ntsz two ... - j . THE DAH.T NEWS May id. m BONUS ARMY VANCOUVER 6 11 -mm IN SESSION IS COMING THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCE ItLPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Publtsned Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince,. Rupert' Dally News Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PTJLLEN - - - ManaglngrEditor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance For lesser periods, paid In advance per week By mail to all parte ol British Columbia, the. British Empire arid United States, paid in advance, per year . ' By mall to all other countries, per year - . ,, ADVERTISING KATES. Transient display advertising, per Inch, per uvertfon unwilled advertising, per Insertion, per word Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line Local readers, per insertion, per nne - - uUiict iMico Editor and Reporters' Telephone Advertising and Circulation DAILY EDITION Member Audit Bureau of Circulations THE NEW COMMISSIONER W. J. Alder has taken charge of all civic affairs as commissioner appointed by the provincial government He has asked for the co-operation of all Prince Rupert people. The commissioner has an opportunity to do a great deal for the city and we bespeak for hint every possible consideration and help in the work to which he has set his hand. So far as this paper.is concerned, we shall do all in our power to forward the interests of the city and We believe We can do that best by co-operating with the commissioner. Ws have faith in Prince Rupert and its future and sol has Mr. Alder, If we all work together and make a deter- mined effort we shall soon have a prosperous community here, tjie eentre of a huge prosperous district T. DUFF PATTULLO In Sunday's mm of the Vancouver Province George Murray writes a snappy article about Prince Rupert's member in the Legislature, T. Duff Pattullo. In it he mentions the early days when money was scarce. The Pattullo family went to Port Dover for the summer and T. Ds father sent him the train fare to come to visit them for the week-end. Instead of taking the train he walked the whole distance, forty miles each way, and used the money to buy things for himself. Toward Uie end of the artiole Mr. Murray dfscusees the present situation and says: "He has reorganized his party, has consolidated his position a leader, ami in new all set for the provincial election! "In a eme-rmm fight against the Conservatives led by Dr. Tolmie, Duff might not de so well; Rut with a thoroughly divided Tory camp PfittuHo's chances are much better. "One thing is certain that if Duff Pattullo even gets the reins of office at Victoria, there -will be actjoni There was always something doing in hfc department when he was minister of lands. "The Vancouver Province recently gave Duff a sound trouncing on the grounds that he is a rabid partisan. In reply Duff accused The Province of undermining public confidence by 'belittling the work of our great public " Mother of Pearl Pen Used by King On Auction Block WINNIPBO. May 11 -A mother ot prari pen with which King George the.' the Duke of York, signed the visitor' book at Oov-erosneat House hare while the late Sir Daniel McMillan, who died recently, was Ueuteaani Oevoraar of Manitoba, wm sold at auction for $7.50 Police Frame-Ups In Toronto Never Heard of by Him TORONTO, May 18 - Former In- speator of Detective Alex J. Murray detiand at the ratamed hearing of thr lnqiiny into the Dorland "frame-up" that he had never known In thltty-four years of police exo'-rlrnrr ;i mun to have been "fiamcd by the point' In Toronto 5W 10.- 3 no 0.00 1.40 U-IS Jis wu application. S6 Telephone JSt Tuesday, May IS, 1933 Local Man Gets Publicity From Ford Advertising. The Pord Company in its ad-'arttslng circulars is using part of i letter from Roy O Van der Shift m Prince Rupert whleh saye: itave Just completed a trip of 4.- m EoUes. Highest speed registered ai IS miles per hour. Used 7m salloas (American' of gas, as av- YBg af slightly better than W aUtw per gallon. A retnarkaUe itfitovement for an 8-cytlrder ear." There U also In the same folder i lettdr from M. S Stephens of lourteBAf, n. C. a brother of M. M Stephene of this etty. letlta of i run he made. SILVER AND COPPER ON NEW YORK MART NEW YORK. May 16 Silver war d here today at Mfe. an wfttse and oopper at 7e. a. pound. VANCOUVEH WHEAT VANCOUVER R'a.s quoii d fu n May 16 Wheat today ut C41; i Troubles .Multiply For Administration in Washington WASHINGTON. DC, May 16: Bonus army troubles have multiplied for the administration as marchers, the vanguard of which began .to arrive a few days ago, have i now reached thousands in numbers, coming from many different parts J of th country. While others have been lifting into the dty, differences have beset the marchers al-r ready hre On the whole, however, 'the annual convention of the bonus (army, still in progress Here. 1$ an orderly gathering in contrast to the tumultuous demonstration af last year. The. mweher have come by foot and on busses, trucks and trains. jTha Veterans" Bure au has been en- deatortng to provide all with food and lodgings during their stay. Defence Society Formed by United States Scholars VIENNA. May !: Three student wan injured in eiaahae between Nae and onderaTedwaiee af a local university and. as a mtA of nine United States undergraduates having been injured, the tetter hve formed a 'Self Defense Society " Un-German Books Are Consigned by Students to Fire BEHL1N May lfr Students ear- ryfrvg terefeee and Next banaera paraded the streets of BerUa to t UntveraKy wtteve the unintag, tea- tlireJ of trn-Oerman held. Smoke y SmoklMa Smoke Beit and you'll soon be hOgden s Cut Plug fan. It makes no difference wfiat kind of a pipe you smoke. It will be a far better and more satis-fying pipe when you light up a bowlful of Ogden's Cut Plug. It's fragrant . . . and cool . , and mellow as chummy a pipe tobacco as you ever touched a light tol OGDEN'S CUT PLUG 1 yeu "roU.your own", tut Ogden's fine cut titTttlt tobatto and Chanlecter ciiarctU paprri Canadian Warship Will be Visitor tit In Port for Couple of Days This Week I H. M. C. s. Vancouver, in the; course of a coast cruise, will arrive here an Friday and remain f ota day or two, city QsmmissioneT W i Al , der has been advised. Lieut. Com-1 mander Louis J? M Oauvreau is in command of the oVm royer. Tim Buck Gives i Evidence in Pen, l Rioting Hearing KIN08TON. Ont May 10; -Tim Buck. Toronto Communist leader recalled as a vritne v, when the trial resumed of convicts alleged to have taken part In a riot, said tht the deputy warden appealed to the old timers to prevent violence. Herridge Now Getting Better Canadian Minister U United States Suffered Krlapse Fotlenfnc Appendix Operatlen OTTAWA. May 16: Canadian Preset Slight eemphcaMone have ei In in the ease of Ilea. W. D. Her-rtdge. Canadian minister to the United State, who stiff ered a relapse after an operation for appendicitis but he la reported to be pro-gresarrig as well as can be epeeted. Supplementary Estimates Are TabledMonday OTTAWA. May 16; 'Canadian Press Further sqppJemenUry e-tlsnatea tabled in tpe lleaee of Com-rnans yesterday by the finance minister. Hon Edear N. Rhodes. toUlled njmMt. Brrtii Oofumbia receives Vancouver Plane Here Enrouteto Alaska Capital Taking E. O. MacDoneld of Van-eaover and son on a hunting trip to Alaska, a Boeinsj flying boat arrived here from the south at 11 o'clock this morning and. afier refuelling at the Union Oil Co., left In conttou-ation of its night t Juneau. W. O. IMland was pilot of the plane. London War Dead Honored by Nazi fiermsns Sslote Cenotaph Menu ment tt nrltih-f1nt Time It lias Orturred London. Sng.. May H.'-For the first time in the history af Lenders the cenotaph monument of Oreai Britain's war dead reoeived the Oerman Nazi salute. Body of British Clergyipn Found Off French Coast CHEItnOUna. Pranee. May 10: A hfody believed to be that of Canon Horace Monroe, sub-dean of South-wark Cathedral, London, has been recovered ffem the tea 30 mites from the French roast by a fishing boat. 411 The Dairy News'can be pur chased at . 4 Post Office News 8Uuid4 S2g Ornnvllle St., Vancfjuvert Karl Andertpn. Prlnci OeorEe, B.C. B. W. Illley. Terrace, B.C. Oeneral Store, Afiox. Smlthcri Drug 8tnr, Smith-era. B.C. " t During Final Test Match in A Ion' :ia:' H It h' ' : SOFTBALL AT HIGH SCHOOL Senators Defeat Titer by Score of 5 to 4 In yeaterdars ffsNare af the Urea tUbaal ssfthail taaffte Ifca enaten eeereesae the Titer ia a hard-fiMfbt gatae 5 to 4. Prom th? outset both teams were alsylhg tight ball. The Tigers drew first blood in the sero-d inning when one rma enmad Use mate in the third. Hie Senators draw in the equaliser An- error to th outflaM was rr- K tK. Tm. i iw. v. wt..SVllt Senators, by a run of hitting equ- eMeed the seere ia Use fifth. It was nof ueM tte seventb in "ted however when the oomblned efforts at Small ard MrsCaffery broke the tie. The T)f en were qtffckiy rettreo hi rhe laet half of the seventh. For trie Senators A nan. Otta ad Baeetnaeh were stnsag tei the tafieed while Gajapbell was a oan- atstem Mtter. Tatoey and bane served wet tbr tHe Ttbera Mrs. Hutching Winner Again Vancouver Winn an Defeat Victoria Opponent In It. C. 0lf Title Una I VICT0MA, May M: 'Caaad.an Preeai Mm. Vara Hutch tags of fihansjiwasty 01b. Vancouver, won the British Callmata wosaen'a golf ehahwjIanaMt for Use fourth year hi sneoasiion when she dafeated Mrs B R Philbrirk of VVetarta with fttml aaote of staand five. ok aHlt reftftn with a want ad 1 Australia d9sS4flHHe nnnHirT fl&gvNMgavw v a'. Sydney AuV.raUi Ley'. GIANTS ON T0PAGAIN tejdaee I'iratea in NstKmsI hritae Leadership Indian Martin t. ItetluciM PII'IBHITRO. May 16 nm..!. .raaii Mew York Oiant .mi. . jtte yesterday retained rmt ia the Nattonai Leagae v.iu u .-nalhawattraJ ma ma of irai in tear the PtttaSjarg Ptrw t. ilaivked the Phillies here In the American Vmw Uiad Indian were deirni taParkby thePtdladeliihu A t 'ties who needed bat one run :he Cleveland martin of mipr- n nm the world rhamnion New Y . Yanto was reduced to half ?. m. Yesterday's Rig Leasue awre as foltows Amrriean Ieafue Cleveland 0. Philadelhui i Nslional Irstoe j Philadelphia 4. Pltubtir. s Baseball Standings NATIO.VAD LKAOIT, W. L T' 'lew Yark 14 a Prttabarg Cincinnati It u si Looks IS i: Oiwohtya it 11 Chicago 11 14 Bwtaa It 1 Philadshjihta . 17 A.MKKItttN i.mcitir. Cleveland 17 10 New York ll 9 l Washington . lg 11 chteago ! 1t Piiiladelahla . IX ii 'DitroM 10 II V 8t Louts It 17 Beaton f is ' HENNESSY BRANDY i ' BOTTLED FRANCE his advrtiJHMitt is uui jhjuIimIhhI ur dl-iiinyed rn thi i.muar Contf.il lltanl or by tfM Jovernront of Hrll' Colomhla Lei (he Daily - A ,i '.u! Ill ',!n' fl .; :n.i (i ( 1 He,.;;, Ui leg Li: .i CANADIAN I.IXilON LINE I P The Canadian Union aAoeunofi the follewing line-up foi this evening s Oilhuly Cup-football game kfawi.tt Caiudiiin Labor Defence Leaeoe: Pierre 8Ule and WaUon. Uaddon, Baa Carrie and Odker Baytle. J. Carria, i. K. Marsay. T Baaaanlch and S. Contadina: re-verve, D MorrLsun c. l. n. u Li.vn.ur The Canadian taaar Defe- Lmauie Uae-ap far tanHM's Ian ier League hMtMl game agatn-Cinadean Legion: . WaBcsr: P Ooasea and 1. Mae 4. M Riy. M Coasallna a d H H DIHiem. J. How. W. A iCU"3TTon M. Maoaire and P Vaschrr: rsservet. Trevor Hill and N Ourvieh. FOOTBALL" PLAYER DIES Norma n Martimer of Nanalmo 5or-emnVi to Injartes te Head and Netk NAWAXMO May l Norman Mortimer. yeais of age. a member of the P.irk Ringers Football Clnb. died .his morn tag as a result nf injuries rt-.Tived Saturday to his head ai4 neck when he headed in th bati d't.lna mateh FOOTBALL! TONIGHT Canadian Lrfloii s f unadian labor Drffnce Iaue .Vrropolik. iM p.nu AUm. Ur. KEEP HANDY IN COGNAC, News Classified Ads. work for you.