PAGE FOUH WATTS' FOOD SPECIALS For the Week-End AUSTRALIAN PINEAPPLE Sliced or Crushed 9ft P aJV per No. 2 tin PEACHES Halves, largest Olp tins, per tin ORANGES Nice size, sweet Si juicy 2L 30c L 86c KELLOGQ'S ALL BRAN f AXK, p per pkg FLOUR Royal House- Q-J OC hold, per 4B-lb. sack SWEET PICKLES OVK, Qflf Happyvale, 32-os. per Jar BAKING POWDER Magic OAK, OOp 12-oz. tins, per tin SOCKEYE SALMON Horseshoe Brand, No. 1 tall tins OIK, Q 1 p per tin PERFECTION BROOMS OVK, Crtp Heavy, 5-string. each GRAPEFRUIT MARMALADE Nabob, 32-oz. jars O A p each ttJ, SPLIT PEAS nrn 4 lbs TOILET TISSUE 9 1 6 roll AXK, FAIRSEX TOILET SOAP Ap (limit 6 bars', per bar KING OSCAR SARDINES 4 Adi' Op per tin NABOB TEA diln JK' per lb SUPREME COFFEE- Locally QQp OUK, Packed, per i-lb. okg. RED PITTED CHERRIES ICp lol No. 2 tall tins, per tin ASHCROFT POTATOES Cp 25 lbs lOK, sSk $1.65 SWEET POTATOES OQr 4 lbs HOTHOUSE RHUBARB Qp per lb CALIFORNIA LETTUCE Qp per head Watts' Grocery I'HQNE 55 PHONE 5" THE BEST FOR LESS" FOR SALE Fresh Fish Daily Aboard Helen II Cow Bay Twenty years in the one store shoetnaking and repairing merits your confidence, and we solicit a continuance of your patronage in our new store. xM. MacAKTHUR Third Are. Next Federal Blk. COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We alto sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. i Prince Itupcrt Feed Co. 58 rhones 558 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessel Iron and Ilrsss Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50taa Derrick for Heavy Lifts Sawmill anc MlnlngMachlnery Repaired and Overhauled CONCERT WAS FINE Second Event Given by Philharmonic Society Proved Very Enjoyable Last Night Under the capable baton of H. N. Brocklesby, conductor, the Prince Rupert Philharmonic Society gave the second of this season's series of concerts in the United Church before a large and appreciative audience last evening. Consisting of a varied selection of carols, folk songs, anthems and negro spirituals .the program was rendered with a precision of rhythm nd a tone quality denoting talent and effort on the part of both conductor and members. Features of the evening were a sympathetic rendition of Dale's "Before the Paling of the Stars." rich with eastern symbolism and mystery, in which C. H. Balagno at the piano had an opportunity to display his masterful technique; song picture of an indignant lady robbed of her sweetheart, "You Stole My Love." by the ladles' chorus, an dthe old negro favorite "Kentucky Babe" (Slebeli by the male voices, a light, rollicking but haunting melody. "Autumn (Gretchaninoov), a traphlc portrayal of the falling leaves in a great forest displayed a rapacity for tonal effects which 'he organization possesses, and the raditlonal setting of the old German carol "Stille Nacht" was iweetly and tunefully executed, as .vas the English setting of "Come et Us All Sweet Carols Sing." "Nymphs and Shepherds" 'Pur-ell . a joyous invitation to pastoral pleasures and "Steal Away" "Bur-'.eighi. gave the conductor scope :n volume control, which was skillfully availed of. Marked by a sure 'ouch and clean bowing a group l cur violin solos were executed by A. C. Cameron, and were much enjoyed Among ihese were "Walze from Faust" tGpunod, "Taren-tella" 'Drdla) -Tftptf "Ave Marie" Schubert t. Miss Jean Rowson .'sweetly sang "The Lute in the Grass''. and "I Love the Moon." and; two quartets composed of Mrs. Lirge and Mrs. Webber and Messrs. Large and Davy, and Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Brocklesby and Messrs. Hunter and Whiteside sang "Salve Regin. Wadldngton) and "The Old Walts Carols" i Traditional), respectively. Other choral- items were "Fum. Fum.Fum," (Shcindlert and "Oloria in Excels Is" from Moaart's "Twelfth Mass." Members of the Second Prince Rupert Rover Scout crew, under Rover Mate Wllltseroft, . acted as ushers. The earols were accompanied on the organ by Peter Lien. ON.K- TRAINS For the East Mondays' Wednesdays and Fridays 9:30 pm From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10:15 pjn 'TILUE (heluo-heulO'M 'm "77 BUT, OPERATOR . CTS "ft TO W50N8,J A T ov&,a riss j mas i iKrc TyA My BUdAoefMaMT rikjcs-I Weather Report For Last Month The weather report for the month of January, 1933 is as follows: Highest barometer reading, 30.49, January 10. Lowest barometer reading, 28.71, January 24. Highest temperature, 46, January 12. Lowest temperature, 21, January 21. Mean temperature, 34.3. Precipitation. 9.8 Inches. Sunshine. 21.8 hours. Snow. 23.7 inches Phone 953 Phone 95J De Jon IgS Cash and Carry Specials For Friday and Saturday Aylmer Corn 21c 2 tins for , Puffed Rl 15c per pkg. Nabob Tea 38c per i-lb. pkg. . Lifebuoy Soap 20c 3 cakes foe Toilet Tissue 17c 5 rolls for Malkin's Best SEEDLESS RAISINS per 1-lb. pkg. 15c Quaker Cracktls lie per pkg. Pea Soup In large family 4 1 siae tins, each V. C. Plneapple-llcd 2s -f Qp per tin Happyvale Sweet or'sour Mustard pickles VXX, per quart Nabob Red Plums T KSvSS -. ... llC Campbell's Soup Assorted 1 1 XXK, per tin ' Rd Arrow Honey Graham AXK, Ol p Wafers, per pkg. Malko Fancy Table Syrup 4 "I p Lux Flakes 25c 3 pkgs. for Fry's Cocoa 22c per ' j-lb. tin '. Red Arrow Chocolate 27c Eclairs, per lb. Fels Naptha Soap 7c per bar THE TOILER" Vjf U ibmIM T IMP .X S I I W 1 aeguBfsJssuss.i THI DAILY NEWS Thursday, February 2 UNEMPLOYED IN CONCLAVE Number of Subjects Discussed at Meeting Including Recent Meeting of City Council Collection-Taken for Murphy At the weekly meeting of the unemployed in the C.L.D.L. Hall last night there was a large attch- dance, C. Chay.nan presiding. The chairman in his opening remarks paid tribute to the memory of Tony Borlan, a fellow worker, and sked that the unemployed pay their last respects by atten- dance at the funeral. t Several who looked on at the proceedings of the City Council expressed their opinion of same,1 and It was regretfully admitted, that no assistance need be looked for from the new council, who I were more concerned with keeping i down taxation in the interests of ratepayers than actuated by hu manitarian considerations. It was a paradox that many who had vo-the the new council into office tn save their homes now looked for means to save their' families. A motion was passed that a protest be made to the City Council, couched in the strongest possible terms, against their policy of insisting on a mortgage from those who happen to own their homes but have been forced by circumstances beyond their control to apply for relief. The proceedings of the council will be watched with great inter est In future by this association. Another motion pasted was that this meeting express its apprecia tion to .Aldermen Casey. Ruoder- ham, Black and Pillsbury for the stand they made on behalf of the workers. The situation at Any ox was briefly opined the explottaUor t the workers culminating in the present strike. The point was ta ken that the cost of the police ex-ptdtttonaB force to Anyox to intimidate strikers on behalf of j orporaiion would keep several families in comfortable circumstances foj a month. A statement comparing costs of rommodt&g between this city and Vancouver will be prepared ir jroof that 111 ng expenses arc higher here, while relief allowan sea are the same. A coUectien was taken up t Comrade Murphy now In the ltx-u ells awbAjAg. deportation, and thr sum of .JJ 3.00 was realized Thi was to cftimy his personal expenses en rout. The Dally News can be pur- 4 chased at 1 Post Office News Stand, 325 Granville St, Vancouver. 4 Karl Anderson, Prince George, B.C. R. W. Riley. Terrace. B.C. General Store, Anyox 8mlthers Drug Store. Smith- ers. BC. want the pouice statiom. IHEV.' rV' Stock Market Was Depressed NEW YORK, Feb. 2: Ruthless slashing of dividends by a number of the big corporations had the effect of depressing the stock market yesterday and causing many to sell. Over a million shares changed hands and many of them were down several points. Bonds held firm. Wheat and cotton lost slightly A Promise or a Threat Week-End Specials Granulated Sugar 45c limit 10 lbs. i. 10 lbs. for Eggs Fresh Extras 70c In cartons, 3 doz Swift's Back Bacon - 15c Sliced, per lb. Red Arrow Crackers- 20c large pkg. Malkin's Best ORANGE MARMALADE 2j-Ib. jar IB 35c Sugar Crisp CORN FLAKES 3 pkgs. 25c Jrestwood Creamery Butter HEZri tOK i-lb. brick Smyrna Table Figs 15ci per lb. Ikln's Best PEAS. Sis 2 per tm 15c White 8pring Salmon S 1-lb. tins 25c Fresh Navel Orange 95c S dot. Nabob Coffee- 40c 1-lb tin Malktn s Best SPICE8 3 tins 25c Ruftat Worcester Sauce per bottle 15c P St O White Naptoa Soap 25(J Swift's Cliis-Hir Cleanwr OIr 40L 3 tins Alberta Market Phone Your Order We Dellvf-I, (i A. Ml.' LA. Proprietor Mflh Street Phone 20 vsHiU, THAT HVpLAJUS T vn".7 iniKJtg UiNJI'tS I I SATl4PAC-rOIUV.MlSS M THAT DlAMOUQ S kifTAt.-tr .Tfl Madly Happy LOOK, VAIALLY-MA-C TUST CJAVC ME THE BMeJAae- V Wednesday Si Thursday TWO SHOWS 7 Sc 9 p.m. Feature starts 7:30 Si 9:30 Admission 15c & 50c leu Musical "ROMANTIC MELODIES" Novelty "STUFF ON Tu nt m.. PARAMOUNT NEWS BAU" Tr itW it i 4rif t4 r""') BUtftcUrW fr Ik put . Wanted! 10,000 Raw Furs I have an order for ten thousand raw skin of all kinds of tan which I am prepared to purchase for a big fur manufjiiurinj houne. I am prepared to pay hither prices than anyone for the fan Goldbloom Toombs Radio Service Make of Radio All Work Guaranteed Phone: Blue 901 IT 1-OCKSl wind Tin- (Ud K. liul.le DEPRESSION PRICES Kkk Coals, per ton $11,00 & Mlfo (Not Nut Coal) Lump Coal, per Ion Slljti Loose Coal, SI. 00 per ton less All Coals are in a dry shed. Don't buy water, buy coil HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 5 AJAbOWT -THAT Oi Rupert Radio Service Repairs to Anv . ' RADIO SET Out-of-town bu.Mii'- Phone: Nine Prince Rupei B Hccause it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It does pay to buy those advertised. By Westover, 1 ic;is i T-TT 3 -'rfr H OWMTA oct ( IT MyhT" voo , our I'M res rrzzr ) BT MAO Li I- , -fW ijL yi ( ; MOW , T jTI if THURSDAY MAtlNtr .. . at 2 30 11 Fealure Kiart. . AdmissUn - i'jj AMERICA'S GREATEST JOK ESTER Will Rogers in "Down to Earth" With DOROTHY JORDAN, IRENE RICH A Fox I'ctur PAL NITE TWO ADULTS ON ONE TICKET FRIDAY and SATURDAY" SMILIV THROUGH' Rheumatism Kept Her In Bed Mr i. VT n. PilAm, Let.,-84.k, writs roribosi jMfi I sufftrad wits fiwrtmiV wklch lept m it Ud f0f wli A frind sdviuM m u uii BarJotk Mood IilUr. M x V two bottlM, Ut gt, , ' Ut. I in tkinkfol t j ti,., fMl t new, and Uv iH u, bother! wits rkaunitim kiZ