Tomorrow's Tides UK were the sales: American i io. Je.OMO. at 5Jc and Sc Cold ii in land. Mjm, 5.1c and Sc. H u. Fisheries (Seattle delivery . M.tkot. SUM. 6.1e and Sc, AUln l. I.i -ncs. Yuw. nm. tit and Sc. noyal 1 (.'umpany. i.i.ivlint. isoen. Bae and 3c. C " 'M Fisheries. I I t. u,eeo. Ge and 3e, cold .'I.IUC 1 i. t.a. SJOO. OA 'and 3c, Itself 1c F -Merles. B' it , 1200, 6.0e and 3c. Pacific I Merles. sunset, 10,000, 0.8c and 3a, Death f' Merles. Tiliicum. 4,000, 0J3c and 3c, OeM Fiii,ir. F iivo. 7,000, 0.8c and Jo, Royal FiMi Co. Canadian C'HM 11a I. 10000 A3? unit 3c At iu Pk lerlea. Ti-nien, 900, 8.1c and 2o, Booth FMirres. cy. Mm aret I, 17,000, 55c and 2c, Mflr Fisheries. v'klng I, 8,500. 5.4c and 2. Gold Moiuhr, Alkm. 7.500, 5.0c and 3e. AUln Fisheries. 3 ri , 7.000. 5.5c Fshcrles. and 2c, Uooth Frlr Iloy, 13,000, 5.0c and 2c, Cold Storage. BOYCOTT OF JEWS Hebrew llutlness In Germany Completely Paralysed She they v.HI ask the Premier to resign, make either Mr. Berry or Mr. Jones their leader, and authorise the forming of union goVemment. There is no real expectation, however. Hist Dr. Tolmie will resign, in order, if it be in any way possible to avoid that necessity, the business of the session Is beta tvmkrtoall team, will re-1 speeded up. night sittings having tutr inn complications, phy- no begun aid Saturday FISH PRICE IS HOLDING 'Ul Id on the local Pish Exchange nnrulng. the price for Ameri The members, l.wever. still have the game In their own hands, for until they vote supply the House cannot very well be prorogued. They appear to be determined on ha vlnt showdown. Sham Manoeuvre The opinion is now prevalent I that the manoeuvres to form a un- Ovrr quarter of .Million Pound h Ion government were never really Sold Here This Morning meant to be successful and that the Tolmie-Howe-Pooley combination of 3M.S00 pound of nan- were inieni oniy on nonuns uii u their respective oince. I The private members are now u ranging from Me and it', bitterly aware of the trap Into ! and Jr and for Canadian which they have been led In order .'. Sr and 2 to 51c and Pol-1 that the moguls may hold their po sitions and the emoluments thereof. They desire union government if only for the reason that they know only too well that the political outlook U hopeless for them If anything like the present set-up Is maintained. The Issue is rapidly coming to a focus and It U extremely likely that the crash that has been impending througlwut the session will occur before the end of the week. BERLIN. Germany. April 3: CP -The Nasi boycott on Saturday resulted in the complete paralysis of Jewish business acUvtty throughout Germany. At Kiel a Nasi trooper was aliot by a Jewish lawyer. Later the lawyer met his death In Jail by unknown assailants. Whit? Hope. 15.000, 5.8o and a.: ELDERLY RANCHER He exDects to see a bit influx of J prospectors In the Dense Lake area DIES OF PARALYSIS ta ?2r ttoiu(vi ivu niiu iMiiiiiiB iiivic Information has been received at Transportation to Telegraph Creek divisional headquarters of the pro vlnclal police here of the recent death st Dawson Creek of Mark Devereaux. eWerly homesteader, as a result of a paralytic stroke. Devereaux who was unmarried, gave na hi. next of kin a niece, nose Hsrrls, 'living in Minnesota. will open about May 1 and the wa gon road to Dease Lake Is usually open about that time. There Is good imt boat service on the lake as far as Llard Post and at high water down the Dease River to McDames TRESPASSER IS KILLED P. Otlorn Dies at Mount Itotaion While Attempting to Hoard Freight Train Suffering terrible Injuries to both legs when the trucks of a freight train, which he was attempting to board at Mount Robaon StaUon. passed over him, a trespasser giving the name of P. Otloacn died on March 22 while enroute to hospital at Jasper Park, according to information just received at divisional headquarters of the provincial police here. There were no papers to positively Identify the man but. some time previously, he had been ordered off a tram by a police officer at which time he gave the name of Otlosen and stated that he had come from Mac kiln. Sask He Is believed to hart been a German or a Norwegian and was between thirty and forty years of age. So far a is known, he had no relatives In this country. A Jury at an inquest held at Jasper before Coroner Dr.) Leacock brought in a verdict of death "by misadventure while attempting to board a freight ear for which deceased had no legal right." Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, April 3 at the Junction or the Dense and Wheat was quoted on the Lkud. exchange today at 49 c. CP local THIS WEEK The New Chevrolet High 8,A MIL : 2' V fc ft. Is on Display at Low lV M:5& VI Kaicn Motors Show Room NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER All Cordially Invited Fbone 52 V XXIV . No 78, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTS POLITICAL SHAKE-UP IS IMPENDING CABINET TAKE RUSSIAN GOODS QUESTION IN OWN HANDS Berry or Jones May Be Made Premier 'Tis Now Expected in Victorial Premier Tohnie Would go to Senate Vacancy Revolt of Private Members Believed to be Impending House Has Game in Own Hands VICTORIA, April 3: (CP)-The possibility of the for-' jtuitinn of a new provincial government under the leader-1 si iji f John W. Berry, Conservative member for Delta, or I H"ii. I. W. Jones, minister of finance, with the appoint-! rn. nt of Premier S. F. Tolmie to a vacancy in the Canadian i v. .. .... i-- luitur nMivnlt' 1 ici istsof I in Pnnfcnrvfi t i vn ritvlna I ' IlilAl, living 'in VM . wvr,Kb v.avsv-' ' W While the Tolmie government Is SURVIVORS WILL LIVE tiilit Victim el Winnipeg Toilrn Plane Crash Kipcrtcd to Recover NKDUESHA. Kansas. April 3: " . h near here Friday In which ate lis wtrr lulled, including offline! players of Use Winnipeg I 'training every nerve to get the I Home prorogued ao that the present I government can remain In office during the election campaign, private mem ben on the government tide of the Hotue. however, are by no means complaisant It is on the j cards that within the next 34 hours United States' Giant Dirigible Completed When Mn William Moffett wi'eof aeronautic bureau head pulled that was the high spot In naml. g ceremonies of the new giant diri Note comparative sise of Truck PASSING OF CHELMSFORD Was Former Pint Lord of Admiralty and Acted as VIceKoy to India I'rior to That LOelDON.AprUS: i CP i Viscount Chelmsford O. C. 8. I. O. C. I. E O. U. K.. former VireRoy of India, died here on Sunday at the age oi years. In addition to holding the post oi ViceRoy of India for several year after ISIS, the late Viscount Chelmsford filled the posts of Gov ernor of Queensland. Australia, and Governor of New South Wales. He was Plrsl Lord of the Admiralty in the first Labor uovrrmurnt In 1024 DEASE LAKE PROMISING Cold Arra llids Pair to Ilccomc Important Producer VANCOUVER. April S: The Dense Lake gold area, hitherto known only for its placer deposits, bids fair to follow the Cariboo and blossom out as an important lode gold producer, according to George M. Johnson, veteran of the area with holdings there since 4896. Mr. Johnson, reporting to Manager Prank Woodstde of D. C. Chamber of Mines, states that while Ut Is well satisfied with his placer ground on Lyons' Gulch there are a number of quarts vein exposures of good value showing free gold in quantity. He Intends devoting his time to these this year. Cyclone Death List Placed at Thirty-Three NKW ORLEANS. April 3 -The death roll as a result of tornadoes which visited the states of Arkansas Louisiana and Texas late last week was officially placed at 33 persona according to an announcement at the end of the week. i string releasing ;ible Macon, at 48 pigeons Akron, Ohio. IN EFFECT Vanroutrr Ciiveii Authority to Set Up New rolire Board as Soon as Governor Signs VICTORIA. April 3: The request of the Vancouver city council for a police commission composed of mayor. County Court Judge and po lice magistrate having been granted by the Legislature, the new constitutional plan may be put Into effect a. soon as the legislation has been signed, it has been announced. It had been originally planned that the amendment should not come Into effect until June. The Lieutenant Governor Is expected to give his approval to the Vancouver city charter amendments early this month. COURT IN SESSION Three Cases Set for Hearing In April live Applications for Naturalisation Granted County Court was In regular mnntKlv twulnn hefalW Jlde W Warner. $53.04. good sold a no delivered, Williams. Manson. Brown British Parliament To Be Asked To Give Gov't. Emergent Power Special Authority to be Sought in Bill Which Will be Presented Tomorrow, I'remier Ramsay MacDonald Informs House Today LONDON, England, April 3: (CP)-Prime Minister J. Ramsay MacDonald informed Parliament today that the government will present a bill tomorrow empowering the cabinet to deal, with the importation of Russian goods without consulting Parliament again. The bill is the result of the strained relations growing out of the recent arrest of six British engineers in Russia. EXPLAINS NEW TAX Air is Somewhat Cleared by Minister of Finance London Still ...Indifferent (Canadian Press) OTTAWA. April 3: The five tax ua; Interest payable on Canadian bonds by non-residents of Canada, as proposed In the budget, will not apply to any bond, public ;or private, on which Interest is pay able In currency other than Canadian. Hon. E. N. Rhodes, minister of finance, stated in the House of Commons Saturday, removing confusion over the tax. London Dealers Willing LONDON. April 3: -Bond dealers here Saturday expressed willingness to deal In Canadian securities but very little business was done and it was Impossible to test the msrket. The whole position Is regarded as extremely unclear as a rnstialf nf t Vm naw rne4iai n HrtiisrstV ' icoutv us ms save vsuieniinn wurwevv proposals. OFFICIAL HONORED Court House Staff and Members of liar Association Honor II. P. MacLeod on Lve of lib Retirement On the eve of his retirement af ter many years' service as stlpen Patmore of a beautiful combination cigarette case and lighter. Mr. Mat As Harvey for plaintiff, Patmore fejLeod again replying suitably. Fulton for defendant, April 11 Selvlg Bros. vs. Charles Sund-berg. $01.60. goods sold and delivered, Williams. Manson, Brown it Harvey for plaintiff, R, L. McLennan for deXeodant, date to be fixed. Mr. MacLeod, whose retirement became etfeeUve on Saturday, Is continuing residence In Prince Culture Is the first fruit of edu-caUonv Cardinal Hayes. BOWSER IS TRAVELLING Coalition Tarty Leader in Southern C C. Before , Coming North VICTORIA, April 3: W. J. Bowser, "coalition patty" leader, accompanied by DgaJd Donathy and Dr. O. B. Hall of Nanaimo, former Lib erals, will tour the interior coal men ing on April 10. Meetings will be held at Kamloops, Vernon, Kel-ewna, Pentlcton. Orand Forks, Trail, Nelson. Cranbrook. After returning to the coast, preparations will be made for Invading Northern B. C. Meanwhile arrangements are being made to nominate candidates in all sections. TO BUILD HOSPITAL Sisters of St Anne to Have New Structure at Smithers SMmtBRS, April 3- FoUowlhC many months of negotiations on the part of the management of Bttlksay Valley District hospital i here, definite word was given out last week that the Staters of St. Anne at Victoria have decldeo to. accept the offer made some time ago whereby all the assets would" be turned over to the Sisters as one-third contribution from Smithers toward the construction of a $30,000 hospital here. Decisions of the Matters of mz diary magistrate, registrar of the ' Anne to take over the local hos-Supreme and County Courts and plul WM precipUted in the know-land registrar as well as In other ledge that an early start must be capacities, Harry F. MacLeod was , made in the construction of the new honored last Friday afternoon at building. A site for the hospital has separate ceremonies In both of alrei4dy ..ucted nulklav which cases presentations were made. Associates of Mr. MacLeod on the llwue ta" Uwred in the E Fisher this morning, three case being set for April hearing In ad- rourtroo where Government Ag-riition of free NormRn A wlt- "pressing to the granting na-nt ""Itable sentiment, presented Uie turalisatlon applications. The case official wlUi a handsome follows. (retiring set were as Dr H. O. Johnsen vs. Mrs. Cora ,Iw cigarette box and ease. Mr. Elisabeth Black. Patmore St Ful-jMscLeod rpP"l to the honor, ton for plaintiff. $75. professional Members of the Prince Rupert i services, winism. Manson, nrowni0i" "w11""1' " & Harvey for defendant. April 10. (Court registry, honored Mr. Mae-1 W. II. Malkln Co. Ltd. vs. L. B. i Leod with the presentation by I W. Hill where sunshine is much longer ana other condHeons are more Ideal than at the present site. Threw Pitchfork At Horse; Is Now Doing One Month Divisional headquarters of the provincial police here have been advised that Jacob Wlebe of Fort St. John Is doing time at the Peace River Block town after having been fined $50. wtth option of thirty days' Imprisonment, on a charge or cruelty to animals. Wlebe was eon vleted of throwing a pitchfork at a horse belonging to a neighbor If. Wright whkh was wandering on hts farm.