TomorrowV Tides "'gh 7:4'. JW Statin THIS WEEK THE Pontiac Straight 8 ' 20:55 i- ''aw Is on Display at Low 1:37 ajti. a; V1 14:01 pm. 63 it. lr3j Kaicn Motors Show Room NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER All Cordially Invited Phone 52 ; XXIV . No. 114. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1933 PRICE- FIVE CENTS EXTENSIVE PROGRAM OF ROAD WORK REMEDIES FOR DEPRESSION ADVANCED BY COMMISSIONER Northern Highways Are Included Among Those on Which Workless Relief n Operations . Are Planned QTIPTF OF OUttLJJ VI nr1kTr,PrirlTOP LunrLiALlNLL Ihkf of lulled Stair Wheat Parte-Strew Importance of lon-dof fconomic Meet i.KNKVA. May 1ft -Henry Mor I'hau. chief delegaU- of the Unl i states party to the Interna . il whMt conference, which hai m session here for the pa cUyi saying that success of the mompson niver rugnway iroro !u ming world economic con i Kamloops to Tete Jaune Cache, ex-lire in London, meant the re tensions or Improvements to the r a t ton of prosperity while IU fall Bear River road at 8tewart In AtUn would mean chaos, a pjalsi ; district the Oarttao hlahy from the co-opr ration of the prln- AahefOft to BartenUle and the uti wheat vmfKXtM coaairtsa, ( a adian delegates in alien ime at the wheat oaafartac ' ivr bees O. Howard Tfrguson aoian High Commlsslontr ii. iHi,,n. and Dr. W A. RlddeM. WARFARE INTENSE Hostilities Itelwrrn I'aratuay and flollvia More Arulr Slnte Df-claralion of War vscuNCION. Paragua y. May ii ".unties In the war between Kuay and Bolivia have been ' liming evert more vigorously the official declaration of war ' iraguay but week. : was the first official declar-ii of war in the world since rnsla enterrd the World War m by declaring hostilities on ntral Powers and also the tnre the formation of the ue of Nations thirteen years i his uteat declaration of war bated on Bolivian aggression i violation of the territorial hint y of Paraguay beginning with Bolivian atUck on Pltlantuta Tiim 1ft, 1WS. and also In view of ' failure of all peace efforts. The rnuntrtet have been In unofftc- warfare for several months. Mahatma Gandhi Concludes First Week of Fasting I'OONA. India! May 16;-Mahat in Gandhi had today completed ' slt days of his fast He was sUII iiwful but weak. He is determined ii"t to cat for three weeks. Being Returned To This Country On Theft Charge InNDON. Eng.. May 10:-WUUni lb ilihwalte alias Munroe, Aged 61, 'i.i been ordered by a Dow Street ""irt magistrate to be returned to ijiK btc for trial charged with caus-"" i wo Scottish emigrants in 1M i 'I'iiiK With $22.u00 (Outlay With Respect to Direct Relief to he Curtailed hy; Province Under New Agreement Which Has Been Reached With Ottawa VICTORIA, May 10: (Canadian Press) New construction on the tranH-Canada and trans-provincial highways and extensive improvements to other main roads of the irovince to afford work for British Columbia resident if isted in a schedule of works announced by the British Co-umbia government as projects coming within the .scope of the Dominion relief agreement The schedule Includes the northern trans-provincial highway, the North j j40oaHlroa4 Ouufliuiation of the tntentton the Dominion government to curtail Its oattey with reopeet to dlrcet relief within municipalities while at the same time agreeing to the preparation of a program of needed works within the province as a measure of unemployment relief with a work return was Indicated when the cabinet yesterday released a sum- mary of the municipal clauses In the new federal-provincial agreement. Russia Likely To Be Recognized By Roosevelt WASIIlMiTON. May 16: The fart Hut Rusla is Included among Hie nation's receiving President Roosevelt's arms messaje loday I causing Increasing con-jceturr as the the possibility of America recoinitlnc the Soviet government Senator Robinson, Democratic leader. ald the act may have (hi effect. DIVORCE FRAMED Wife of Alberta Cabinet Minister is Now Seeking Annulment of Decree EDMONTON. Alta.. May 16: -Mrs. Cora McPherson. seeking annulment of a divorce obtained by her husband, Hon. O. L. McPherson. minister of public works In the Alberta government has testified that It was agreed that she should go to Saskatoon "to supply the usual hotel evidence" as grounds for the divorce. One Foreigner in Hospital and Other In Jail After Fight NEW WESTMINSTER. May 16 .Canndlan Pressi Mike Haragbc is In a critical condition with a knife wound in the abdomen while Mike niruinlcskv is suffering from n slashed throat, said to be self-ln flleted. following an affray In n home In which both lived. Doth are Cwcho-Slovaklans. t BENEFITS 1 TO CANADA To Get 1'avarable Tariff Treatment On nhand Wheat From -Trance V vw'f OTTAWA. May )6: (Canadian Press) In the matter uf Canada's two principal exports to France wheat and canned salmon, reductions in the tariff form very Important parts of two treaties, between Canada and France which were attned in the office of Premier R. B. Dennett here last week. Canada nan been iyttvg five cents per tin on one-pctmd tins of salmon whereas the Japanese paid approximately one and a half cents per pound. Un- ;der the new treaty. Canada will get a minimum tariff at least as low as that accorded the Japanese and considerably lower than United States Canadian wheat now faces a general tariff of $1.70 per bushel In France. Tills will be reduced to a minimum tariff of 86c. France's minimum tariff will be extended to all Canadian fresh and Banned f kali. Canada, in turn, over a long list of articles, is granting considerable reductions In tariff to France. Disappearance of Isolated Farmers Believed Solved NOKTII HATTLEFORD. Bask.. May 16 The recent disappearance of two farmers In the Isolated Whtt-kuw district Is believed to have bern solved by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police with the arrest of William nahrey. 33-year old Whlt-kow farmer. LOCAL MAN IS CHOSEN Join Djhhsvn Fleeted Member of Manufacturers' Commit! Hohson It. C. Chairman VANCOUVER. May 16 (Canadian Press) James O. Robson of New Westminster, well known lumbei manufacturer, was elected chair man of the British Columbia Dl vUlon of the Canadian Manufacturers' Association at Its annual meeting here at the end of the week. John Dybhavn of Prince Rupert was elected a member of the Division's legislation committee. Germany's Newest Naval Addition Tin :.fV,v r.-.. . au: . Dr. tnui i u:..t ,: v . .v. r : . flinI 1)H :.' W !la,u Til.- ..S "V.i biili'. UIUiiT WELL KNOWN ACTOR DEAD Krncst Torrenee l'awrs Awar I-New York Player of Scottish Roles NKW YORK May 16 "Canadiai 're ssi Ernest Torrenee. veteran xreen actor, who claimed the dls- IncUon of being the first talking picture actor twenty years ago. died here at the age of fifty-four years. He was Scottish by birth but had lived many years in the Unl- ed States. He was taken 111 in San Francisco recently when about to embark upon a world cruise, lie has a brother. David Torrenee. wht Is also a well know talking pic ture actor. Tariff Truce Idea Adopted Oreanlilng Committee of World Economic Conference In Favor of It LONDON May 16: (Canadian Press) Thp praysssl for an International tariff trooe was unanl mously adopted at a meeting of the orcanlzlni! committee of the world economic conference. A number oi minor reservations were, however, entered MINISTER IN OTTAWA New United States Itepiccntatlv To Dominion Capital OTTAWA. My16 (Canadiai Prcss Wekomad by Premier Ben nett and representatives of Uw government and diplomatic corps. Hon. W. D. Robbina. newly appoint! United States minister to Canada und Mrs. Robblns reached here Sunday afternoon. 'ssssS BSSSSSSSSSflgSBi j x ..'". -nmpleied its ... ' .:: ..ffjcUi cruise. : 000 ton baiUeshlps. Vcr.vwuilfS Treaty. BILM0R IS REOPENING Orders Received Enables Mill on PorpoUe Harbor to Recommence Operations According to a report current In the city the sawmill at Rilmor on Porpoise Harbor is to reopen, some orders for lumber having been received. It was reported recently that the mill would not open this sum mrr but conditions have chanced for (he better. President Signs Inflation Bill Massive Measure, Riving Roosevelt Etraordhvary Powers, Becomes Law In United States WASHINGTON, D.C, May 16: i CP (President Franklin D. Roose velt has signed Into law the massive bill to raise United States farm prices, giving him etraordlnary In Hatlonary powers and enabling tho easement of the agricultural mort gage burden. MERGING EXPRESS Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Officials Working On Merger Plans OTTAWA. May 16 (Canadian Press i It U understood that of ficials of the Canadian N&Uonal and Canadian Pacific Railways are working on plans for the merger of their express services In the In- jtorests of economy. !&ffi Qy j Industrial Committee And Publicity Needed W. J. Alder Interesting Speaker at Gyro Club Luncheon-Reviews Progress Which Has Been Made Here Since Early Days W. J. Alder, city commissioner, who addressed the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at luncheon today, prescribes as remedies for present conditions of depression under which Prince Rupert is struggling, the following: organization of local markets for trade in this field against competition of the south and east, publicity, the establishment of an industrial committee and strict econ-frf omy in civic affairs. These are irvpp 1 T Tf rnfsin matters, Mr. Alder declares, upon i I I H H A I 1 1 I I IM I which all local citizens should endeavor to co-operate and It will be one of his objects. In his Job of putting Prince Rupert back on Its civic feet, to take a leading part in their accomplishment. ', Leadtss. up r the causes of present local conditions, Mr. AlJer rc-1 called conditions as he found them 'In Prince Rupert when he first ar-I rived here In 1909 and compared them with those existing today. He pointed to the great developments and actual progress which had been made in the meantime. In the early days there had been practically no development of such Industries as mining, agriculture, fisheries and timbering. Today all ln.r iliinM thai depression and yet Prince Rupert was not deriving the benefits or getting the business It should from them. Mr. Alder then propounded remedies. Established Now Mr. Alder also touched Inciden tally upon civic development, re ferring to the present condition of streets, etc.. as compared with those In 1909. "Why. we have a city already established here now." he declared. Then we had noth-i tng. We have a comfortable place in which to live and there are none of the hardships such as those of the early days" Mr. Alder stressed the necessity of local people being wilting to content themselves on the basis of the same profits and returns as In other placet. Mr. Alder touched Interestingly on some early Incidents of the city's history and recalled some of the pioneer characters. He told how Oeorge Ntckejaon was the first person he met following his arrival here. Other pioneers he men-tinned Included P. W. Hart, II. n Rochester. W. J. McCuteneon. C II. Ortne. W. P. Lynch. Dlsfaop Du-Vernet and Archdeacon and Mrs. E. P. Laycoek. Some were still carrying on here ad playing an Important part In the life of the community, some had moved to other fields and some had passed oeyona. t. w. urown, presioeni oi uiei club, was In the chair at the luncheon and. at the conclusion of 40W in SHIPPING ACT Mr. Alder's address, tenaared to', Jt the CQOunlasloner the thanks ol , the club. I Little Boy Loses Life in Clearing Fiio in Onfirin l 1IC 111 VSlllUlsU, IROQUOIS FALLS. Ont , May 16 Jimmy Smith, aged three, was fatally burned In a grass fire set out without official permission- In a gully In the heart of this town. IS COMMON Nothing Unusual For Bank Presidents, to "Go South" in UJJ, Senate Probe Hears WASHINGTON. D.C, May 18: John W. Pole, former comptroller of currency, told the United States Senate investigating committee that defalcations by bank presidents in this country are "common matters" and. for this reason, the Harriman case was handled in a routine way. Is Fined Under Meal Tax Act Winnipeg Man Assessed W In Vic-. toria Court for Falling to Pay Impost on Steamer VICTORIA. May 16: (Canadian Press J. Sutherland, of Winnipeg,, was fined ib In city police court! here Saturday for failure to pay meal tax on a We meal while cross-, tng from Vancouver to Victoria on the steamer Princess Elizabeth on Friday. OPPOSED TO NAZI Orderly AntMIltler Demonstration In New York WHh 100,000 Participating NEW YORK. May 16 -Over 100.-000 anU-Hltlerltes staged a demonstration against the Nasi regime in Germany here. It was an orderly affair in which many professional and business people, largely German-Americana, took part. ft4- RETALIATORY CLAUSE OTTAWA, May 16:-An lm- portant new clause principally afttcllng united States coastal shipping ha been Incorporated Into the new Canadian Ship- ptaig Act by the banking and corrmerce committee of the Senate. The e la use prohibits forfln hlPi lnm pW" Canadian coastal trade and thus metes out to United States t ships exactly the tame treat- rnant Washington has given Canadian ships.