PAtlB TWO THE DAILY NEWS I. 1W1 ST" THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yeany penodt ' paid In advance For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week By mall to all parte of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year ; .advertising: rates By mall to all other countries, per year . Transient display advertising, per inch, per Insertion Local readers, per Insertion per line ... , Classified advertising,. per worclj per Insertion " ' Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters' Telephone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations MADE GOOD SHOWING WHY so many people are saying: 1 m giving ELECTRICAL GIFTS this year" Electrical gift are smart, attractive and above all, practical. They give more than a momentary thrill being constant reminders of the giver through years and years of service 98 Ifi $5.00 .10 Tuesday. Dec." 12, 1933 The returns from the first shipment of ore from the;rtv Advantages of Buying in Prince Rupert First P nze people In Prince Rupert spending ;an average of $100 a month, or a , total of $200,000 monthly, and that 10 or, $20,000 of this total which i In my opinion Is a conservative estimateis spent each month out of the city. Would not this additional Jiao.OOO a month or $240,000 a year, if spent at home, go a long way i toward improving conditions in our Glacier Gulch mine at Smithers as published yesterday) Thls additional ! increased business and greater re-j yenue. There will be those who will iflnd It conTenlent to build a new jhome or make additions or lm-jprovements to their present places , of business or homes. TWs will mean jwork for the skilled meehanles in And there is such ,a wWe range of them to chttae, from: something individual for everyone, each an ouUUmrfng value and a real economy. And besides the choice of iron, toasters, curling Iron, heating pads, air heaters and many others, there is a wonderful array oi HOL'P Oil FAMILY GIFTS Wahlnr .Machines Ironing Machines Itanies Refrigerators Vacuum Cleaners Radio Receivers for as little as $1.50 up Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited i First Prize High School; General Essay (By Miss Margaret MacLachlan You who buy out of town! (by Mrs. A. F. Gibson) The key to the solution of near- Have you ever given thought to ly every human problem Ilea hi the 3.00 'what it would mean to you. and the bright adjustment of the Individual ! city as a whole. If you and all the! to the bigger whole." j 9.00 people of the city were to "Buy at i Behind the present "Buy-at-1 140 Home," all requirements for thelHome" campaign lies the Ideal of 5 maintenance oi me nomer unwnj i w v hujtvt a irgrr m Assumlne that there are 2.000. Iter cUy-a City Of home We will do well then to consider the advantages to be gained by buying In Prince Rupert from the .standpoint of the individual and ot the community. The experience of merchants ha been that the greater te amount of goods sild the larger the stac earried and the better the setee- jtlon from which the customer has I to chess. I The volume ot buslne dooe by money if spent,, merchant i htm to proveci most encouraging, witn a net prom oi pretty near- with local merchant would mean ; ;xlen j co-operate with thtw. ly one hundred dollars a ton, the Work of developing the j Increased bualnes, whfeh in tni jc. The old ttme maxim -"snail . a-... .... a, u a, a L- . -1 x- a. i i : at: z nmtifi t&A(t nMi(MAMi AmnLtA mine can cuuunue wunuui int am oi ine ui imancier. In very few parts of the country is it possible for a mine !s lncr!,af? bTinV to be devefoped as is being done at the Glacier Gulch. It is &T1JS? Z tin iinuinuuM ui mini w uuiii me ii iiw.-uii Auay T7.jcvicn . weir capital Investment and. as a - my properties, including tne Jessie which is being developed by a company formed at Smithers and partly by local money. All indications point to great mining possibilities at various interior points such as Smithers,' Usk, Rabine and Hazelton. WRESTLING WITH FINANCES Finance Minister John Hart is at present wrestling with the financial situation in British Columbia in order to bring down a balanced budget. He has a big job on hand and everybody will be sympathetic as long as he does not increase taxes. The difficulty is that every other institution in British Columbia including every business house is also trying its best to balance its budget, mostly without success. Money seems to have disappeared. Just now merchants have big stocks of eoods and most of these will be sold between now WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS lAll V . jPi'coal'bf"' chwActer we cell - It's sure to plea-seyou very we j 1. 1 REPLENISHING PHONE US We have coals suitable for all your requirements and at prices to suit all purses. PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone f 18 result, wages could be Increased and probably restored to normal. profits, quick returns" H a sarin hi dollars and cents to the bfelrl-dual. If we support the merchant he will reduce the cast Itoat it better business. ' To see what you pb rebate: to get what you need when yoa want This greater earning power on the it is a decided advantate part of the merchants and addl- to shop Is a pleasure: eyetraln- ttonal employees would put more ed to the latest fashion: knowMfe money into circulation, and through ntod as to the newest labor sar- this medium of exchange, a conskl- in device; appetite stimulated by erable portion of this money would ntrory smell or delicatessen dak ) tf: return 10 tne orifinai spender and outlook on life broadened: spirit I De started aaatn on its cycle of briahtened and health improved, spending- All these advantages will tend to Just ponder iten additional be enhanced If the Prim Rupert $240,000 a year put Into circulation merchant Is assured that she sUrr In the city of Prince Rupert. Sueh WMnd him to a man In his ft an additional sum spent annually deavor to live the best pdsstbie in your city, must necessarily be serrtee. reflected In greatly improved con- Money spent means money pat ditions. mto cirevtaUan One shine reoeU A considerable portion ol this another and rf we bay at $240,000 would Unfa Ms way to the w do our btt to toartMe treasury of your city, m tne way of wntent. work means wages. and Christmas Dav, thus easing Up the situation to a cer-!ta and this additional re- The more work the greats the tain pvrpnt 1 tnu. me cwy eouia pui men w '- m gtvmm r- worK on much needed local im- tvc " ir imwkhwi one upon Drovements and other work neeea. "theT and sooner or Jater Ujhe sary for the maintenance of your moe? P?n byv Si Printa Ra? city. Pt will nn4 its way back h4oi Not only will the merchants and w POfk- i their employees benefit from the' I',m,n'i 11 remiln united for votitl- will seek and find emnUv. ment at home. Worry thai leans to strife w4U cease: anxiety which brtntfr silk. nest will end: a-d poverty whfcfe may cause an inferierHy esp)ex i to arise will dlaoo4r. Taxes will be paid more reaiiiij for the past three years, have been V. J" of ftnnt AV,A I M a si. WMW KJOTa i rka uiciUxrt7jrru M tjii pa(. linr only. Public Mrrfet vMl ha - - w i. Mir. wi i - l i. . . . . f. f . "i- rantaes of Home BnonotalM and " "Buy at Home" and youevery cl- i,.-, "TT" Itizen of Prince Rupert-wtU bW- 'lc S jfit. and the city will experience an tSf, JlSfe era of prosperity not thought poa-! i ..SrSLT Slble under rreent eodMi. ! .. . "7. w www. tmi cnjioren given DacK the ad And the beaUh, wealth and ban. I piness af the whole communtfy an- "Buyat-llome" is a ehsHeme A every dividual In Prirce Rupert to be loyal not only to hhntelf but to "the bigger whole." WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront The Star Welding it Machine, Works has had tne Job recently of rebushlng the clutch of the halibut ' boat Viking. The same shop has ' also been dolne enalne overhaul I the nnirnr inir V T uUi.... j ! . -.. . v u(k .. . A nityn U41U mc nanouiier rjmDia BRONCHITIS BANISHED AFTER 30 YEARS TORTURE Th amuing cj of Mr. TborM Gull, lUmJton, Oot, is the Ulk of trtnwt who knont him. lib complftt relief lmot ovtrnlitht (ram BrombiU of thirty )tr Miwiiag i rtairdrd si nothlnr ihott ol i uiritU ly frifnd and nflrhUMir. Krid hit Mr. Cull iiyi: 'From tbe time I wn i ml boy until the i of tblrty.two, I wi. nrrrr fret fm a bitLing teiiih ftWht itwl day. Dmtors toll me I mi ugerini from rtironlc tktre ai ta lirrnMnent relief. One Hiy I nw in ivrmemrni lor HVl KI.KVS MIX TUUK The wrd brosc bitlt trrnttd v attention. I (Minbid a Ultle. Il ut more raw. aswl M tt rst.l. 11 "1.1.1 e-i . . ' "W. returned." BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE ill .ivi ywi the Mme InMint relief fwm l Mrant4ioK torture ef RroiKkith, mrf U :,.! w tmt, toKa.iwiia iiy ik.1 xri pom UxUyr A Man's Best Gift An STORY OF GOVERNOR 'ilhterettet Jllniself (a Fonts From ' 1 Royhsod nays on Farm Assured Income for those he loves best Surpawiiig all ollirr Cliritma rcni'in!rnnrr is one gift wlitrli Life IiMMirumr inukix pu-eilili a definite monthly income to your uifr aunl i hiMrcn, guarding them forever ;ip;iiiit want am) privation. Can you think of any ift uliichill lirinj; Midi t jH-arc of iiiiuil to your IovimI iimti ! With Life IiiMiraiKM' you am ir lliciu t Ia roinfrlinf; know-lcdr that you ill continue to Mipport tlirni-vm if you nuuiot llur with tlu-in all tlu CIintniaira in tin fuliiro. The Lifti Inunuin plan i both simple ami ffcurc. Whether you deeide on au income of $."0 or $500 a month, tint txart aniouut will he paid regularly without fail a long a you stipulate. And, your j.avin", (Iiiih put into Lift? Inauranrr, ran he converted, should you live, into a petition for your own old n;e. Any Life IiKiiranrc reproientativc will help make. Christina memorahle with your thouglufulue.'. Life Insurance UARDIAN OF CANADIAN HOMES tlvlty until he became known as the St. On-gory the Great, fillvn rnx King." was both Inter. In 1H4 he married Anne Gavin estina and romantic . of tlgntsh. and their rtiUdrcn $tt Mr onlton, a Conservative. aiar aa follows. Charles Mewtrd. MP one uimirrsatfu) aUssnnt wsig Us CM., Sommervllle, Mum-; rrrds-ted a member of the levMakfgi iu. tfe of A. J. OrtaeUefl, ClOcago. wnWy for the first dlstrlrt Nor- K wf ,,',u, A' ohr, r-rlnc in 1912 He became minister town: Ut of WUIUm J wKhout DortfoQo He mi r..UrtM( VM- whent. Mass.; Edith, wue oi Cl f AIIIXJTTETOWN. P.E.I.. Dee. m mi and mtrrt lN ...... .... Walter A. HpllUne. Newton. M-. 12: t CP) Lieutenant Governor n. u . Miaa Miss Irene. Irene. Clutrlottetdv-n; Cluirlottetdwn: and and Jrt" Dalton of I'rlnct Edward Iatand. featwl In the general slecUons of wno oiea ai vne wees-eno. was oorn that year. In November. 1M0. he in ngnisn on June , low. wie son was appointed Lieutenant Oover-of Patrick Dulton and Mary Mc- nor. He was then In his eightieth Carthy, who emigrated from Ire- year but possessed an extraordln-land and settled In Prince Edward Vy measure of physical and men-Island. The f uturn governor was tal vigor, lit was stUl tali and mus-born on a farm. He loved life in the cular. open, and at an early age. develop-j Mr.-Dalian made a number of ed Into an enthusiastic nlmrod. be- munificent donations to vmrthy ing a keen hunter of feathered as causes He emwtshed the DaMm-,well as furred game. He delighted Sanitarium, first of the kind built l In shooting and trapping, by means in Prince Bdward Island eontrtbut-I of which he gained that knowledge Ing $).Gfl0. of wild animals which stood him In 1 Mr Dalton. a devoid r no . v -...-v. lliuv s 7TV M -oJ !..(.. ... li- .. . tmf.leiely.Thitbiptned "T . " ""man i;atnollc Chureh. astab- , snd the courh bi never lboyhooc ,0 w" . V plentiful llshed Daltnn HaM m mnnMtlon l LI 1. 1.. I... i. . . ... . , ui uu vwiiihj. ana ou great amm- wim at. Dunstan's UnhertHy a ,tlon was to capture the black fox. church Institution at Charlotte- w.r riet oi iw iuki, wnosc pen ai- wiwn. lie made Mher irants t re- -.;.u., , Miin in. gm ugiuua insiuurinns In 1817 the rph Oerald. HA.. I1.SC.. Chic' formerly of Newton. Mass. CheeKrJdf THenfhoktum 1t avwndcrrul relief fop wWHutM. endeavoring to breed these In c ap- Knight Commander of the Order of i -.."