senior League- Canadian Nation-1 al Recreation Association, received by Udie Smith captain. Intermediate Warrior, received by Johnny Comadlna. captain. I Ladies' Comet received by M1m Ella Meen. captain. Junior - Meteors, received by Norman Allen, captain There were about thirty pimples present and dancing was enjoyed from 9 pm until 2 pun. to the tune chest ra. TAKINO IT CIVIL WORK (Continued fnnri Page t until September of an acUon In which James Arsenean I suing W H. Tobey and Roy Sonuners. as president and secretory respectively of the Canadian National Recreation Association, for t.V)00 damages uk a result of bavins broken his .shoulder a year ago ineC winter while skating on the c N. R. A. rink In the local,r1j tarda. T. W. Brown, for the defendant, had applied that the case be sumek off the lUt for lack of piroscvirUon but H. L. McLennan, lor the plaintiff, opposed this, the order being refused and ptelntif f being put oh tegrfts to bring on the action In aVirfcmber. Dr. J. It. Carson, being away from the city, the plaintiff claimed he was unable to proceed. Two divorce petlUona were alo vented earlier In the Assize. Today Weather Terrace- Cloudy calm, 48. A lyansh Cloudy ealm. 53. Any ox-Cloudy, ealm ,2. Stewart-Part cloudy, ealm, 48. TfaselCoh Oleat. eajrh. 58. Smlthera-Clftwdy, calm, 57. Burns Lake Cloudy, calm. 5a I SOFTBALL PLAY-OFFSl Several Ettra Inning Required; Rrfore Grants Defeated I Cardinals In the first of the High School' Boys' S ft ball League knockout erl , the Grants blasted their way yesterday afternoon Into a The Mil t 'vfiiy over the Cardinals. Cardinals, after a disastrous1 icitled down and Uec. re at 9-M In the fifUi ln-:md crit the name to an .i ii.nlng However, the Oiants iu (irn enough hits to score three run In the ninth inning be-j !'or they were retired. J Although this contest was not of the best caMbre. the -extnf tn am proved to be thrilling. Numerous errors were made by both teams In the earlier part of toe game but. as the game progressed, only a few were made. Tobay mm in good form and hit a homer hi the third frame. Nakamoto. andi aillls were the big guns for. the' Cardinal. ! IUIterirr: Oiants Kifhimoto and Lindsay Cardinal Postula. ARan and Hlrano. Urnmre -Bill Tobey. Ba-sf Umpire Bob Moxley. S-oiv Keener Joe Nay lor. SOFTBALL SCHEDULE May 14 C N R At. Orotto; Navy re. Kalens. May 1 Orotto vs Navy. May I Kalens vs. Em proa. May Ji Bmpreas v. C. N. B. A. May at c. N. R. A. v. Navy May la Orauo vs. Katieas. May Navy va. Empreaa, May teKalem va. C. N. ft. A. Jane 1 bupreas vs. Orotto. June 4-C. N. R A. va. Kalem. Jane 6 OroMo va. Rraprta. June 8 Navy va. O. N, K, A. June 11 Kalens va. Orotto. June 13 BNtprass va. Navy June IS C N, R. A vs Bmpreas. J una 18- Orotks va.CN.R- A. June Nsvy vs. Orotto. June 2- Kaams vs. NSMry. June tS ieipras va, Kaien. 1 r-v , Oarabn Orant. Vaieeaver barrister, who acted as defence coun-t tor a Mmber of eaaws at the ' "TMne AMtar here thl week. aaUed by the Prtnees Adelaide laat nlaht on hU return muth M.t i l" HON For tulormaiion on thU Phone Blue 320 or vuut our shop and let us demonstrate the poMibill-tie of shortwave reeeiHMdti all day long. Investigate this fully and get the most out of your radio this summer. LOOK FOR $iinai?ni Radio Service T'.C Second A venter Phone Blue 320 P. O. liox 13! A O HARTLETT C II INSULAKPEIt Stive Doniigl.nf. weli-k: "Wii Brt ".v: w :u . speedway. Engiana. for the jpsnmg meet Here we dressed up as a motw-blke CHOPS IN HtOVINCflS (CbntSnvM from Pace 1) In Alberta All point along the Drttmnetler-OTnltiree UUb-eftetUer-Kad Dear subdt visions in Alberta report rain have delayed seeding but have put summer fallow and stubble land In j good condition Varying percen-' taaes of wheat have sren etsdsd bwt work witti coarse grataa baa not totted. At tbcec potnu the.launeas ' of the season aaay result in a small decrease in acreage. in Central Albert and In the Bd-monton territory rata have been general, followed by cool, blustery weather and all points report warm weather would be beneficial From the Peace River territory eame reports that wart on ttte land lie been conetdorabiy delayed by rata Weather is new Hnaand nee Ing should be general In a tew days Cattle Prices Cattle price at the beajstnlng of the week held in fete wrUvthe close of the prevtoo weak. Mnae the! most grade have displayed a stlahily weaker undertone, with price easing from It cent to 38 cent per hundred The only strong not to the stacker and reader division where sapplie are ltM, and some eastern orders are going unfilled In Uie hog section prospects are now-what ansettled but there Is more likelihood of rise In price than any dertrne. House Committee Reports on Work Around Hospital Reporting for ti, tee at last night s rnt tv - 'i meeting of the bowr.i . ( en- '-the Prince Rupert o n i: li -ih , Hobert Oordon tat-t il.! ... . Uon of a sperul bub k, .. . numery had bei-n .-. the new braa cuii healing had bren pU r .:. r traj furnace and j ' . wttb satlsfaetkm and -ii t . ha4 been rnao in thr p,,n Nurses' Home dorw'i. pry Tta committee wa 'ih.-r- " proceed wtth kaisomtrmr lac rlfh'Vf iU Lhe liuntM well a the varnlslur.v ! movai of mom fmm 'tir n! I Nurses' Home ws a'sn ti:-r-! Mention was mnde -r tt rf-alty of having the N H"t. painted but it was f- " wouM hardly pemii' ' t roughly esUmuterl " Inf done thlx vear '. may be Minted Ist't . t i mated that this wo ;! ' S40 NO I14WI ARRIV ALS No boats being in a "i there was no sale of u i . t. . lof.d fuh exehnnv WHY SO NOURISHING ? mi?. iA.vaia HirJ to get your children to cat a nourishing breakfast? Then consider this amaiing fact! The most appealing, most appetizing cereal you can serve is crammed with energy I It's the new PufTcd Wheat and Puffed Rice. Cool and dainty . . . "twice-crisped" by sn exclusive process. Yet a ilnclc dish, say nutrN lionists, with milk and sugar, Because "shot from guns" every particle of rich energy steam expi red to complete digest il ;lity Ives actually more tifflT 8 an a baked potato of thick lamp chop! Remember no other cereals sre"sho't from ounv that every food cell is lr'kcn open . . . giving complete digestibility... richer n Puffed Wheat-Puffed Rice Made In Cintda br THE Ql'AKliR OA7? COMl'ANY W4 If your paper docs not arrive, telephone the offlc