i.uy 30. 1933 .1.11 THE DAILY- NEWS PAOl i i t nei'lft those , nts and bruiwR. m times de-ehuifIy. Kej i nly of anttWfrlic Wo have fciiv fur a!! little afl- Kor wrimis lH- however, we ; (Hi to .see your tnd J ill his pre-i"U here. 7e Pioneer iititm lilr S()UI)ATK1) ( OMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TKtlt'-IIKIIIMI (OII'MUU irera at ELEPHANT M IfcKTH.MMt tfirwra of TADANAC IU.UI4 i him vt ir I N ION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED s laat Pnact Aupen foe Vaiieou.r VklUNA liVHRV UnSllAY. 1:M r.M. ) ud Wat urnntt i-mikk i:vi!itv Tiitmn AYiffmujiiT. .. : v i cvuer guiMUr m urntiif J u Fart ataapaoa. Alter Aim Ai.) ln River point Rurirt). f si -.nu.u .,inti:i: r-xcritsio.v JU TI.UT TO VANCOUVER. 2- "r Mia in : rfl..iii lr. ml l.irh l IW. .11 rryvdiof all M'tl na :cktm at - I'i.Kl Vi.lM t , fi ii fhnnr in im other SKIN 7 Soothed & Healed by Zam-Buk. TJ17PTD17. Take a clip of Bbvril every day for a month, about 11 o'clock. It will increase your stnrhlnfy tone up your system and rIvc you a fitie feeling of vigor and Strength Prescription! . , Filled Irom fesh, pure rtrus. accord -Ing to the dictates of y ur doctor DruqrjtstS MINING & SMKITING ammonium I'litMi'iurc sulphate or ailmosia ruiri.i: siii'Kiii'iiosi'iiATi: LIIAD-ZINC CADMUT.M-HliUIlTII trri ttnt Vmiount TOuaadaV M Was rut. HOUND TI1IP. PHINCK RASHE TROUBLES 33 rttra 1 j j 1 1 B1 LOCAL NEWS For day and night Taxi er- rki I'hone 32. tf h A. Martinion and If Maclcenzlr ere passe siard tt&'Cata'la Mom the Atlffi. 6n thiif way to I Anyox. J. E. Kerr arrived from Smith - . rs on the train Saturday nttorttrertt and la staying at the Sxvrrr Hour " wiuuiii wiiira in ll. c cur 'it vnan aiier pay- I ki a brief bustnoa vlalt to Delia- rfcelk I L Annual Xjasdnfa Ban wtn I held in Alaaonlc Tentpte totnorroV uiiuici iniuiriMa; laTnavuonamajy Ii I ?hohe Blue MV N. L. Freermn of the Iirterna- lorn I FlfheflM OommiMion waa f' pattener abotrd the m Catala isterday from the aontfe. The fire department had a call' this moinlnf to the home of J. Jorenon. 83ft 4th Ave.. West, ! where the chimney was on fire. There was no daman.. dooe. A. McB. Yoong of Prince Oeorse. Mm of Judge Young of Prince Ru pert. assUted in the installation of offlcem of the Elks at that city recently Dr. Evert Is the new Exalted Ruler. Dt A. R. Bayne. firmerty practicing u a dentist at Prtnee Rupert and later at Prince Oworge, Is now making himself prominent at Katn-loopa by urging ahe advertMng of oe trout fishing resources of that district. The Rotary jClub Is bDdng up the mat.'ar thew.1 Dull HdadacliW Cone Simple Ilcmcdy Docs It Headaches caused by comtipattM are gone after one dose of Adlerika. rhia1 cleans all potsona out of BOTH ipper and lower bowds. Orves bet-er sleep, ends nervousness. Orates ld.. Drugs. Ahnouricemehtsi Royal Purple Brtdgjp. Bks Hatt, Jan. 31. Admission tic. Moose Hall Benefit Dance Feb 3 Canadian Legion and Lodge. Boys' Band Scotch Dance Feb. 16. ! F-igles' Anniversary Dance. Feb. !i Rrfreshmenta..qeuU 50c; Ladles! ! Annual 81. Valentine's dance, ' ambrai Chapter. I.ODJt. Feb. 14 1 Women of Moose, bricg" and vliii. Feb. 14th. f'rr'byterlan Vf fhtlne Tea Feb nwry 14. j Moose Valentine Oanre Feb. 17 F.inper-Carnfval. Feb 17 Food -i Fun-Frolic at First United. Oddfellows' Old4 Time Danee1 'February 1tth. Rcbekah Brtdaw. WWat FUfc. 12. c.NJt A. annual ball. Moon Kail February fM. , ' Ptoncrs' bnnqiMft-dahoe. Match 10. ('uthp)lc flpTlng Sale and Social. April 18th HATS to clear at $1.00 DEMER'S FOR SALE Fresh Fish Ddlly Ahoani iltieit II Cow lUy "Acts Like a Flash" COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS - K air depntMi yotr- If yoo want to be rid of your stubborn cold and Dt up and doing in a lew hoars. you'll aak your dniKsist tor a of Uwmtf Mixture and taVe tt ai That touch old haiw-on touch i l77yr, ";y .r'-.-r-T". rrSff ' - t Km flMf: dn yon u Know on : waypiH, , i Iwfoi !ejactVf1kea naalr"-70 I of Cahadtafli 4ft It for Cotttfna.' I CoMa, ordinary re- I Iw.ltJons. Oct bottifr- you or one ot OH harmnR ma need It' to-niaht fertsnt - free frorfl amrthlnf oar health's akt - demand Botkffs for chean imttations tnf': nf aw,m P3" w numerous. - InteriorWeathei Terrace Snowing, northeast wind, 14 above. Alyansh Light snow, calm. 14 above. Any ox Cloudy, calm. 32 above. Stewart Cloudy, calm. 17 above. Hazelton Cloudy, calm. 14. 8mlthers Cloudy, east wind. 9. Burn sLake Snowing, calm 10. dr Cly&fletA By "modem vaporizing ointment Just rub on VICKS VapoRUo EEC Mail Schedule l or the Eat Moncay.v Wednesdays and Frl- days 9 30 pjn. Fron the I'jist Tuesday. Thursday and Satui day 10 IS pin. For VanreuTer Tuesday Thursday 10.30 jn. Friday 11 Frm Vanrouwr 1 Sunday r l-.: 'pjn Wednesday 9:30 a m PrWay . pjn. for Stewart and Anyo'x Stmday 7 pjn weanesaay 4 pjn From fewirl ahdf Anyox Tueaflay 11:3d ajh Thursday . 8 pit For (JiieVti Chirlolt'es January 13 and 37 9 pja Trom Queen Charlottes-January 11 and 3S ajn For NaaVllfffr and Port Sfmjxon- sunaay 7 pjn lom Naa Ulver and Port Simpson Tuetay 11:30 a JB Mail rlosr a thr Post Office 1 hour pr: ! to all depart .irev CONEECTIONERY & DELICATESSEN . CANDY arid FKUIT S1'1:CIAI Fresh Mixed Cdndy 23c per lb. Assorted Chocolate Caramels Peek-Frean's Omger 8nap A taste of Old Eimland OtTn .r IK Bananas 25C 2 lbs. Orapta per lb. niftcc A 1 i vivo lUUOOLL.E.m a... Fn . We lellvcr all hfilrK S5 br ntfr 317-lft Third Avfnue West P.O. Box 575 Phone 18 Twerity years in the one store sliot-ni.ikinK anil repnlrtng merits your confidence, and we solicit u coiitlnnance of your patronage In Our hew stdre. , Al.M:icAUf Htllv I He Gives Money ! j To Help Birds, Blind and Lapps : Touching Letter of the Author Of -Kdotf of Sa"n ?IMHW- Re-veals His Warm Heart and- Ki'Jnnesr 8TOCKHOtAt Sweden, Jan. 30 "I have lived tob ion? net tnfinH k easier to lovt animals than to kV men " writ Te Ami U mth. . , -r fatnotn author of the "Book ot St. Mlchele" one of the matent Hi- world years. Dr. Murthe, who lived the cfrt, with a cjuaint and warm- heaVted Jetter to his personal frtand. Hint Oostarf v.. oonates1 a nneMlmn r4f r i m MM i'TZTST. .J"l " . j proceeas or hl boot, to bt- cMs- ftrfbuted by the Kin? in eou:.' parts for the benefit of the blind the lapps and the birds. The late Queen Victoria, whom Dr. Munthe attended, promised to distribute tr.e proceeds of bis book and now requests the King to do it insteao. Dr. Munthe himself is now almost blind and therefore feels warmly for his unfortunate fellow-sufferers, who will benclii in several -vays from his gift. "As regards my little friends, the lapm. -the doctor writes, "I think Iwc do best to leave these homeless ; hj!dren of tr.e wilds in nmre with l,'r reindeer without unnecessary ngrft of weak." The dontjr wishe I his gift to be spent for the care of I a god lapps. who can no longer 'rrmtinuc their strenuops nomad life. The chief art of poTlttes In thr Near Eart seems t.. consist not in hearing those who speak but in heating thort who are silent, and so finding out what they realty do want"- Sir Ronald Storrs 1 "Build R. C. Payrolls" Why.We Write SI These Rt A friend asks why we write and publish these little pieces. The I Idea came really from our patrons, j Almost from the first. Pacific Milk received letters from those who ' use tt These were so good wc van- j ted everyore to know about them , and so began publishing extracts and comments. Only very good , milt could ever have Inspired ' these letters and we are deeply grateful lor even- one. Pacific Milk 100 R. C. Owned and Controlled" PLANT AT ABBOTS FORD I JONES' Family Meat Market Prtn R" Rollea- 75c 4 lOS. 20c per lb. Leg dt jwr lb 1 Lg 01 uime 20c1 Stioiilile 1 of Lajnb 15ci per lb Shoulder Pork, 4 lbs. 50C' Apples. 3 lbs. Lamb Ulutps -, 35c 2 lb Leg of Veal 18c per lb Fresh Killed Chicken ' 25 c per Ib. Pork Suusaae 25 c 2 Ins. Avthirn B;icon 35C - 2 Ihs i'.ea of Vittl 18c per Ib. A.77 Phhhc 9.77 Adr LOST kr TV. t u 7..,.. , . '-7j ivr.:. Classified9 FOR SALE I FOR SALE bronse monOlite standard electric lamp with 250-watt globe, giving delightfully soft indirect light, particularly recommended for bridge parties. Original price $47.50. Will sell tor $10. Phone Blue 273. FOR RENT HOVSES for rent. Best values Phone Hart. tt NEWLY Renovated modern flat, Rand Block. Max Heilbronef. t? STORE for Rent. Third Avenue, adjoining Wrathall's. low rental MeClymont. tl VERNON Apartments. 139 Seconc Avenue. Housekeeping rooms newly renovated. Phone Red 431 ft FOR REfTT Heated fcttt rtiSm suite, with bath, ptfffy furnished Ava4atBe Feb. 15th. Phone 7. 3g WANTED WAWTRD i Laundrea to taken house ladjes' wastiia. ' Bdk lfV.17 Daily N. WANTED Fhelaas Cleft for General Store. Tntertor, stite experience, ase. referenew xral Sw3 ary esnected. Apply BdS' 100,' Daily News. U llARORES'SEfl PBRMANBtTT WAVUVO StSO : Ladies. MeiYs Half Cutting. Nelson's Beauty Shoppr' ltm I amf Pourtrtw pourtm 1 iuj, 1 , pmt (It). Swtjon Osw lit. May fS rlace R- cook wmi rijRlTY BnMWrJiQrXSL.'ttS: IVE oflOaaraBteed pure. You will have a heathy stomach and enjoy life. Low price at every grocery Fete Bruno. Distribiiiftf.! The AUCTIONEER. Packing-Crating -Wrwfjni A General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me (JEO. J. DAWES Phone Black 129 Fresh Ptlilk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAlRf Phone 657 "ik'i--i,-", C Pimples On Face ai A!Dre.Jl 'Sighl V :t:m, Hflt.. rit-p-: ' Mr face hateri tn ( wn aoyone, a I a tt !.-eaHful iiiflit. I got no relief until a friend, wlif bail bal the name trouble, told me to n.we BtrrifcHl TilM SHifti-anl after I hal tnken two bottles I irs happy to nay my fat U ail elcareif of tbe bimDlea." " p"n 7. LOST White Gold Wrist-watch, ribbon strap, at And iter rum. Ffhder please return to DaBy News. tf FOUND FOUND two pairs of naw.ffxf in 1 small parcel. Owner oH at Dolly : News. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer Wood, Coal moving, chairs far rent tt PAINTERS PAlNTINO an Paprtianjng. MaUarv-Pnone R 802. PIANO tuning1 PIANO Tuned $3.00. Walies lit? sic 5fe. U ehB,ilNlNf0 I'RESSIN RICES reasonable Benfentkirf. Third Ave., next door tf .Dll!T v News. -lilPll ltl.'lL.M l.ll till 4 ttoffttcrf APrtSrV'ioN fob cq?S JHf TO TRANBFBn Of BBR CT1 thr lath M a iu Jalh aW'4k. I fssjtd sjaeajk to pfjgr to sat uv :, SSkSS LSKf - m yjueT pan of ta ifiaidial tncwii a central Hotti utmf n ine corner 01 awuoi aom m aien ai. r lrT&&J4& tuh hdfcka tS5f iTpJKSl nwriL ftuirt co- ra'i'SSSs PRINTING- Office- Supplies Rose, Cowan & Latta Ptio'neHfr i' VT: For Your Health CHttoprfetlf rftra Viotel Rays Intra Ited Rays lassage All at Reasonable PtWli .. .W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) " Oreen til l'honei OreeH 5I1 Exchanje Block n I N A Evon wars and rumors of war do not" rToct U sppoUto of Um Ckinese for IKU laity rfallcicy. K4ADI IN OTTAWA SOLD til I WORID OVtffc utfbi Vt fJ A 7 rv- ; tia si; t -771 i4 'Ott V -v SI SI aat " SB I 1 as B