PAGE FOUR Times Are Better The Greatest Range Values EVER OFFERED See the New Enterprise ' All Cast Coal of Wood Range The, Lifetime Range Very Easy Terms If You Wish Kaien Hardware i Smith Block Phone 3 SUMMER I SERVICE fl A dollar lets you if take Uf1v;int:i pp nf II our summer set- fart , vice calls. Have LU set condi- 9y I Sour oned for the best LA I reception, as sum- retAj mer reception re- f J 1 quires the utmost Lj yl of your set. Oet Ja n those baseball and 1 F Jl special broadcasts Ac a I on the short r r f (waves with a KA converter rented 1 h Ifrom us for the IVM levent ' F ' at very j reasonable rates. k J A Superior Radio Service SX1 Second Avenue-. Phone Blue 320 LAf P. O. Itox 132 ?bv A. O. BAUTLETT A 1 X C. H. INSULANDER ' l j Advertise In tne Dally News Times are already better. Our business is increasing. We are selling shoes to everybody and that makes us happy. Nothing succeeds like success and we are succeeding in the shoe business because we are giving such values that the buyers cannot help coming back next time they need footwear. Join the happy throng by calling in at our store and looking over our shoes and be comfortable and look well at a very small cost. We have shoes to suit every purse except the empty one. Fishermen, loggers, cannerymen and laborers find what they want at our store. Clerks, clergymen and capitalists all come to us because we treat them right and sell them the goods they want at the right prices. Phone Green 615 Cut Rate Shoe Store TheMarkets Retail prices current present are as follows: here at Vegetables j New Potatoes. B.C., 8 lbs .25! bunch V0S Carrots. B.C., bunch 66 ; jfo. cucumbers, each 15 Sweet Potatoes, lb. JO Hothouse Tomatoes, No. 1, lb. 22 No. 2, lb 18 .26 .10 2.36' Currants, lb. . Apricots, lb. 15c. to Apples, dried 14c. to Peaches, peeled I2e. to Flour Flour. 49X No. 1 hard wheat j Second Patent : l 10 Ontario solids. Green Onloni bunch .03 Bermuda Onjoas, lb. .10 Oreen Beans, lb is Asparagus, B.C., Ib 20 1 Garlic, imported, per lb 25 Cal. Cabbage, lb B. C. new, lb. B. C. Head Lettuce, 5c to . Spinach. B.C Oreen Peas, B.C.. lb. r. Radishes, bunch Vegetable Marrows, each 10 Apples Winesaps, fancy, lb. Fruits Valencia Oranges, doe. 20c to .... Lemons, Cal., 20c to Grapefruit, Calif, 5c to Grapefruit, Florida, 12c to .... .10 .08 .06 .08 .10 .03 .10 j .76 .40 .10 20 Rhubarb, outdoor, 6 lbs. .26 Plums, 2 lbs Strawberries, B.C., basket crate . Bananas, lb. Cal Cherries, lb. Watermelon, lb. Canteloupes, 15c to . Watermelon, lb. Dried rrnhs White Figs. lb. . . Blank Cooking Fig, lb Dates, bulk, lb., 8c to Lemon and Orange Peel I Citron Peel Prunes, 30-40, lb : Prunes, 40-50, lb Prunes, 60-70, lb Raisins, Australian seedless, lb Raisins, Cal., seedless, lb. Pastry Flour. 10 lbs. 4&c to .. ,50 ;was no room in the Spencer plane. AusC Pastry FkUr. ltf lbs. ........ .35 i got away to Juneau at 2:40 yestef- Errs Beeta, bunch 06 B O, Fresh Extras, earthed Parsley, bunch .OTILocal new feld,' doi. i. i I v w - rZ t Butler ! i .15 .18 .17 .15 1.85 1.70 rancy,-cartoned, lb. Li,...... .32 1 1 Creamery. 3 lb i.r' . . . .fca j'Extjact Honey j ! cted Honey, per ;jar 20o to JO Comb Honey Cneese new, lb. Ontario, mature, lb. .... Btilton. lb Edam. lb. Roquefort, lb. For Best Quality and Service CO TO .36 .35 M M .45 .90 MUSSALLEM'S Our prices are with the market. Oet our prices before purchasing else fresh fruits and vegetables. .15 CONFECTIONERY. DIXICATKS-.30 SEN. ICE CKEAM and CANDIES .10 DEPARTMENT Open From 8 a.m. 40 13K 10 .15 .23 .30 .15 10' .13 .15 917-19 Third P.O. Box 575 UTILUE THE TOILER" Avenue West Phone 18 i THE DAILY NETT8 Monday, July i MOSCOW SENDS I LANES AND SHITS TO ASSIST MATTERN FKOM ANADYH (Continued from Page 1) can territory if he desired. Another Plane? NEW YORK, July 10: James Mattern's backers In New York were considering the possibility yesterday of providing him with an entirely new plane with which ,to continue his world flight from Anadyr. Northland Withdrawn WASHINGTON, D.C.. July 10: (Canadian Press) United States coastguard officials stated Saturday that Commander S. V. Parker of the cutter Northland had been given permission to go to the Siberian I coast to rescue James Mattern. son -by train to Terrai, the centre of activities in the 'Mattern relief expedition shifted from Prince Rupert tonne capital of Alaska over the week-end. Alexander and Fetterman hopped off at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon for' Juneau with Pilot w-McCTuskey in Col. Victor Spencer's Junker $eaplane "City of Prince Geofge" and Abbey, for whom there day afternoon hi the Alaska South- .30 . emi Airways Lockheed-Vega sea-i plane "Crucagof" 'pUoted by Bdb Ellis which . was seM down from Ketchikan to get Him and take him noHh $ rejoin bis companion in thelAlafksr Capita t where arrangement were being made for aerial transportation for the three members ;of the party to Nome or Siberia with the Intention of either assisting Jimes Mattern in getting his plane la readiness to resume his world flight or else bring him to Prince Rupert en route to Terrace and fly him home to New York In the relief plane "King's Brewery" which is temporarily grounded following its forced landing In a hay field near Terrace last week. Harold Person left by train Saturday night on his return to Terrace to stand by the plane and check it up for Its return flight east on the return of the relief party from the north. Will Meet Mattern Alexander, on leaving here, stated that It was his Intention to fly north with Fetterman and Abbey and meet Mattern, continuing until he meets him, no matter how far north, pick htm up and brine where, on groceries and provisions. 1 him back here enroute to Terrace. to Midnight Mail Orders Given Special Attention MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store In the event of failure after all to secure suitable aircraft for the trip to Nome or Siberia, he will use mar- Christening of Greek Child By Orthodox Priest Picturesque Ceremony Last Evening When Young Son of James Klllas Was Formally Taken Into The Church Nearly all the Greeks of the city, about half a hundred In number, gathered last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Klllas, Graham Avenue., Westview, to witness the picturesque and solemn ceremony of christening their youngest son, Christ James Klllas. The god-parents were Mr. and Mrs. United States round the world! George Christy and flyer, but a later announcement said that the vessel wm being withdrawn from the relief operations and was returning to Nome to outfit in resumption of necessary medical and dental service work among people of the Isolated I outposts of Bering Sea and the 'north coast of Alaska, leaving re-, lief work for the world flyer, at least temporarily, in the hands of the Soviet authoriUes until sueh time 'as the Alexander party is able to j ' reach Siberia. The Northland has been engaged in searching for Mattem ever since he became missing. official wit nesses oi ine event were wree pretty little girls, Annie and Nora Pottulo and Emily Christopher, while the oldest brother. Nick, swung the censer. Rev. A. MandUarls of the Oreek Orthodox Church at Vancouver performed the ceremony in which the god-parents made solemn promises to see that the little chap was brought up in the faith of the church. A font had been provided in the centre of the living room which was filled with warm water duly consecrated and mingled with oil and. at the appointed tune, little Christ James was brought I forth In the garb of the first par- j With the departure of William ents of the race, anointed with pure ! Alexander. Fred Fetterman and olive oil from head to foot and then I Thomas Abbey by airplane' for Jo-1 dipped three times in consecrated neau and the return- Of Harold Per- water, typifying the washing away of original sin and his adoption Into the church. Also he was marked with the sign of the cross, while the candles tn the bands of the witnesses burned brightly, the Incense fumes permeated the temporary chapel and the priest chanted or intoned the words of the beautiful Oreek baptismal service. Directly after the christening the old custom of distributing money was followed, nickels being scrambles' for by the children and pieces of silver being handed to each guest. To celebrate the event, a sumptuous supper was then spread and young and old. tWrng two rooms of the house, sat down at one time to eat. drink and be merry. Music followed the banquet and. before breaking up. 'Re Mr. MandUarls addressed the gathering at some length, urging them, while adopting the duties of cRiaenahlp In Canada to hold fast to the traditions that had made their nation great in the days of old and to carry out the teachings of their church. The gathering concluded with the drinking of the health of Mr. and Mrs Klllas and family and the final blessing of the priest. 'Animal Kingdom' On Screen Here Ann Harding, Leslie Howard and Mjrna Loy In Leading Holes in First of Week Picture One might regard "The Animal Kingdom." coming to the Capitol Theatre screen here at the first of this week, as a battle of art against commercial enterprise, with Ann Harding and Leslie Howard, abetted I bv Lenl Stenael and Donald nilln. ine craft. He Is resolved matter no , the wy nged OI1 side of srt. and how to get Mattern and bring hlmMyrna Loy, n,u Hamilton. Ilka south aa soon as possible. Chase and Henry Stephenson rsn- In the event of Mattern's plane the gad KsAy on sloe of enter-still being In such shape as It may be able to fly out after being re- j utte u m lit( conaiuonea, it is Aiexanaers intention to go right to Siberia with his two companions, both of whom are mechanics who took a promin-1 ent part in the building of the Mattern ship, and recondition the ship foe the rest of the world flight and come south with it via Nome and Fairbanks. that human beings, In their love lives, are atill living pretty much In the animal kingdom. The picture should provoke controversies for weeks to come. William Lamble returned to the city on Saturday afternoon's train from a trip to Hazel ton. Quite Human! MONDAY & TUESDAY "(ln"lay & Thi TWO SHOWS 7 Si 9 P-rn. ZMJUUE "HLESSKlj Feature starts i :w at BmiAS' tfunv Admission 15c Si 50o lM" Ann Harding and Leslie Howa In Philip Barry's Sensational Stage Success "THE ANIMAL KINGDOM" (A Four Star Picture) With MYKNA LOY and WILLIAM (UKOAN. A Radio Kff, The Ilesi oi is are uniy iiuman, rtiirr rtii i Co mr d y LA U It IX and HARDY in TOWED IN A ll()l .... ............. ! utll'V'tnillll n k... Novelty "CONTACT" THEY'RE HERE Bapcolite Enamel and Vanii Markinn the greatest advance in tho paUit mduvn twenty-five years Impervious Ui bullUig water i continued exposure to sun. sea air and salt r treili . retain their beautllul liwtre twice as Ionic ol'ler ; terlor enamels and varnishes. Ideal for automobile v bouts. Harden furniture. eU THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. L HOLIDAY RESORTS THE DUNES Bathing, Hunting Fishing Modern Conveniences No Flics, No Mosquitoes Home Cooking far Excellence $14.00 Trr Wrek Children under 13 half rate MADAMK KAJAUT Hell. Q. C Islands las' aes Take the DadJv News with jou. When Coming lo I Make Arrangements Swain's Tram & TAXI To lireet Yon. We meet all train, F passenger service Lakeise Lake and I boat H A 8 now on the lake. I are anywhere on one sdult, J3.M: $1 SO pr- l additional. No i rowd l:o No job too smatL f riCNIC PARTIES EVin SUNDAY LAKELSE HI Springs Lodgi An Ideal flare to He. id Finest of fl fhlilng h :i bathing and boatir: Arrange for transpc:' with W. II. Burnett, T v lit Kales from Terrace t: Lodie Including boat One adult. 13.00 est i is tional adult, 11.3. Write or Wlrs W. II. HI UM n We Iok After Your The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famoi "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, U.C -By Westov UMHANQ Ml. VQUftAMTP. r 1 I 1 I 7 g I Kto.i:-fcA V,y7 Vrc4"T?v'r?