i 5 SAYS MISS ANN AH M. popular u-rtttt of food ariicUt for tht Ham Stnitt Bureau of I he Canadian Horn Journal MAGIC flV costs not quite of a cent more per baking than the cheapest inferior baking powders. Why not use this fine-quality .baking powder and be sure of satisfactory results? "t JDYTAWS NO A I.I'M " Thla Ultmunl on r-rjr tin l your guarantee that Manic Haklnft Puodrr I free from alum or any harmful ln&redlnt. mm mm THE DAILY NEWS. FKIKCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLOMBIA Made In CauaJa Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince RupCrt Daily News. limited. Third Avenue H. F. PUTJ.KN - - - Managing-Editor DAILY EDITION Frldajr. Dec. 8, 1936 DINNER TO VISITORS CITY HELD Number of Feople Entertained at Commodore Cafe Last Evening; By Chamber of Commerce T. H. Johnson, president of the Prtnce Rupert Chamber of Commerce, presided over a gathering of interior visitors and others who; were the guests of the city at din-' ner last evening at the Commodore Cafe banquet room. A good dinner was served and felicitous speeches followed the speakers being President Johnson Bishop a. A. Rlr. Olof Ilaruon JUP.. Donald Suther land of Smithers. E. C. Stevens of Skldegate and John Dybhavn. Mr. Johnson welcomed the guests and expressed the hope that this was but the beginning of a series of events of a. similar nature. Blsnop Rlx humorously referred to climatic conditions, to the excellent places of business In Prtnce Rupert, to the buy at home campaign and then referred seriously to the development which had taken place in the Interior in the 36 years during which it has been opened. Nothing in the history of the country equalled it. He told of the varied products of the different sections and the market for them in Prince Rupert. Also he showed how much better off tiey were than in many parts of the country .The country and city were Interdependent and only by oo-ooer&Uon could they prosper. He prophesied that there would be added tens 9 thousands of population to the interior valleys in the next lev years. All should be proud of Northern British Columbia. Mr. Sutherland, district agriculturalist at Smithers. complimented the Chamber of Commerce. 4ad and Junior, and assured them that their fiction was ujm eclated. The ware ndiratlons of greater prosperity. The prosperity of Prlnc Rupert was linked up with that of the interior November Scale of Logs in District Total Was 4.823,11!) Board Feet, Bringing Aggregate For Year Up to'55,788,07G.Feet Log scaling In Prince Rupert forestry district for the month of November this year totalled 4.823,416 board feet as compared with 5.128,-board feet In the stme month last year, bringing the total scaling for this year to date up .to 56.-788.076 board ieet as against 83.-604,406 board feet in the first eleven months of 1932. Per species the log sealing this November was as fol lows: v Board feet Douglas. Fir 691,866 Cedar 673.011 Spruce A340.7M Hemkttk , 693.246 Bobjam 364,71 Jackptee - 60.060 Total 4.823.418 Forest Produrts Production of poles and piling In the interior this November amounted to 18545 lineal feat, all in cedar, as compared with 5600 lineal feet In November 1632. Cordwood this November sealed 41 cords In comparison with 184 last year Despite greatly increased actual pro- -Miction in the interior, no hewn! ties were scaled this November. shioments of newly made ties hav-1 'n not as yet commenced. !c ursetl support of the new system i )f marketing, a good start on which bad been made. E. C.Atevfns, who was introduced i u one of the leading cititens of the Queen Charlottes, mentioned that tore were now three gold mines qn the Islands and very soon there j vcuid be five. Famous men Inter-1 uted in the mines had recently! aid visits. He urged all to carry on ! in co-operation. John Dybhavn extended the of the chamber to all who had helped In the entertainment XMAS Gift Suggestions TIES , ; PAJAMAS (Boxad Irjmup) , JIOSE KAfflHIlOBES SWEATERS SCARFS BELTS CAPS HAN'K'FS. .CJWVS SUSPpNflERS SMOKING JACKETS, ETC. You are welcome (0 come jn and inspect our stock LAJ1JL& STONE tjuality Men's Wear i Editor, .Dally News: The' merchant and the consumer were talking about the "Buy at Home" campaign sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce and both agreed that It was a highly commendable effort and should be supported by consumer and mer- chant alike. The Merchant: But why mention thai I should support the "Buy at Homer' earian.rwtost'tt'l tp my own best interests that I 'should do so?" The Consumer: "This is the ira-son that I mention that jho ratal! merchant sfcosrld support the "Buy at Home" campaign. This campaign Is an effort to keep our money m town and when the consumer buys your goods and gives you his money are you going to spend that money where it will leave the largest amount possible in Prince Bu-pert by shipping your goods in and out by the transportation companies that provide the largest amount of employment to local citizens such as longshoreman, railway and steamship employees, ex press company employees, etc. or are you going to send that money oui or town by shipping with a transportation company that has no employees In town, thereby defeating the purpose and intent of this campaign? The Merchant: "Yes. that is ound reasoning- I must do my hare In keeping all the money pos-tble in Pitoee Rupert if we are all fling to derive the maximum of eneftt ftom this campaign. CIVIC LOYALTY. Visitors From Interior Here The following visitors on the special Canadian National excur-ion from interior points have registered at the otflte of the Prince Rupart Ctuusbesv of jDohk. merce: Mrs. Charles Durham. Usk; H. T. Nlcholls. Burns Lake: A Bemer. Telkwa: Mr. and Mrs. S. Klrkaldy. S. J. Cooper. W. McGo?nelL Miss Helen Glass, Miss Soohie McLaren. LMrs. George Dover. Mrs. Edna, Do ver. Mrs. W. L- Jordan. Mrs. O. T. Sundal. Mrs. Ralph Mathews and two children. Mrs. John Mathews. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Poley. D O. Little, Tohn Hagen. Mrs. W A. Klrkpatriek. Miss Oertrudc McConnell. Mrs B. Cvlbachini and Mum Cath Flnlay-son. Terrace: D. McLean and Mrs W. Little and son Woodrxit A Bruce and E Exlev K::.;'h" t jC. Stevens, $kidegate; S. Anderson. Decker Lake; B. Haugen ;nd F HauRen. Francois Lake; Miv R Tfl-ford. Fraaer Lake: Mrs. Cudwuikt- der and Miss Cadwa!l..der CYtUr-wtfe. Mrs. A. Benson .and M t s V M ,QUlis. HaselMit'Mrs. E. T Kei.ney Miss jvorma Koney, Mb Manure: Jci)uey. Ms han Del' f Orcen. T. BJornson. Mis E T1 ur yi'a and a). Tottrman. Ton am. -an E.itbirland and mi.i T,:nnf. .Ur cti. Smithers; Mrs !. ' Beth arevn and child and Mr uic M S.itlur. 0k: Mr- (3 LiUlo ad Mlss-D. Brene.i. Burns Lak I PYank, Mr. and Mrs J Fi mk E Inlayron. tUtt Agnes O.irHnnrt Teresa JJeiardlns. M. M:it "" M.-s. W. Rtss Tlw.v.i. TI flhomaon antrum p Frank Tr H. Miller. Remo; Mr RuVr Braun. Terrace: Mrs. John i:).si..r-dlns Terrace: R. J J ::m.i -y T ley: W. H. Oreen, ami' her J Uii l?tt. Masseit: Dewey Atkn.v.: mil Miss Doris Atkinson. Rear P J McQettigan. Indakn; Mr and Mrs M. M. Connelly, Frasrr Lak' Mrs. P. Ayfcroyd. Terrace Mrs Jean Hogan. Dorreen: J o Peterson. Loos: Mrs. K. K. Blrnie and Mi and Mrs. J. Hogg, Smithers; F Pear-ton. Anyox. T-Boa outck reiiitji wtth a want ad Jones' Family MEAT MARKET Phone 1)57 Sirloin Tipper lb per Iks Prispe Bls par 4k. 4 lbs. tor BOSsnc Bound Steak. 1 Hn. Onions. 4 lbs. Hamburger StaaJc. 3 lbs Onions. 3 lbs Shoulder pf Laaab per lb Pot Roost. 4 lba. Carrots. 4 lbs. 8irloln Steak, t lbs. Onions. 4 lbs. Rump Roast of Beef per lb Tomato Sausage. 2 lbs. 1 tin Peas Phone 957 12ic 12ic 12ic 25c 25c 35c "His advertisement s not publ.hed or di splayrtl by the Uriuor Control Board or by the lioverfimiyit of 25c 10c 40c 35c 10c 25c LADIES' FUR COATS ,We received a shipment of Ladies' Fur Coats, In latest style-, at very attractive prices. We guarantee these coats to lie as represented, Your inspection is cordially Invited, Buy or order your Coat or Neckwear with ronfidenre here. Opposite McCutrlieons J. CLONES,.. Third and Sixth St. A. Mat iwo nn; dajiIy Npwa Friday. Derrmh-. s n VIT NEVER PAYS TO TAKE CHANCES WITH DOUBTFUL BAKING POWDER. I USE AND ,PPROVE MAGIC. IT S ALWAYS DEPENDABLE. The Letter Box ! FAVOR KKEl'lMi MON.KY HOMi: STO RE CROW INEXPENSIVE GIFTS That jLast I'trcx Glav Ware Chip Proof V-naiutl iKUrlirn .Ware . Klectrlc Stand and Ta,ble Jjunpi Hoover Flettrir Cleaners To our out of town visitors we wish you a pleasant holiday and ask you to make our store your hoad-quarters for your short slay In town Kaien Hardware PHONE: 3 A Satl&fartory Place to Shop .Central Hotel American and European plan Housekeeping Rooms We Also Sell .Coal That (JivcH Perfect Satisfaction U ari u Phone 51 .51.39 i wo P.ur of Latiies Rubbers Any style (JQp U7C Re? 5c now L.M)II-S- SHOCS I-.ikc AKSortment of Kid Tie. Pump OX.ll 04 QQ Reg 4.Q0. now Ladies Brown. Black and Wlutc 4?- Qf? J no' now OJ-tOO Sport Oxfords. Ren 4M. now u,, with Eager Buyers at the B. C. Cothiers Ltd. Hundreds of thrifty customers houtiht their fill and are rcturuinir for mnri May we remind you that we still have Uk harjjains in Men's Furnishi'iius, l(H)Ut Shoes, Ladies' Purses, Silk Stockings. Etc. Follow the Crowds, Sale Opens Daily 9:30 A.M. .MK.VS FURNISHINGS 50c Men'aMk Ilea, vsgf njeo wUrrns ' at Men's OarVers at All Wool Worsted Sox-Hog. 4c now Men s Wool Work So now $1 50 Wool Rlbbe UMorweor now. per garment Cashmere 3-Piece Underwear now. per garment 29c 19c 29c 19c 95c 75c Turnbulls Combinations $3 M value G4 " now stanftfld'k Penman's and Oold Fleece Undeiwi r. at greatly reduced prices Buy now' MU.VS SUOliS Mi n s Solid Leather 0faa R( V. $4.50. now Mt n't Solid Leather Boots-Rex J .GO. now S2.59 82.95 Men s Calf and Kid Very Pine Oxfords (JO rjQ ?U. i v Re ufi to $00. now LAMF.S III lillKltS AiO Iditu bversiioes- Black uud Brown, bargain LAMIAS' HAGS Aiu'& nauier nag"-"!- fM 7 On now 'vt .;: S1.49 .(lies SMK) Bugs Very fiac tratht-r ciiii.nitiLVs siioi:s 4 lui'i . ii Fine Oxford..- From S to I.OV. 52.24 . ..t-Mi Kliofk For t'iiiidrcn Wi tr'-i' uh -ilid If.ahrr or youi money back Then pair.N u i huoar from, an) style Ul IlltLU J10OTS p r s Ki ' Rubbt'i HmiU . Knt-e Rubber Boots SIsi-a i : i Do t t $Mmi White Shalt Rubber Bom- KLICKIIU JACKI.TS r. V-lo Slu ker JarfceU lint !3 i.ow i irrrt ') Barxxin ire tlil n-U I i. ii chance to wive mone 99c S1.85 $1.99 95c FOR HOVS OSLY Bov All Wool JUue and Tweed LotiK 04 Oft P.uu. now ?lOJ Hs Black Rubber OoaUAli aise on ijq bartmn now OOtlJ B-i Knee Rubber Boots- II to 1 51.99 Hlah Tan Qrak Ravi la SWillrf on rv f w ' - r Hundreds of Pairs of Calf and Khl Shoes ,v ver leather, now JOUO low prices. Don't miss this wonderful opportunity Boys' Combine tiona-Oood watgfat r q to save money now B. C. CLOTHIERS LTD. jst lllark Ml rlll Mral Mart rt Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your trophies mounted by an expert. Bear ruas mounted In any style. Oame heads a specialty. All work guaranteed first elaM. FURS MADE UP Wrlle For Prices E. Dix, Taxidermist Terrace, B.C. TOPICS FROM TOYLAND Here are a few of the wonderful alue ftMaituMe Hits f Xome in ami see (he Urge! tite.Uv of lovs iu rriue Knprrt Airplanet that really fly 4te Magic Lantern 315 it tl.M Su?4in Knincs- vi. u. n.bo a mo Wiiid-p Tratna - Mt, Pk. AMI, it.lt Jt up F.leetrit Train SlteO tludlng Kewle and celluloid doHs. baby dolls and fancy dressed dolls He sure to see this display of doll at I owes prices. Doll Buggies from UM U 1740 MECCANO Fw boy :.' ttt'W SOW ptlc .1 i througboul Canada ' 11.11 II JO. $.&. $3M. J.VtO nit Meccano Aeroplane out : . siouth Organs I6e. lid V up Drsmi Ue, Ms, Tic and up ABC aUoaks 5c & Mt Picture Woaks J'c up Building Hlooia 4c A ''c Mosaic 14c. &c II ' Mi-chinlral Acrobat Toy Telenbones lc ; ,f A vritv iMim: hiiuxttws of tkm ami imioks at Fit! Clin TO Mil T KVKJt V j'tlKji: Keep ihjs list lor raTereace. furthdr lists will fpllpw ev. i We Invite you to tompafe our prices And our men ii ' All prtw plainly marked for your convellenc. Oome In look around No obligation. eMxuM FURS! FURS! TKAPPEKS. FARMERS AND COLLKCTOKS Wc wunl your MINK. MAHTKN. PIUIUUI. LYNX, CflOt VER and RED FOXES. W0LVR8. Wragp.8 to flll In our " ' it once. Our prlren fn these articles cannot be beaten Prince Rupert, naturally located as a fur centre, Is t '" logical place for you m ship for quick rrluriu, and you win s" Just as much If not more. A trial shipment will pgnvlnr " All shipments kept fcfiwralf piHIl wr prices stre conNrinrd you Whin you ure In Prljice Rupert make ourwtore your qux"" " und feel t home. John Clones - Prince Rupert. B.C. P O, Box 3ii7 ' Thlril7vc sHIH hi