f My 19, 1933 rm DAXLYWHW. tkQ& TSRZ3 One TuIk; Klenzo Tooth Paste large SJie. and One Soft Ball . $1.10iVoltic both for 79c. "STRAWS"0N WEDNESDAY Srtwa tv Popular Berries fa Start Huh Arrival of California Supplies Tomorrow Grapefruit. Florida. 114c to r.htfabefff0af the lUwearb. otrtdtar. fe, int from (MlfwnU. will AaMMttn.Amrtft anfwt, lb. he loaal retoltrsatNt to. SirawbwHas. Oai. baakH ui wttj t the new fruit dimmm, Ib. vhrk, Theapenm. Dried rr.lt. - 2 per baske . ; while Figs, If . arload OX-nattl Mahgoa mtk og Raa. lb n arrived hs .t Mm butt, ft, ft to N ,wJ Lemon and uranae Pee iaJHron PeH oriflff eurmrt here at mines. -o. lb. " m renews Vtfrtabtr m river. D to ISM u .. . i iK '27.' 71' . . h aba. y. ;b. Mj Lt b bunch .WW '.. . mi 1 lb. :natOta,lb. i flower, ioc to ft lb. 44) bonch Jj tt. hoao. It. to Oal, 16. Ml : T. rrace. lb Til ' lb 9e and Hi nice. U4c to af : !orn4a U j 'al.. 2 tea. mi UNION STRAMSHU'S LIMITED Ts,f ( ATALA. r.Vl'.RV TtifcSpAY. IrJI ML ' - ui PatU and Way Point Due Vanoauver THtrdyp.m r,s. t AiuinMA rv-F.ivv FirtnAv MiiiNiniiT. jc Vrirourer Monday an. tAOiea to Port aUap Alfc Arm. At. Mrt and Nu P' nre Rupert Agency Srfnd Arenue. Phone 568 Fresh, Milk and, Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657' A DOLLAR'S WORTH teupoa aiwl niil ( ltX.f fee .ii "' I"'1 ' THE ClfRlSTIAN SC1BNCB MONITOR " M tn 4 tM tM ! .M t4 et W,ltj ''",'2tT2; lr irrcltl a. ntU rte. Th mi U.t) m,XT u ml m r yt.inniiba, M 1 mm k mimi lattN. 1 ut C, in unt$ umm. I' 'IN I SPECIALS tKtaalrtnX.etlXt One Tube Langbis Lavender Shaving Cream .Gillette Blades and One Vault for UMdilllade. 85c Value all for 59c. OrmesLld. X7im Pioneer Drutigists The Itcxall Store Phone! Raduhes. bunch fl3,Edm, lb, Apple i Roquefort, lb. Yrttow Newtets. fe. 3 lbs & eorgonwla, lb. mae-ipi, fancy. tt. lite. M white lKHba. box Fruit Nael Or. dot. J9e t Lemons, Cal., 36c to Ormpefrult, Calif, fc to 38 11 30 Fran. 40-50, lb Prama. G0m lb. RabtfM. AMUaltin vrdleaa. lb iRbialM, Oal na1eaa, 2 lba. OnrTanta, lb, .. ApttaoVt, Ml ... !. te Applet, dried 14c. to IMCxa. DeeM IV to nror Honr, 49, N. l bard wheat a U JB J' W?? Iwr,J .t 48e- 18 j? IAMB rWOTf 1 'Ml', It) em DC Fteah Katraa. cartoned jjBulkkji VMIsr freah. doa. jLeoal nfw atW. doc, Itotfer FwHA lb. .SvfNo. Cfeameeyi S Baa. Honey M 31 rUbnefH Hooey, par Jar m to 36 Hooey JI Cheese Ontario aoltda. new lb. M 6nlai1o. nwrtore. lb. . mmw. ib .. JH Shoe Repairing Bring your shoes to the Shu-Craft We rebuild them Satisfaction Guaranteed M. MacARTIIUR. Third Ate. Next Federal Blk. erSr, .t.Sr 'Vi'iftrwVSHc ill). .43 M 75 THew, 100 lb 7A5 Lard Pure. lb .17 Mrati. "'Fowl 5a.l,lb. jRtatttng Chtfien. lb. It Itam. tllred, flrt trade Ham. penlc, first g rtde, lb. Bacon, side, stlcod, beat grade Pork, sfroalder. lb. Pork. tern, "lb. UrrjPork, leg; lb, MiiRMk, dr lb HMVeoL Wft lb, ..... -SsifeaL shoufcSr, lb. ; Beef, pot mat, lb. Ik to ift 154 20 3 If Beef. boOtae. Hk lt Bf. roaat, prtme, rib. lb. 29 Beat, steak, in. 2e to . Uab, abMldec, lb. Lamb, lea; lb, Lamp Ghees. Smoked Klopera, lb 45 8btaMn, ftpsh. lb. JO HaJtbttt. 3 lbs. J Nuti atiefifal Wrfistu California Mfl.Xhetfed Walnuta il jj Pvanuti ji Vtalmitt, shelled hafrrs At F'eed NVbaat. Alberta, 2 DO OaU 1A Sfac uo taria . IM irj&Qta - BArlry 1.41 tMjm Maah 1SS .Oyater StmII ...... 1 Sef Sacap 171 JiOfend Ott Mk Itt ' Fine Oat Chop 1.M Icraabed Oata U ON.lt- TKAINS iit the East Kfertdays' Wednesday! and Frl dayi 9tS0 fjjn. rrom the Cast Tatsdayi, Thursday and Bator dayi .. . 10U pml New Blouses Just In $1.75,andup, New Knitted Suits Kmart Styles D.E.MLRRS. , Regal Slp I Order taken for Knitted j Goods. Needlework, Etc- Place ' your order for Tennis Swea-i ten and Socketles now. Your QANnY REqUlRfiMmS made fresh to order. See Our Window LOCAL NEWS NOTES For day and nlghi Taxi ser rite f-bone 2& tf Paint, tarnlAb, etc. Sllveratdej Bros. Spring Sale now on. tf Norwegian Independence Day. May 17, OodfeUows' Hall. Program 8 o'slock, dance 10:30. Admlssioti 50c. All welcome. llfc William Elklns of the local Ca nadlan Paelfk: Hallway office tolled yesterday on the Princess Norah to make the round trip to Skagway and other Alaska point as a hoi i Way. I Another enjoyable Cfttderelfaj rtanee was held by the Canadian , Labor Defence teafcoe Saturday right hi the Exchange Bfeek Mali . a htrge and tolly crowd betac In attendance. MfMe wag by a natlte crrehtra and A. Rushwood was inaoter of eeremoitiea. (Caffery Thursday afternoon from i3 to & ' Wllttara Brown, post inspector for the Ilodaon Bay Co. paed Mtea Jean Rsnd loft thi after-throtfgh the city on the Prtneeaa non on the Catala for Hew West- Norah yesterday morning after a brief trip to Vancouver being; on hls way north to nuke a trip to the Yukon, golnc In rt fifcagwoy' and Fairbanks and oat via Saward and the Alaska Railway. ( .AVOID THE DANGER OF CONSTIPATION Delicious Cereal Orereonsea.. This Condition Safely and ' Pleasantly -' The first, signs, ti co<ipatiaa may be ldsch, tired feelings, s.How eompkxio&S, sleeplessness. Iocs of appetite It neflerW, ttv sUpAtUn awy seriomy impair 1 i Today, yea ean baoUK cen$tlpa-tion sy siinjily eating a. dtltcieD rerraL LaboraUry tesi sbev that KeDerr's All-Bsan proTMiri"buLk" U eteroiae the inteetioes. ani rita-teia B U farther sii regular habits. AiaBasK is also a gnos1 sovrre af irM far tae Uoed. This "a!k" in All-SsaN Is reutle. Ib srtien similar U lesfj TegtUUes, Witkia tae b4y. It farms a soft mass, ana gsatly clears sat th In-teattaal ' waste. Twa Uklepoofifnl a'AfJy will orrrrone most types ef aoaiBkaa eervKiaatiom. If not relieted tats way, are jour asctor. i Enjsy AtlBsAH ss s eeresl, T us ia eooking. AppetUiredpea M the re4-as2greea ptrksge. SM ky all gmvrs. Hii by XUHrg ia Loadoa! Ontari. At the recent University of Bri tish Columbia axaminations Archi bald J. Thompson, son oi Mr and Mrs J. H. Thompson of this city, completed his second year in art with first -cssas hortojajs, T. Fraser. son of Mrs. J. v. mitt of this etty was granted a siipplementall in his fourth year in appHed ci fenre imlrung engmeenn Hotel Arrivals Royal ' E. Cumraiaga, Low Inlet; R. Montgomery and P. Loweheg, clW Central John Darsoth and R, W, Mat-Leod. city. Announcements Philharmonic Society Concert or May IB. Sons of Nirway 17th of May celebration. Oddfellows' Hall Big Dance, Moose HalUMay 19j Exhibition of danaing, Oddfesj low's Hall May 19,, OambraliOhapler Tea May 20v Steteh Danro Seal Cove Parish Hall, May a?. Moose, dadee May 34. f Canadian . Laglan Picnic. Dlgby f island, June 18. Moose Pknlr Dlgby Island, Julv It, ' urn- Oarden Earth, Mantrre, Phone 303, Casey Cartage, Prompt Service, tf John Dybhavn aalled thta afternoon on the Catala for a business trip to Vancouver. BaptlAC tM and home, cooking at Mrs. J. . Rt AtorrtoioU. 324 2nd Ave Thursday, 3 o'clock. Mrs. Ji P. Cide. left on last night's train for Kftwanjga where he will open her semroer home for the .season. Wtttiam Gdo4rick sallec on the Catala this afternoon tor a, holiday trip to Vtttorta. Mrs. Ooodricfc la already In the south. ' The Cathotte Laertes' Aid wfll nold a tea and sale of home ooakj inf at the home of Mrs. M. P. Mc-I mlnotar alter, a rUtt of a coupled oi weeks with Mrs. Waller Thomp- . MM, 2nd Arena. W. - wtiJifim Breraher of fhe local ;nn oi me itoyai oaaadtan Narall VohmtteT neserre returned to the osty last week after taking a three weeks' course of training at Esqui mau naval barracks. He has now; (purified as an able seaman. Liberals Line Up For Contest . A. Strarnan h Xommated For, Dewdney and D. McPhrrson For Grand Forks-Greenwood MISSION CITY. May 16: 'Canadian Presai D. A. Strachan. weU known Fraser Valley fanner, has been nominated Liberal candidate for Dewdney In the forthcoming prorlftcial elaction contest. ORAMD FORKS. May 'Canadian Press i D Mcpherson, former member of the Legislature, has been chosen LrberaJ candidate for Grand Forks-Oreenwood tn the forthcoming prertneial election. NELSON, May IS: Canadian Presai Liberals of Nelson and, ;Cres4en rMmga. tml'ted under new redistribution measures, hava oho-sen Frank Putnam of Creaton as their candidate in the forthcomiag provincial election. (Gmineca Tories V- d i avurmg Dowser Asm Corker Expetted to be Conser vatire Candidate For Riding VANDERHOOF. May 18: 'Canadian Proas The Omlneca Conser-vatite Association has passed a re sohtteon favoring the Bowser Donaghy movement. Samuel Cocker is expected to be the candidate. Real Value on Dry Cleaning Ladies' or Gents' Suit or Topcoat Dry Cleaned and Pressed $1.00 Sponged, Gleaned, Pressed 75c Pressed only 50c Silk, Woolen or Crlanrse I)r-e-s Dry (Bean and Press Plato $1.00 Fancy $1C$ to $L50 Special price commencing todaj' Phone 649 LING - Tailor The High Class Tailor and Reliable Cleaner TheFiskwhichmaie "Rupert SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C HOLIDAY When Comag to Terrace Make Arrangements With Swab's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace;, B.C. To Greet You, We meet all trains. Freight ti oaseenger service anywhere. Lakelse Lake and Lodge, new boat ll. A. S.i now in service on the lake Fare anywhere on the lake, one adult, S3A; $1.50 per head additional. No crowd too. big. No job too smalL PICNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY Classified Ads FOR SALE JOHNSON outboard motors. New , low priee. Write or eaU for eat-i alosue. Let us deraomtrale. W.j R. Love Electric Company, Prince Rupert; Distrief Agerrto. mi; FOR RENT. MO06ES-F. W. Hart, tf MODERN HOUSE, five rooms andi Bath, with Range, $16.00. Phonaj 81 tf ' RHNT-Stere on Third Avenue tnTentre of business section. Wtll renovate to suit tenant. Thomas McClymont tf ' I AGENTS WANTED i THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT: Open for a real lire man to handle the best known line of household nefeasttles on the market. selling and serving hundreds ofi satisfied customers. For farther information apply The J. R. lat-, kins Company. 1350 Hornby St; Vaneouvtsr, B.C. Vk n AIR DRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! "OH" SiM. "Rlnglelte" $160. Nelson's Beauty Shoppe t.i trr I "Svlitf til Inlestleil tn App'I Furrkae Lam! tn Prise Rupert Land Recorat&g ta-'rtet of Raose Pour Ooaat tHetfWC and etuilf abowl flT Bale trmm UieaMHto 4 Ue Khave River a Mm Eaat Pork. Take ootlw thtt t WVun Larranre OUbcrt ot VanoouTer, B.C. oooupatton Mine Operator ftateaas to apply far peraUeaton to purchaae the foUowUW Oeaertbeu laadl:: 1 OounMOoSM at a Mat Dlanted ot loot cHvtant from the Wttoeta poat ef the Wem aide of Lot ITS: the weaterljr 00 chain, thenee aouthertjr 30 ehain: thenr easterly 60 abaliu. iheoce nonthertr 10 chain, and eon-ttntn 100 acrea. more or lea. WTLliAkt LAORANOE oilbert. Dated AprU lfth. 1M TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent i Rose, Cowani & Latta Phone til If your paper does not Prince Rupert Famous; Brand" Dally. By RESORTS Madame Rajaut?s Summer Boarding Home TleU, Q. C. Islands Bathing, Hunting Fishing . No Flies No Mosquitoes Modem Conveniences Home Cooking Par Excellence $11.08 Per Week TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phono B7. pur iture moving Bottles bought, chairs for rent Wood for sal PIANO TUNING IANOS Tuned $3.00. Walker's Manic Store t! PAINTERS -AINTlNO and Paperhanglng MBtr- Phonc R m CLEANING & PRESSING rniCES reasonable Benkendorf, Third Ave., next door to Dally News. usu rt Nollre nt InlentlMa t SpptT Lnte Land ' ft Pftare Vtvpm LattO BtOStaaadDle. trkx of 9uen Chartatte Manaa, 6d altuate rrataUstf Las S9B. QjCJ Take noUee tM J. K. UorrU St Prinae Bupr-t. t-woatsia Bali-wiia, bW taaa to apaty a tra-e of ttte ! Oaauneactaa at a pout uiaated as She South-weat corner of Lot W. QAI. Uteoc 11 U eSMtana to tae eauth-easl: tneaee ITS aaatna to tae Boiaas-ve!; Umoof 10 ehaine t uw Narth-weat and r tMurfc to poaW at jm flBsrtiiawij 30 ao- Tea more or la JOHN aUJS MORRIS. Dated AsrU 10th. 1SSS. The AUCTIONEER Packing Cn.tlng Wrapping & Oeneral Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO. J. DAWES Phono Black 120 For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet, Rays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 241 Phones Green $4$ Exchange Block arrive, telephone the office i IS 11 1