IS. 1 i TV STRAWBERRY Preserving Special These are the cheapest prices ever sold in I'rfnce Kupert. Give us your order. New shipments Wed-, , - nesday and Friday. strawberries 04 oe pencrate ij, ...it1. ?XOU l. i: 25c 8UMt $3.69 ciRTo 39p per bottle-. bottle 89C ECONOMY FRUIT CAPS- flip per dot "y' RUBBER RINGS 23 C ... 3 doz.. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store 417-19 Third Avenue West P.O. Box 575 Phone 18 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson. Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. Wr also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. T Prince Itupert Feed Co. ICR PhonM MS If Prince Rupert DRY DOCK , AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,010 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Iron and Bran Casting Electric and Acetylene Weldlog 10-ton Derrick for Deary Lifts BawmlU and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled CHEMISTRY DISCUSSED the discoveries of the science. HcH said Its service had been extended to many varied processes essentia) to the good of man. He cited as in stances discovery In the destructive fruit pest, in the killing of the Insect, destruction of mosquito, the house fly with Fly- Tox, the moth with the moth ball. the discovery of a poison to kill bac- TILIJE THE TOILER" illig iSwt Kief a MAC AHO 1 3 awpuLlV Ahtarzy XT such as diabetes with insulin and cancer with radium, the art of tem pering metals such as malleable iron or steel, the art of the harden ing process of steel and the won- IB. E. Bailey Interesting Speaker derful dls? tile anasthettc Before Prince Kupert Labor ? alleviating pain in aarglcal work, College in the purifying vbf foodstuffs and f the ellthlnatloaiof elements there-L from lHlurlouft ttt lifK ' 1 .. r. si i J . . Rupert Labor College on Friday evening last the college adherents and friends heard a most Interest? ing and Instructive lecture delivered by B. E. Bailey,, the subject being,' "Chemistry In Relation to Human Welfare." The lecturer dealt with the subject matter in a most cap able manner and. In an elaborate way. he pointed out how the science of chemistry had become an effec tive servant Particularly in aid of human welfare, he touched uport a lecture the lectdrer was-' accorded a: heary Vote orthsinksi IIAKKY ZEFFEKTT! is "DAD" ' " ' ': STEWART, 'July !-4:-40n June 39 a son Was born to Mr. and Mm. Harry Zeffertt. Mother and child are both doing well. Having on board the largest list of tourists to rtstt the port so fr thk season. CPJt staemer Princes Louife. capt. Arthur Slater. mlnlmlziafl-diy morning from Vancouver and sailed a couole of hours later far Skagway and other Alaska point. There were in all 108 passengers on board the vessel. 170 of these being round trip tourists. Five terla. the cause of disease In the, persons left the veeeel here while human system, the cure of diseases about ten went north aboard her. I VAJAIT A iMiuora .Mas SAM-T I WBBB 14KTI Ntcrw OlO MAC. I VAIBUU, HQ K-JiO VAIHKWI r,BO AilTM SOpfCT V I "THAT TAHtm HiM ON 7 SifLftk l1" MAftO r ACCOUNT U V her advice. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront party on board. The cruise Is a lei- Taconlte spent at Klew Nuagett in Orenvtlle Channel. A Boeing flying boat, with Pilot C. L. Scott In charge, is being used In connection with the. cruise of the Taconlte and arrived here at 8 o'clock yesterday morning, a short time before the yacht, tying up at the hangar of the Northern British Columbia Airways. The Taconlte Is well known here, having paid frequent vtatU to this port in the past in the course of cruising voyages. The Tacorrite" left yesterday afternoon to dosome cruising in local waters before returning south. The flying boat hopped off at noon today. With party of commercial men on boa hi, the Vancouver power, cruis er Pride of the West war here over the week-end. tying up at the floats of toe Armour Salvage Co The veasfl left carry yesterday at-' ternoon lor Anyox. Stewart and other northern points In continuation of her business cruise. Visiting the Skeena River at the end of the week in celebration of his recent release front the Prince Ru pert General Hospital where be had been a patient for a week or so. Skipper George Frtasell had the misfortune to have the Laura F II. sink at her moorings at Port Ks-slngton. The vessel has been raised and is expected back in port within a day or so little the worse for her Immersion No details have yet been received as to the cause of the mishap. WO SHADOW OU "TH8 CureTA.IU AWQ VOU VMBRB CAOiSTSaiMtf A- y I v-i rrm J (l CBT T OlVSI HM A PtECBl OP My MIMO s .- 'U: AC'S IS-v&nr PAGE FOUR TOE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, July 4 ! WHY PAY BIG PRICES FOR YOUR FOOTWEAR? Our business is increasing because people are finding that It is not necessary to pay the old (ash- nvu iiik-cs. ue nave Desi quauiy snoes ana at less than big city prices. Boys' & Youths' Running Shoes, all styles. Prices Women's or Growing Girls' Tennis or Running 89c, 99c, $1.15, $1.25 8hoes any C0l0rlce81 ?5C, frl.lU, $1.15 Men's Dress Boots and Oxfords, good range of styles to choose from. Prices $2.45, $2.95, $3.45, 7 $3.95 f?W Women', latest Style WkJ-'A f V Sandals, color to Men's Black or Brown Calf and Grain Leather wC'V' sult your dre55, rrlce Work Boots, Panco soles or leather. Prices 1 sW&Zr cj-f 17; $1.95, $2.45, S3.65 p1-75 Men's Tennis Women8 Boudoir Slippers, good selection or Running Shoes, Boots or Ox- fords, aU colors. Prices- of colors. Price SI. 10, $1.15. $1.45 Mlsses' and chudn' Pant Leather Strap 9 v Slippers & Oxfords, black pr brown calf. Prices Boys' & Youths' Dress Boot & Oxfords, all kinds j)8C, 7 $1.15, $1.25, v $1.65 of leather to meet your requirements Prices $1.95, $2.25, $2.45, $2.95 tafant88hoes Iggjgc 9 7 89c Fishermen's and Cannerymen's Rubber Footwear at very low prices OA Qr Misses' and Children's Running Shoes. Straps or Men's Knee Boots Oxfords, all colors and styles. Prices .. S4.85 $5.45 A 79c, 85c Ladles' Fine Dress or Sports Shoes, any color IkvCjO'' Prlces $1.95, $2.45, $2.95 59c, 69c, CUT RATE SHOE STORE 'new shop IS OPENING One of the prettiest little spe- cialty shops in the city is being encd tomorrow Vnornlng by Mrs. M. Dougherty on Third Avenue on the corner opposite the Besner Block. Mrs. Dougherty is specializing in wool suits, dresses, pullovers with matching caps and accessories. EDICT IS PROTESTED Married Men Express Opposition Against City Commissioner's Working Terms It was decided at , the special meeting of the Unemployed Councils held in the Canadian Labor Defence League Hall last night to Made-to-measure suits are among i protest at the edict of the city com the Unas handled by this new shop. ) mlssloner or "no work, no relief" Mrs. Dougherty is asking the la-! for married men. dies of the city to call and see her1 The principal complaint is that at her new shop and inspect the ' there is no provision for replace-goods. She has had a good deal otjment of wearing apparel and most merchandising experience and is in of the unemployed are now short close touch with the market and I of clothes, particularly of the sort can give her friends the benefit of necessary for work in the bush. In ' .this climate rubber boots and ; slickers are necessary. There is also declared to be an insufficient al- Iowa nee for food. The brtad-winner on his return from his labors will, it Is claimed, naturally con-: sume more than his share and his : , family will have to be on short ra-; tions. 1 ! Six months ago when the relief' .Taconlte of Vancouver, largest andlWa 'hanged to the provincial rate' w" ntwd. the imost pretentious of the southern unemptojwd dedr'' tha uouM pleasure fleet to visit the port so no 1 demanded, it beljig recognised I far this summer, arrived I shortly before noon yesterday tlh authorities at' MIIIC MUtli lb wuuiu OC UIIIBIT i to ask men to work on the reduced . Ing some fishing along the way al- ta' J "e man w,tn ""I though, so far. It had found water U'm"y,h"1"K to P ..... nrioH nf IS In 20 Haw nrsUra1lu .a utue too high for muen success. r .r .JT ,7. fu" In .u, trus dlmat The night before arriving here. the'a ""T while the man with the small family can clear off hl Indebtedness in a short time. Under the present system of dvte relief the purchasing power Is very limited and a return to the scrip system is declared to be necessary to take advantage of the cheapest market The work now to be performed Is wood cutting for the schools and. public buildings. It was charged at the meeting that. In the first mllej and a half of the proposed road toj the wood-lot, there is not enough timber to corduroy the road. The resolution adopted at a special meeting last Friday was reaffirmed, "that no work be performed until such time as an ade quate wage be forthcoming to cover a necessary Increase In food, provide special working clothes, boots, slickers, also adequate oJotqing for dependent, mt4Ml and dental attention, money to be paid In cash and worker to be allowed to work as long as necessary In order to comply with his requirements ac cording to the standard of Irving laid down In the Labor OaseU. A night letter was ordered sent to the minister of labor. Ottawa, atatlni that destitute married men are being asked to work with no provision for clotblngr shoe. Oscar Larson oeauplM thealr A charge against Frank Roma ol falling to see that his boy attend ed school was dismissed wttn a 1 warning by Magistrate McClymont 1 in city police court yesterday. Not the Shadow of a Doubt VOU MAC MAC BiTHffRL Voo coMl OUT Ol I'M OMIM3 IN I rr 1 CVB BCGW V5 o MONDAY & TUESDAY TWO SHOWS 1 Si 9 p.m. Feature starts 7:55 & 9 55 Admission 15c Si 50c MAE WEST WKm LAKELSE HOT Springs Lodge An Ideal Place to Holiday Finest of fly fishing, hunting, bathing and boating. Arrange for transportation with W. II. Burnett, Terrace, nc. Kates from Terrace to the Lodge Including boat service: One adult. $3.00: each additional aJult, I1JS0. Wrlie or Wire W. II. IirUNETT We Look After Your Wants When Coming to Terrace Make Arrangements With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, H.C. To Greet You. We meet all trains Freight At paaaenger service anywhere. Lakelse Lake and Lodge, new boat il. A. 8.) now In service on the lake. Fare anywhere on the lake, one adult, S3.00; SI JO per head additional. No crowd too big. No Job too small. PICNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY C5 is I W j ifc. i j v. jr i ROBOT. TUB PPBCT STSMOOOAPMSg tub 'OMonoi.iaiMfc Baa 4 uem Wednesday Si "MY WIFE'! FAMILY" The Broadway Star Now A Screen Sensation in "SHE DONE HIM WRONG" With CAKY GRANT, OWEN MOORE. NOAH REEKY. A Paramount im; She was no Lady But She was Faithful While the Supply tj uiamonas lasira. irtoi uecommenuea lor inuurrn,) Comedy W. C. FIELDS in "FATAL GLASS OF IJEEIt" Musical ALONG CAME KlJTlP Travel "LENI Mrs. Samuel Massey, who has Chapter meeting o h- r u jeen on a trip to Victoria as dele- the East star rc oj -rate representlnn Delist Chanter rlty from the south ,, of this city at the annual Grand cess Louise yesterday HOLIDAY RESORTS FURNISHED CAMP FOR KENT At Head of Lakelse Lake Const't or 3 rcms ' sleeping vyrb. long. Bout lm ii; : Bos 86, Terrace. II. C THE DUNES Bathing, Hunting Fishing Modern Conveniences No Flics, No Mosqultoc Home Cooking Par Excellence! $11.00 Per Week Children under 12 half rae MADAME HAJAlTi Hell. (J. C Iilands Summer Price on STOVE COAL $11.00 a ton HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 By Westovei GOOD LAMDS. ix i mo uAuquiuei Meet the Perfect Stenographer TUST A HUCIC TOICB NA1ITH HIM, I T ? TMtU HB'5 MA(VT VAJITH ANOTHBE C3Rt.. DOH HB7 VAlBLL. 'M COMMA whu try