v; X Tomorrow's Tides -rd. life. M'nOUn. Jl. Missouri, JS. Jim. M. r Crest, .1411. X . Jl. ''M1f. .. son, .11. D .. bird, .04. ' it Province, JIM. Kasttrn fida. 33ja. t'-t rltt. IJl. ' r NlckaL MM. M.irai, Jftfc, M. Waters, .H. Nl.SfO, 1 .01. U'anada. 1)0. Antonio, Mg, Oils K'erllnt Padfl. J9. A P. Con.. .ltVi. Jl,,yun. .01. United. .08. Mercury, .IJVtj. ''''hold, snfk. ' 'ilmont, M. VANCOUVER WlllUT VANCOUVan the Diane to " 'j a. sei. isrsuswii revmi tin...-, . . . .... . -.. She t W, July 10: (Canadian Press) The Soviet gov-:, ha ordered two seaplanes to Anadyr, Siberia, to I, unes J. Mattern, young Texas world flyer, whoso rejwrtwl last week after having been misting ' ' hree weeks following his leaving Khabarovsk for ; t he course of his projected globe-encircling flight I mStr Laaaaaaag . r v.i. . bfUIld i.jver who lot Yukon Vancouver Stocks Vancouver V"H oirille. IM. S'.bif Five. .life. I':. 1. "'.. sttvar. Jl 1 '- Idaho. .11. h:dg River Cem, . " "tu Rim, Jft. Hn-VrN JO. Vi.itemter. .It. One of these planes was already at Khabarovsk where It was ready to hop off at dawn today for Anadyr with mechanics to be used in a-statins Mattern to repair his plane ' for I lUHPtton of the night The acond plane was said to be en-i route to Anadyr from another point The Russian government has also ordered four Soviet steamers which I Cum 'jNMaVTaaV i for Bering Straits to render any .m .TOsaassTna I ...i - - - ... Hovlrt govetnsBMt ahnouneed ywe-(rrday that It was willing to permit fhr fhr to to num wish Mattem or proceed there and deliver him anything he may need In the event of MaUern's plane ix mg found to be beyond repair, tir Russian planr or steamers . ukt br used to uke Mattern to Nome where hr could be met by the Alexander relief expedition or obtain transportation to soaaa. other more convenient point on the roast to make rontact with the members of the relief expedlUoa who would accompany him home to New York. A Bellanca seaplane la also reported to be available at Nome for Mattern s use if required by himself or the relief party. Details of Undine lljer La last dlapalchea received here from Anadyr mid today that the and wing of Mattem had been damaged In hta landing because of motor Advices state that he wm found beside his damaged plane by g frontier guard boat which began patfffHing the Anadyr River when the Ice broke up It I believed that g rifle and ammunition given Matters by Soviet authorities before he left Khabarovsk stood him in good during the time he was ion. Use flyer Is In good health and un injured M.n u suable Mattern to con- Uom his flight around the world t.ktna form today. Prom Ana dyr Mattern has wirelessed his baa- gggf In Chicago sawing w . k aent so he could fly bacg u vnrr solo. The backera an id tbst they would do "everything' m Untr power to comply wiw uic id-ntiatt Mattern ' meesage also asked tKat the Alexander rescue party in Aiaka be sent on. . : nl.n Was to fly SO10 IVlUbW.U y, -- AHutvr to Nome In the Amcrl KMdlUon's plane and fr mmmbtn of the expedition headed by William Alexander to re turn (0 Nome in we nuswau Itacketsof Alexander, who U now instructed him to at Juneau, have comply with Msttern s requeat and iw Is expected U uxe on wujr PMtrbanka and Nome for Siberia. The Soviet government announced that the powerful relief sea- uwi vsw ---- r vr KnaoarovN mw " lortl Aiudyr ami Uwl IV ewhntr ftaturday. up mentartly for neurit. . . - - . . . . .i.. funm lllre tO -j im cents irom Fridays was renay . ,' j '"V rh nri-. ,,,1, , tn timl Mattern to Amerl-. c2 uc nn Paee Fiur) I Today's Weather HIk" ... 358 ajn. 20.7 ft. 16734 ptn. 19.8 (t. Prince Rupert Raining, moderate 10:10 ajn. 23 ft. southeast wind; barometer, 22:37 pjn. 5.9 ft. 29.98; temperature, 54; sea choppy. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ! No 159. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, JULY 10, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTS IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENT IN SILVER 7 kD FOR W3RLD FLIER MOVES FROM RUSSIA AND CANADA Moscow Sends Planes And Ships To Assist Mattern Resume Trip Ctnlrc of Alexander Relief Operations Moves From Prince Rupert to Juneau With Departure of Three Member of Party From Here Over Week-End H": Flying North King George and Queen Mary Have a Party limousines f visimig con few r delegates are seen lr. the ab"Vf pirure ,i -,hey ined up before me gates Windsor Castle, where a garden party wa-. held in the: r h nyr One humble citiaeh U attempting to cross between the ens. World Conference Expected To Take Action Boosting Price of" White Metal To 60c. Per Ounce POUND AT BIG MARK Ktachrs 13-01 In Montreal To-dsy, This Being lllthwt Trice Since Before War MONTUML, July 10: (Canadian rrc The pound sterling wsi quoled at 13.01 at noon here today, the highest price since the declaration of the Great War on Aututt 4, 1911. .NEW YOIIK, July 10: The Canadian dollar was quoted at Wac at noon here today after opening at 96c. The pound sterling was quoled at SI M. NEW YORK. July 10: (Canadian Frees) With the United States dol lar shrinking In value as a result of the aovernmenta) inflation policies. the Canadian dollar and the Britten pound sterling have been steadily Increasing In value comparatively on the local foreign exchange market. The Canadian dollar reached MVc on Friday, closing at 9He that dsy. The same day the pound reached $4.75. closing at $4.70. 4 C0riKK HOUNDS UPWAM) TODAY 1 NEW YORK, July 10. The price of copper took nnothcr sensiition- al jump upward today to 9c. Silvor was strong nt !i71c per ounco, Senator Key Pittman of United States Expects Success ; For His Plan (Jreat Hritain Adopts Attitude of i Raising Wholesale Commodity Prices ' " - - - t LONDON, July 10: (Canadian Press) An important development today in world conference circles was the announcement by Senator Key Pittman of the United States that he t-xpecteu the committee on silver to report favorably this week on the resolution for rehabilitation of the white metal. Pittman told the press that his expectation was baaed on the prospect that In-T? .1 T f ! dia would agree to limit sales of her rattier LCray IS huge stocks resulting trem the t 'melting of sliver coinage. He ad- Moved to Dawson int ot ,1? that the agreement wU allow India Well Known Itoman Catholic Church I'ricst is Transferred From Stewart to North He. Father Bmll M. Leray O. M. I., who has been stationed at Stewart for several years and la also well known at many other point In this district, has been transferred as parish priest of the Roman Catholic Church to Dawson, It Is announced, and will be leaving shortly for the Yukon to assume his new ecclesiastical duties. Father Leray, who has been In the city from Stewart for the past few days has become very popular and highly esteemed during his ministry in this district and his departure will be regretted by numerous friends without as welt as within the sphere of the church. He has been particularly active during hi residence at Stewart In ex-servicemen's activities, having served In the ranks with the French Army during the Oreat War W O. Fulton returned to the city OH this afternoon's train from his summer home Lakvke Lake. to sell between 30.00&0&0 sod 40.-000.000 ounces of sliver annually.! Pittman believed that. If the agreement was reached, the price of silver would rise to forty cents per ounce and that, after the understanding had been carried out by legislative action, wtisth he estimated would Uke about Six muBtha. the price would rise to fifty OT stxty cents. Speaking of conference matters In the Uouee of Common today, Fit. Hon. Neville Chamberlain. Chancellor of the Exchequer, declared that Great Britain's baste pottey was the raising of wholesale com nodlty prices. He declared that this was not possible by monetary action alone although certain mone tary factors must be present as necessary preliminaries to raising price levels. He maintained Oreat Britain's middle of the road policy between gold and non-gold coun tries, concluding by advising to "keep our heads." Capt. J R Elfert returned on thin afternoon's train from a visit to Lakelae Lake. Auditorium Pioneer Recreation Centre, Is Virtually Destroyed By Spectacular Morning Fire The scorched outside walls were all that remained standing today of the Auditorium, large pioneer rolling skating rink, dance hall and recreational and amusement centre on Sixth Avenue West, following a spectacular fire of mysterious origin at 2:45 this morning which virtually completed its destruction. The '"ss is placed at $4,000 or upwards and the building wax fullj insured. The owner, L. J. Marren. i Is at present in Terrace and there was supposed to have been no one in the premises since he left last Wednesday. AO doors were locked, windows screened and the key left in charge of a neighbor. The building, erected some 23 years ago, was two storeys in height, measured 10 by 50 feet and had a full hardwood floor for dancing No one was Injured and heavy rain and dead calm night aided the fire department In lis good work of saving adjoining buildings. Building AU Ablate The fire alarm was turned In at next door havtng started to bum. The fire, as far as the adjoining building, which Is uninsured, was quickly extinguished and with but. slight damage then efforts were concentrated on bringing the main conflagration of the Auditorium under control which was effected with rapidity by stringing four lines of hose Into the biasing structure. Sparks and embers were flying in the air for blocks around but It was raining hard and there was but little wind so they caused no further damage. The fire Is believed to have started in the front part of the building which was heated by a stove. As far as could be learned up to this morning, no one had been In the building since the owner left the city tor the Interior on Wednesday. Halibut Arrivals - American Spray, 36,060. Dooth. 7.6c and 4c. Hasel H, 18m Pacific, 7:9c and 4c. Zaresabo, tljeeo. and Tfcor. SjQeO, Royal, 7Jc and 4c Visiter, 7.000. Cold Storage. 7.6c and 5c. Canadian Inartd H.. 11.090. Attln. 8 and 3c. Clipper 11 1,soe Atna 60 and 3c. Viking, 15.000. CoM Storage, 15e and 3e. Southend, um, OoW Storage. 63c and Sc. Prosperity A., WJOOO, Ootd Storage. 5.8c and 3c Just Right. 1,500. Patltlc. 5.6c and 3c. Well Known Mining Man Passes Away ALTA. Cat . July 10 Canadian press) F W. Bradley, aged 70, mining engineer and president of the Alaska-Juneau. Bunker Hill and Sullivan mining eompanle. Is dead here. ON FLIGHT TO YUKON CoL D. R. MacLaren and W. Shelly of Vancouver on Way North Col. D. R. MacLaren D. 8. Western Canada manager of the Canadian Airways, was believed to be still stormbound at Bella Bella at the end of the week In the course of a flight from Vancouver to Car- cross. Yukon Territory, with W. C. RHatllv fnpmaw vtAlrula1 ml ntef am ?:M..by.HwMWftaanee. on board a Junkers me ouiuung aname iranm? nomej mnnnibM ,. EtS fLtoJS M. efieHy north to tblt some meek w uinh hic miki uv. department responded promptly but. by the time the firemen arriv ed, the whole Interior and roof was mining properties In the Yukon and Northern British Columbia in which the latter Is interested. A f tfrJt fVl Vffsi jT .am tsmn will iT?zzr? minntog,g thTjuTke pe fo ; JZlUr monoplane whhas been engaged tn commercial flying In the Yukon for the Canadian Airways with Norman Forrester as nlini rVh) 1t f s a T aran rohtrnlnit while Forrester continues his operations In the north with the Oerraan. The MacLaren plane, havtng failed to put In an appearance here during the fine weather Saturday afternoon, might have gone direct north without stopping here. It was thousht. CHICAGO TO ANCHORAGE A Loenlng amphibian flying machine put Into Prince Rupert Sj turday night at 7 o'clock from Van couver on Its way from Chicago to Anchorage, Alaska, In which district it will spend the summer engaged in raining work. The machine was still here today awaiting Improvement la weather before pro-eroding north. The Loenlng plane, bopping from Chicago on Jane 36. left Vancouver at 8 o'clock Saturday morning. Stops were made a Alert Bay and Swanson Bay. Lloyd H. Bauer la pilot of the plane, others on board being H Dries, mining engineer, and his son. Arthur. The plane also has on board some heavy mining equipment Stops were made on the flight from Vancouver here, which took; bout six hours' flying time, at Alert Bay and Swanson Bay. The ship, of which type few have been previously seen here. Is equipped with a 300 h p. Wright Whirlwind engine. Its speed Is about Simile per hour. The base of the season's opera tions will be made near McOrath, I Alaska, and Mr. Dries expects to .spend the summer there, calling : here in the fall on his way south, i The machine had unsettled show- , me waver a gooa qeai or me way owing to lew celling.