PAQK rOUB II Advertise In the Dally News SALADA PRICE DOWN BROWN LABEL Half pound now 25 cents Grocers - see rebate forms 5 ALREADY MAILED TO YOU WE PROTECT YOU AGAINST ALL LOSS GIBSON PATERSON LIMITED, WINNIPEG. ACTIVITY , , IN MINING Busy Spring is Expected For Steamer Princess Nerah Opening up of mining activities In the Northland which promise to be on a'-Jblgger scale trite season than for many years past isexpec-ted to bring considerable additional business tJhe Canadian Pj&jllc's B. C. Coeutfiftbrlce partieularlyur-ing the spring schedule which Is being carried out, by the steamer Princes Norsh. The Princess Norah calls here northbound from Vancouver to Skagway April 10 and 24, May 6, 15 and 27, on the spring schedule and, on June 10, inaugurates the summer schedule of 11 sailings, which will be carried out for the remainder of the season by the Princess Louise and Princess Charlotte. The summer schedule calls for sailings nerth from Prince Rupert as follows: Princess Norah, June 12; Princess Louise, June 19: Princess Charlotte, June 26; Princess Louise and Princess Charlotte' alternately every Monday until the end of July, and Princess Louise, August 12 and 21 and September 2. The Yukon River will open to navigation May 29 or 30, according to officials of the White Pass and Yukon Railway and the sailing of the Princess Korah from Vancouver May 27 from here will make direct connection with the first W. P. St Y. steamer from Whitehoree to Dawson. Spring sailings of the Princess Norah. It la anticipated, will be heavily patronized by mining en-gneers, gold prospectors and others going into the north for what looks like one of the biggest seasons since 88. George Harris, manager of Mill Bay cannery, was a passenger on the Oardena yesterday from Vancouver to the Naas River after pending the winter In the south. Shoe Repairing Bring your shoes to the Shu-Craft We rebuild them Satisfaction Guaranteed M. MacAUTHUR Third Ave. Next Federal Blk. TEA 10 c a PROTEST BY UNEMPLOYED Send Communcatlohs t6,;.Prernlers' and Others and AImj te Localti ciuns -vx The local unemployed councils ' are making a protest to Premier Tolmie. T. n. Patto.Ho. premier Ben nett and Mbyor Taylor of Vancou- ver against ghe entertaining of thpiwWs not a- minute officers of tee J a Danes warshiDs InHrrtciuahoiit ! trie v ntnir-s farrv. , Vancouver n the occasion of Iheir making. Ambrig the merriest of the forthcoming visit, claiming that the merrymakers ; was the "old war . Japanese hs ve been breaking every hore", J., Wf MsKlrfley who ur$4y 'known Isw jjf civilisation and hu- J look the cake ft; his siyle.'And, I manlty in their campaign-la Man- ihere were also 'Norman Fraser and1 .churla. t. Uir. FifapttricX who came in for The same Organisation have" Kntrthelrtharcf the Jokes, while John I out to a number of local'people a Murray. Jim Hampton and F. W. protest agatnst the manner in Hart made good listeners, some-whieh the strike at Anyox was con- times chipping In like this: "Me ducted and are making a strong too. Pete!" and contributing to the protest against the pronouncement clapping of hands. There were many of the Immigration Department real downright laughs. , that 62 of the strikers are to be de- Needless to say. the ladies mono- ported. They ask for a united front against such action. Today's Weather Prince Rupert Part cloudy, light southeast wind; barometer. M.G1; ' temperature, 43; smooth sea. I Dead Tree Point Overcast, calm; barometer, 30.46; temperature, 44; smooth sea. Triple Island Part cloudy, moderate westerly wind, calm sea. Langara Overcast, light westerly wind, moderate sea. Terrace Clear, calm, 28. Alice Arm Part cloudy, west wind, 38. Hsselton Part cloudy, calm, 37. Sralthers Clear, calm, 34. Burns Lake Clear, heavy wind, 27. "TILUE THE TOILER" Mp, I VAIQM'T MB K ChaiajliuiS l lb. Out vaTsitiratlS, PEDRO CLUB IN SESSION . Jolly Affair Saturday Night at Home of: Mr. and Mrs. Norman v ; Eraser ? the Jolly Pedro Club held one JI its peripdical sessions at the Palmer Ilouee Saturday evening with M S Mt UP IP J J 1 W A. TEM DAM 1VKWI Monday APr!3 1 1 rfarrnan Traatfr as hostess. ThetttSertn; ,rom severe attack of Of sl4kneinienw. poltoed the floor. Among them It was hard to name the most outstanding for merrymaking outside of Mrs. Fraser. There were nine ladles and six men, so what were the poor men to do? One feature of the merrymaking was the selection of a name for the elub, this creating quite a stir. Nine names were proposed and. finally,! the "Jolly Pedro Club" was chosen, the chairman announcing the choice In a few well chosen words. ; C. N. R. Trains Kor the East-Mondays' Wednesdays and Frl day .. ; 9:30 pjn From the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur. days , 10:15 p.m. Kl ma Ma& ut J mbuo, -OOrt. , ( ft 1 V 7 ussti Wedding of Jugo slav Couple Was Pretty Ceremony The home of Mrs. Nick Ourvlch, Fraser Street, was the scene of a pretty wedding ceremony at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon, Vtry Rev. James B. Oibson, dean of St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral, officiating, when Miss Krtstlna Vla-hovlch, of this city became the bride of Slmo Jokanovich. late of Anyox. The ceremony was witnessed by a large assemblage of the local Jugoslav community. The bride wore a wedding dress of white silk crepe with veil and orange blossoms and carried a bouquet of carnations and daffodils. The matron of honor was Mrs. John OurvUh who wore pale yellow georgette and carried a bouquet of daffodils. The groom was attended by Dumb Duclch. FWtowlng the marriage ceremony, a reception was held at which the ma$y friends of the contracting couple extended their congratulations atvd best wishes. Mr and Mr. Jokandvlrh will take up residence In the city for the time being at least. Until recently the groom had been la the employ of the Oranby Co. at Anyox for some time The bride has lived in the city since her arrival from Jugo-81ava two years ago. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Thomas Anderson of Vancouver, production manager of the CeePee-Cee Paeklng Co., is continuing negotiations with P. M. Ray. the trustee, rfnd local creditors with a view to taking over lor operation the Rupert Marine Products fish reduction plant at Tucks Inlet. It is possible that an announcement may be available within the next day or so as to the result of negotiations ' Dr. K K. Bedford, member of the scintlfesurf of the Prince Repert FMlSM8xperimeatsd Station, si about again after having peut a month as a patient in trs 4 pjincf ' Rupert General Hospital The crew for the Porcher Island cannery (Chatham Bound Packing Co. Is expected to arrive at Uasvp-back Bay on tbe Union steamer this Friday. Some new buildings have to be erected at the cannery and con- sWeraMe piling nrast be replaced before fishing commences. A. Dathie was a passenger arriving on the Cardena yesteiday from tbe south for this city. INTRODUCTORY OFFER InrUU fJeaaaJaf Crm m ptt rbaulai rrm Ida! MrWItM I'iimim Ik alia. Ra, 71 mi. aLI Oir.. I. fmtipmtt, f,4, il. a-MtaaU. VHla twr I tat. R4RMIUL CO. r.O. SVa 11)1 ViMaatN. D C Expert Radio Service Electrical appliances of all descriptions repaired Out of town work given careful attention Superior Kariio Service I'hone Blue 320 P.O. Box lit A. O. Bartlett C. H. Insulander A Bar muuita - oa you MH3 OlD FeitfMD MAC T r.rt- T UIT : I J !?: ! i 1 1 4 1 i w i mzi. s TWO GREAT FILMS HERE "The Death Kiss" and "Unashamed" On Double Uill at Capitol Theatre Another excellent double bill Including the two feature pictures The Death Klaa" and Unashamed" la being presented at the Capitol Theatre here the first of this week. "The Death Kiss" Is a mystery thriller which defter soldtlon until the very end and provides In large portions drama, suspense and excellent acting. The locale of the play is almost entirely within the confines of a modern moving picture studio and the story surrounds the baffling murder of a dashing lead lng man. Detectives are brouKlu into the case but it Is not through their efforts but rather through the work of a studio writer of mystery thrillers that the real criminal i.- finally tacked down. Leading players include Bela Lugoxl and David Manners, both of whom will be remembered from the famous horror picture "Dracula." and Adrienne Ames. The second feature picture "Unashamed" Is a tense society drama with an interesting and novel plot, leading players Including the beautiful Helen Twelvetrees, Robert Young and Lewis Stone Spring Cleaning SPECIALS Now is the time to buall J&ur re-quiiements at very low price. Our guarantee U behind all our goods. LIFEBUOY 80AP- ' 15c for OLD DUTCH CU5AN8V- 9c per tm ., ..j. OEM LYE 25c 2 tins f i, . : . LlfX 8maUt ' , , r 17c t pkgS. u .; , ' WASHIKO SOUArArm St -f -f SI Hammer, be akst i ' wnz fly FtniEReV tqc orp . -, - t r- a - a ' WHIZ DRY aUSANEB-t npp war tin I t , PIMBCM 41ACLI OUANFR i for all purposes Qf r tin WWV Is 50c per tin JOHN80N-8 FLOOR WAX LIQUID Pints with cloth duster QyQ HAN8LICK-A real hand tUU Atop cleaner, i tins SOLVBNK SHREDDED &Ov OCp SOAP. I s 3 for Hut Now at These I'riees MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store We deliver all orders. It or over I 317-19 Third Avenue Weil r.O. liox 575 flione IS COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. Sit Phones 551 to Talk ft MONDAY Si TUESDAY TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 p.m. Admission 15c Si SOc ITfi A CIMCH I'M UOT esoM kja rem cm mac of IT THAT wpivatss orriCB HAS maoi him v,h ncSty ANOTHER fill EAT DOUI1LE BILL "UNASHAMED" Syr With Helen Twelvetrees, Robert Young, LewU Stone An M-f j STERY THRILLER THE DEATH Kl Will. H-,1,1 M ......... t.l. .... . V'U0 '". ia i-ugoM. A World wm . I WEDNESDAY and Tlll'KSDAY "IP I ii.i, . . ?."ldN'J i ifrmmMH-BBn"' " """"" 1 riio Pimples On Face Bimnn n-k w WSl ir. ho h. ha,: mTMIJaSdBVaJgSBBBBV St,.fft.-I m e i n ( is a .mgr i h,. S"SSWBHB&HBBBaHBfflBMB HM,.rf , ... . '- W Tfc T It t 3. XU Toru Oil. " F, The Fish which made Prince RuperlFamom "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily Hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd i PRINCE RUPERT, B.C EHEH3 IS ll Is lli Jutkntni af ALMEH Srrl (m lkl malft ihe diffrrrtxe! ll U groan fnm lk finral Irrd m, hinratrJ at the monimt the krrnrU lwrim lamp and Jnlr'a anl Mnnrd Immnlimtrlf aflrr vlftlin. A.k f.r AM.MKIt Srl Corn In lh tnmmrt4imrJ lln. If na hate lrrn wr- ln( oinlrr-tlnrrd trge lalilra, your family IH wrlromc ihf rhanfa. lie mrmliar thai A YE ME It 5rrl (rn It a tiaallhfnl rmih(r foml lhal ran 1 ifrtfd in mmny apprllfins ami rrnnwmieal FREE r.r rnr.r. uiP HtmUrt Ur Jomn Abholl, AlLMI It nirllllan, J HtlUnt Ittmlf Imlf Hmy I irrre rnrn, Htilr la CT I 8 (Unnins I'lanlt In II. ( Try 1 1sie rf for I oaniing "m"" H ... ah mi a - (aa I.M.a. S ! r., .la CANADIAN CA.N.NEKS (WKSThHN III' Vaiironrr, II. C. Recausc it doesn't pay to advertise poor producti, 1 1 does pay to buy those aovcniMu- I i re 1 ISJT 3bH, IW TTHJCH yau fouAv ok1 I AIM U "I'NAsn... Starts . r lF, 'S DEATIl ri? -By Westover. -riuuiss 'M p : Ail"T J 9 !' -rw ic' r?ai I H'M Mf I I a -,v :i