d:'' December 8, 1033 Want Awwj. FOR SALE j vYtf M" ')od )flcc safe - ;) t Dally News. ,tr i u r Wioter tay owTiogr. i " :; Av1 West. 385 21 Jcwtjod&ebajer watch. cosi "fto." pinne 122. J87 r- present, (toiler Cana-Cuianteed singers. stilp c uuce. W. Ilutson, Jlahd c: KOKJtKNT (!FD Houskeeptng Rowns! r W'li mote you In free ?'.0 -vj .lmjtrgB imif-. in wly renovated 141 . i. Phone Red 41. PAINTERS 4 A-UTiNU ana ranernanEinc M r Phone Red 302 . C mr a mpi'lin 1 1 IWMTOr TiO '.D'.'i'i Transfer Dry Wren,:. Pl'-e Piirnltiir tnor mm. . tfi HAIItnRESSKK PERMANENT WAVI.NOJ n-'tfr Curl: Latett Styles j: V N S UFAUTY 8HOPPE Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD OttrstliK three Dry Docks TtUl capacity II.IM Mas BbJabolMtrs sod Shla Eesslrtr fr Steel and vTcsl Teassls Irso and llrass CastUg Ilfttrle and ArctyWne Welalaf ll tta DerHck far Deary Uf ItwmlUand MlnlDgMachlitry Rtsslred and Utrbaalt4 Guide to Cdrrespondents The Dally Kews welcomes tptiuukiicc vo live topics of the day or any other sub-Jprtot public Interest, bul let-f's must be brief and tq.th l" The long-winded ,cor-f i ndent has no place In it. j rn journalism. Every letter must be signed by the writer, not necessarily tor publication but as a mat-tr ( f gi.'Od faith and courtw. A.) unsigned documents gq to tho waste paper baiket Let i of a caustic character tH-i.'. have the signature' appended for publication. Letter should be written on on? side of Die paper only. ( respondents must afci'd pc ionaiiUe and the languaRv trnuld be such as would be. alt lo'cd In the ordinary rules i)t drtiate Mail Schedule r' Hie Kast Mondays. Wednrday nnd Frl- 4t30.nm 'torn the Kat Tuesdays, Thursdays andiSaturan. "J lO'm. rr Vancouver ' I Tursday 12:30 p.m. Thursday 0sl5tpjn,l FliJay lpt j. Oee i ond 15 :.. 4 p m. , Sundays and Wednesdays ' Tby Min) ,430 prri. ruin Vancouver Sunday ., , , , .pm i Wrdnpsday ... mmQXa.t , , Frldav 1 n m. 0 TtMVtriaua riiiiJ.i,. ttrtA nalnr. c-r- (by train) ....U lO pott L ' 11 iinxi 28 . ..I......JIJMH Jail Clranro iiMuin II. ILl-l.. )V.I . Jmle Product Arrives .aval Dup .Next lf k Quality of Valencia oranges now ' being Of fered on the TeUll market . jrjiy poor and it.ifli be about a'Oreen Peppers, lb. .15 week before the nw nnv.il. nnma hi. '-Meantime, the Jap orange saon is now at Its height and the Oriental variety u, as usual, proving very popular. A new shlp-pieqt pf Watt Indlw orange ana grapefruit arrived here Wednesday and is meeting with ready sale. total stores -are beginning to feature Christmas goods as house- wives are in the midst of prepar- Mug their good tfetngs for the fes- season. The price of eggs 4 dropping wr better, sugar l flour temam Jlrm. Retail prices currei here are as '.follows: Vegetables 1"ot;oe, Astocreft. 9 lbs. .36 2.50 Potatoes. Upriver. 10 lbs. 4U w 2.40 jjCarroty B.C.. buneh t 10- lb. ? Sweet Potatoes, to r10 . - S. It. S. iune in topics i ! HIGH LIGHTS ! HtlDAY. I)LC. 8 6 00 Evening Prelude. KJR I 1 00- Swift Revue. KOIN i 7 3- Eddie Peabody. KOMO. 8 30 Eno Crime Club. KJR. 10:00 Melody Train KJR. SATURDAY. I)KC. 9 6:00 - Baron Munchauson j KOMO. i 8:30 Symphonic 8t rings. CFCN. 7:60- M4venlrs ol Song. KJR. 8:30 Hollywood of the Air. jCQMO. 0:00 Caiefrte Carnival, KOMO. RUMIAV. IKC. 10 C;00 Ounnar Jo)anon Piano KJR. 7:00 Ctoevroiot Program, KOMO. 8:90Riuly 8rer Orcheaira. KJR. 8:30 - Death Valley Days. KOMO. i 9 00 Salt Lake Organ Taber nacle. KSL. and Jtrniembe r 1 effr r you a modrrn. efficient and reliable Radio Service Superior Radio Service Thone Blue 3?fl: 3JC 5nl. Ave. U)OK OU TI1F TOWER "TILLIE THE TOILER" IT l K A I F-t$oafialj mv um:le WTi PLMElt ft ni it i m IT TO MB J H5 .ti i ii . jgi TvjA rim iV-r 'VAJRAM UK "TMk"T fcfcy Hothouse Tomatoes, "No. 1, 2 lbs r. .35 .Basket .. JJ5 Brussoll Sprout, lb .13 Onions, 8 lbs ... .25 Savoy Cabbage, lb .00 T otlre KnnVt .05 j Oarllcimbfirted.r lb, 2i Cabbage, B. C, lb. ' fib uai, iieaa uutuce. ec to iz Cauliflower, lg., B,C, fan2bc to ,30 Hubbard fkiuah. lb J06 Vegetable Marrows, lb. M Spanish (Onions, lb - 40 Beets, bunch, 04 Bulk, 8 lbs . .25 Parsley, .bunch fil Turnips, JO lbs. ,. , w tJU .25 Parsnips upriver washed, 6 lbs. J25 Celery, B.C., head Be to '.. .15 Apples' ' vVlnter Bananas. 4 lbs 25 Box 136 Mcintosh Reds FfcHey Wrapped, -3 lb. 3b 2.40 Orimes Ookien and Rome Beauty, fancy bulk, 4 lbs. .25 Box 1.85 Delicious C wrappedu4 lbs 2i ' Box 7M Panay wrapped, J3 (lb. 25 box 2io J'ruits Wc lilies OraivliA Me to .66 Jap Orange, box 90 Lnwrns, CaL, 40 Qcapefruit. Clif.,.6c to 10 ismatea OranefriuiL each 7c to .13 Psan, Algous, doz. .. .40 Pomegranate, eaeh, 5c io .08 Banana, ib .15 Emperor Grape M Cranberrie, lb near Flour. AV. Ho. fhard wheat ... 1.75 Kfwaiut PiaLani 1 IS Pastry Flour, 10 lbs. 45c to .50 Aust. Pastry Flour. 10 lbs 3b Honey r xtiactad Honey, per Jar 20c to JO Oomb Money Sugar White. 100 lbs. . 7.7 Yellow. 100 Hm ISA tttu B C. Freah Eatra. artoned .40 mow laid, doc. .50 Preserved Extra, do. Paney, eartonecT, Tb. ... 23 'No. 1 Oreamarft 3 lbs. M tard Pure. lb. 17c to . Meats Turkey. Ho. I Alberta, lb M fpvl No. 1. lb !L ,26 Roastrnc Chftken, lb. .28 Ham, sliced, first grade 40 ,11am, plenJc. flpt grade, lb. ... .18 Bacon, side, sliced, beat grade .. J7 iPork. fcTMuldf r, lb. 10 Pork. loin. lb. M Pork. le, lb .22 Pork, dry salt, lb JO Veal. )oia. lb 20 Veal, shoulder, lb. 12tf Bef, pot roat. lb. 10c to 12 Beef, boiling, lb .08 Uef. roast, prime rib, lb. .18 Beei ateak. lb. 20c to M Uarob. shoulder, lb. . Lamb. leg. lb. JO Omoked Kiopers, lb. , .15 CSO'SVt THATi Xf.W T PUTJT M TMB . V- - V K. 11 t-oprji THE DAILY NEWS ?ao2 ma MAOE Of My MiMD vaT -I'M 'STll. U iNU I'LL ttVT V (3II4L. WAFFy. -thbe 'rhomb. I Heiress and Prince Come Home . Prince Alexis Mdvanl and his bi tie. :h f B: 1 , W'ui- worUi Hutton. heiress to the Wo .i'h .. .:-u f ..iw. on board the liner Bremen on amv.nq i . N-a V .vk . n iy Tliy were married in Paris on June 21 This is their f i: v V S trip. baboon, freah, lb. JO ffahbut, 2 Hm Jt Smoked Halibut. Ib. 15 Dried rrulti .White Figs. lb. J24v Black Cooking Figs, lb It Date, .bulk, lb, Je to .U Leaon and t. range ?& Jet bitron peel Jt rune. 30-40. lb. . .15 Prunes. 40-50. lb. Xi Prunes. 00-70, tb Jl Ratalns, Australian swtffcM, lb. .14 ftalaln. Cal, awloa. lb . .15 Cjwrants. lfc .11 Aprieots. lb !. to JS Aopies. dried .He-ie .17 iSeaehea. peeled nr. to .15 Cbecse Ontario M, e'. lb 3fe & JS Ontario, mature, lb. ' J5 Itilton. lb. JS Mam, lb .41 Roquefort. Vo $Q .lergenar la, lb .. M Ferd Wheat. Alberta Jki. IM Bran J. IM Middlings - LP Shotto 1J6 Dat - 1.78 He Oat Cboos 2vW Crushed Oaa tm Bailey ..... lJj Laying Masti kk Oyster Shall 1.8, Scfatch food WOJ Bailey Chop MS! Nutf ! Almond. Tarragonna, lb JO Alnvmd. shelled VasessclM V CaMfornia sft sherieO Walnuts .30 1 Financial y r"j"t "v l OU6MT TO PUT IT IN tHft BAHk.TDO. BUT I HMk "Nothing Ventured, UuulOi vwav.i-V" S ftyg j - O.iVJ A ,fr . VI- NEV BOOKS ARE NEEDED Library Board Considering Ways And Means of Raising Money For Purchases The question of raising money for the purchase of book for the Pub-he Library was discussed again Tuesday night by members of the library beard but it was decided to defer any action until after the New Year. It was reported that the Toe H bridge drive to be held in the Moose Hall tonight was being well supported and a constderaWe sum was expected to be realised from that source for the Juvenile section but this would not meet the general need. Something else would have to be done to raise money for new book in the general section. A proposal for a library sweepstake had been mentioned and was layered by some of the members. The librarian. Miss Crulkshank. reported a falling off in borrowings because of the lack pf the newer books. During the month of November there were issued fiction. 4319 volumes; non-fiction. 806; Juvenile, HIS, and duplicate pay. 31. Some new books for the duplicate pay section will be arrtvtng in a few days. The average dally borrowings was 294-3 The number of borrowers now registered Is 971. Fifty -six new books were p)aed Advict TDV.O OU Of 'MVE5TIW IT IM A feARV flfe Avjrv! SOBTUMt - t 1 To iuuST a ' sir4jv Nothing Gained" I'ME VkW- "0 BVClTBO'l f7(OT TC Tftuu voy THAT 4.' sH (PPlE WAfiTS TO JTCJfVH Pt IN JJ-y 'i A Flying Tackle Goes Astray Here's what happens when a wrestler misses a flying tackle in the ring. The tanitd miss of trim, legs and torsos is Leo Nar-baraes up arrl Red OTJell down. They we doing battle at San Francisco, where Narbaraes won. p the shelves during the month, of which 43 were from the Oyro drive. Seventy volumes wore discarded and many more would have to go won. There are now 8,740 books in ihe collection. WHY THE SALARIED MAN SHOULD BUY AT UOME (Continued from Pace V. paid aod. this toaecer may oe would like to do all they can for teaching the salaried man's boy the benefit of the city In .which; or daughter, they Uve. j When a depression hits a com- Why ahoulG anyore be loyal to.munity, the' salaries are usually Prince Rupert? Well for the sen-1 cut. Sometimes men and women pie reason that anyone that has attase then- position. One of the position in Prince Rupert, whether j cause of depression it the laek m It is with the Canadian National, Dominion Ooverrment, Provincial Oovernment, wholesale houses, le-tal firm medieal profession, teaching profession or In the city Itself, owe their oositkw to the very existence of Prince Rupert. Take Prince Rupert off the map' and salaried people will be out of Jobs. Is it too much, tbafofore, to an ticipate loyalty to Prince Rupert from the salaried people? We are suffering from too much knocking. Why not let us direct that energy whteh is apent on Knocking on boosting and see what a difference there would be? About a year ago shore was a letter circulated by the employees of th? CN R. roouosUoc that the people of Prinee Rupert support (aS!-.c vi ANVON8 ) VOVJ XB vooaKto 2iiir2; MB TO, 1'i.l. IMvisT "TM.T 5 WO FO-s! AMQ TttlPLB T IM NO Tl Hi. . ir.ln., , raw ftuv A Wti" CUkS Tiucm, moth ere. HAS KJOnHlKJi? TO C&u APAiT MMAT MO SVuLO DO VA1TH yjvft Cvjm MONCy, but BCMBMVSBfi' VOU MAVH VCHJP- $ EDO KIOVM AMD .the CUR. Yet some of these, env I ptoyee were -not supporting the j people whose support they were . soaking. It is a matter of .take ana - give. Loyalty is like a oouble-dged swotd. It works both ways or at least K should. Tfce landlord ts tJie taxpayer 1-. the city. The business 'man who is not a landlord is a fteuant He pay he rent and from the rent the taxes are paia I money circulating in a community. On the other hand, if there is more money circulating, everybody wfcj prosper. Safeties will be inerjeaseo and more Job found. Knowing this eondlUon exists, we, the members of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, sportsoreo this idea m lhat we might -rte a spirit of undergtaajding among our citisens. We trust thai the above will be j accepted a a response to your eiwisonge. Yours for loyalty to Prinee Rupert Junler Chamber Of Commerce. AifterUae in in Dally .News rr By Westover. 1- I I. 5 to TAitrl IN I 1 I I OMLE J INVB5T. Ml3HT )-oe IT