Coniruci iulea on upplicuion. Advertising and lUrculallon Telephone Editor and Iteporters' Telephone DAILY EDITION Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulations. IT Monday.' 98- .86 World's Middleweight Champion 3, 103j I NOJJQPV'S BACK YAI) The display of irritability shown by Premier Tplmie in the Legislature last week was a sign of weakness and pay jJosgft)ly j)e attrijjutajjlp to bis recent illnessand. the feeling that the ground is breaking away from hjm all around, jiirior to. his sinking into political oblivion, to ask a man tp.jojn in a reorgajii.$d union government and. then because he refuses to insinuate that he is no good and that it was only because of the position he held that he was asked, was decidedly puerile. It like a child inviting, a friend Lssssssssssslr jLLLLLLLLLLLLH ggggggggggBEL tjfe 'ijIh . .V.?'V-i!iBBMHBBIlM- M BBBK BBBBB BBBflBBBH BBBBBa . nTBBBfll MBBBE PMbHPVIPV- BPvVSJBVI HhF' IibIm IbbbHbB iW jH WtL, jS v ''QgHllllim XHMP iHkBH JICIJV ItltTAINS T1TI.K Y VIUTIT. OP Jl'POKS' DKCISION Ui'ii Jcrjy irlhti woild mid(il weight ' li.nnplun, K:t one of Vincent Dundee's nifiny well -mined lift to tin- head In the eighth round if ihe,lr bout at the Garden, New York. Amidst one of the iinauimonn chpn4M of bpo in Mie.Oarmahiifqry Uje.JuoV Res enabled Jcby to r-t;iiii his title by liivnu1 Uir challenger a draw tfypjay in his back yard and then because.he refuses telling ri mm ne is no gooa. Pattullo refused to play in the Tolmie back yard and we are inclined to think his constituents in Prince Rupert will agree that he was right The general opinion here is that he does not have to play in anybody's .back yard. He is a big enough man to have his own yard where the others ljiay come if they wish. GATHERING IMPETUS The depression has been a breathing tim when very lit,tle work was done that could in any way be put off until a more convenient season. In this district houses and stores have been neglected to a certain extent. )Vharves have ben allowed to go the limit without rqpiljng. Interior de-1 corations have been delayed, outhouses have gone into.dis-i THE DAILy NEWS. OUR . PIUNqKKlJFji:? - BRITISH COLUMHIA Published l?very Artemoon, Except Sunday, by PrlncJtupcri Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue 1933 Tennis H. F. PULLEN - - - -jManaslng-Edltor SL'BSciuirrio.N kates -City. delivery, by, mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance- Fof ljSMer jwrlods. paid lp advajiye per we,ek 3y riiail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year - .... $y majl to air other countries, per year ADVERTISING Tran$ient display advertising, per Inch per intention ia4iticd advertising, per insertion, per word Legarnotices, each insertion, per agate line " Local readers, per Insertion, per line ' son 3.00 a do 1.40 repair, cars have been wearing put and roofs hae been. t i DTV TJPI FV patched instead of renewed. People's clothes have ijeen p' AK 1 I tlllLIJ worn to shreds, boots have been allowed to run down at ! . - - heel, dentistry and doctoring have been delayed. Putting, off these necessary things is Ijke damming a stream. The j jime will come when the dam gives w,ay and, the flood of prosperity is loosed once more in the land. As soon as the ! improvement gets under way there will be more work for the unemployed, the merchants will- be busy, real estate j people will sell property and insurance, people will invest1 in stocks and bonds, painters and ;lecorat,ors, 'furniture : dealers, upholsterers will work overtime ; new office wull. be opened and the empty buildings will be filled and demand will come for others. Men will go to the logging cantos to provide logs for the mills to cut for the..carpen-. ters to use and the painter? to uaj;it. Plunders .and. fitters and ftirngce men wHl add to the earning impetus and almost before we know it the land will he prosperous orc,e j niMfi. j P'his in no fancv picture. It is a picture bjasl op Qxpor-J ience. It is what has happened dozens o tjn;eis hefpr.e and '; willhapnen apftin. The country is ready for th now start' but it takes a Rooaevelt or some other progressive states-' mpn to give it the push necessary to. start Jthinjfa gittg. FfiiiT. vears of holding back has made the country i;eady , for a move forward. ! Enjoyable Aifair Held Saturday Nljlit fiizes For Season , Presented ' To celebrate the winding up of a succeatful winter season, an enjoyable dancing party was held Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ft. Mitchell Atlln Avenue. Waatxlew, tor members of the Prince Rupert Badminton Clab. There were about fifty persons. pre-bnt and one of the features of the Wenjhg'a proceedings was the presentation of cups to club champions as follows: Ladles' singles. Miss Bessie Thompson. ) Ladles' doubles. Miss Frances Qrpss and Miss Caroline Mitchell. M)pd doubles. Miss Bessie Thompson and Ronald Allen. i Men's singles. Ronald Allen Men's doubles. Wlzner Bryant and Ronald Alien. i The presentations were made by the president George Mitchell. Music for dancinn was furnished bjr Charles P. Balavno and Oeorge L. Rorle. At mldnlitht delicious refreshments were served, the presentation of the tronhies taklnt place ut this time. The committee In rh.inze consisted of Mia Besale Thompson. Miss Frances Cross. Mlsa Lillian Halllwell and George BOBOLINK HAS CREW Snat oat Going to Naas Iliver First and Then Will Work the Skeena The crew lias jplned the pomln-ion Kovernment snag boat Bobolink. Capt. J. p. Watson, and the vessel will be leaving for the Naas River in a few days. Atcr she has cleared the obstruction from the northern river, she will go, up Uie Skeena and take out the slumps and logs that have drifted down there during the two seasons. The vassal did not operate last year but this year a large run of salmon. Is expected and the vessel will probably be In rbmrrjaslon for eight mtttU or thereabouts. Advertise In the Dally News oters in Hockey Struggle RANGERS IN FINAL, ) Maple Leafs ptfrat Bruins to Force Puck Battle Into Fifth and Last Game TORONTO. April 3: (CI'J-The National Hockey League first place play-off between, the world champion Toronto Maple Leafs and Boston Bruins was forced into a fifth and final game Saturday night when Toronto scored a five to three victory over the visitors. The deciding game will be played tonight and, with, all Toropto players hack on the line-up, It is expected to be a hectic contest. .Meanwhile at Detroit last night, the New York Ranters defrated Detroit Red Wings 4 to 3 and won the two-game round C to 3 together with the rirht to meet the winner of the Toronto-Boston series In the final for the Stanley Cup. Fresh Milk and Cream Daily. VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Oprratliu three Dry Docks Total rapacity' 20,009, tons Shipbuilders arid Styp. Itcpalrers for SeeJ snd' Wood Vessels Iron and Itrass Castlnr rjryic and Acetylene Wdlni W.tnn Derrick for Heavy Lifts Sawmill and MlnlncMachinrry Kepalfrd and Ovrrlialileci Newmarket and Su&bury Cubs Were ued at one game apiece . -i.u.nt three-game sejdes for Oie Junior hockey supremacy of all-Ontario on. March 20. Blazing .1 brilliant comeback trail the gaUajit'liUje Redmen from the 'North York town, scored a seusa, 2 to l victory over their rujgged silver-belt rivals at Maple Leaf Gardens in tl e s.vond frame to forre the series Into three gSirjps In order to decide a winner. The above layout shows the successful marksmen In the second gime. Li Frank Huggin, who returned to the wars after being nut wltn an injured bark and turned In a star effort Frank scored the tying; goal, after some brilliant playing which gas Mar-kles new life in their bitter battle 2 Adclard La France, shifty left winger of the Cubs, who scored the first goal of the game on a brilliant solo enrt 3 Pep Kelly, fast skatinn winger, who notched the winning goal lor the North Yorkers. T0OK RADIO UP MOUNTAIN Reception on Ilicher I-evrl Is Reported Kxeellrnt Members of the Prince Rupert Ski ;iub on Saturday night took a radio t up the mountain to their club iottse and they report that the reception was wonderful both Saturday and Sunday night. Yesterday after the rain stopped I w woui im una mr Sluing was vry gwl on the newly fallen snow. SPORT CHAT I Tomorrow niuht will finish the I basketball activities In the city as , far as the Pntirr Rupert Basketball Association u concerned. There will I be two Rami the play-offs Iq the .Junior League between the Meteors and the Boy Seoul and the final liamr In the rhnmninnahln nt the Senior I.caaue between the Ca-lIj CENT POSH VVAflHINOTON, DC. April 3:- Benator Homer Washington, In the Senate for the return Rackets Jujt Arrived Ovef 0 to cljooe ron? Agents for Sjuhling, IJcntlcy and Slazinjjer KAJEN HARDWARE CO. Smith Work Phone 3 NORTHERN I C. NEWS the Southern Lodge of the Bks entertained members of the hotkey ' team weartnc their eoJora during ; the past season. The boys tvpt treated to a saitaffing retatat after ! which than was a prsvoun of speeches, songs and A quiet wadding took puce at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson, when Mtaa Annie Foray the bwa the bride of Oeorge Standee, N. 3i llales was the officiating eler- jnadlan Hutlon il Recreation Asao-lIyww, elation and the O rot to The C. N.i m t , H A. have i"vw" ,WW nma a nassa an an eiaht-oolnt eight-point lead lead tn the first of the two-game series. WANTS TWO ' , niani of u when Utev enaacad three les Henson the kam. j 8mithera beams lp a atrtea on UvirJ Jycf own floor. In the senior and bpysj divisions the Telkwa phfn won but. in the ladles' dlvlaton, the 8ml- i thers team was victorious. After many years HmlLhuni Mrm J Lf UiK mtthiM- class letter postage in the United 1,11 WonW for Q.nqattel, atAri.-Staten. y. apd jk.;rvUe wfyjrje they i W,H IflvjsUgjte busjneis onporUin- liEarl Der Biggers Somewhat Better i PALM SPIjtlNOH. April Si-Burl Der jiggers, well kn,6wn novelist and short story writer, who ml. . f ercd a heart jwas reported iqes oft-reJ, by the recall golc jrusli. Inqliyled lp the parijy wejv : Oninneilj. iterr. J. i McKen- na arid C. 0. 1 Uw'y 3, JewelJ ha Wen Known Novelist m , Critical frTS VmT ,,T::r."',V,-,r vmmm:. M imith im con- ! Trojijjle jdWbly Irrjnpoysij, James ciarH of Wlstajrfa ajjd, AMwon Mrsflh or of Slim Williams who left Copper ""T , "" Centre. Alaska on November 20 last , . Wh TU' leader iXttkthed to a YVon slefph, W""' arrived In Mr and Mrs Car! Os b,r ,ho The Journey was l mile, through Burnji the ictateat game counter in tpe north. Alter a rest of a eoupie of days, he rWmed hi Journey to ... . . 'i . . . aeauic uienct w urucgo mi shtou the opening V WofMt Fair. ; Mr. and Mm. George Duogate have Mt MaceRon for North Vancouver when they wHI rasMe In f u-tare. They were amottf the oldest I rMMaAta of HaselUm. The local roads are about ready, for the first trip of the grader. The now is about gone and the frost Is out to a corudderaUe depth. Miss Moraham. nlaee of Mrs. Oeorge Dungate. Is nov rnaXing her home with Mrs. J. C. Seahf. FoUowng a trial that took Mp i of the court's Msae for aneniln day. Prank Huber. facing a eJtarga of at duction preferred by hkt foster -daughter. Dora liufeer, was sentenced to four months In Okalla. As a climax to their mauler meet to take up bavereturned satisfied with residence .nAibcr'j her" beuiK la: prairie nii,)itii Mass Meeting of Unemployed Held Sunday Evening There was a larv ..tvr.-iar.-f it a bmus meeUns U: : ' .i. t Canadian Labor lx ( ; Hall when various w.: r rent moment were rits. a nusaber Of apeukers and there ws also a mucti pro. gram. Mail Schedule 1,'or the Kast NMricaajra, Wednesdav and Frt-days K 30 pa ''rid lic 'J1 Tussijgr. Thursday and Ssttl-dsjr io l) pa. ing on Monday night, members of " .Vancouver Tuesday ... !2 JO pa. Thuraday w pa- Frldar n pat AprU 14 and 31 P Msoday. Wednesday ai d rndiy (by train t KV'S Vanrouver Suaday . PB ftdntsday . 9 Friday P April 10 and 34 Tuesday. Thursday r.: s..turdiir bytralhi' io 15 pm for Stewart and Anrei Bandar 'Pfl Wednesday 3 pb From Stewart and Anyei ' nuiii i statu sis i lowering or unjicd States i. ,' 'r J "T'liir .. . i .ii Itat i-L , sail to tnke un residence In Bhgland. ir!; 1 LetJeT Alaika- Anrtj !& and U nr Vancouvei Tuesday- Carden.i TVllra Drill.! 11 MIA Thursday Pffl For Naas Hirer and Tort Slspw-Mdav' ' 'P JVm,Nas Itlver and Tort Star1 Toetrlfy . I... tiia Inlands SA i T. i. Done. uonc. Democrat, uemocrai,! ma. . rKx n-' has las introduced introduced a bill : JoMrW,ln l" covered truck C 'Ynt which would provide remlnlssent of an old time pralfle Oieamhlp jalilllgS of two cents first "vW ' aparaftce. a party, r 30 pS- 10 p- WJ! -. Prln Adelaide IIP m. niidnii" ApMl I4r- as. Prln N-uh Z April - ss. Prln n p raVir,)ed,j Srp, ,Vsnx;i,ri-. Hunaty as. ugroen.' Frldayas. Prip. Ad l ',dr . Venture April 10 -as. Prln Nn il April H-as. Prln N", ,h for Stewart sad Anyes ()4VUn TIItd ti.ktk ....It .1 h v., n n 1 i fdV-es. Prince Rupert. W i",ar:iH,U,'l tit m, r.. . to be consl-ierably Imnroved n! ZLS KJ:fS&$: VFJlZu though hU condition Is still critical, , mlng attended Utended'theTirlde Sndthor-1 Thurs.-sa. Prince R-'l 8 p