Ts !33 Melrose Stationery m Sheets Envelop&s ferry's Chocolate Slabs lb. I MiH.YTIC Summer Price on STOVE COAL $11.00 a ton HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 NEW ROYAL HOTEL r' Vroprietar " mi way rnoM HOME" ti.ot up !1 ' Cold Water K'lpert. UC. T O Box HMJ n,! Phones Green S49 I I 50c 25c I 15c Photographic Albums Save Your Snapshot! I'd from 60 c Ormes Ltd. Jit Pioneer Drtu&ists Tbf Knall Store Phones: 81 ft IS THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING uHANY OF CANADA. LIMITED 5 jr. at ELEPHANT I ml " 'I : IlKTIUMK A lunam of TADANAC AMMONIUM rilOSt'IlATE KULP1IATK Or AMMONIA Twro: urMiniosriiATC !Jin-riNC dXtRiiUM-ulKniRii"' OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of the IWiefman, I .offer. Mker ROOMS 910 per month. St per f. Me per nUht SIIOUIK MATHS Third Avenue Phone W6 JIMMIE CICCONE IMON STEAMSHIPS LIMITED MALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 lM. . J r s 1 4kii;na i:Vf.KY Friday midnioiit. Dtl ii'iouvrr Monday am 'ifc W rr Mmpaon. AJM Ann Anjua 8"" and N tmtiiMi rfr1tnft til Mlling m tlrwi ltl!'l lllin i. . . linn M'.H I" fisriicy: nrruna nvrnuc. Fr Your Health Chiropractic r,tr Violet llaya "Ira Itrd Kays Majuate All ut. Rlwnab,e prlce, H r ASPINALL D.C. J I hi I Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone (i.r7 Fourth Avenue West tor the sum met. Mbm M. A. Imam, school teaeh- er from PowaQ River, and Mrs M C UBWla of Vancouver, having arrived is the etty on the Cardena Friday night from the south, left on aaterday night k train for Jas- oer Park to the course of a north- mi vaeatkm trip Rt Ret. O. A Rix. Bishop ol rm-xtarbi. returned to the city on If the Prtteeas Loutar Saturday af ternoon trean a trip to A tint and other solnts in Northern Brttlsr. fCnlcmsbta on eocleaiasticaJ duties. I Re was WMMrivBaniad an the trip by Mm. Mte who returned with hhn H W M nolsuwt. head of the sjtewart News Puahahtag Co, arrived in the city on the Prtnee Rupert Saturday evening from the north for a brief bitttoea visit to uwa. reewrnMW to Stewart an the Catala last evening Mr Rolstor I being prominently menUonea as at Bowser candidate for Atlto m tne provlrclal election 10. Announcements Moose Dance July 14. Moose Plenlc Digay Irtabd, JuJv Eatles' plenlc 3aj 30. Oathelle Pasaar Ootootr 19. Presbyterian Fall Baxaar Nev. f. Angllean W. A. Baaaar, Nov. 10. YMM DAILY iniWl FAQS TH22Z2 LOCAL NEWS NOTES SUversldee Bret, for Wallpaper, Ote, paint and Mureco. Easy to Own. Easy U Operate, Easy titty way yog look at K. Oti your Easy Washer on Easy term from MeRae Bros. Jack Joy sailed on th Prince Rupert Saturday evening far a va cation trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Joy la already visiting in the south. Mn Harold 8. Parker sailed on the PrinceM LotiUe Saturday after aeon for a business trip to Van flwrr arte, elsewhere in the south Mn. H A. Breo and son, J ad sailed Saturday evening on tb Prince Rupert for a vacation trip to Vancouver ami other potato in he south alia Merle West, daughter of Mr. and Mn Bert Wast of this city. For day and vice Phone 32. night e Prtnee Rupert Vancouver. W ior Howard Taxi Wallaee'e ECONOMY SALE Stdjr a tassel and win a cushion. See Wallace's Window. 4rra'. UOHA. picnic Wednesday, inly 12. Can leave Oddfellows' Hall and Ridley Home at 10 a.ro. AdriU25c Children 10c. Kenneth MePhall, lerraeriyldes- (Uted with the staff of the Big Bav sawmill here safled on the Prince; Adelaide Friday rrfflfbt for Van ouver. C. C. Mills Batted teat evening on the Calais to make the round trip to Anyox and Stewart on bustoeas fie will return to the city tomorrow mom int. With a party of prisoner in their char, Constable Alex Livirtgrtane sailed on the Prince Rupert Satw-I0 cttv dthent of the pro- day night Vancouver for a vacation trip to Mrs William F. Bv. wMe of she poatrnaster at Anyox, was a paa-ster aeoard the Prinee Ropert flatorday evening aetng tfefoagh tram the smelter town for a visit Sr. Vsneoover. Mrs Frank Paasmore af Mont real arrived m she etty at the eeti ol the week freta Vaneawver to swy a vMt her wtth her brother and tr-in-lw. Mr. and Mm. W i Fidler Miss Row Weach. daagtAer of Mr. and Mrs. Pres. WeaCh, aaM 'spend s vacation vtststng 'atives Jasaes KeOjr mining sum and pinafiintnrefTes- agrapb Creek, sailed by the Prbs- eess Chsrlatte thai mornia oa bis retorn aarth after Lavtng speatlestrk the past few weka in the city John JL tendrnt for tn (he taty aad sal Prtn the ofrtelal road supers- AOte district, arrtvad aa the Prtnee itaperi Maa Anyoa saamtin on the for a trip ta Greet district or. Oearg R. FJltterlaitaa. sapereb- rng aiKhsrflg of C-giaatlaa gneern-aseat ehvabara. wto ha been on a tmt here m eomwetton wtth the local rlevsaar. aaOed by the Prince Rpeft Satarday nsgtrt for Vancouver tr rouse back to his headqnart- ars to Calf ry. Mrs AWer. wife of City Oommls-akmer W 3. Aider, and son. Har- ofti. atrtved In the etty on the Prkuess Charlotte this morning to tab up iiablinee. They have ub- -n M. P MoCaffery's house on Ttoeial poliee and Mrs. LWrgstane sailed Friday ntgtJt an the Prtn-eeas AojeJatde for Vaotoover W. L. Kamtotd, fent far the Marine DipaiUiwnl at Digby Is land, and Mrs. Otamteid aad Sa- aaiM oat me Prlnee Rupert tiuiar far a vacation trip to Vaneowver and Vteterla. Rt Ree OcraM R. Morray OM Mahop of Vte- i he etty at the of the week snaa the Ospeml rm here ta coadfctt a week4 re treat tar the kscsd 9ftsi of St. ioeaph. oat the Prtnee Rset gatwdar ev-l Mr and Mrs. J. J. Maraoey.who ening tor Seattle vAere she wmjhad arrived ThaisOay iright tms wtth ittM rel- ml. f Tfloef. t. Ma. Masoner la m the servtet of the lmMan Depart- on for a trap toi Bennett, ttckr: Nbadton Pacific Raitvsay at KawiVaagn. and Mm. Bernett were here afeeard the Princess Adelaide laat Friday afternoon. Thy ware making the round trip north an the t Union steaamr (hibsui.. Capt. A C. Otckson. wltr. fair-s-Md bat if passengers, utrrved in port a. S M yesterday trans the south an. sallec at I pjn. far Anyox. Ste-won and other northern points whence .he will return here tonMurow rnornlng s?d sail at 1:M pa. for Vancouver and wnypotnu. Mr and Mrs Stan Morta little daughter returned to the etty on the Prt eeas Louise Saturday afternoon from a week's trip to Ketchikan Mr Morln went north as manager of Pete Cbenoskl. local boner, who had a bout to Ketchikan 1st week and who returned from the Alaska town with the Son of Norway eaeurakm party on the fish packer Fredelia but Wednesday Jones' Family MEAT MARKET Phone 957 t nunc voi , Spring Lamb About S lbs. Lags, per lb Spring Lamb About I lbs. fshoulders, per lb Spring Lamb About S ma. Lota, per lb. Log of Pork per lb. Shoulder Pork per lb Lag of Veal pat lb. ..... tsm Rib Roll-par lb. Rump Roast of Beef per tt) Lot Vast Chana- 3 Ibm. far Haund Steak. 3 lbs. fc Bawrt. 1 lb .... Carrl Beef-par lb. remato sausage per lb Pt Renet of Beef-paf Ifa, Ptytog Ohteken per lb For Picnic Tin of Head Cheese, 3 lbs. 25c 15c 25c 15c 10ci 15c 18c 15c 50c 50c 5c 10c 10c 30c 40c Miss. Dora Haherson of thi city' sailed on the Prince Rnpert Saturday night for a holiday trip to Vancouver. Mr. Andrew Thompson and two chUdren sailed Friday night on the Garden for a raeaifon trip for Vancouver. Miss Tina Roma and Miss Mary Mazzei sailed on the Prince Rupert Saturday night for a vacation trip to Vaneosver. Alex Pringle. Post Office Inspec tor sailed by the Oardena Fridar night on his return to Vancouve aftr a YtsH here on official bosi ness. Trevor Williams of the Northern BC. Power Co. Ltd. office staff sailed Fridair nigM on the Prin cess Adelaide for a holiday trip to Vancouver. Bishop E. M. Bunos OM1.. who has bem on a trip into the Babine dastriet on ecclesiastlrai OBtW. re turned to the city on Saturday afternoon's train W. H. Tobey. CMR. divisional aaferhaadeBt. returned to the ;lty on Saturday afternoon's train from a trip over the line as far as Jasper Park on official duties. Col. 8. ). Johnston hat accepted an invitation to address the Prince Rupert Gyro Ctab at its reenter weekly luncheon tomorrow Col Johnston will speak on bis recent '.rip to Bnglard. geoUand and Fran at representative f the! Steteeirth Canadian Scottish Bat of the Hsu ding the Royttf Seats rsginvut. On her way south after a regularly scheduled voyage to Alaska. C. P. R. steamer Princess Loune. Capt. Arthur Slater, arrived in port at 3:90 Saturday afternoon from Stag-ray and aaQeo at 30 pas. for Vancouver via Butodale and Alert Bay. The vessel bad fir passengers for here and took two away from this point. After leering here, she made a special call at Butedaw to toad canned sal- C.N. R. Trains or the East Mondays. Wednesdays. Fridays and Saturdays 9:30 am. Vorn the Esit Tuesdays & Thursdays 10:30 pa. Mondays & Saturdays 2:15 pat -Build B. C Payrolh" A Patron For Years El Jrpomtf Xasi t We received yesterday a letter from a lady living up ceanrtry who for years has used Pacific MUc using no other "I do not know when we first began using PackTa Milk." she writes ft U years now. It seemed aa much better than any milk we had bad that wo kept on from the first can." The letter to a long one and we Pacific Milk 100 B. C 0-ned and Controlled' PLANT AT ABROTSFORD Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Pry Docks Total capacity 20,111 tens Shipbuilders snd Ship Repairers for Steel and Weed Teasels iron and Brass Casting glee trie and Acetylene Welding It-ton Derrick for Diary Lifts gawmUl and Mining Machinery Repaired and OverhasUd SEAL OF QUALITY FURS Our Guarantee With Every Piece Genuine Point Blankets all colors and size3 J. J. Payne of Fraser ti Payne Is sailing this afternoon on the Prince Oeorjte for a business trip to H. B. Rochester sailed this morn lag on the Princess Charlotte for holiday trip to the Telegraph Creek country. Miss Caroline MHebeS. wto has been on a hofJdae trip; to Hazel- ton. returned to the dry on Satur day afternoon's train. Mr. ana Mrs. E. S. ABtstone sailed on the Cat-la butt evening (to make the round trip to Anyoxf and Stewart for a holiday. Miss H. Brant, niece of Drs. W. T. and L. W. Kergin of this etty. ar rived on the Gatala test evening Ltoam Vaneeuver to pay a vWt with talion at the tercentenary eefeera- reeariTee here. Miss Margaret Smith sa&ed by the Prtnee Rupert Saturday even ing to resume her nurses' trainmg duties to Victoria after spending - holiday here visiting wtth her mother. Mrs R. J. D Smith. FOR RENT HOUSES F. W. Hart FOR RENT Clean, famished ' ssartrnent Phone Red 444. fBWLY Renovated aooern RanBk)Ck..MeIb flat A comfortable room to rent close to. board tf desired. Phone Red 38. tf sDR RENT Store en Third Avenue in centre of business section. Will renovate te suit tenant Thomas Mcdymont. tt PIANO TUNING "TAN OS Tuned t3.rjrj. Walker M sic Store. ' HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING 1 Oil" SiM. -Rlnrlrtte" $5.00. Nelson's Beauty Shoppe MM M M W1 WWWMMI " TRANSFERS Fur and Wool Prices Are Advancing Secure your requirements now at depression prices. Miss Davis of Eleventh Avenue left Saturday to speed a holiday at MetlakatU Mr. 3. S. Wilson, who has been on a vacation trip to Vaneosver. returned to the city from the south on the Catala last evening. ers. I, CAMERON'S TRANSFER Furniture moving, wood, coal, chab for rent. ; : tf " " lAb ACT N.(k- mi Intrntton ta Apply ts mrrlme Land In PriaM Ruprrt Land Reeordlnf TH irtrt or r-bc row Oosm DUtrM, ai ttMV about ntt mllM rrom the mouth I uc Kbuta IUvr on tbi EMt Fork. Tk. notice tluU I. wmum L-rins Otibtrt of Vaeour. B.O.. oocvpntloii Uttto Opmior MMencU to sppiy iw pcni-Mloa u purvrMute th followtos i imiertbvd hvada: I Ooiiunotes at a poat planted one foot dfttoat troot tbo WttoM post ct Itr WM aid of Lot 1T2; trxne . wMtrrly 00 cbatna: thenoa aouwwrty 30 IcboUva; Uttnct OMtcrly 80 ebJr Uwnc northerly 10 chain, and cos .taimnx 100 strm. more or In WILLIAM LAORAMaB QIUUtRT. DUd April irtb. 18SS. Hotel Arrivals Old Empress!. Charles Johnson, etty. . Royal James James, Prtnee Rupert! H. A. Dries. I H. Bauer and Arthur F. Dries, Chicago; Joe StrelMk Se attle. Vie Grant, Baknoml; Mr. asd Mn. C. A. Parrneam, Los An geles. Savey M. Omnia, Anyox: H. A. Dries. LArther F. Cite and ttefd H. Ba uer, Chicago. Central Mrs. Ernest Blue and Miss HaH J. Etfkine. eXtr, Oeorge Murray. of Hyder, who have been on a vlett Nuc Rtrer; Frank Httbey. Snath- ta VflnMutv-U wtlh n4AHFe Of). Mrs. HaH. were passengers aboato the Catala last evening return to? to Hyder. Prince Rupert Mrs. R. FrtaeelL esty; H. H. S.-swdcm. Calgary; R. A. Stale. Mr. aad Mrs. W. D. Gosdon and F. Sprigga, Vuneouver: A. D. Mae-ktatosfc. Fort St. Jamas; Thomas F. Abbey. Brooklyn: Jean Anderr son, Anyox; H. W. M. Rcteton, Stewart: Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Anderson, Petersburg. - 1. .I-HIVLII lr"l I MILN FOR SALE TOR SALE good office sale, be seen at Dally News. - i FOR SALE House, nearly new.l . . . i ... r uay view, wen nnnneo. uuui-in cupboards and wasbtub, close in. ti4 Ninth Street MOT FOR SALE HttD of tug "TID-ERIP" on view at Dryoock, Tenders, in writreg. should be in the hand of Trustee P.O. Bex 10M by Noon. Sat.. July 15th. 103 WANTED Can; FARMER, stogie, desires man and tf wife as partners to operate farm. Small cash investment for afl-tkmai equipment reejutred. Jots P. Adam, Rosewood, via Terrace, BfJ. PAINTERS AINTINQ and Pa per hanging UaUer. Phone Reo S03. CLEANING & PRESSING rRICES reasonable Benkendort, Third Ave., next door to Daily News. PRINTING Office Supplies icose, txiwan cc Laua j Phone 234 i COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No 1 Bu'Aley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. St Phones SSI The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping c Oeneral Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO. J. DAWES Phone Black 120