wr.. Mvll 3 1633 Thr Rex all store THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING h COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED 1K.II,-IIUITIII (OLIHIIM :urn of ELEPHANT UNIOJi STEAJ1SI.HVS LIMITED SUavjaer It Prince fyipm tot VtMOUM -Tvv CATAIA IIVFHV TULSDAY. 1:M 1M. ' ' .in FalU and Way Point Dur Vancouver Thursday p.m. t s s vnsTUitc i;vi:kv i;iuiay miiinioiit. v incnUYcr Monday a.tn. .. vii(P1 M Port aunpwn, Alk Am. AAW. and Nt- rmntlon rMtrdla III ItMT AMIVt all Mlllnaa and ticket at Nred v CANDIES and NOVELTIES Easter Eggs, Bunnies, Chickens and Egg Cup$, Efltfer Egg Dyes We Are N,ov Showing TJie.se Lina For Easter Prices Range From 5c to 25c Orm.es ltd. C&ta Pioneer Druqgists WALLACE'S Viyeila Yarn Special 15c. a Ball Sec Our Windows Tor Week-End Specials It nrf in Ml" u ii;ntuii.K . lUrhMS "of TADANAC ii ximii vi ir ammonium phosphate SULPHATE OF AMMONIA tuii'LR sun:i:riiosi iiATK LKAH-ZINC CADM I I'M- K1SMUTII DEPRESSION . PRICES f.- V - t u Coals, per ton $11.00 & $11.50 Not Nut Coal) I limp Coal, per Ion $12.50 Loose Coal, $1.00 per ton less Ml t oals arc in a dry shed. Don't buy water, buy coal HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 t BOVRIL IS THE STRENGTH AND WHCENTRATPU MOMESScBEST BEEF Phones 81 and 82 Hotel Arrivals Prince Itujxrl W E Brown. Winnipeg, V. R. IWardrop, W. H MacDttn. J. P.Mc- ' Mlllan. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lavson ' Currte, C lax ton Announcements ; April 7. QddfeUows' Hall. For day and nleJjt Taxi ser vice Phone tt. v" tf Mrs. Karon arrived In the city, on the Cardeni yesterday' from the south. i t . tt-t. i Seasoned Box-endj, $1,00 per ! ...... load. 'Albert' " Mt&ttti wi tf. I ( Garden Earth, Manure. Phone1 30X1 Ciwey cfertaee, Proinpt Ber-vice. ' 1 ' t. Miss Phyilla Harvey returned on the Cardcr'ylftUy after spend log a nUWUiU'VaSfclhin m Portlani land Vfrnoouyefr ' Constable 6. Furman and Con stable Hentf R.OMJ. arflyea in the city on thr. Cartlena yesterday ifu-rnoon from. Vancouver. Inspector John Shlra, provincial police, returned to the City on 'Saturday night's train from a trip (to Prince George on official du- ' ' tles. Miss Dot Prltchard. formerly of ! Prince Hupfrt and now residing In I Vancouver,' won first prize In a re-'cent vtMz contest In the southern city. Tre prize -waa a tlvef cup. I Brine warmth and color to your home with Mureeo. Two packages Royal . r Purple brtdfe-whlat -t. m on'!, to April iRiw tor the srruni ' 1 tin the wfeter to V 'a gables' Dance. April 7. OenU Sc.. Ladies tfc. ' 1 Sons of Norway Dance Friday, trThere is only one. person qualified td say iist what the motorist fyefers and fa1 is GET THE OPINIONS 030,pC;, CANADIAN MOTORISTS SUMMARIZED IN THIS FREE BOOKLET a ys uoias f Bot treated without i dosine Just'rub on psl V'ictls w VapoRub I I'Ll- J-'.'-lI III- 7T!TTVa "" T- Mrs. C. H Snwle who has beenj land Mr. and Mrs. W. Malcolm. i'T .7r::,rLT. pendlng the past few days in the' Vancouver; O. Woodall. OMR.. A. city, returns on tonights train to' Nam. .MH At. mTTi l r C 0 U P 0 N jPAOE THREE is NOW G.n.r.l Motort PreJucit of Cii, Lli. CidMif RMarcb Dtartia.at (Mni, Oat PImm mm ft ton tt Am Amoobllg Buyw't ChU. Classified Ads for sale CTIt CATV hnjiu mfn. 1 T ".Vmh. her home in New Hazelton. utes from Post Office. $25 per ate. Oorodoaft Hardware. McBride I t , JS.i PLVNOTUNING Stt ' ' 78.80.82 . . - , VKmyi. imtsyg. oee.g fljWjryCT James ariey. jonn uuggan, ann John Campbetl ere each fined $25. TSL' ffi Mr. and fin. W. Malcolm of or 14 oayteprisonment hT thej Wifii; Naonl Cajh, Register, sunnyawe cannery e passen- eltv i. morBa hv Cra arriYlng On the C&rdeha ye- MaUtrate MSlymorl, ctan?s of me bKeena of intnxic.tinn ier after spend-' Vancouver. vifllllam Saicent. son of Mr. andJ Mia. R. S. Sargent of Hazelton. bar Mr. and Mi W. Lawson of Bal-. jutt XulU, been elected, by ac-mprmi arTtT.lif the cfly from the. cretident of tbe Arts 0h on die Carflena- yesterday M tlnrfmrarfuat Soctetr in anernoon. on lgjjrr ay w ..ihe- University of British Columbia . RENT reduced to $18 a month. Apr have fl9V nfn - . . 1 su rt..u. a - sena Rlter. They heejjI.','faj. mtmm - seijdlnjfe wer in Vancouver. Presbyterian Sprint Sate April Ui .. 'ta-.h u.i..l $J5JX; Toledo Cqunter lf. $J5 -AMni4rar, Telephone No 74, FOR-RENT- NEWLY Renovated modern flat, 1 Rand Block. Max HjHbroher t' pgr to Owner, Apartments. Suite 4. ow XANOtS Tuned $3J0. Walkers Matte Store. tt HAIRDRESSER rOIMjYNENT WAVING! Oil MiP. "Pvinrktle" $3.00. Nelson's Bcanty Shoppc PAINTERS I'AINTINO and Paperhanglng. Moll.r. Phone Red 802. fco: another of lis delight-1 x prfalnnt COr" tk sun xnk? an bm tbe ieafue Simple Remedy Does It Btekah hmMi Utekati naitt time Une duie dance i&e 36c.. L-r. .'..'U " ' (Smmwsi hn f net. Mlf price. See Hart tf tMntastt April 13 Dti' niMl Anvil 11 B.hu'i Catholic Spring Sale and SOjdjL April ltth. Angllran Spring Sate and lea, .tprtl It. 20 United dxureh laster Sale April Recreation April 11. Club Scotch dance St Peter's Church Sprint Sale April 27 -Build It. C. Payrolls' Thank -- - i You Much mm llr a? 1 jMMHrri The new flavor of Pacific MUk is j noticeable. It suggests something of extra quality and you wonder 'what the Improvement is. Tttts is 'our first trial of the milk We were i attracted by the vacuum can. But we caTt the flavor new because it is so different from any milk we have ever used." I This is from a letter written by Mrs. J. L. Lewis and we appreciate it tremendously. Pacific lyiajk PLANT AT AIIUOTSI'OKI) TP ELITE. DEAUTY PAlOl ,iirs. Auinrrianu Operatlnc the latest Stieltqn ! Croqiilenole Oil Steam, Permanent Wayngj Machine J For Appointment Phone 40? BjsaaaiBammvBBaaaaammmBmmmmaaBm I SPECIAL Until April 8th.Blan kets washed. Double Wc . Stogie 35c. Xace Curtains washed. 50c. per pair; Men's ties dry denned rfBc. each 76 rtseount on Dry a earring Portlers, Velvet Curtain and Wderdowrts. Canadim and Pioneer Laundry. '76 Buatoeas at the regular monthly meeting this morning in lrat Presbjrterlan Church of the Ptinfei Rupert Minuter lal ASsoctation, was otlrely of rouUne nature. JRev. Dr. P. E. Dafoe, the president, waa affiliate wja . TJac, jl, wfj.l arrive in the eltv inm Vancouver on WeOhesdsS arid wjy'aijdreas XJ meeting in the Tpc h. rooms on Friday. J. P. McMillan, manager of te B. C. Packers cannery at ClfextOp. arrived In the city on the Oardrtii faut eve nlng- front Vancouver, where he has been. sp&duig the winter art hit horne. efflfbyte to the Skeena River where he will superintend operations or getting the cannery In readiness for the lortt- cotnln aeaaon's - orttraupna. Mr McMillan was accmjifNl noth; o) ilia wuc. With a fair-steed list of passen gen hilnim:M0ff. oj. cannery crews for both the Skeena and. Naas Rivers, Union steamer - rak A. M E. V Dickson Illah.AM iviuunia. Cardena. Capt. mu. ra u. iiviwavuii. a 1. V. 'lOO'V It. C. Owned and Controlled" rived In port at 4:30 last evening from the south and sailed at 8 p. m. for Anyox. Stewart and other return here Cbjnorrow" rnornlng ano ; sail at i-:3Q.p.m. fbr Viihi6uver ano jwaypolpU. 1 " A Oofie V. L'a 1Jld life 5CZEMA lt)X K HMlllt. 'mar. tUV I.lUl.fer '., Ilrl,. Tlf,K., rM.U., ImpiI(. riln, HW Mfm. tii. .V'w3 Jv. ti M.llH "J"' " k"til mm r.ll. i.'.U rlV r-"- rw illM.ll If - r,I.J. prmmmU r.o. mf lit VMiq. HeadaefM" caused by constipation L A a'et dose of Adlefflca. ". atterklanee. . - i i ' ate Bone one Jancln, cleans aU out of Orchestm; I" ZL, """ upper and lower boweU Oives bel Queen Ma.ry .lance April 17. Chapter Daffodil ; in the hair and there was a full Vfal Sleak I Mrs. KdjWflJs of England. w.hojPot.'t Chops 1 IsSnakfng a tour ol Cihadii oiv be- 2 lb- Shoulder Veal JONES' Market ilo. Leg of Veal per lfe. Round Steak ' jjeir" lb. T-Bone Roast ip Roast of Beef per lb. Uver. 1 lb. Bacon. I lb. Tomato Sausage per lb. (Leg of Pork - Shilder Pork- H-Tef lb. Fresh Halibut- per lb. 35c 50c 957 Phone 957 ! ramuy meai 1P 15 c 20c 15c 15c 25c 10c i5c 10 c 10c 1 11 J- U-1J. !l A RajdiQ, 5evving Machine, Typewriter tycRAE I1R0S., LTD. Miscellaneous J ter sleep, ends nervousness Ormra m 5 cres waterfront at Ltd.. Drugs News. PERSONAL GENTLSMEN Purchase Personal .Drug Sundries by Mall Bargain Prices. Assortment of fifteen High Grade Burooean Imonrta-. tlens sent postpaid in plain' wrapper for $1.00. Catalogue Free. Adults Only. National Dis-1 tributors. Box 443. Reglna, Sask. ' 25c' CLEANING & PRESSING half of' the League of Women;' Stowing Veal Oitj PRICES reasonaoie- Bankendorf. HeJpcra. a wbmetfs. organlaa,tkn lib. : , Third Ave., next door to Daily TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, Cotyan & La,tta rhpne 231 BUY THIS FOOD BARGAIN WVTUt Noriri KS KOBCC ttat J B. Woodwort. 3W7 Point Orer Bad. VanOB- tt BX; . win apply for Uontae to tke and ua loo ou n. per eanne 1TS4. IMs tar win be uaedter power purpom. Tbti notice wew potted on um taoanav oa the MtbtM Hy of PVbruAry. 133. A copy of tbia do-Itoe and an application paraoaat there-io and to tbe Water Act" wUl be Hied In the office of tbe vater raconler Humpback Bay to married man ; piicauon may be ttled wttn tbe aaid wishing' to make home there. V1" with the oonptnuer Appty C. Peterson. Hampback 'victon.. ar uhi Thim ura iSSi Bay. Porch er Island. S3, Um rtnt appavrance M thla notioe la a jHeal newapaper. Tbe date of the ftot ; mm loaf ton of tbH noUoa ka Uireb IB. tan. J B. WOOOWOHTB. ApaHnaat The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping & General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO, J. DAWES Phqne Black 120 For Your Health ... t Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra! Bed Rays Mfssare All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 211 Phones Green 519 Exchanre Block AND BOOST CANADA A few cents for Shredded Vheat not only buys a bargain but ajso boosts this country's greatest industry. Only CapadUn wheat is used, for Shredded Wheat. Do your part by eating this nourishing alj'fainily food every day. SHREDDED WHEAT 12 BIG BISCUITS IN EVERY BOX MADE IN CANADA t ly CANfDJA.NS OF CANADIAN WHEAT If your paper docs not arrive, telephone. the offi cc 4! 1,