PAGE FOUR a Christmas Ties To Hang on "His" Tree Fashioned of quality, silk and silk and wool mixtures. A dazzling array of colors and most attractive pat-terns. Beautifully lined and tailored. Prices Never Were Lower 50c. $1.00, $1.50 $2.00, $2.50 $3.00 GIFT BOXES AND XMAS WRAPPING FREE OF CHARGE Largest display in city to choose from. Ask to see our stock of Handkerchiefs Special Xmas boxing. THEY ARE DIFFERENT AND A GIFT THAT WOULD BE APPRECIATED BRYANT COMPANY LTD. 2 Special Round Trip WINTER FARES Prince Rupert and Ccdan Falls to Vancouver, also from Anyox and s Stewart to Princo Rupert and VANCOUVER I .. Moals and Berth Included W t Faxe-and-a-Thlrd tm No Stopovers .... ! . :On Sale until Feb. 28 N ' RETURN LIMIT. MARCH 31st Tor Information call local atal or CHr Tick! om v ' tU 4(h Atdu Prlac ftnpatt B.C T.IIVII CANADIAN NATIONAL UNION STEAMSIHI'S LIMITED. SUmri Irave Prlnoe Rupert for Vanoouw:-- T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY. 1:30 IM. Vis Ooaan Pal l mid Wavpolnta. urrtvltm Vancouver TTiuradajr afternoon T.S.S. CAKDENA EVEKY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. Arriving Vancouver Mondny AM. Weekly aaillnga to Port Simpson, Alio Ann. Anyox, Stewart and N Hlvcr point. Leave Prince Rupert Suu4a. p m. SI'KCIAL WINTER EXCURSION KATE, ROUND TRIP, FRINGE KL'I'EKT TO VANCOUVEK, $32. (Meali and Berth Included.) On Sale Nov 10 to Feb. 28, return limit March 31, 1934. Fnrther Information regarding all aallnga and tckeu at - I'KIM'i: l(ITi:itT AtiKXCV: Third Arnue. I'hone .VM CANADIAN PACIFIC Steamers leave Prince Kupert for Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports: ....I!rlnce8 Adelaide, Fridays 10:00 p.m. For VANCOUVEK: direct: Princess Norah, Dec 1st, 17th, Jan. 1st. 18th. For KETCHIKAN, YVKANCELL, JUNEAU and SKAtiWAY. Princess Norah. Dec 13th. 28th, Jan. Hill. Low Winter Excurtlon Fares to Vancouver and Return Ticket on sale Nov. 10, 1933 to Feb. 28. 1934, Final return limit March 31. 1934 W. L. COATF.S. General Agent, Prince Kupert. B.C. Daily News Want Ads Bring Results WINNER IN HOOP GAME BILLIARDS SCORE BIG Empress Defeated Canadian Lesion. C. N. Iti A. Keats Kaiens 81 to 53 By Aggregate Scorn.of.1110 Iq , .Sonny Stiles Makes Kecord 1035 I.ast Night ' Empress defeated Canadian Le- jjgion by an aggregate score of 1110 .to 1035 in last night's Billiard I League nature, individual soorea-1 were as follows: j Q. P. Tinker. Canadian Legion, '200; m. E. Young, Empress, 149." Alex Murmy,, 144; A, Donald, 200. Charlie Baptle, Pete Prit- chard, 200. Alex Harvey. 130; W. E. Willis-croft. 200. M. M. Lamb, 200; Frank Aldrldge, 175. C L. Youngman. 200; Roy Fang. ise. In the fifth game from Tuesday night' Mies vs. Orotto fixture J. Doherty of the Elk defeated Bert Morgan of the Orotto 200 to 142, the Aged, blended and bottled in Scotland. . . . Popular the world over, because it is ALWAYS reliable. This advertisement is not .1 ' J X ,.' t t . COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. W alto sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 158 Senior League Canadian National Recreation Association, 84: Kalens, 53. Ladies' League Cartdnals, 17; ilifh 8chool'.. Intermediate League Merchants, 19; High School. S3. Junior League Flashes, 14; Scy-1 thlans, 6. Before a good turnout of fans the C. N. R. A. cagers ran roughshod over the Kalens in the Senior League to win 84 to 53. Sonny Stiles iset an all-time record for Individual scoring by snaring forty points. The Kalens had to use two Intermediate boys, to make up their team. At half Klme the score stood 38-18. After the interval the C. N. R. A. (machine clicked and started to pile Elks now having an aggregate lea di tip the points. of m to m with one game betwrd The girls ram that Seventh Ase- oeorge Howe, orotto, and WllMamJkiue school of learning lent to Feb Stuart. HHti, renealtdng to be nJay-Jetone and her ted demons in a hec-i tic struggle 17 to 8 with the .students The league standing to date is playing the belter brand of basket-as follows: ball in the second half Orotto Empress Can. Legion Elks O. 4 5 5 4 Ttl. 4,447 5.494 6.216 4.092 lower five. No provision was made for pedestrians. The brtdsje is 109 feet above high water. Mr. Thomson passed through Sar. Jose, the scene of the recent lynch ing after the commission of the crime but prior to the hanging of the criminals. He said the people there were very bitter against the perpetrator of the kidnapping and murder of Brooke Hart. He attributed the action of Governor Rolph ad others to the laxity In securing oonvtettMU in that state. He thought there would be no change fpr the better as long as judges and other officials were elected as at present. The speaker said he was 1 San Francisco at the time of the reju- vination of John Barleycorn but he saw no particular change in the habit of trie people as a result Things went on Just a bo it the same A number of interesting observations and incidents were reported by the speaker. At the close, he was thanked by John Dybhavn, the president. Ave. The High School had IktUc trouble 1.11? to defeat the Merchant U-1S in 1.099 1.049 1.023 TELLS ABOUT RECENT TRIF Syd. Thomson Had Interesting Visit In California and Recounts Ills Observations at Rotary Luncheon A very interesting address wm jlven yesterday afternoon at the regular luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club by S. C. Thomson, dealing with things he saw on a recent trip to California. While In San Praneieco he met hts sen and daughter both of whom are living in the city. Outstanding among the interesting things he saw were the new Golden Gate bridge at present under construction at a cost of $81,000,000 Another was the bridge connecting with Oakland by way of Goat Island This was eight and a quarter miles long. The upper deck lad six lanes for transportation and the the Intermediate League. All the -chool team played well while Don Arney wet outstanding for the Merchant. In the Junior game the Flashes won their tussle with the Scythians n a one-sided match 14-6. Basketball Standing Senior League j W L. P. 5rotto 6 2 12 ' ;. N. R. A s S 10 . " Kalens ..! f a Ladle' League, ardlnla .. . ..7 1 14 Comets 1 1 10 ligh School 0 g 0 Intermediate League I Warriors ... 3 w " ait School ....... 4. 4 8 Merchants . J 5 6 Junior League, j ' Trojans 8 0 12 Vythians 3 3 g hashes 3 3 g :y Scout 0 6 u S Montreal 1. Chicago 3. Toronto I. OtUwa 4. Canadlens 0 Nw York Rangers 0 Hockey Standings International DlvMon W. D. L, F. A. P. roronto 8 1 2 44 18 17 anadtens 6 1 Si St 18 Montreal S t M ts 9 HUwa a 4 0 7 IS It 8 Vmeriaaju l 3 I it 4 a American Division tt 1 4 Sf -hicaae j 1 Soston b 0 tangers 3 2 X IS 4 13 13 6 S3 S3 10 4 11 12 8 Grotto and Cold Storage Winners In Bridge League Last night's Bridge League re-ulU were as follows: Orotto 7147; I. O. O. F. 486. Swift 5848 Cold Storage 8518. rcctccn. gA Whisky NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor MA HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kates $1.00 up 50 Rooms. Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C Phone 281 P.o, Box 198 I 11 Fraser & Payne Saturday Specials Open Saturday Night till 10 o'clock KAY.SEK AND ORIENT HOSE Full fashioned silk to top, dull finish. French heel cradle foot, pure thread silk, all new ahadea. each pair in dainty gift box. Si 00 reg $1 50 quality. SpecW. pair LADIES' TRIMMED RAYON. SILK BLOOMERS AND PA.NTJBS May Bellr quality, deiusUmd finish, assorted styles. eaoepUott! value Q-f Aft 2 pair bloomers 2 vests for Samples, assorted colors pure wool, sizes 3 yra D. Brown Oi J. May Ot O. Howe 'Oi P.P rtt-hard ilmpi n P. Tinker iu Roy Fo-g Ii C Baptie CL) A. Donald iBmai. O. 8 $J) Maeilerahl iO 1 J. Sutherland lmpi 4 C. P. Balagno Bk 8 C. Bait 0 S W WUliscroft iBmpi I J. Doherty 1 Hk J. Bulger iKUui M M. Lamb iCL F. Aldrldge Kam) C. Youngman 1CL1 J. Saunders 'Klks) W. Ranee 'CD 1 W I. Hutson 0 W. Stuart isncs) B. Morgan 1O1 V. Mentle (Bm ... L. Raabe (Bmp.) A. Murray iCL) M. M A. A. Men tie inks) E. Young (Bmpi Beale Bmp) . Harvey 1CL1 8 1 6 8 3 8 8 published or by the Liquor Control Board or by the GovcriMncnt of Mrui Columbia Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone G57 $1.00 SUKDB TvUKKm PRINCESS SLIPS Fitting Style, lace trimmed, assorted 04 AA shades, all siaes. special, each LADIES' RAYON SILK HLOOMEKS ; VESTS Ooiid quality rayon silk bloomers and veu in sh.tdes of flesh A; tea rose, plain tailored styles social qi nn ci nn 3 pr bloomers LADIRS' LINED AND UNLINED CAPE LEATHER GLOVES Assorted shades and styles, lined and Q-f QC ?x7J unllned. ail siaea. Special, pair CHILDREN'S KINGWOOD WOOL GLOVES and styles, all Q-f ft ft Ol.UU to 12; 3pr for L-VDIES' IRISH LINEN HANDKEKCHIEPS INITIALED Pure Irish linen handkerchiefs, hem- Op t itched with large culowd iniOais. 2 for1" LADlia ROXED HANDKERCHIEFS Genuine Irish Utien hand embroidered hundker-rhicf.v packed 4 tiandk'-ti tilcf in 0 )A box .spet-ial. 4 h"X- f' HockeyScores Billiard Averages Ttl 1090 see 789 MO St7 7S 93 36 955 966 948 9S4 MO 553 918 ,544 894 881 872 172 M0 878 814 186 m 795 828 773 305 802 Ave 200 200 197 m 198 194 IPS 193 191 191 190 185 188 185 183 182 179 174 172 170' 170 183 168 168 159 157 155 153 ISO, I HAND STITCHED KAYSKIl cloves (irnulm- hand stitched double-1. x gauntlet style all new shade. pair in gift box; special, pair JOC MISSES' KAYOS SILK VHeVT k KLOOMMt SIT Roxed In set, assorted shade and C aa trimmed, sites to 14. special, art vlUU HEAVY PUKE SILK FLATiUKEl'E INDLKULU Hand made French laea. Mswnsti style, assorted ihirtes QI 00 Teddys. asortd styis . vl70 Princess Slip nssorted style ,. ... I... Pantic At BraagJete Ma In gift boxes FRINGED CURTAIN PANM-S Full slse panels, aaaarted patteni fringed ends, ivory color special, each S1.98 S1.98 50c HOYS' LEATHER STAR OAU.VIl.l.T GtOVH All leather fringe star gauntieu wool lined special, pair JB A CMCST IN FINCST IOHLANO MALT Til's .i.l .'Hi.. r .. .tl.!--..-. ..r lt .!: -i'-MfJ ..r t1. .'jvewmrnt o Jti 69c ME.VS OAI'K I.KATHEK GLOVM Wool lined colors grey and tan v-,:.. -A wrist, ail siaea; special pair vlDU .MtVS IRISH LIMA' IMTl.tLIII IIANDKIKCIIIIKS Very fine quality pore linen haTn. initials, boxed 1 handkerrhlefv qa nOY.V YAM A CLOTH rYJA.M.Vi Siaea to 14. assorted patterns. fa- OA n( coiors, well made . Q1)V .MENU YAm! CLOTH P YUM AS Exreptional value Yama luth 1- fipenai Ols 111 Insist on "GRANTS BEST PKOCURABLL" TheOfiiioil rr alr al Yriulu, or itlrrrt t" XlaJIOrJrr Dpt. I.iiuir t untrvl lUanl. g j ItraltT St Vl"""" BEST PROCURABLE I BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Willinm UlclinrdH, Propriclur Renniring and OvcrhnuliiiK of MaclHiJ ' Installations of Gas and Diesel KniM" Substantial Reductions Kor Cash - afleae TOOMBS' RADIO SERVICE Reliable and economical repairing at all' makes of radio "guaranteed" Phone: Blue 901