PAQEJ four Prince Rupert and Rupert East Lead In Badminton Play Standings as n result of the Prince Rupert Badminton Assoeta- tlon's Inter-club play lest Bight are as follows: ' A Division Rupert 24 u. n. K 13 Skeena ... w 15 B Division Rupert Bast 30 C. N. R. 36" Rupert No. 1 1 n Skeena M United u Rupert No. 2 12 1 BILLIARD I SCHEDULE December 12 Canadian Legion vs. Grotto. December 19 Elks vs. Canadian Legion- ! December 21 Empress vs Grotto. t The Dallv News can b nnr. 4 chased at 4 POSt Office News Stanrt 55. 4 ' Granville St.. Vancouver. 4 Karl Anderson. Prince Georee. B.C. R. W. Riley. Terrace. B.C. deneral Store. Anyox. Smlthers Drug Store. Smith - ers. B.C XMAS Gift TIES (Boxed from 50c up) HOSE BATHROBES SHIRTS SWEATERS SCARFS E P Elks Win Over Grotto Cuemen Last Week's Fhfure Finished Last Night With .Irsregate Score j Of lit fo 115 I George Howe. Grotto, defeated Wliham Stuart, Elks, by a seere of 200 to 166 last htht in the final ot landing game from test Tuesday Justus mniaiB iraguc future which the Elks, as a resuK. won on tbe aS8--eate 112tf t 1675. Tonight the CanadHn Leglm and Grotto will meet with fine-up as : P. Thantr (Canadian Legion i n. Don Brown .Orottoi. j ,Mu w- J1; : ..... Bapllf n- J!1 May , . C L. Youngman vs. A. MacDon- c , o,urA.wtur v.. w. t. natson. BASKETBALL Dee. 14 Kale ns vs. Grotto: High School vs. Comets; Merchants vs iWarfJora: Scouts vs. Scythians. Dee. 18 C.N.R.A. vs. Kaiens: Cardinals vs. High Sehooi; High School vs. Merchants. ClUn r. Unrn f PramUr nu ' "? been receiving treatment at the Prince Kurjert General flmtnL tal for injury to his eye which was Injured by a piece of flying steel, was discharged from the local institution yesterday afternoon and wMl retur.i north on the Prince Oeorge tomorrow afternoon. Suggestions PAJAMAS . BELTS CAPS HAN'K'FS. GLOVES SUSPENDERS SMOKING JACKETS, ETC. You arc welcome to come in and inspect our stock LAMBIE & STONE Quality Men's Wear . ro-.g fi a1 II t t i u i 1 I i til 1 I is i I JEWELRY STORE LOW PRICES j for Christmas 5 People sometimes say they think prices are higher at Christmas. 5 We do not believe any prices are raised just - because it is flhriatmnR iimn- lut it ia trim Kt ... va..u as UUW lli if W VIA CIV lots of articles which are left over after Christmas tire offered at very low prices to avoid having to keep them in stock for another year. A store might as well cut the prices before Christmas when the people need the goods as try to force the sales after. We have many nice articles which we are rather afraid we might have to carry over and we wrll be glad to make our customers special prices xroin now 1111 unristmas. 5 We carry the best makes we can procure iri':-i 5 all lines. Rogers and Community silvm ware: Varlcur and Waterman fountain pens; Waltham, Hamilton, Gruen and other well known watches. All goods are carefully chosen with a view to the service they will give for the money. Many new lines of gifts in stock this season. I JOHN BULGER LTD. i jj JEWELLERS ? tin ui w m kUkU im :m :m im fMhm m m :m im lu ti" BASKETBALL LAST NIGHT C. X. R. A. Scores Easy Victory Over Orotto Cardinals Brat Comets Senior League Canadian Na- tjcnfti nrOon Aseociatftm, 70; QTOtto 4j ' League Cardinals. 11; comets 6 intermediate League-WarrW 16; Hl, j, Junlor Lea ge-flash. W; Tro- jaru n c. N. R. A. had things a they wanted oyer the Grotto who were minus some of their regular play- 'ers in last nights senior basketball ,game and had to we four Intef- medtete VtT haan. eed In the dymg minute of the ftm half which left only R. Morrison of the regulars and four subs to carry on. The trainmen led 33-17 at the breather. In the second half she rati petm-iers drove hard with Sonny Stttes and GiWy Santorbane doing ah the iamage. The massacre ended 41-70. Although the Orotto was without its regular team, the Interme-diate men gave good aeoovnto o( hemseWes. ORly Santerbane is a perfect fit with the C. X. R. A. mi-nine whieh clicked perfectly In the second half. Other Games In the other games Flash went down before a swarm of Trojans with Hirano of the winners the outstanding star. It was the Warriors' night off but night In the Intermediate League I hey lost to the Seventh Avenue Students in a lew-scoring game The Students were one point behind at the interval but. in the second half, they took the lead and were paver headed. Tn the Ladies' ' LeMue' Pebbles Stone and her Cardinal crew had an easy win over the Comets with Long and Smith the big guns for the losers and tone and Bodane for the winners: Senior Leaeue C. N R. A C. Smith. Stiles (31 , D. Morrison 4. E. Smith (81, J. Morrison. Lambte 8), Santorbane 19; total. 76. Grotto Stalker (3), Pierce (9r. Da vies, Arney 7i, Morrison 16). Hlckey (3. Mo Key (4); total. 41. Junior Leatue Flashes Palmer 'Si. Cromp. fiomaaina. Mci'nee ot, ruium. inn Ml'. Ritchie: total. 12. Trojans Naylor, Campbell 6' ! Carrie. Lindsay 7, Murray. Hirano 1 10: toUl. 23. I Intermediate League . Warriors Hlckey. Cornadina 8 j Fitzpatrkk, Pierce (4). Edgcumbe. Oil!U 4i: total. 16. i High School Nakamoto (3 . Mor gan. Santorbane 4. Miller 1, Da-vies rgt. Motley 3i. SuetiiTO, To-bey 1 ; total. 20. Cardinals Brand. Stone (4. BoMie Ai.JUfL. MA Merri e. Morris Hi; total 11. Cornet Long Ml. Steen. Tite. Dickens. Smith (2). McLeod; total. 6. Canada Is lncrearing her trade "r TrtnMMl it the xpense of the 'Jnltod Stale. f CHRISTMAS PRESENTS People everywhere are con- sklerlng the Question of Christ- mas presents. One of the most welcome presents a former Prince Rupert resident could get wouM be a subscription to the Dally News. In order to co-operate with our readers who vrtelj to keep alive in the minds of therr r friendahc' "activities of the peoole of "the Prlite Runert district, we are making a spe- 4 ctal half-rate for people living outside the district. If sent by a person who is already a sub- scrlber to the paper. 8end in S1.S0 with the name of the person to whom you wish to donate the paper and we see that they get It by mail for one year. frffc OAILY IWsvrb fiMwrtpij, letermr CONVENTION OF NATIVES Annual Convention of Brotherhood Is Held at Massett Many Functions Dinners, Banquets and Other En tertainmrnt Kltkatla In May The annual convention of the Native Brotherhood of British Columbia was held recently at Mas-sett. Much business was taken up. Matters dealing with native industries, schools, etc. were discussed and resotatfeas en these matter passed and wM be forwarded to the Interested authorities. "Each of the dotty sessions was well attended and tew feitowfag officers were elpeewl far the new year: President. AUsal Raid Vice-pmsMesH, Alfred Adaasa. General Secretary. D Beynon. Recording secretary. N. A. Wesley The pfeee el the aasrt tmivanilen will be Kktla in May At the end ef eael the people of Massett entertalam the visitors to some very entortotn-ing evenmgs and dkaner. in the new community hall. The opening of the convention was the o wanton far a grand cele bration. The people of Masaett have one of the largest and best halls north of Vancouver. The hall was built entirely by the peosaV of Old Maa-tett under the saaerintondence of Alfred Adams. In the opening ceremonies Indian Agent James Olllett officiated and he foHowing program, together with a very samptaoas dinner, fallowed the official opening: Oraad opening. Band patsae. Opening ceremony. Door opened by James Jones. UnveUinc of name "Masaett Community Hah" by Mtss Ivy Bdenshaw and Miss Patricia Ootliaon Selection by the band. "O Canada " Dinner Speech by Agent James OUlett D Erdqrdntlij Ogden't Fine Cut it the signature of true "roll your-own" latitfactlon ... of easier rolling and smoother smoking. Ogden't Fine Cut and "Chantecler" papers... that's a combination worth lying fol Any man who's tried It will tell you it's a guarantee of really better and more satisfying cigarettes. Save the Poker Hands OGDEN'S FINE CUT lour Piim Knout OfJmn't fUtt Plug Selection by the band. Speech by EHJah Jones. Selection by the band. Speech by Henry Edenshaw. Chonts by St. John's Church. Speech by Willie Matthews. Selection by the band. Speech by Ambrose Held. "National Anthem." Toastmaster. R. G. CollUon Women Are Hostesses On the second day the Women's Auxiliary were hoatesaes to the convention awl the following was the program: Song by Women's Auxiliary. "There were Ninety and Nine." Speech by President Mrs. Mary Ridley. Speech by James Jones. Selection by the Brotherhood Orchestra. Speech by Wulle Beynon. Vocal duet. Rhoda Matthews and Dorothy Colhson. Speech by Robert Ridley. Selection by band. Speech by Edward Ruas. Speeeh by Ambrose Re Id Selection by Brotherhood Or-sfftstra. Closing speech by Robert Ben sit. Toastmaster. Peter Jones On the third day the Sisterhood sf Masaett were the hostesses and. Mowing the program was a delightful evening of dancing, music being supplied by the Native Brotherhood of B. C. Orchestra The program: Speech by President Mrs. Emily Watte. " Speeeh by Vtce-aresMent Mrs Oeorge Jones. Vtofcm solo by Arthur Brown Vocal ssso by William Beynon Cornet sots by Mr. Sankey Speech by Roger West. Selection by band Speech by Willie Matthews Comet solo by George Price Speech by A. Reid. "National Anthem' by the band Toastsnaster. Peter Adams Men Give Banquet On the fourth day the Masaett branch of the Native Brotherhood were hosts to the convention thr entire banquet being prepared and served by the men while sii the la-ues of the community were the i ares U. The jnttgrsm was as foHows l speeeh by PrssMent WlNie Mat thews. Brotherhood Orchestra, dance number. Speech by Vtce-preiitoeiit E. Jones Indian stnttmwtnl song. Gay dgers. G altar duet. Bathe Jones and Moses Ingram. Speech by Peter IIIU. Trombone sola, Osear Ingram. Speeeh by Arthur Brown. "How White Men Came to Bsrth." Speeeh by Andrew Brown. Speeeh by WWnam Beynon. Announcement by Robert Bennett. ' Motional Anthem." ' Toastmaster. Wilfrid Bennett. On the fifth day the convention , was entertained by the St. John's i 3anrch choir and Rev. Mr. Oraham with a splendid program under the leadership of David Jones with Mrs. Arthur Brown presiding st the organ. The following was the program: Chorus by 8t John's Church choir TJracious Father " Dinner Orace by Rev. Mr. Graham. Speech by Henry Edenshaw. 8peech by BeVt Bennett. Vocal solo by Mrs. Alfred Adams. Speech by Oeorge Jones. Chorus by St. John's Church eholr Worthy is the Lamb." Speech by Ambrose ReM. Chorus by St. John's Church choir 'Haltelujab Chorus.'' Vocal duet by Mrs. David Jones -nd Miss Dorothy Celltson. Benediction by Rev. Mr. Oraham. Toastmaster, Daniel Helmer Farewell Party On Saturday the community gave i farewell party to the convention. I ind during this party a pennant I from the Port Simpson delegates) was presented and addresses were! made to the Massett community by! Ambrose Reid and William Beynon. 8. Jones and A. Adams replied for Massett Amnn the UMbri laklnv narti .ii . it.. . - , . . i n nil oi in puiiYt-miun i unctions -ere MaetMrate A. L. Mallory, Port Elements; Indian , Agent Olllett. Tames Martin and Rev. Mr. Oraham. Sunday services were celebrated n St. John's Church. Old Masaett v Rev. Mr. Oraham. During the wrvlee the newly elected officers of the Native Brotherhood of B. C. were installed. Advertise In ths Dally News ' aUBBBBBBBSBBBUBBBBm , -MSBS It I'M! Drastic Cuts In Prices Have taken place again. The bdjlnf public are respondlnr lurM scmcly. to the bargains at TIIK It V. CLOTHIERS I.TIl. Vloitr Everybody h satisfied with their bargains. Christmas Is very near Come and purchase yeur tilts now. Everybody Invett a hartain. We can save yen real money. Oar stork h well selected and tood quality merchandise. N cheap gootfs, only the prlte h cheap. ' it0 now and save SALE OI'UNS J:30 A.M. IUILY aanBSBBBSjjBnamsBBmaaanna MEN'S WEAK Men's Worsted Dress 9(1 6ifjj Oryr r..l 1( ,i,.tt- All Wool Orey Woik 29c Sox, reg 4c. now Silk and Wool Box like OV QQp patterns, reg. 65 Men's $175 Drees 04 An 1UU Oloves. lined n. (ens Oood Wewht riannel Pyjamas J N Brandcloth Shirts QQp Wl all colors, now Wt Silk Ties nice 29c patterns, now 11.00 Ties. Silk, big 50c assortment, now MEN'S AND HOYS' SUITS, ETC. Men s Suits Q-f S) Cft OlA.DU $18 50 now Mens All Wmil Blu.-' SulU now S17.50 Bays' All Wool SulU S5.45 Tarnbull's Combination rr Bow S1.39 1.39 Penmen's 71. 85c per garment Stanflelds Midiunt Weiiillt reg $17$ now SL14 PURSES AND HA(!S Ladles' $3 00 Purses Ladles $300 Purws now S1.49 tftsO Ladies' Leather ther Baits Baits alpper now style S2.24 B. C. CLOTHIERS, LTD. Next Krfzzcltts Meat Market Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your trophies mounted by an expert Bear rugs mounted In any style. Game heads a specialty. All work guaranteed first class. FURS MADE UP Write For Prices E. nix. Taxidermist Terrace, B.C. Another The Socony.Vacuum Corporation of New York eandurt' teat run of many makes of cars on route, through the P-River Country. Alberta, touching at Bimonton. Saskatoon. M -Jw. Reglna. North Portal and down through the United St .n and on Into Mexico. The lesnswMr was a Ford V- rin-fWsL.byhe SiiNmy-Varutim "and bringing up the resr w.i V-o Cabriolet which was driven by the Secretary of the Brpedlti .... Included In the tour were a Chevrolet. Bulck. Oldsmobi: LaSalle. CadUlac. two Pierce Arrows. O M C. track. Studeb ik. Pontiac. and other makes, as well as two Fords. It Is Interesting to note that It waa reported on the arrival ! the caravan at Rdmonton from the peace River Country that tii. V-8's were the only unit which made the round trhi thrsash mu without having to be towed On a close check we find one of n . V-8's travelled ten continuous hours in low gear, the temperutin. never exceeded 140 degrees and guvillne consumption was gallon to ten miles while running in Jnw gear All the other rm-had boUtng. radiators and required i . H'.ited addition of wut. i S.E. PARKER LTD. Phone 83 Ford in For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASI'INALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Orren 211 rhones Green 811 Exebsnge Block LADIES' & CHIL. HKEN'S SHOES ladles' and Children's Shoes for the Hohdays. Come In and look (hem over. Ladles Shoes, big assortm. n' Z"M S1.99 Ladles Tie und Pump, i. . now $2.79 Ladm KM Shoes S3.49 In rslf nd ktd children's Straps and Oxi. : QQp now OUK, New shipment of fhiuii,: Classic Shoes In velour "Xfnrds sidid leaihii v, n i irnntce litem or vour m . ba.k OVERSHOES AND RUDDERS ie $? 00 now yl' I.i.I .-n Br. wn ami Bl.ii k P ' Iff. ii-g $1 ID) IKiW 69c MEN'S SHOES 1X Pair of Men's Boot and Shoes, solid leather, to ihoor from Mrns Bit Oxford OS PQ res MM. now 0&OU Mm Leather Lined B-iliil iritther JO nc OO. 10 reg $&M now Mrn ' verv Tine Osf. : S3.79 S5.00 M'h s and Bovs Drru B ib and Rubber Boots at reductions Phone Mack 321 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZareML Proprietor "A HOMK AWAY FROM HOME" Kates $1.00 up M Rooms, Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert B.C Phone 2a 1 P.O, Box 198 Test Run Dealers Third Ave. East The AUCTIONEER racklng-Cratlng-Wrapptni ft Ocneral Turnlture Repairs List your goods with mt Phone nlack Mi 0EO. J. DAWES