UK EE BBggeal Hi Bawam; Si in y 13 PAOI FOUH Most Extraordinary Selling Event of Ladies' High Grade Shoes Reliable makes group ed together to make a special clearance Everything For the R OOF Paint, Hoofing Discs, Pitch, Nails, Etc. . VERY SPECIAL 2-Ply Standard ROOFING $1.98 Per Roll This Week Only Kaien Hardware Smith Block Phone 3 Our Famojs Edson. Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a Ion of No. 1 Bulkley Valley We also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 5S Phones 55S RENT A Radio, Sewing Type Machine, writer McRAE BROS., LTD. Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,010 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Iron and Brass Catting electric and Acetylene Welding 60-ton Derrick for Heavy LU U Eawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled NOW $2.45 SAYS MEANS TALE HOAX Story In Retard to Lindbergh Described as "Figment of Imagination by Federal Officer WASHINOTON. May 16 (Canadian Press A federal officer, after Investigating a story told by Gaston B. Means of "contacts" with kidnappers of Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Jr., baby son of I Col. and Mrs. Charles A. Ltad-jbwgh. Saturday pronounced the jtale "a figment of a wterd imag ination that makes the Baron Munchausen look tike a piker." i Means had testified hi the District of Columbia Supreme Court on Friday that the Lindbergh baby had been stolen by New Jersey liquor runner saying that J. Max Hassel and, A li preenberg were responsible., H ,..a3. not know the I men but they haifSokl beer to servants at the Unldbergh home. He said that Irving Fenton. described previously by him as one of those responsible for the kidnapping, had told him Col. Lindbergh, as a practical Joke, on occasions had placed the baby In a closet and told servants the baby bad been stolen.' p ATI f( A I li8 oke- Means, gave thf J ALiI UAJLj kWnPPer an Idea of how to take me oaoy. one or the members ot their "ring" did go to the Lindbergh house with beer, picked the baby up from Its crib and went away. Means said that, after lengthy negotiations with Fenton for the return of the baby, he found a note saying that. "In an attempt The BEST way to stop CONSTIPATION Sething Uk vi y with cnxtipv lion. My Kaourb wit off -colour and I kept fcariM hr&-i-h ilM hradache. UuiU Irrquratly I hl mrrrc tin In ct f lointi and biukIm. Th t'rv- Frui t-m'tivtt di-prmtnt. tmWd. I Mt to wrHchM t). I tboul to tm ap wnk T'Uy o b'jlih It nctltrnt sad I errtamly (-! that Kruno IIW plyrd a Uri t" la hrinnag Itu about. Tbrytoord up mynninnyttem." all drug store 45. sizes, styles colors Regular $-1.45 Large assortments of Tennis and Outing Shoes J$k P0rSosefrom 65c t0 $1.49 gEjjS MEN'S SPECIALS mKjM m Men's Dress Boots and Oxfords in kid, black and MK&w mt ten calfsklns aIso two-tone sport Oxfords, (&mmf If leather soles & rub' CO to Cl QC ' ' mt ber heels. Our prices V-WsleJ WXtJO Men's Leckie Work Boots, crome leather uppers. LadieS and GirlS waterproof solid leather soles (JO C rubber heels; price ?O.UU Newly arrived Ladies' and Orowing Oirls' New Sport Shoes. Sandals and Straps effects. Very . latest styles and colors, military or Cuban L n ArsiNbltl VVem vaiuxt MhiS and i t ricjiimiMnxt IbllhKiMhiS heels. Rubber soles Q-t W Rubber Boots, all styles, knee, three-quarter and Price v A hip at a very low price. CUT RATE SHOE STORE a to remove the baby fn.m its hiding pi ace in New Jersey, the baby was dropped on its head and killed." Means, a former Justice Department agent, who came Into prominence: during the regime of the ,late President Warren O Hardin "revelations," was testifying in his own defence against a charge Uiat he conspired to defraud Mrs. v- alyn Walsh McLean , of $35 M) forh1 the alleged purpose of ransoming the baby. Hassell and Oreenoerg were slain at Elisabeth. New Jersey Known as beer racketeers, the men were presumed to have been shot to death by gangster enemies. Tpdav's Weathpr Terrace Pa rVcJoudy, calm. 45. Alyansh Raining, calm. 45. Anjox-Cloudy. calm. Bo. Steart Cloudy, calm. 90. Hsertton Cloady; calm. 56. Smlthers Part cloudy, calm, 66. Burns Lake-Showery. calm. 'cool. SATURDAY MAY 20th Is the closing date of our Riff Sale of POLAR KING ELECTRIC Refrigerators Kelvinator-Kqulpped Do not mi vi this wonderful opportunity NORTHERN HRITISH COLUMRIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED TILUE THE T0ILER,' yyou like 1 '"B. MISS lO i 1 " HOVi CAJJ I LI KB VOu NMMBM I DOM'T t mctvaj you ajo ( FO-U.'S' Mtt AN'-)' mm ;?J&ii m DAILY HBvTI Tuesday, May lt HIS CASE MYSTERY Vancouver 1'olice Still Delving Into Circumstances of Death of Ketchikan Man VANCOUVER. May 10 (Canadian Press) - Pel tee have found that Sam Sh quin. aged 60, wealthy miner of Ketchikan, whose body Was found in Stanley Park on April 8 and w:i exhumed recently by re quest fr further investigation, friends of deceased having expres sed the belief that he met with foul play was registered at a local hotel in November and December under the name of "Sam Delaney." A portion of his baggage ad laun dry hai been found but there was no record of valuable Jewelry. Shequm may have died of poisoning, it was revealed at an Inquest held here at the end of the week T!e coroner's Jury found that Shequin died throagh admin TACKS OF HIKERS ON Are Wo'rs't Cause of Automobile Punctures. Says Tele Illaek. Jr., Drove From Montreal Shoe tacks left on the highways rYom the boots of hitch hikers are now the worst cause of punctures for motorists on the roads of Canada and the United States, states Peter Black, jr . who is here from Montreal to spend a brief visit with his mother. Mrs. Peter Blaok. V. Mr. Black, who exepcts to leave within the coming week on his return to Montreal, drove from Montreal to Vancouver and will crive bark fram Vancouver where he left his car. He made a very speedy trip West, having driven clear from Wyoming to Vancouver a dlstanre of 1800 miles In forty six hours without stop. Payment of Tax Arrears is Being ' Now Encouraged The city council, at its special meeting Saturday night, finally reconsidered and adopted a bylaw whereby property owners may set tle taxes delinquent and In arrears by paying SO percent of said arrears prior to October 1. the date of the annual tax sale. VThe passage of such a bylaw was permitted by legislation passed at the recent session of the British Columbia LONG IN SERVICE Late Francis While Peters Was 72 Years of Age and Followed Railway Life For Many Years The late Francis White Peters, former general superintendent of the Canadian Pacific Railway for Dritlsh Columbia, who died last week-end In Vancouver where he had lived In retirement for many years, was a native of St. John's, N.B., where he was born on August 7, 1860, being 72 years of age when he died. ' Educated at St. John's Grammar ' School, the late Mr. Peters entered railway service as a telegraph op-! era tor and became Identified with I the engineering and surveying departments before being appointed agent at Port Huron In 1M1 for the Michigan. Chicago and Grand istratlon of morphine or severance Trunk Railway which post he held of the arteries In the wrtata. tor "ve vear- Joining the Canadian An autopsy was performed on Pacific Railway, the late Mr. Peters the body by Dr. A. W. HunteT, cor- iint cam to British Columbia In oner's physician, who announced IMA and was for two years general that the man had died from loss freight agent at Vancouver later be -of blood from deep gashes in each coming freight traffic manager for wrist, the traces of morphine be- five years. Prom that post he Ira ruins later found. There were no ferred to the executive and became other signs of violence assistant to the vice-president at The possibility of Shequin hav- Winnipeg. Later hit eppolntment as ing been murdered Is still being general superintendent for British investigate by the police Al- Columbia at Vancouver ' f olktwed though the body showed that the and he retired several years ago. wrists bad been slashed, there were Mr. Peters was married In IM4 to no traces of blood found on the Mis Oertrude Wynyard Hard of soU where It was found nor was Winnipeg He belonged to the Com-any weapon discovered, merria! Fort William. Brandon. Friend-s of Shequin, who say that NeUoni Vancouver. Manitoba. St Ua J tka T AAA ftV. t 1. re ..v Charles Country and Union Vic- about who private lite he made'13'" anortfy--before hi disappear ane, oeiieve. be "was "taken for a rtdf" in Vantouve and murdered, it had been pTrridUfy learned that he had Men in Vancouver 'tat some time before the findlhg of the body and had been sdpi here by a friend. 4 i toriai Clubs His recreations wre golf and shooting He was a Conservative and an Anglican MUSSALLEM'S HIGHWAYS! For Real Values H. P. SAUCE per bottle JOHN80rT8 FLUID BEST, lft-os. bottle MEADOW BROOK JAM All varieties, par 4 -lb. Un PLUM' JAM per 4-lb. Un PORK it BEANS . 'f 3 tins SPRtNO SALMON White 3 tins . DRIKD PEACHES 2 lbs. DRIED PRUNES 3 lbs. SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 lbs. ONTARIO CHESBS per lb. FRESH BOOS 3 dot. ECONOMY TEA-Orante- Pekoe, per lb ECONOMY CO ITER per lb. SNAP for cleaning hands per tin DRY ONIONS 8 lbs. ... Not to Her Liking fry,), "'TW VOO -Vt'O'BE 27c We carry a full line of fresh fruits and vegetables in season MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store 117-19 Third P.O. Bos 575 Avenue West 1'hone IS MONDAY St TUESDAY TWO SHOWS 7 Si 9 p.m. Admission 15c & 50c Gorgeous and CHCS'l Two Grand Pictures In a Double ISill SHINGLES MR. DAVIE EXPLAINS Gives Incidents Showing Why Has Deserted Tolmie For Bowser VICTORIA. May 10: 'Canadian Press For the past several years, there has been alarming increase of policies by the present mcrrunenl which have been very embarrassing and moat difficult to countenance, states Charles F. Davie in further explanation of his action in resigning the Speakership of thr Legislature to join W. J. Bowser's -nonparty" movement. The last straw, said Mr. Davie was the enforced renignatlon of Hon Nelson 8 Lougheed who. he said had not done a grea deal of permanent work for Gpwichan-Newcastle when he was minister of public works. Mr Davie accuses Hon. Joshua Hlnchllf fe, minister of education, of withdrawing old privileges from school districts In Cowlchan-New- CI AQ 'castle while continuing appropria- 49c 39c 25c 25c 25c 25c 23c 18c 43c 27c 27c 21c 25c tlon of a quarter of a million dollars for the "university of the favored few" "In this and many other acts of this government, there has been most wanton disregard of the rights and privileges of the poorer people." says the former Speaker, adding that he could go on enumerating dosens of Important reforms In the interests of the people "to which this government has turned a deaf ear." He finds no alternative, says Mr Davie but to align himself with W J. Bwsr In the latter effort "U restore good government." AGREEMENT FOR TRADE Treaties of Great Britain Sweden and Norway Signed LONDON, May 16 -Trade agrrr ments between Oreat Britain anc Sweden and Oreat Britain and Norway were signed yesterday. It. each case Britain has bartered foi increased industrial products. Advertise In tns Dally News ISFbJ w J ah--! cjiy iomm;.iM , belore the l':;. Club at Its r-K,;: . the Boston ( cent T W. Bro 'and there wr . lie ot member-' w." Will' LI N Elf rniMouius In "Red Headed Woman1 With Lewis Mone, wua uyams. a m-u-.m ncture Is it lr. .i I headed rlrlsT And the Incomparable F.,n,.J ue lkui Ralnfi I.vnn in "Misrnipf" J The Picture the Prince of Wales KNJOYM) "Sliscliiei- Mam at i k a; "ueq neauni woman' Starh Made From QUCJ Charlotte Islands "EST CEDAR GULLS CIT AND Alll DIUKD NOT KILN DHIEI) When Ordering Shingles Specify: queen (harlot!. Isiuntt No. 1. 3x $3.25 and G Salt Tax No. 1. 5x $3.75 and 6 Sales Tax Agent HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE SHORTWAVE KECLTTION For mloriii.i'.. : this Phone Biu -or visit our m. , and !'! us dim :. strut the poAMi i , ties f short, reception all long Imef.Uk : this fully and 1 Use most out your radio th. summer. look ton rut TOWKK Superior Notice. Kuplurs Radio Service 1X6 Second Avenue Phone Blue 320 P. O. Box 133 A O BARTI riT C H IN8ULANPF 1" C -J""- AH Ruptures Yield To (he Infills'!? ,tfr Trrs sure Treatment r- ftraslf- the famous ftu UV Complete Comfu:' "? Con trol (iuatar.t J This Kir.d B: hits thr . i pi i dlrul pmfi s II iS HCl'Clr. Iriirllin 1 Once Used Al Write "Beaslr By Westover. VmVuc, im T t Caw i erja ' ua -m un m iumaCX7CSl V10J Tn i. iB auv, but rvt-i. or ths oit ncu. ,i W tLMSB