Third Avenue DAILY EDITION Spring Shoes Now Necessary And await your inspection You Cannot Smile if Your Feet Hurt We will give ,you foot comfort at reasonable prices UNION GOVERNMENT Phone 357 THE DAILY NEWS. PR1NCF. RUPEKT BRITISH COLUMBIA Punllsned Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Ltmltea, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - Managing-Editor ' SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance 5.0j For lesser periods, paid In advance per week IGj By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per yfar 3.00 By mall to all other countries, per year - 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch! per Insertion 1.40 classified advertising, per Insertion, per word , .e: Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate line .1: Tuesday, March 28, 1033 FIKST PLACB AOAIN After having dropped to third place in export trade has regained her position and now heads the list of CHANGE IN METHODS IS . INSTRUMENTAL IN MOKE itOI'EFt'L FA KM OUTLOOK With all this talk about union governments, it seems provement are shown in the cattle likely that some arrangement will be made to divide the UuaUn. . TEKRIBLE CLEAVAGE It is a terrible cleavage that has split the Conservative reduction the prairie farmer is solv- party. So bad i it that even the provincial executive has ms tne problem tor himacif. lie u decided it 1? Useleas to fitfht with any hope of victory. Ra- buying himself and improving hi thor than face si're defeat, which would also affect their land and hi doing it io admirable Dominion standing, they have declared strongly in favor fathlon- 1,e convinced a new of union. What they would like would be union with a gov- "dh",f mmIT 1 eminent led by a ConMrvative but they cannot get that. If wh whwlt lyt S ' they want to unite with Liberals it will have to bo an ad-continue to dimb back toward nimistration with a Liberal premier. higher levels Within the next few days or at the leant within a few weeks we shall doubtless know exactly what the line-up i.c likely kto be. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront nauona ottnfk world. Tne iimih Chancellor, in telling this Union steamer Venture, which to his constituents in Birmingham, laid that over two hun- ,truck a rock " village island m dred factories had been established in the country with 106 8kena Rlver rtent,y nd u- treaties. It s a happv story of a nation recovering from a ptalMi u m overhauled at (leadening deprevfiotl. North Vancouver prior to reaumlng ' - " 1 . 1 service on the legging camp run AH Ready For The Fair Hr'-elVing a HnaJ trctttmetit br! n h inn tn . :nr Miss Angela F.dcer of Pomonu. CnHfornf a, prepare her pet for the vudxei out of Vancouver before which, however, she may make one more voyage on the Skeena River route. The steamer Cardena la expected M make two more voyage on the Van-. couver-Prlnce Itupert-Anyox-Stew-art route before reverting for the summer to her regular run on the Vancouver-Ocean FalU-Okeena Rlv-er-rrlnee Ruixtt route. The steamer Cuuiu. which Is now reltevlnic on the cannery route, will then go back; on her regular run In place of lha Cardena. Tiipt W P. Armour left port at 2 oviork this morning with the C. N. for the w.-st roatt of Dundrts Island wni ft lie will superintend renewed eff'irtv o nnlve the aU known local huiibutti r Uvlngstono II which stranded und wink there recently The uhango of wind condition from the west to southeast Is hoped to aid tn the raising of the sunken ' ' Vessel. i PAOE TWO THE-DAII.Y NEWS .... ,!..Tuetday, M:i,,h ,8 m? FAMILY SHOE STORE Ltd. Zipper Days Nearly Over Man in the Moon (Continued from Paj?e V . "' J 1 Now there is so much talk about ; mcr believes quality products m a union, why not have a union of i diversified way will bring him itivl- those who want something ror ho- j dends. thing. I'm strong for It. , Better Wheat Trices ,, . ! i The recent smart upturn in wheat The people "ho are strong for ; prices brought encouragement in union of political force are the substantial form and increased hb uiis wiio object to union of labor potential purchasing power to the forces. i extent of $5,000,000. On March 1, '9 ' ' more than 50.000.000 bushels of .ne conservatives sent Hon. S. L. wheat held In store farms was on with ,fowe wfc pattullo to Join throughout the west by fanners tMm m ft unWn administration, who refused to sell at the market might as.wall have sent Ad-( low. A large quantity of this sur- 0, h mUcr ' ! plus was marketed a few j days at prices 10 to l cents a bu- . , . she! above the low level of mid- n ' UnA 4Z ?? " " December. Deliveries from country lf JT P J elevators Increased from ftajfto to . the me Mt" ln 500.000 busheu dally. iaet u,,ton iernmflt for ou. Sub-soil moisture, depleted throughout the west In the past the union of hd to four years for lack of general rains -pan between harvest and freeze-up. U Uons bu- " dw n01 P"""1 her said by grain men to rTor the far- grafting on there in Manchuria, mer this year. A recent survey In , r y, Saskatchewan. hail-raked test aut- Jake say the. world is. ruled by umn by soil-blowing wind aiMl word, lh Italy they have the Fas-blisterlniheat. showed the average cists, ln Germany the Nazis and soil moisture 93 of normal. In Al- here they will net be satisfied un-berta It was 87 and in Manitoba less they have union. 1 95. Given a fair crop, with wheat; prices already In the ascendency,! A small boy went Into a grocery the west hopes to break the shackles store for a box of matches. Present-forged on it by three lean years. ; ly he returned, saying: ' Already benefits of the Ottawa -please, mother say these mat-Imperial conference agreement dies won't light'' are being felt ln the agricultural "Went tight." cried the grocer, west The circl of those who seek "Why took here!" and he struck diversification in farming is rapidly one of the rear of his trousers, widening. Due to the disappearance: The boy took the matches away, of an available surplus and a stron-' but presently returned with them ger export demand, pork and other once more. meat prices have shown a sharp hi- -please, s4r, mother says she has crease daring the past few weeks., not time to eoroe and scratch all It is estimated farm purchasing her matches on Jmi." oower in the region tributary to Winnipeg alone has. Increased 2t,r 000 weekly. Definite signs of Im- C. N. R. Trains provmce on other than the old party lines. Many Conser- Turn to MUed Farming For the East Vatives Will back T. D. Pattullo no matter what the offi- Large herds of sheep and cattle Mondays. Wednesday and Frl cial Conservatives do about it. that is why there is such a tn contracted for by wheat 8:30 scramble to get in the band Wagon with the present oppo- 31 ay.rsday and t Sltlon leader. fled farming for the read back to day r TW. . 10H5 pin. There are hundreds of Conservatives tvho will back normal time. Thu i eniy one item ' . Pattullo, if only to defeat W. J. B0Vser. They say that in the story of succefui effort of Bowser has double-crossed Premier Tolmie and knifed the a livestock scheme initiated by pro-present administration occasion. government and farm or-look on every possible They on him as a traitor to the party and will vote for any ,lnl(tM, , ,,, , . , . Specialtots, representaUve of pro-group it that to him of office. He seems likely keep out never vincta, government, are working as 4was popuar because of his hard cynicism. As attorney- "hason offfeer- directing the far-general they tolerated him and admired his talents for mer toward raising of quality p-machine government but when he-became premier he was dncte- Acrr of prf terMl ,lfofCf cr, ft,n- ,a trffl4ra Ufnra Via nmin on Brew the werld'a fbiest wheat raise his head politically. It was the votes of independent Conservatives that defeated him. will be set aside for the ratting of barley and beef, honey and hog during the coming year. While wheat-producing nations of the worM busy themaelvee with plan for a diseuseion ef acreage i Koll Ljoiir owrers . . i (ountcqmer! Lend us your ear! Ogden't Fine Cut cigarette,, tobacco it lint tignl lo "roH'you?Owti.M It meatutet up in every Way to a man's notion of what d clga rette tobacco ougnt to be I Easier lo toll or one thing. And a far better cigarette when the rolling's done arid you light it up. "Yes, sir. you'll jke Ogden's Fine Cut. It gjves pu the combination yooW.fpOKiiHj' for in cigarette tobacco fragrance . . . iwieetnesi . . absolute soiisfae'tton. Tha,'f worth a cheer any agyl P.S.-Free "Chantecler" cigarette papers with every package. OGDEN'S FINE CUT )'iurff yiotf tgtUn't Cut Plug Scene During Cleveland Air Races 'i-t'A . . ; v-.l ,ft. ' ',: . - , ; I I'" L- A . ) .... jKannnnnBniflBVannVBnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng&Bniijn What wm l.uina in sitd iut nude up m gi; alien tlane powered by OX -5 .:.' OXX-ft m tors raced at OveUnd recently Tl is Pilot Al Newman rounding the pyli-r. NORTHERN B. C. NEWS NEWHAZELT0N BURNS LAKE R. W. Wtison ot Vancouver, who I Interested In two or three mining properties on !ludoa Day Mean-luln and on Dome Mountain, ha returned to the district after a buai- net trip ln the south. He will be In charge o4 opemUana in the tetarier duilng trjrfcr!tihopt to Safe .quite a number of man we king. It. I reported that a small hail sultabU for aard pattiea and sewll dances Is being fitted up la lUiei- toa. The new total beirwc built by Oa cHrkttanaon in New Haseiton la being mentioned in the Vanowm radio breadaU aa a ileal ruble pUee for tourM to stop at ixt summer. ; Nels Edin ha retained to Bndake after reeeivlng treatment In the l Haaelton IIoepltaL dreat quanittiea of ahew have disappeared In the mild weather ef late. No snoner waa the fw gene ! off spats in the garden than rhubarb tfrd ItiHns were seen fefefog 'themelr through the grdttnd. SMITHERS.. II. O. Wmdt ha bean appelated , idittriet deputy grand pmldent by; the National council of the Native Bona of Canada. j ' MembeM ot the Bvelyn badmhitan eJub will Invade the loaal.eiurtl i this week in a series of games with th local players, fyomt sixteen . players are expected to eoraa, ; With Ughtnlng-ltke rapidity that t not often met with in court Judge (HobrtMo dtsmiaaod a charxe of theft laid against Dora Hubcr by her foster-father P. Hubei Tin- ( use arose out of disposal of a 1.1 in from the Hubtr farm. Several -witnesses were called by the opposine turces, they were dealt with In A hurrv and,! at theVondnSlon, ill Honor threw' th issue out of court. i J. II. Johnson, brother of Hurry I Johnson of Smlthera, w one ot the ! heavy lowers ln the recent earthquake nt Long Bench. Gal. A handsome reaidence. built by Mr. Johnson at a cost of $20,000. was almost completely shaken down. None of ; the family, however, were Injured. Darrtll Wall, srn ot Mr. and Mrs: Q. II Wall of Smlthera, mlrneuleuv ly ewcaped losing an arm n few days ato. While at wnrk cutting wood with a power saw at Seymour Lake. Darrell slipped in sueh a way that his forearm came In contact with the saw and ho received a hasty aush that, required several ctltchea, to cioso I By InstrncUon of the Minuter ot Mutes, the resident mining engineer for the Oatlneza district, Douglas Lay. wlM give a aerie of lectures at Barn Lake on March 30 and 31. The subject of the lectures will be lude gold and placer gold mining. Special reduced rates are being, ot fared by the Canadian National Hallways for the Barter holidays l Uv teachers and pupils who prmnt special certificates. Pftot Bitty WeliTreturned hone last Tuesday from Qnesncl where he has been in two plane crashes I stnee he left here it the begtarnng j of March. On both oeeationr both Bboei wrre amashed bat no Htm ' lost The Canadian Atrwmfa Own- pany's Pokker plane from CnrcroM will be her In few day and Mr Weil wHI then take etnrg af thtt and resume his duties a DRINK SPORT CHAT The basketball play nf; -piung tonight will consist of ., , , ,s two gnmes. toAl for the league champion-t, ladies' game will utait Ui ram 0( with the intermedial' una uu n. nlor following In order " - The Olympic Dimes o mr, m to he held In Uerlln nr. , ,irra(iy the munleipal anthorl1.. ,,( t,j. German capital are bmv with preliminary arrani ,-nu In one way at least o,.r. man Olympic Oommltter : Ing work with a real .1 . p ,, the Olympic Stadium, btnii m t)'r forast of Orunewald. .1 -uburtj rr ne'rlln, fer the gamo ' Whlch were not held r. -. , .,. . the World War Tlu-wlilci. at present has a , parity of 40.000. K to instructed and enlarged . xliurr, a provide luom tor Miwheir between 76 000 ana lOO.OOi) ; ' , .,r- He t 4x feet two -weigh IM poanda. canv fmoi a farm In North Carolina 1. ni. feir year oid. n' ..vr.) brother, two of whom .in n pro-fr-islnnal baseball and t!:: ik uru or the brotheja is a beitu )Urrr th.'n hlnteif. and that -a nin,t Is better than both W.i i 1 n i mnlor-leatue contract tn !r tblpptd to Tetre Haute j;. 1 :. ail, entered th big lecneK m ii09 v-though bTouht up on .. ixxcm farm in a com-linuor w. :.r 'u, never used eMher and doe nu- tr. tend to use them, is un strict training and reta'.uiv );-part of his salary to m homr talks. A silent, firm-lswed rh-un living, alhlelie young man Wn-ley PsrreU. big-league purtm.K srr With the approach of pr various apart champion n itr are looking Intently In '.N- oirer-tloa of the earning rmapeuutr season Seete view n with a iiw(.-fled anticipation of triumpw v rem. OtheM view It wiUi an rqu-alljf JnMttled ooovkstlon Vni br fall some contender iii h knocked- theJr hard en twm off their savating bros An.1 m Others view the summer vw ef activity wttt mixed feeling nth hope of rartea and fear f failure Bdwte TOton. dOOble .r.nrr ot the Oeympie aprinu. hrmiih with amaUor eompeiiunn So t "Dane" rHotrkaon. who ami ' the three event that thr ninniSr rate afJDWod her to .nter Bui Carr. winner of tie 400 meter probably wtU take a ret !mm cin dcr-path competition aft.-- hr hw given 'niaain' Ben" Eim i i the (Stanford University fia-ii 't ehot at him tn the Intermits AA-AA Ohamplonslup- --'-' May -afllawiaal URmM 0 Oti. wu iniAUt anytbMi mer l mum Uiss k umH meat rms ' Cai.adlan barltj mall, B C MS. ttnr ytit and purr muunuio eir Tit.-" r.- Utt uiftdlrnu at flUfnrr U- hleh mike It 10 good w drtnk in il' Unirt. 2 ff f't Hwa t'irlMt (AU-gZ.IO rrf 1 Vancouver Breweries Ltd. j tirnrti tni Butllert : ' PlUsner. Dutch Girt. CsKad. U, II. C Uolttmiin Bteti. i Old Country Alt snl Citim Stout ' iTIlis sdvi-i li m. in 1- mi' inMiif . ii-i '. c.l l) ttir i.ilW I Control HoiU r l) ttf liuvet iKurrii ol iii tuih"'' If your paper docs not arrive, telephone the offic .1