j r v nun i ti I'hirr Mi 1 i T s This Week For Three Days Only The Hoxall store H.I Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup THURSDAY, - FRIDAY, he committee. Am.! ""' i ii revised hto nvo-- : ad that the bvlaw "f 4kL Ruddeititm i. tha. easting vote mow ui taw of the Biask.Oa4ey, Rod-i' Kburjr. the other Mwrrtkng: 'ws on the mattje. put and the bytew Anh Aid BtofkvOa-I ham iUaentlng ici Ourrie. Bso- Piltsoury were tftpnPmer,t,t 'vent to the CiM Settled In Chest Caused Racking Cough "mina Uto r I kaU a Ktera eoW akiah aettW la mj ant taatisg sack a rackrtt. eougk it ml fal.Ua to w,r-. f0" my ... at , til PTlei 35 a bottWi larga drag 'aad taaeral ttewa; l" "I1 MV bX 1-Mfrn 64; Ltd , TV-ai.'. ' I N10N STEAMSHIPS LIMITED March 30 March 31 - April 1 Ormes Ltd. fut Pioneer Druggists IA I' 1 1 II. I V Tt 1 1 n t I V IT 1 V . 1 OF PARADES TREE SEEDS Decide Thai Police Kilka Spruce Form Lane Hulk of j uld Give Sanction t Shipments Thk Year providing that those iMradOT In this city Mfi obtain sanction i x. ire waa totally rerouted by the city .notion for holding i ,u!il h tn tha tianiit nf 1 NEW WE8TMIN8TER. March U CP Farther sropments nf tree shipped too pounds of spruce fathered on the Queen Charlotte bland; puii Of Western hemlock. 0 pounds of Western larch , ,i buck to the cora-i'1 Dlne 14 pound of red alder: tt of white fir. 35 pounds of Dour la fir and 75 pounds of lodge This la the first year that alder staipmente have been made. Owing to Its rapid growth alder will be osod as wind brake or cover , tor too conifer leertllngs. One ponod of IUta spruce eonUlns 75.000 seed. Use Imperial rwestry Conimlsaton f,'l raising the seefliings in nurser- Z nr; for P Xm a k sjjw tmittor- acr- there'W'ere parades i Douglas fir seeds shipped to the noiu ahd the bhtwjOld Country from the local plant 10 'vatta) AM Dmy years ago have now developed into - ham bfttti eipres- 'aK alaed trees averaging 25 feet In height. Owing i me poor crop conifer cones this year the govern -nenl la onsek to nil large orders rcelved from the Imperil Forestry ( ommteston. For the first time of altka spruce are being Iriah Free State Blrmrt Wirt rrincs Rupert tf VanoiUT!- f tai.. r.vrnr tulsdav. i:o r.M. KiiUand WayrolnU. Due Vancouver ThuradaypJ. vkjiti'rk I:f.rV fuhiay miniiit. "uver Monday am. and Naas 1 to Port aimpaan. Altee Arm. Anv.x. Sirt Kl I'KKI flrdlU aa tHUasa and '" l Jfik ii aVawaOiOaglllll Mil gl aaWOaWOaWOaWOaWOM BnwS 1 LAjawPbaaaaLr a gggH jFVaMaaRa Kjf JlTetaiTillujarrlta M iJlt c H r-QafsTgggggl W1., arkri Uiala, ra-MrrM gHH W faiaa b4 taaatat tea. .' J Phones 81 and 82 The Survival of the Sweetest By Barbara Brooks i BRAN GRIDDLE CAKES l uneeup bran, l cup Hour, l table spoon sugar, 2 teaspoons baking powder. V teaspoon salt. 1 egg. lVfc ,trd from Brit ish Colombia are go- Cuos roilk. 1 tablespoon melted tng to the United Kingdom where ahortenldg. null I lh ImperU1 i9 Commission, j Mix and sift flour, sugar, baking l""on ttitwtur jreftt-esutlon operations since 1W1 I -m . stated that In j in an f lort to overcome the dusnage Aid Casey s amend-lCAUMd 0, r,lUing during the wot.1 'ek he hod come to .... smee ine New Year, seea exuac- si plant In various sections of -1 not the police. Hoi1 CU l:'?""1 Sitka ..ike this motion rr it The mayor ruled ut of1 order . atating would have to be iwwuci mim wm, whi uiau. vvuunuc en with mfflc and add to the dry tngiwdlMna Add. melted shortening. Ba& thoroughly arS bake on a hot griddle. Yield 1Q cakes. 5-Uh diameter The real attSU caont be dlacour ,aged.-Mch& Oman. g J Announcements I Moose Dance March 31. Royal A pro 4. Pwrpte brMge-whlst on fiagtea' Dance April 7. Pf bytertaa Spring Sale April 12 Rotokah April 11 Queen Mary daaoe April If. hard tfcne danee 3c. Chapter Daffodil CalnoUc Spring Sale and Soclat April lsth. Angnran April It. 20 Spring Sale and tea. United Church Raster Sale April JONES FamBy Meal Market T-Bone, boniKl St rolled. 4 Swift' Bacon. 1 lb. Prune Rib Rolled, 4 lbs. Bacon, 1 lb.-Sirloin Tipper lb. Howrwt Steak, 2 lbs. Potatoes. 10 lbs. Leg of Lamb- per lb. Loin of Lnmb-- per lb. Shoulder Lamb. S lbs. re, t th Freali Kftled Ftiwl- per lb Larri- 3 lbs Pork Sausage 2 lbs. Liver, I lb. Huron . 1 lb Pork Chops 2 lbs. Leu of Pork per lb. ,bs si si , 0S7 Phone 957 I 15(5 50C 20c 20c 75c 22C 35c 25c 25c 25C 15C BI DAJLYrTaWS May LOCAL NEWS NOTES ONE ONE For day and. ntgbl fail service Seasoned Box-ends, $1.00 per SALE! FhOne 32. tt load. Albert & McCaffrey. tf. CENT CENT Basketball championship game. Mrs. A. Dlngwel! left on the Car-tonight, 7:30, Auditorium. derift this afternoon for the south. One or twp local gardens arej . A. P. Hills of Babine Lake was a showing daffodil; blooms pwrilhgj passenger on the Oarderra this af-their yellow head, above ground.- jtemoon for Vancouver. Repairs to the iiclntyre Blocr j Charles Graham, inspector of nmcftinllne to t0. were approved : mines, returned to the city on the iat the meeting of the city council' Carcena this morning from a trip last night. ito Stewart on official business. The tin Master, with the Home' SPECIAL UntH April 1st. Clean-bll scow, was in port yesterday, ed and presaea. Ladles' Coats. 11. leaving In the aerbon for her Men's Overcoats UM. Carpets 30c. return trip south. Pr square yard. Canadian and Pl- . . . . oneer Laundry. 73 Accounts for two weeks ending, March 24 were raised for payment The Dominion Bureau of Statis- I at the regular meeting of the city tie rays that the wholesale cost of council last night . prodtttts is very lightly less than .. lit was in 1313. Retell prices are J. Oarrett returned to his home slightly higher. at AtHn yesterday afternoon on the Princess Norah after spending "" " : the last few day with his. son. ' . ( . I Jaek, who reaides in tbt city. Mrs. T. A. I toss anS son. Douglas, left on taat nght'i train for their home at Jasper after spending a month with Mrs. Ross' parents. Mr. and Mrs. II. kniia of this city. 11. McEwen. district passenger and freight agent for the Cana-j dbn and National Railways, sailed on the Princess Norah yesterday1 afternoon for Ketchikan on official duties, A copy of the minutes of a special meeting of the Union of B. C. Municipalities fn connection with the discontinuing of relief was read by- the city council last night and ordered filed. Mrs. Percy Wood, whose hus band recently died at- Stewart, waa a passenger abeerd the" Cardeni today bound for Vancouver where n ft her intention to tike, up, future reatdene'e. Union straraer Cardeni, Cap't A. EL. Dtekson. rttntnei . Jo poH at 9:20 thi mornlrie from Ahrox. sale. $2 a big load. Uelfirered Phone Rid fiAR Ion Dairy tj, E. O. Aves of the provincial taxation office here returned to the &ity on the Cmrdena this momtef from a trip to Stewart on otrielstt duties. W M- BMekstoek, local manager ot tr.e Canadtan Bank of Com Stewart and other northern .pobla mercev tu the speaker today at and sailed at 1:38 thiT afternoon tfae regular weeWy Hmeheon of the on regular schedule to Vancou-; Prince Rupert Ovro ctoh hi the Ver and wuypolnts Jehri Haahti. tetefah mining man of the Portland Cahdl district, who Is better krlown as "Joliri the Finn." wiWA pa ssfrler aboard thejibscnt recently an ior a nustness mp io van eouvtr. MUs Hilda Murray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Murray, left on the at. Cardena UiU "afternoon for Tranquille where she" will enter tht hospital- far special nurse training. Miss Mvray rs a pupil nurse of the Prime Rupert CJPJt. Princess korah was in port late yesterday afternoon on: her way to Alaika with, a large 1 1 passenger list, intluolnK Yukon ii and Alaska, people tolaback to their homicS" Hi ', sp?ridlnR winter In Uie sonih iflKf i large number ol prospecWri for the in-ror. ' - ( Inspector Joint Shlrasv provin cial police, loft on last night's train for a brief trip to Prince Oeorge on official duties, A fire is. reported to have broken out in tht police barracks in the provincial government building at Prince deorgr uui it Is undenlood, at fat as can be learned, to have not been serious. Dr. J. II. Carson, well known local medical practitioner, who has been .n Vienna for the past few months engaged. in post-graduate work with a view to resuming practice here as h eye. ear, hose and throat specialist, is expected to retorn.o the city In about a month's time. Dr. Carson's health Is reported to have ;reatly improved since he has been oversea the Ifctt auditor report, that was Uld on the table at the last meeting, was feroutrvt up again for general dlku&ton it the city -ouncll meeting last night. Aid Wtich scould not see thai' it was necessary td hav wvt heavy ex erlse on the aiulit He felt tint It should, at le . be cut down so that the tost, I piininK wuuld not be so nuich. The matter waa left in the hand of the fuiunce commit 'ee. Advrrtbe In tht DU Kewi- Boston Cafe. PreeMent T. W. Brown was In the chair and welcomed beck to their place H N Brock-' lesby and O. A. Hunter, two mem-j bers of the club, who have been' treatment, . receiving surgical MACKENZIE FURNITURE 227 Third Ave. Phone 77$ BED LOUNOES Couch In daytime and makes a full size bed Special, with pillow RENT $15 A Radio, Sewing Machine, Typewriter McRAE RR0S., LTD. Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry iVeckt Total capacity 2f,0t tons shipbuilders an'd Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Iran and Brass Casting glee tt Is snl Acetylene Welding 54-Ua Derrick for Heavy Lift Sawnittt and Mining Mschlnery Keyalrtd and Overkauled New Style Wash Frocks In a pleasing assortment of Tub-Fast Fabrics Full range of sizes 79c alia $L25 each WALLACE'S - Ladies! Phone 9 Third and Fulton Here is Your Chance to Buy Furs at Half the Regular Price Wo have a large selection of abses. silver and other foxes, and other for goods especially suited for spring wear. Just as soon as things pick up these goods will all sell at twice present prices. GOLDBLOOM The 6td Reliable K Classified Ads CRY -P. I IC 15V FOR SALE , FOUND l FOR SALE-Chrysler Coach. 1926.FOUND on Third Avenue pair of OZw he Healing ; Ctan for jSQDQ; National Cash Resiater.j ladies' line kid gloves. Apply CV.1 n.,r. r.l $75.00; Toledo Counter Scales. ! Dally Nevs. 5CaldS, y ums. UtS, $73.00 official AdmfntstrwWr. - -1- - . ..tK?eJtg&: , Teiephone No. 74. TRANSFERS moving, chairs for Tent. tf PERMAN1OT WAV1NO $1.35 ii np i Ladle'. Mens Hair Cutting CLEANING & PRESSING Nelson's Beauty Shoppe. 1 PIANO TUNING 'IAN OS Tuned $3.00. Walkers Mi-jste Store. tl PAINTERS 'AINTINO and PaperhangJng Molfer. Phone Red 302. PRINTING Office Supplies Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 231 The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping Is Oeneral Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO. J. DAWES Phone Black 120 i PRICES reasonaoie. Benkendorf, i Third Ave., next door to Dally News. WATER NOTICl. TAKE NOTTCB Dm J. B WoodvCh. Mftn saST Point Orey Road. Vmfittf ver. B.C. V1U tppij tat UorBae totett and iu 100 eu. K. per weoad. tad store 100O0O acre fert oik of Oaaar Lake into 8urf loir. TIM beteg th ! racondtUooto. ot TW4ltOBal wtr U-: nm I7S-9. Tttis water vOt b nM (or powar puffMkva Tti aatlee ni poe4 ' od fW ground on the etgOtrantil 07 ; of Prbroary. A eeef f (Mi no- i uoe and an aapitcatioa pMrwaat there-10 and to tr Water Ac" wltt fUed. Is th office of Uw water rrcortkf t maer Shifwrt. OMteeloea to tbt a-pcUoa may r fud with the uM ratrr rertrd r ar artth tha ComatNOer of Water Rihu Paiilamant BuUdter. Wtoru t.B C . tthin thirty dj inr the Ant ippeanmce t tbta neon m local oevapaaar Ttw data of ttoe tint puhllrMtoo Of tnM notice liana 18. II J B WOODWORTH. AOCiinaai For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra VMet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage AM at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 241 Phones Green54S, Exchange Block Cold Weather Comfort Take a clip of hot Bovnl just, before you go to bed. You will sleep better, and will be building up a valuable reserve of strength against colds, chills and Influenza. DRINK BOVRIL AND INCREASE YOUR STRENGTH so 3 2 3 il t - 2 Z 3 3 3 ' X 2 .X X i a il :x --.a ..8 s to a