THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT,. BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN 1- - Minaglng-Edltor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period; paid in advance $6.00 f or lesser periods, paid in advance, per week? 10 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year .i.-. 3.00 By mall to all other countries, per year 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch per Insertion Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion DAILY EDITION DEATH OF NOVELIST Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins Passes Away in England at Age of Seventy LONDON. July 10: (Canadian Press) Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins, famous writer, died here on Saturday. He was 70 years of age. The law lost a disciple when Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins found In it a task master that was Interfering with his invention of stories. Writing was only a side line at first, but, more and more, the man who used the pen-name of Anthony Hope resented the Intrusion of le-, gal work on his time for spinning' romances. , It was not. however, until after the popular success of "The Prisoner of Znda." which was published , when he was 31. that he definitely noektes. an a comralttn consjsv ins efclefly of exiterleaced mem-trs af tss TrsU Riders of the Qfcssdlaa Hoc kiss and tbi Alpine Clttb or Cnd, nss undertaken tha esDlMtln of a new order called th gky Line Tmii Hikers. Tb Isaufaral hike will Mart this summer oa August 4th from Lake IxuU and tramp over th Rtfdaleeaek threush Tsradlse Valley and oter Sentlael Pass to Morsla Lake, whess ths first nfgat's camp wUl be mads, on Balurdsj. August 6th, ths party will MU from Moraine Lake over Venkehemns snd OpaMn Passes and win Esvs ths thrill of crossing two glscltrs before arriving Monday. July 10. 1953 WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Rev. Father J. Byrne Grant, parish priest of the Roman Catholic Church here, was a recent recruit to the ranks of local yachtsmen and is a very familiar and popular figure these days around the floats of the Prince Rupert Rowing & Yacht Crab of which he has become a member following his purchase of Norman Dagll&h's pleasure boat. It Is Father Grant's first experience as a yachtsman and he is deriving a great "kick" out of the pleasures as weU as trials and tribulations of a gas boat owner's life. The San Diego pleasure yacht Chans, with its owner, C. Boynton. accompanied by Ms wife and nephew, on board, has been a guest vessel at the floats of the Prince turned "professional." as he put It Rapert Rowing & Yacht Club for) and dropped hk legal tomes for the several days, having been held ap lively world of his Imagination, here en account of unfavorable AH told he produced some two weather in continuation of a cruise dozen novels and then. In 1927. pub- j to Ketchikan and elsewhere in Al-Itehed his memoirs. He was knight- ka. The Chans, a vessel of IX tons ed in 1918. .. retjWwy feet in tenqttfeftrtdJ He made several visits to Am- oomfejieMy appointed wWrm all erica. Early in 1903 he crossed the ws9 as af 4rtfse$v appearance Atlantic on an informal trip. On without, was a visitor here seethe boat on which he returned was vtously sane two or three years ago. the girl whom he married a short She errased Jeiswrehr north from time later. Miss Elizabeth Sheldon. Nsmaimo to this port and left yes-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles terday far the north. H. SheMon of New York. They be rdaeuBhLrmrt"&MW0 80naW1' Dkk Wynne' fler and Lady Hawkins lived in a quaint old world home In Surrey. Sir Anthony was bam Fbroa& .Temple in 1897 and mingled law 9. 1861, the second son of Rev. ami with writing, contributing articles Mrs. E. C. Hawkins. and stories to papers. He also look- The boy was first sent to Marl- ed with Interest on a political car-borowo and then to Oxford, rank- eer, but his ambitions faded when, tef high as a student ami be rains; as a Liberal candidate tor Parlia-prssaoont of the Oxford Union. He ment. be was defeated in the gen-was admitted to the bar at Middle eral election of im. at Liks OUara. On fiundsv lh hlkfri. will be able to take In th-nssnlflcent ncenery around Lake MMSrthur, Lake O, and Mount Odsrsr. sad msmbera of the party will t able to enjov the eseel-Irnt tiiWnt in Uke Cllara. The Pow-Wow will b ht4d on Mon-dsjr. Asguat 6th. after which the -( ( SQWAMISH TO MEET f AIVANSII I1ERC IN basketball attraction of mere 3 than usual interest will be the laaMagiimiinMMiiiMMnai meeting at the Exhibition Hall in Prince Rupert on Saturday f A PCC DT IM evening of this week of the IVflLvJUiD iUll Squamish Indians, native hoop champions of Southern British j Columbia, and Aiyansh, eham- plan of Northern British Co- Legal notices, each Insertion, per-agate line ..... -15 promoted by the Aiyansh Local readers, per insertion, per line Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Editor and Reporters Telephone 98, 86 1.40 .02 25 ywe Men's Christian Asso- elation and the Northern Bri- Sons of Norway Whist and Dance Enjoyable Event Otoen and O OJeratad. Joseph Barbeau Passes in South Death of Father of Mrs. A. M. St. Amour Takes Place Sunday In Sacramento Joseph Barbeau. father of Mrs. A. M. St. Amour of tins city and Mrs. R. S. Sargent of HazeJton. passed away at bit borne In Saers-nen to. Cal., yesterday after a long iiness. according to word received here today. Mr. Barbeatr resided here in fife early days and was engaged in the transfer business. His passing wtB be regretted by many old aonassntances. Besides the widow and two daughters in this district. ,eH is survived by two sons. Louis A. Sky Line Hiking in the Rockies ratca the evening train back to Lake Lou In. The magnificent scenery of ths Canadian Rockies and ths pur Joy of achievement, together with the comfort assured by the ar-ransenents made by toe Canadian ptn RMlwar make tM one of the finest and most health- members will hike to Wspta aod ful of holiday outings. i HOOP TITLE CAME 2 3 What should prove to be a - lumbla. in a game for the all Postponed rd j British Columbia native chain- afc nUmUIH TU - a. w 1 A- r unjjwaiiiu. Arc uamr is urins t THE DAILY NEWS aau.BttsrrKmxM;a:Bxra 4 SATURDAY Dominion Day Sports Program Favored by Ideal Weather Fine weather favored the holding of the postponed Dominion Day tish Colombia AgrlctiUurs! celebration sports on Saturday af and tadastriaJ Association is to ternoon and keen interest was ta receive twenty percent af the ken in the various events The wfn proceeds The Sqnamtah team were as taNows wUl be here this week is the 04rU. raee. 6 years and andee- course of a tour of the north. Kathleen P. Dougherty. Mavis Ov erend. Boys, 8 and under Jimmy Weir, Vernon Ciccone. Girls, 8 and under Norma Seherk. Norma Cttrrie. Boys. 8 and under Oliver Santer bane, George Wetr. Girls. 10 and under Bate Da hi. Eraily Yamanak. Boys, 10 and under DJtk Cameron. Henry Wong. Girls. 12 and under SMs Da A very enjoyable whist drive and Annie Postulo. dance was held by the Sons of Boys. IS and under Dtek Cmef- Norway Lodge on Friday night of on. Stanley Frastfca last week in the Oddfellows HU. OMs. 14 and nsrter-oaa 9aft- There were eight tables of cards berg. Mftared Matnaaaa. and prise-winners were: ladies' Boys. 14 and under Charles Or- flrst Mrs. Omuiar Sehrisx second, rntsfan. Bert O'Neill Miss Ingrld Marvold; men's first. Obis. IS and ander Jean Sen- Ounnar Sehrig; second. Ok ste- berg. MMred Manfcaba. gavlg. Boys. 16 and wader R. After cards. refrhefitf were S. Dendnato. served and dancing was enjoyed Bops' i-leased raee. tf and underf wish music by Mrs. J. S. Black's F. WSnsereft-H Lear. 8. Dsmte- Orcneatra. ate-T. Del. The committee in charge for the OW 3-leaged nt3. Sonbefg-evenint consisted of Mrs. OW Sfceg, D. Blake. H. SkaJand-A ksd. Mrs. Chris Jensen. N. Storrig. John Yard dasii D. Araejr. T. Bat- sanies. S. Vestas. 229 Yard dash T Arney. 8. Vetten. One mile bteyele raee V. DelL 8 Doninato. a Relay raee T. Bussaamst, R. ShrubsaU. J. O-Neill. J. shtwta Baseball Scores SATURDAY SCORES National League New York 1. Chicago 2. Brooklyn 0. St Louis 1. Boston 6. Cmcinnatl J. Pfcnadeiphla 8-0. Plstseorg 7-S. American League Detroit 5. New York 2. Cmfeago 4-11. PsaladeJaMa hVC Clercmnd 2-4. Washington 8-1. st. Louis 4. Boston 1. SUNDAY SCOKDS American League St. Louis 0-9. Boston 4-g. Detroit 7-S, New York 11-7. Baoe Barbeau of Sacramento and Fstfcc RtKn hit three home runs, bringing Barbeaa of Nevada. gsannnmlPsgsm nanagamn Cat'' lamamamamaml lisamamamama aamttt llgsniiL frtamzM trail hlkhir in pHg-B7Jt??W Jir '!Vly 1 ( Anadkaa Rockies -r ' be in- . aincir uteii im i be coming rear ty , bike Hiaiea to sUn, at ijake Louise uo Aukusi 4th. An in i cresBinr interest is being taken in ' trtil htklnr in the tsnsfliunl gsamamTgsK'MaotI.,. MM 1i m InsnmV sriT V A 1 its total to zt. Oevetaad 1 WaeMngton 2. National Leagne Boston 2-2. Cincinnati 2-1. New York 0-1. Chtsago 4-2. Brooklyn 8-0. 81. Laals S-2. Today's Weather Terrace -Cloudy calm, tetnpefa- ture WS. Aiyansh Light clouds, calm, 27 Anyox Raining, calm. M. Haselton Cloudy, calm. 00. 8mither Part cloudy, calm. tt. Burns Lake -Cloudy, calm. 2. Bandits Made Big Haul in New York. Three Robbers Msde Getaway on Saturday From Corn Exchange Rank tilth $30,006 j NEW YORK. JulTlO: (Canadian Press i - Three robbers held up tne Corn Exchange Bank here on Saturday morning and escaped wUh $30,000. Mail Schedule Kor the Fast Mondays. Wednesdays and Frl dajrs 8:30 pin. From the East Msndavs and Saturdays 2:11 pjn. Thursdays For Tancouvrr Monday Tuesday Friday Saturday Saturday 3 p.m. 12-JO pjib . 11 pm , 4 B.BI. 0 pjn. Young American Professional Is British Champion ST. ANDREWS, Scotland. July 10: ' (Canadian Press) Densmore Shute. Philadelphia professteaaL won the British open golf championship on Saturday by defeating Craig Weed of Deal. NJ another youthful Amertcaa professional. In totals of Its. The play-off was then arranged for Saturday Capt. John WHlman. Uk mining man. came into town on this afternoon's train for a batlnioa visit FOOTBALL SCHEDULE The Prince Rupert Football Association, at an executive meeting at the end of the week, set the following schedule for the annual competition for the Mobley Cup, emblem a Uc of Senior League championship for the year: July 11 Regiment vs. Canadian a 36-haJe play-off. SiMte score f Labor Defence League. was 149. three over par. while i July 13 Canadian Legion vs. Wood's was 154 Regiment. On Friday Shute and Wood tied July 18 Canadian Labor Defence for the ehanisdonahip with 72-hole League vs. Canadian Lotion. July Su CanadUm Labor Defence League vs. Regiment. July 28 Regiment vs. Canadian Lefion. July 27 Canadian Legion vs. Canadian Labor Defence League. Thanks to Life Insurance O ' 1 ' 3 Monday,- July 10. 1935 News and Views of Sport SPORT CHAT It Is expected the Canadian N tlonal Recreation Association's an nual tennis tournament will sta-t. This Tuesday. The ONJtA. Ten nis committee Is expecting consul erably more entries this year on account of their courts having abcu' thirty additional members. Oapt. W. P Armour eame in frnm Lakalse Lake on today's train. BASEBALL TONIGHT, 6:45 ACnOPOLIS HILL Sons of Canada vs. Elks kept in force He is Headed for Success HRRE is a younp man wU Isas rrastfti fr confidenre In hlrmclf ami in Im ftititrf. Hark T Iilit are definite financial rrourre vrmln hj mvui Uy Inveslrd In Life Insurance As a rrMill, lir is miiy of tnonoy fr tomorrtiw's umls. Up. can faoralt1v ituiiroa lit tuinlor. lie ran lake ntlvaiitupn of ltiuiiiH otMtrtiiuilii In short, lie? U liealrl for turrrm. w a v s that t'oui L'omr Ids May, Look aheatl, ant you will see tlie wktloni of savlnp rrtilarly, and investing in Life Insurants. Life Insuriuirc is cali proju rly It plvr yoti eredlt Handing in business it is a nrftiy for every man. Consult a Life Insurance rrtrrriitathf today. READ WHAT A LEADING BUSINESS MAN SAYS : J have ali.t. aJtralnl llial nx-n JmiuU atall tUrnorLra of Life Iuuranrr at tli rummriirrlnrnt of llirir rarnlnf Hirrt hm the ro.1 at lilr In.uranrr k Km. Hir lialtlt of aln( ami lnrllng Ihu lw(un U in man rm the bmI bIimIU Imi.Iu-m aiM-t thai mm Umr in lalrr lire." t. a. itussnj. fmiJrnl, Mainry.llarri Ca Utnllrd. Life I nsurance GUARDIAN OP CANADIAN HOMES t