livcill Tomorrow's Tides - u.m. n tk wmIp-mH anil a She l aiific Salvage Company has sold out its interest, ' '''id is retiring from business at this point. The com-; . .icfopUiie ir.iiu(.. a Long B'-al. NY, the other day. Lfcut E F. Conway, a com-'..'r ut Floyd Bennett Field, was killed F Klein the machinist, had all his limbs broken and suffered internal mj .irie The above picture show the aeroplane. Railways Give Notice of Another Ten Per cent Reduction of Wages Paid to Running Trades March 3 v Percent Proposed Drop in Basic Rate its Ten TWO ROAT Vrcent Uwcr Than Present Rate and Affects l 11 J UJl I U 20,000 Men in Canada Altogether M'KF.AL, Jan. 30: Formal notice of a twenty per-in t he basic rate of wages wan nerved by the Cana-Viiional Railway and Canadian Pacific nuuutge-'" the engineer, firemen, conductors, trainmen, i and telegrapher, constituting the running I h come effective March 8.Twenty-ix thousand Use Church as School, Kitselas lxL. Jan WJiev. W. li.c.i.ui Agent, and Deniable Watkhuon were r.iuiday. last weak, in '.th the recent burn- Indian Mission school. atrangad that the ix' carried on in the r. h until such time as i '! i-s replaced. Xmen arc affected. that. HIOT IN ciiiwno CHICAOO. Jan. M: riotdeveJ- ARE AWAY Takl and I.yrkil Away at Week-Kttd to Wet CMl Halibut Banks Clipper II Has Cleared Only two boats so far have gone . to the halibut banks. They are thr . . Tafela which pulled out Saturday . , imZZZ ",d the Lyki. whtch le "P JS wiL! iTE 8und7 h of these boaU fish or. i ttl " kJi ? JS. ! coast ol Alaska. J?,rLn ' Moat of the buate are walUn. for ?ZT!?1 iXSTbeSl . U rrin, boats are the new cut tort ten percent below vw iWHia w. aw. wsaW4( stiiu va I. Capt. OrviR. Either one may be In any time with the expected supply. The Clipper it has cleared the customs and will leave utobabsy today or tomorrow. If there is no bait clash with the police took place in m"y cMI which pepper was thrown by the' " " " " " rioters Many arresta were made. Pacific Salvage Plant is Taken Over by Present Manager, Capt. Paul Armour, Who Will Operate It ,MASU C VISITORS Hit Party Hxpeelrd to Arrive This IJvrnint From Ketchikan and Will be Fiitrrtalneil by .Masons A large delegation of Masons and punt and boats have been purchased by Capt, Paul p, to Rrrtv) here evening " nianagor ol t ie concern tor tne nasi nuinuer oi.for the punKiae of attending the w lu w ill contillUO the Operations on his own account. ! annual Masonic baU which Ukea .... - . J.. . r- a ft ul..k -iws .a a I. we "iiilloundnir th Piimm in is morn nir. (ant. Armour IP wworrow nignt at tne was- ""t he had great faith lnt tlc Tample. They are coming on I. ,,f prin-,, illlnJir. mnA h.i - - . . .... .v..Jt Akuun and will remain until ... me lew yvmim Hinr During PSSI Ww)n1Hi,v r i" be able in mmVm Uuil . .Wednesday. - I'i'v He ukM onr u nBVf bfrn very "' . Tonlnht the ladles of the party ' I'l-inreaa. Mie n .nH denU In We w.U'i but at any ar being euterUlnad by Mlai Caro- 1 111 -nit hk. well as tho m iumo wrecks may oc "i and It Is sa- line Mitchell at the home of her "nl ueneral paraphernalia iUsfactory to know that the outfit ; parents. AUln Avenue. Tomorrow 1 1 .ilvne w,k He wui bej wlU be hera In readlneas to handle , the party will be shown around the "tptmalbk ft.r the conduct It In ease Of necessity. If required city and In the afternoon an "at ''"-'nesa and in future will be the Paotfti talW Company wUljhome" U belnn arrunHed for the '"I" lor all debts ineurred. co-opejsMa, lU,dl's "l Uw TvmU' i WASIIINQTpN, Jan. 30: A ( barge made by Henry Ford that competitors wre trying to prevent fji.xJuctlon of Ford cars by using rtv-ir Influence wtth the banks to tioid up the work; has attracted widespread attention and may be he for a congressional MILLERD TO 1 BE READY TO BUY SALMON May Have Floating Cannery Here Or May Build on One of the Sites Manned. Word has heea received in the city from Francis Millerd that he win have a caanery opera Una; ben : In time to tat care of the serine! teem Oaf teoitan as wU as take pari laeekeyt iron aWwie for i ooffBm ihm. tot Mr. Millerd has the old Princes Ena which a is proposed to opcr-i ate aa a floaUnr cannery, but whether the veasei win be locateo here or at some other point on the coast hat not ben announced. It is possible that a cannery will be built at Prinee Rupert and the! floating cannery be operated at a point convenient to the supply of fish. The salmon trailers association planning to have iU own Qoat 'his year at Dundaa from which hey will sell to the party paying I he highest price R V. Winch Is said to be behind Mr. Millerd in the cannon venture. Vancouver Wheat Today's Weather Prince Rupert Snow, south eaat wind, bajraflMttr light 39.3 temperature 33, rough aa. Langara Overcast, hght southeast wind, aw amooth. Triple Island Overcast, fresh easterly wind, sea choppy. Dead Tree Point Part cloudy. 'fresh south east wind. 29.34. heavy swell A Written Guarantee For One Tear With Every t 4:50 tun. 10.0 ft. ffy. Goodyear Tire 17:0 pjn. 17.1 It. -iL : ''Or.. 23r, Sold By Us in 1933 23:07 p.f. KAIEN MOTORS LTD. , NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Chevrolet Dealers Phone 52 Nil 21. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, JANUARY 30, 1033 PRICE: FIVE CENTO ANOTH RAILWAY WAGE CUT SOON ADOLPH HITLER IS SWORN IN CHANCELLOR OF GERMANY Flying Officer Crashes to Death Charge is Made By Henry Ford in Regard to Banks Leader of Nazis in Germany Now Head of Government but Power is Shorn From Position by President HOUSE IS IN SESSION Resumption Took Tlare This AN trrnoon After Two Months' Adjournment OTTAWA, Jan. 30: Facing a legklaUve program featured by many important items. Parliament resumed this afternoon following an adjournment of a couple of months. Today's brief session was given over to private members. There was no speech from the throne, the House " u'lln; without formality. C. CRAWFORD IS WINNER Won Sinjlcs Mnal in Australian Tournament Today at Melbourne MELBOURNE, Aust, Jan. 30: Jack Crawford won the Australian lawn tennis sinclcs championship today for the third surreiuive time defeatinr Keith Cledhill of the United SUtes 2-C, 7-5. 6-3, C-3. Hansons Arrive CONSERVATIVE LEADER IS MEMBER OF CABK INET AND VON PAPEN VICE-CHANCELLOR ARMY IN HANDS OF GENERAL BLOMBERG. BERLIN, Jan. 30: Adolph Hitler, National Socialist party chieftain, leader of the Nazis, was appointed chancellor of Germany today and selected his cabinet which was sworn in immediately by President von Hindenburg. The Nazi leader has achieved his ambition in becoming chancellor but it is with fettered hands. The cabinet is a compromise one. Wiilc the president made him chancellor he surrounded him with Conservatives like Alfred Ilugcnbcrg, leader of the Nationalists, Franz Scldtc and Franz von Papen, former Chancellor and confidante of the President. On his part Hitler swore an oath of allegiance to the constitution of the republic, reserving for himself the. cabinet posts of minister of the interior and minister without portfolio. As one more safeguard the president left the army in the hand of General von Blombcrg. The Nazi chirf. will have to tolerate his regime or parliament will be dissol vcd. Von Papen is vice-chancellor and Konstantih von Ncurath is foreign minister. Processes by Which Radium is Extracted From Great Bear Lake Ore at New Port Hope Refinery (By Jack Hambleton, Canadian Press Staff Writer) PORT HOPE, Ont., Jan. 30: A prospector high above Great Bear Lake looked down. Strange markings on the shores of the lake lured him. The next year he returned DtlCK in Canada1 a,u fou"d pitchblende, mineral from which radium is de- I rived. From that casual glance came Canada's first ra- : MONTR KAL. Jan 30 Olof IUn- lson. Member of Parliament for VANCXHJVKR. J m. 36: The Skeena. accompanied by Mrs. Han-rirr of wheat liere today was J ton. arrived here yesterday, return-We. I ins; from a visit to Europe Dy namite Blast in Administration Building of British Columbia Relief Camp; One Man Is Badly Injured PROTEST AT MORE TAXES PARIS. Jan. SO--Unruly mob here have been protesting against higher taxes and have made a demonstration against the Government The temper of the Chamber of Deputies was shown In the vote which was taken that rreeeeded the fall of the Boneaurl Oovernment Saturday when the figures were 304 u 193 again the Oovernment. The chamber was much d'stenr-bed over a proposal to raise Uve taxes and the treet dertwrutra- barometer tors carried banners with the In-jscrtption No more taxes." seems .insurmountable. A watchman at the gate scrutinises people closely. A show of credentials and finally, admittance. A long white table covered with Jars of minerals. A big safe. Bunsen burners, one burning steadily. A small retort fitted with mineral "stewing" over the burner. In the background the factory. Huge tanks on one aide. On the VANCOUVER. Jan. 30:-The administration building enwVre cucTbttrthw't of the British Columbia relief camp at Wood Bay, about the tanks for uranium extraction, ninety miles north of Vancouver, was shattered by a dyna- on the right, the machinery for the mite explosion early this morning and R. C. Kean, fore- production of the world's most man, was aeriously injured. ; valuable .- For it u oka ilk. -it. There are 150 men in thoenmp at Wood Bay. Several TZt TZZLu went w Hie assistance ai nean, wnon was found unconacloua In the debris of the building. Kean was bleeding and stunned but app.ii -enUy was not critically Injured. He was placed aboard a boat and started for Vancouver. ilium refinery here. It's a queer place, this ref inery. A long- concrete bulMtnc surrounded by a" high wire fence. A Strang ptairrl 1 ment. But there is a vast difference. The front door la locked. The fence A needle no larger than that Used In a phonograph It worth $860 when filled with radium. But with M. L. Pochon, scsentts who learned his trade in Parts, let us climb to the roof, the "top of U vorW," as Mr. Pochon says. Wooden stairways wind around the maelff (Continued on Page Four) m Failed to Secure f This Year's Licence HOU.YWOOD. Jan. 3Q:-U waft announced here Saturday Uiat 34 k of the motors owned here were s4Ul without 1M3 lloence ptatea. I LADIES Under the auspices of the Daughters of the Empire MRS. KVELENE SPENCER will address tho ladies of Prince Rupert in the 1. 0. D. E. Hall, corner Fifth Avenue and McBride Street THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, at 11 P.M. Mrs. Spencer is lecturing and demonstrating throughout Canada under Uie direction of the Department of Fisheries, Ottawa, on the general subject of "THE VALUE OF FISH IN THE DIET" All Ladles Welcome Admission Free