THY DAILY NEWS ; ne, — ae == be isi aIRE ee The Daily Ne TWO KILLED IN __ |CITY ORCHESTRA OY eee ea ere PTA Foray ee eS ee eee 6° Nese nt@ oo coe ee WO Eee Be Pw CEE OTA OUOLY 7 ie ee Fc a aoe ileal 1B ie e Vaily /Vews EMPLOYMENT vis fies cas ‘ : AN AUTO WRECK IS ORGANIZED] FIRE. orrices ss {|r tant mshi aati | Sep tar Rat Dit an ga Formerly The ‘Prince Rupert Optimist —— ———~_] |eouver, BC. occupation real, oetate, broker | Rupert,‘ Ci, “oveupation May Little g pes Yad we inten 0 apply for pe apply for permission to spinster intend BE lished the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Lirnited For all kinds of help, cooks, following described lands: described lands: Purchase the so. t@ H Pub! by upe’ é . Toronto Sightseers in a Bad Ac-|Messrs. Wm. Godson. J. S.|} waiters, dishwashers, hotel por- j | , Commencing at » post plant 4), shale, eougg | | Commencing at A Post planted at the gee : . ‘ is a 46, ume B he no [ DAILY AND WEEKL cident at Orillia—Many Were| Gray and W. L. Barker Initi- Stride, all up ae Saas aa nee de cosine cast te pelat of |thenss Ot, ©, chains, thonee arg, SUBSCRIPTION RATES—DAILy, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Injured.. t M ; commencement containing 820 acres inore or less. | thence west 10 oa thoenee north 20 ne J ate Movement and Arrange 7, i911 » thenee sort} ang i WEEKLY, $2.00 ver year. OvTsipe CANADA—Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, : for T Phone No. 178 Dated April 17, 191, BXANDEP MeINTOSH | Pent Of commencement, containing eum ta } $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. : somata or Twelve Instruments. on eau Pub. May 6 Dated April 4.1911, CLARA May aa ie TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—650 cents per inch, Contract ratez (Canadian Press Despatch) sensi I eba MAY Lint om on application. Toronto, June 20.—An auto Instead of a City Band Prince Grand Hotel Free Employment Office Take notice that 1, Percy Francis Godeurath | skeena Land District —D istric , HEAD OFFICE ‘ ; ; ; of Stewart, B. C., occupation journalist intend to |” ‘Take notice that Mac tt % Const r with seven persons was desc. nding} Rupert will go one better and Headquarters for cooks & waiters apply for permiaion to purchase the following | Victoria, 1. C.. ocompartos eto lldery : a Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. a steep hill near Orillia today|have a City Orchestra, Thanks to Getrinmencing at @ post planted on the right | Queply, (UF yermiaion to purch - BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES hen the brakes failed and D : iets : bank of the Naas river about seven miles above |““Commencing at « post pl ' St. New York when the brakes failed an r.| the enterprise and energy of Messrs siete jeidiladi sulle | the forks of tha Naas river, thence south 90 cheins, corner of Lot 996, Ranges coe Wt the south . Naw Yons— National Nor eres paream, 29 Hast 28rd St New Work Clty. |Braidwood and Miss Crawford|J.$. Gray, W. L. Barker, and Wm. themes rchat, ina Porn hain |S shale wth tine Wo tan ; 4 SEATTLE—Puget ni owe M enae rere ille i > TS re 4 > stant NEW WELLINGTON COAL containing 640 neres more or leas. - ‘ ommencement, containin 820 nora ~ boint of ie LONDON, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar | ““T an) a c ee bt Godson, an orchestra of twelve OR oe Apri MARY BkalToN GULDE RSLEEE seriously injured. e entire party | instru on anised) ? hese ) » 1911, ki Square. y in) party ments has been organised tie BRick pLairen - cumanr |°® Me1" Pub. May 6, in were from Tornoto ona_ sight-/and will commence to practise in| gHINGLES, LATH, BLACKSMITH COAL Risdsad Lend Ditawe= Downe of Onatel Oe vf DaILy EDITION agigya0 TUESDAY, JUNE 20) °°°"S P- full strength reguiarly this week. ——- Tene qoviee that 1, Perry Queanan of Prines | | ako notion that Fre Wis . ‘ . ’ . ” ’ . ion farmer, in eaten There can be no doubt that the | ROGERS & BLACK Phone 116 apply, lor, permission to purehase the following | permission to purchase (ai, ENGINEER WAS KILLED {citizens will more than appreciate }|_——_-_-___- Commencing at a post planted in the vieinity| Commencing at a post pia NG SCHEM an apt of Goose Bay, about three-eights of a mile south | east corner of A. Molx if : WANTED—A LAND CLEARI E oO the presence in the city of an . of the oe oe pee ee pee. buns = Chains south, thence 10 chains one ttm 1 ® ip 7 on the easterly boundary im ©.) chains north, thence 10 chainy ways, ' Collision on C. P. R. Between |orchestra of accomplished instru- Whites P ortland Cement.. See ee ee eee ad oid Thaker Lambe tle, canet | Haentatment containing 20 acros more i istri : ’ : ; e easterly limi : #0 a pril 10, 1911. FRIED RI Ot ag ie Now that the railway“has opened up the Skeena district to the] Freight Trains—Brakeman’s|mentalists. It has been frequnetly or No. 36240 40 chains, thence east to the shore of | Pub. April 22,’ MBORICH W. BOWLER 1 ; i i P inci 1 Go i un 4 G. C. EMMERSO Goose Bay, a distance of 40 chains more or leas, Hampton, Agent t settler, an excellent chance is given the Provincia vernment to| Back is Broken. suggested that a city band should 0 ee IN thense northerly slong Se one a Cees Se t Z ‘ J 3 chains more : ; evolve some land clearing scheme on a large scale, to bring the lands —— be formed, and every support more oF law to point f commencement, containing Take wotice Anat 1, bree ie at Rates i ‘. acres more or of hi ee Par pee of Port into early settlement. (Canadian Fress Despatch) should certainly be given those Phone 125 Naden Block Second Ave pases Maren 9, 2522. PERRY QUEENAN | for Porinimion purchase ain = "si é . . ‘ : 5 ri 7. : MOWIDg descripe It is estimated that it will cost the settier $100 an acre to clear} Indian Head, June 20.—In a]who have worked to arrange the | aiemseseeion et 0 péeb planted en | " * * re + ; . 5 . bank of the Exchumsiks Kiver and om the land by such means as are now possible to him. With the great}head-on collision between two C. | orchestra. FRANK D. KEELEY _| “fare sete that I, Lauchian Jobo Shanahan of [ile from its coulluence. with the susemt # ‘ * ’ 50 : Viet B. C., occupation teacher, intend to nee 80 chains west, th« bain sant areas that are now opened up, it would be possible for the Government P. R. freight trains at Winro cd wibba abate Asin Sabi bawodin’ ae te Senhiilen te puvcemme the telewing | thence 60 ‘chains ‘oust, th in sa to put large gangs of men at work, properly equipped with the best}today Engineer Pratt was killed NEW DOMI NION : Tt hi deel ae a . : . 5 4 2 4 LAY machinery and methods, to clear the land by the most economical|and Brakeman Bradley had _ bis W — ered i ie FO. Box 00) rom the couthenes cornet: of Jat 9000, ates 49 | Pavone et PRANK iicgs ; ; ; : y PERT, B.C. : 40 cha ‘ ig means. The lumber thus removed might be sawn, and from it a suffi-| back broken. MINI NG LA Scameccaatsoranng ase srt er ts hae : : ‘ . ie ine lait ak, c : si Land D letriet of C as cient revenue be obtained to pay for the work of clearing. With a large a Ey ane Co orm re, ed ee Oe th ds Take notice that, Willines A Ss ot Ya is variety of ways in which the work could be financed, so as to fall TOOK HIS LIFE Hon. Wm. Templeman will In- | ..445900000e00e0e0eeeeseeeeana(0-™v | Rote. eceupation ya intends w is , . taveain shi sho m ‘ Bee ee ee ae na Laid Distriet—District of C | land : Wing deserbed Se a eng hctaio cle nd aectngscmne| -AFTER BROODING] sest*'*o"®=eem*"6°" FW "1 wecuTcHEON {fas eS REE Sera ior : ‘ H oO , ‘ + 4 . B. C., ocew » in to | . orth and 40 chains east of » any great difficulties in arranging e details - Jan clearing sc oa ouse. ; od % | spdty, ter petemien to. barebaee ths. tohowing northeast corner of Lot 1116, Harvey's Sune - Ri iclantiemcpal | 3 . nge 5, thence 60 cha 4 In the State of Washington where conditions are somewhat |F Carries complete stock of Drugs, Special | | Serectbed tants: post planted about (6) tive | thence 0 chaint nth,” hens in oe sae : 1 7 me 7 : er ae } attention pi ng prescriptions, thence 60 chains south to post of comme similar to British Columbia a movement is on foot to induce the | James Te ebay ed — A bill establishing a new Dom-| $ eae ne $ | miles south and (1) Sree! thones sicthedthaiss | fee atone 300 Sere nog o mmevcenas, ‘ os i. ° : Theatre Block . Second fe . . AAAM J TAVIS government to take up this matter of land clearing, using the best} mitte uicide at Kitsilano. |ijion mining law will be intro- |}. Fes Se Eo Se einen crue 0 anes | i, May t atan pcan attainable system, the cost of the process being made a charge upon| Had Lost His Money. duced in the Commons by Hon | SEE PEEEEEEEEEEEEEFEEEEES Deted April 18, 1911. plOEN L, MITCHELL | * pee sh ooaes sae 4 : : | Skeen« Land District— District of Coast ‘ the land, but repayable over a period of from ten to twenty years at : William Templeman, Minister of} aa A i a Take notice that Latte MeTavush of Vaeune a reasonable rate of tinterest. It is estimated that if this were done (Canadian Press Despatch) Mines, where Parliament reassem- Take notice that I Francis 8. Preston of Prince | Be. lust omuindia to perks f ‘d at least twenty-fi in th Vancouver, June 19.—Brooding — Hawi Report, 3. C.. competes pecepestes, lease te | Gusssibed landa: the country would be put forward at least twenty-five years in the er, e : &| bles next month. The bill will be Span St pareelanion to purchase the following | “Commencing at a post planted at the noth f > whi 2 : : . °c : : i hains east a matter of development. over the losses of money which he a codification, simplification and Commencing at a port planted about three ro aeereeee oe es of L lavet i i favor this sch that th rk}had recently experienced, James : . miles south and two mies west of the forks of | Survey, Coast District, Rang as It is pointed out by those who favor 1s scheme tha e wo y expe , ee S!general improvement of the ex- Y ; ¥ | he WRIS Sng Sint rivers, thente south BY eeaias south, thence 50 chains east, thence 60 ebay ¥ . 2 i Be ‘ s ark : / 5 orth | north, 4 hains west, thence 60 ebais if undertaken by the government on an extensive scale, could be| Bratt of Vancouver, committed isting laws and regulations. It / Yet 1 and ts i. | tence rent 80 a gieaanne nego north, thence 40 chains west aaa done at a much cheaper rate than could be the case where only a|suicide this morning at his horne|} has been largély drafted by Mr. F.| . Vile small amount of clearing is required ng uld n y % : [. Congdon, M. P. for the Yukon, Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range & be a great advantage to the particular district where the operations|large quantity of poison, and was|andq Mr. Reginald Brock, Director LADYSMITH pp Lake ot ce that L. Joo Jack of Frives It: Pett, | skeena Land District 1) i é - a a he ‘i 2 ‘ ao + Occupation carpenter, intend to apply for 1 se th race MeT avi are carried on, but would be an object lesson for the whole country;| beyond help when deiscovered, of the Geological Survey, in con- & CoaAL periniaion to. purchave the following ‘described | Eaten baen thet Grace M . ; ; - DN ae ands. . f a chase the and as exact accounts of the expense would be kept the figures would ae aaeatae Peat sultation with Dr. Eugene Haanel, oop a onc gmimencing, at 8 post planted about thresiand ae Z one on ng et & post planted « i i MAY SUCCEED STRATHCONA | pjrec f Mine » Mining R a ean tind tabcame teams. Oromarvesery telet Commencing st & post ; be very instructive. Jirector of Mines, the Mining here | corner 100 chains east and aine = = the same touches the indian Hoserve thence east the northeast corner of Lot 1115. larre 80 cha ns. thence “orth 50 chains, thence wests0 Coast District, Range . In the United States large sums of government money have Sa aR Institute of Canada ard the Mines chains, thence south 50 chains to point of com- thence 80 chains nortt been used for reclaiming arid lands with very good results. Here in Sir Daniel McMillan May Be- Departments of the various Pro- pacers, Setenre 640 acres more or leas, | thence 80 chains south to post of sys . ‘ i ject e708 ~ . 1 ae ° » - containing 320 acres more or |x British Columbia there are hundreds of thousands of acres of lands} come High Commissioner | yincial Governments. —_———- rye Pub, May 18. Dated May 2, 1911 . . : : Sede aetna : * “ye . "ub, May 6. which might be cleared of timber or stumps and which would make r It is hoped that the bill will Skwena Land Distriet—Disriet of Coast Range 8 . eos . 2 ¢ Tt Penatec . . : ay Tak tice that I, Bell Hall K { Yar- r District of . a splendid farms. Large areas of British Columbia lands are useful (Canadian Press Despatch) provide a basis for uniform mining F R E mouth, Nova Seotia, ceeupation married woman, rionne Land Distric GDistriet of Conan ; i i i y > —_ >» ab- * tend to ly f i hase the p “ , , oe for little except fruit farms, but all are more or less productive. These Ottawa, June 19.—In the ab-/jaws and regulations throughout AL ive 4neeed Gat ee to apply, tor perminas’ eonoain ene . *, * > > i ilfri : ie ss : Ce t t planted at th t . eadatae . should all in some way be brought under cultivation. sence of Sir Wilfrid Laurier na| the Dominion applicable both to og Pg hy ati is > hk alt chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 40 <2 \two miles © t — confirmation 1S 0 be had of the Federally controll d and to Pro- Lots 5 and 6, Block 28, chajns, thence eouth 50 chains to olaee olf com- Wile me bee ide tives ence south & g Rg me Spee ° Saati t t 820 < dasa ‘thense forth 8 well defined rumor that Sir Daniel | yincially controlled mineral lands. Section 1, My ‘post le on south ‘east corssr-of land ‘sppiied | (panes weet 80 chains, thence north 10 McMillan, Lieutenant Governor $3000, 25 per cent. cash for, marked letters 5. E., about one mile west of | Dated April 20, 1911. CHARLE , ‘3 one ee ee balance 1, 2, 3 years . laa ae 4 side of Skeena river Divtrict) pub, May 15, - Frat Pr 4 : La eae tab Hg > 1, 2, 8 years, oP Boma teen a ; 4 nels ee of Manitoba will be Strathcona’s TRY THE “NEWS” WANT S.wer omnk Dated April 28.1911. BELL HALL KENNEY | - > 26g . *ub. May 13, John Haverty, Agent Skeena Land District —Distr ast Ranged a WE - HAVE - FOR - SALE | AD. WAY OF FINDING | SP not ss that Murdock Melis o tase ies GEO W MORROW ‘ Sheena Land Distrlet District of Cassiar eae tiretiedee ausehnes (x6 Be 2 i tan oy ee ee et ee en ake notice that . James Dunk { lrince . = (CROWN GRANTED) STORMS IN JAPAN : ° Rupert, B. C., cpeupation lenmeter’ latend te Wea Ba wl I i % omen port pa « a a eae on 1076 Nelson St., Vancouver, B.C. || apPly, for permission to purchase the following reer sike river ° ae i Com: ing at a post planted about two mil its confluence with the Skeena ¢, thens fe: 83 Heavy Loss of Life Reported— ew south of the forks of the White and Flat rivers, | chains west, thence 20 cha : thence north 80 chains, thence west 40 chains, | Chaiue west, thence 40 ¢ t chains east, then 20 ¢ Section 9 All Communication Cut Off bas ee pie mee te eee thence south 80 chains, thence east $0 chains. peor: vs 4 P Deted Apri 18, 1911, JAMES DUNLOP | Chains eaten oo nal eeeeeeeens > ‘ , 8. Presto nt | COUmEenremMant. containing ‘ re Township 1 Toki J 19 A , nox PRrrr: ub. May 13, Francis 8. Preston, Agent Dated April 21, 1911 K Mekil OK1O une iv.-——A severe storm Pub. May 18 ; BILLIARDS i Range 4 is raging throughout Japan today BOWLIN 9 and POOL Coast Range 5 Land District } Toke notice that J, Jobe Hepburn of Kit- Skeena Land District asmat ‘ ‘ é P ~ Aicatic inle isc ~ a sumkalum, occupation farmer, intend to apply Take notice that |, Leae . oe i PRICE :—$15.00 PER ACRE, EASY TERMS a Paria Eni . 1 ink ng - : ars ee A soap is een to purchase the followng described | Prince Rupert, B. ¢ spa arpenter, a 5 oft. tis reportec that heavy loss afternoon. Newman Block, be- = . to apply for permiasion 4 ane " is i ; of life and heavy damages has tween 6th and ae Sts. corner of Lot Bes, Bac rone os chelates "terstesdon ss a post pl mr a This is an excellent section and was one of the first to be Bt. i E ; TED MORRISON, Proprietor and Manager south 40 chains, thence west 20 chans, thence | south and one mile west of rhe of theWhae taked in the Vall been done BESNER & BESNER, FE ROPRIETORS | north 40 chains to place o! commencement. aud Flat rivers, thes ains, toeae 8 in the Valley. ‘ Dated March 18, 1911. JOHN HEPBURN | west 80 chains, thence sou chains, hem The New Knox Hotel is runon the European Pub April 15, east 80 chains. ou lan. First-class service. All the Latest Modern a _ Dated April 18, 1911. ISAAC O'BRIEN PORE foaprovemnenta. siete BEDS Sic UP Pub. May 13. Fra Preston, Aget Skeena Land District-—Distriet of Coast Range 6 FESTIVITIES ON FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT = =, E B y ca Co.: —=> Take notice that Henry Macartney of Prince | IN OLD LONDON Rupert, B. C., occupation miner, intends to apply | Skeena Land District—Di REAL ESTATE iar paresanton to purchase the following described 6 Tase notice that Glen: Me \ Samuel Harrison & Co. | nom om" sae Commencing at a post planted on the south apply for permission ( ; pao ae } Kitsumkalum: Land For Sale side of Exchumsiks River, about 2 1-2 miles (rom | described lands its confluence with the Skeena River and about Commeneng at @ post pla : : * | KITSUMKALUM e B. Cc. 1-2 thiles west from Exchumsiks rapids, thence 80 | and 80 chains south the Brokers and Financial Agents, Prince Rupert lians in Shooting Contest chains north, thence io chaina east, thence 80 | Lot No. 1733 marked Gi s pe : na south, thence 40 chains west to point o, | west corner, thence sout! 4 ’ With Rifles. Fraser and Fifth Street. The only hotel | ---- -- containing 820 acres mvure or 80 chains, Preares marth ‘ in town with hot and cold water in rooms. } leas. Post marked “H.M. 8.W. cor.” | 80 chains to po*t of co Best furnished house north of Vancouver. Dated April 22,1911. HENRY MACARTNEY | 320 acres more or less THUR c os Rooms 50c up. Phone 37; P.O. Box 129, Pub, April 29. | Dated March 20, 1911. GLENN McARTHD — London, June 19.—The real Cor-|} peupnomme & risuern - Proprietors Pub. April 16. 1 D, Laird 4 i fs onation weck begun today with anne pand Dictsiot— Distriet of Cassiar Rangel bo d ive . > 1 a aemmenmenend 2 notice that ary Cari { Stewart, {| Skeens Distric ast R 7 mgaetes the arrival cf most of the Royal- ee °C, cesupation ae oe oman atend srt | Soren Land District) i co r++ a eee ¥ : lor pert mm to purchase the following described | Take notice that Wm. | apport g ties. London is a city of boards Prince Rupert Lodge, I.0.0.F. |s.2" oc Take notin that Win, Leal of Set al G } Commencing at a post planted two (2) miles for permission to purcha ed lands: a { ; fr ‘ and the number of stands celipses ° NO. 63 south and (2) two miles west of the forks of the all previous Coronations. Windsor Hotel Meets in the Helgerson Block these U0 chan att tenes BF Seoiee en | ademas ots ‘“ The Canadian Cadets won the Dated April 20, 1911, MARY CARIN | NW cee ; . Every Tuesday Evenin Pub. May 13. jrancia 8. P ; ioe perth 4 field rifle contest against the Aus-|f} FIRST AVENUE AT EIGHTH STREET ey y 8 ae Menage Hy anata, Ageati Se ceeree. Shanes north « aici = tralian Cadets today. The Cana- Newly Furnished! and All members sa Ha antes i the city ACTH MOF OE IB cin 2 ~ +. : ee 4 are requested to visit the lodge. Skeena Land Distriet—District of C T. D, Laird, Ase General Merchandise Largest Stock dian Boy Scouts reached London Steam Heated Rooms eee anaes et apt a Cen ay | Dated March ah ys z " i : of Toronto, Ontario, occupation clerk, intend | Pub. April 29th, 19 and are now encamped at Roth A FIRST CLASS BAR AND DINING Gi 8: JOHNSTONE, N.G. to apply for permission to purshese the following , iets deseri lands; Skeena Land Mistrict—District of Queen ROOM IN CONNECTION Lowest Prices in Northern B.C iy actinic snail H. MORTON, Secretary. | sree et iet Wl Weng ites bosisn tenes uae Te ore ee RATES CENTS AND UP t 60 . iP ‘ » SOM Take notice that Geo. tl. Lau ow TIC m or e - . Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte BATHS FREE TO GUESTS RCM iE EAL a ee mT Mca) NC ed so ai fpanee porta O enna, thence west | B.C, occupation barber Prince slough, thence along mission to purchase pert, Be cecpation age intends to apply a ae oan southerly to point of commencement, con- nda; . y 7” 9 acres more or . 2 ; et +++ | foe permission to purchase following described ROBT. ASHLAND Dated April 6, 1911, Commencing at a post pli ke lands: . P.O. BOX 37 S. O. E. B. S. WILLIAM MELVILLE Co > miles west and one mile RLEY : Jaden Ha — ep hp hr —3E mmencing at ost 6 1- of Stanly Creek, Naden odes ae an halt & aie ated on J , The Prince Rupert Lodge, No. 318, Sons of Pub. April $9, chains, thenen wast e chains, Stanley Creek w it empties into Naden E . meets the first and third Tuesdays in chains, thence east 40 « vains , , Gra Island, thence east 40 chains, | — caltinichriiabs each month in the Carpenters Hall, at 8 p.m. Dated March 17, 1911. thence nate i. easing, eee wen 40 chains, F. ¥ CLARK, Sec., Skeena Land Distgiot:= Dicistet of Queen Charlotte | Pub. Avril 22. thence so chains in commencement . O. B 2, P ny and containing 160 acres more or leas. is Haw Ryhnes Rupert Take notice that J. H. Murphy,of Vancouver, «of Cassel e@ Dated March 17, 1911. HUBERT O. CREW Hotel Centr Cor. First Ave. ny B. C., occupation commercial traveller, intends Skeena Land District —District OV aad ‘ Pub. April 7. Numa Demers, Agent and 7th Street to spply ie nestdlenen to purchase the following | Take notice that i, Hrentou © murat : descri acs: Prinee Rupert, B, C., occupation Co8h ig keane District— European and American plan, steam Commencing at a Planted about seven | t 1 ermission to purchase ] CW Scere | Greer: eet Sel te: ec | Sate a oo / York , England looker, - in- $1.00 to $2.50 per day. ; : es ency alent, Creel, Nedon Herbor, thence north 89 Commencing he a post planted are i ins, thence south 80 flew th and (2) two mee ve) chain itiiowing sella’ labios aR ™ Peter Black EB * Proprietor M i Periodical N Datel Mane Piste: » J. H. MURPHY of White and Fla rivers A, pence fabs vat r Comm plant azines :; Periodicals :; News ' + thence 80 chains west, Uhene é custerly ‘boun ay timber fim 8 9 +i me 1a PN papers | Pub, April 22, Numa Demers, Agent | thence 80 chains one JORDON 0 7 rat iy ait im, Range . cont CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS dics ahd The Cricdakes caus Dated April 20, 1911. Francia 5. Pre : District, where said ‘ , = of C » . along the southerly limit of lot 8989 storesaid G.T.P. WHARF Take notice that I, Thomas Macgovern alone to and the pro Ao on divection Stewart, B, C., occupation miner,inten apply : cieaaieiny ie permission to purchase the following described Distriet of Curt d 80 chains more or less to westerly lin it of timber limit $2601, thence in a southerly direction C d H t ] lands: Sk Land District B : along the last mentioned limit 11 chains ee ran Oo e eo Commencing at @ post planted on the right Take notice that I, Janes eee ne} 20 i 0 DELIVERED TO ANY AD- gone on at © cena tan ts oi ee ee oe LINDSAY’S CARTAGE and bank of the Naas river about four miles above the | Stewart, B.C., pepe urehase ¥, jon along the last men- bank of the Ne M i i » th apply for permission ¢ tioned limit 80 more or less to the easterly | Spring Beds, clean White Sheets 25c¢ STORAGE ee ee $0 chalve pee south to chaos, apply for perm eB DRESS IN SECTIONS 1, 5 limit of timber limit 88829, thence in a northerly c ote As , , thence east 80 chains to point of Commencing at @ post | t nine @ a eam m 11 chains more or less to the point of Rooms 50c ithe icaden ideas containing 640 actos more ieee bani of the ais ivan aout ine mi ° ° ° s ; 10 5 y ’ t 6 AND 7 EVERY DAY FOR Pub. Merch 2, JACK BEDFORD | BEST IN TOWN FOR THE MONEY Dated March 26, 1911, Sidney Frank Wrights Agt | thence wost 80 chains, then saa J. GOODMAN, Proprietor Orders promptly filled. Frices reasonable, Pub. May 17, ; thence east 80 ehains to poll | pall i Skeena Distriet—District of Coast : ; woe containing 640 acres mor or BsTBR Me é Take notice t Hume Babington of Prince OFFICE—H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone 6s, Mrank Sidney master » March 24, 1911. Fre $ Rupert, Buc, ; thariner, sntenda : Skoona Land Distriet—Diatrict of Cassiar | Pub’ May 17. > balla orate | cae dan Wim Rreik “Carern song ou uj » B. C., oveupation ter, : istrict 0 ¢ south of the fndian eee the “ of VICTORIA CAFE ] HE IRO l IOIS ntends to apply for permissior to purehase the _ fekeene Land Oran ¥ vicarage Coons Boy on the east side of the 2’ ence following deseribed lands: Take notiee Fan cook, intend +0 spied i : 100 chains along shore to the Reserve line, Commencing at lanted about B. C., occupation coos vowing deeriy at f p three} mission to purchase ti bout : a ‘oo ean r ee ne vores Se, emneth end Mosle at at hours; Zaineh 180, POOL rot wes oon g fee White and Flat ” Sommensins at a post plant eo works a J a o i) be Cc Sasi, OF Has Ue peut, ostalnng” 640 sors Meals Sie up~Ceme and See chains Uheaoe ‘north BO ‘chang, thence next bo] aauthyand wel. gout 8 he bl | ated wens 1911, HUME BABINGTON YOU CAN GET A SQUARE MBAL ANY TIME English and American Billiards ey ma WILLIAM FREDERICK CAMERON west By chains, thence north oi venti : ated Apri ; eas! chains. a EY Twelve Tables Seconp Ave, | Pub May iy’ Francis 8. Preston, Agent | pated Ae 191d. BY Pele 8 Pree