V ,T L j , bi nary 2. 1033 t i FREE ; :v. PORK ! Jl'ic ! KiS. lb. tc '! HAMS lb '. CrotwOOd sunnyhrook Dominion Pork Spare Ribs 7C, Choice LEGS lb. SHOULDERS U)INS. lb Finest Alberta Prime Steam if 1 LARD 8C 1 I lb Package limit 1 lb IL SPECIALS WHILE THEY iff AWH XHV r'nu t neglect those " ! cut and bruise. y .soBictimc? !"p seriously. Ktrp Mipply of antiseptic 'inly. We have rem-'H.'s for all little ail "its. For. serirju ill- however, we ' you to see your ho und fill his pre- l iptiuns here. - lTTT7WaaYIMtsMCTOl I1UIUV BOil SATl'RDAY V ALl ES -.irilmt: Markets will offer each trreb rival li tii I vilu to tin people f I'rlnre Rupert. Our rnarkrli handle all barkers I,m V rrT t (hat owlfij to the llinlfrd Supply available ifYer-( luunipJUlM from lcal 'picker tha"t we can "drily'' offer -HllIXKTHBVUSr ' ' FQU SUNDAY'S CPLSUPPJW lit'.s Hoiled or naked HA M OC Sllceo . i n Proscriptions . . FiJIed from fnsh. pur drugs according the dicLiles of your doctor Ormes Ltd. Z7fnt Di oncer Drttqfjists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Rinitra lava PMm Hum for Vnnemiw TSS CAKIIKNA UVKKY TUKSDAY. 1:30 lM. ' i mi, riu mul Wnypotiiu. arrinu Vaiieoum Ttauraosy Ths, venture VENTURE r.vi:itv EVi;RY TUlUtSI) Thursday AY MIDNIOI MinNinur. Milium, io n minpaon. Alley Arm. Aiiym. !'','"nnticn rtgirdlii ill itillnii and ticket t " 'r. nu r.iir AUE.NTVr Krrnnd .y tmof. lb. VEAL 16c 1 2c 18c Sunday Breakfast Special Pure Pork Sausage LAST Stewart and Naaa (Uvtr p4nta Sunday. I pm SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RUE. ROl'NO TRIP, PRINCE UVr.ERT TO VANCOUVER, On Ml, Nnf. in lu let, tS. return Unfit Mrrh SI. 1M. I'lionf ,V Harfji 4. Copy i appreciareJ BM1 1 i T i ' t I svuf 19 son 9iTiy( to lljg cjty Trom prt fesingtbn ' ytfUuty.' Sona o( Norway dansje frid4y. tpo 3 cbanaed lo Saturday, Feb. 4 Dance in Moose Hall t)nioir,)W night. 1? op).. Scotch and patiaulan dancs.'Aitiii1on 50fi. and 25c Includes refrMhments Evcbody welcome. I Cuol 11 Ca(JtrD;J is sailing on the Prince Rupirt toniaht niht the south (akln with lai'ena. wneuier mc-ntxr' IBroadcas'in" station 1: Mlbe dUcuMd. I f' : rjjm th' body Of ty$ UU ftither-tn-law Wifllam' Robtrtson. who dm hr yesterday. Annual mcellng, R.Hkj 'lion will be held City T! i! 'Ffbruary 10. IMS at H Uadjo owners lritnst fl Anocii Priori A i t n : -1 2.'. lu I A party of hunters, ii.cludini-' Fx-1 Mayor C. H. Orme, j.' Bacon T 'Boyd. M Mclvor.'Capt R Gan, imon returned on the boat Berth jo last niiht from the vicinity of Gardner Canal viere toey hve been enjoying a week's huntin ' T! ey were favoreo by weather conditkms and brought borne a few geese and ducks. . Announcements Moose Hall. Benefit Dnee Feb. 1. Canadian Legion an Moos Lodge. Boys' Band otcn Dancg Feb. )Q Eagles' Anniversary DtNCe, Fri). io RefrrshmenU. OenU SQc; Ladea Annual St Valentine's dance, ambrai Chapter. IOJ), Feb. 14,. I Women of Mooie. bricg" and hif. Pjpb 14th. Presby tarlan Vlahtinea fet ruary 14. Mootf alenune Jftfn PH. IT Supper-Carnival, Fuq-ProJIe at' First Oddfellows' Old Pjebttaary lTtb. . eb 17 Baud-it United. Time Dance Rebekah Bridge. Whist. Feb. 22 CJf MA annual ball. Mopta Hall inebnuurK.' Old Time Dance. St. Petert Pariah UaU. Seal Cove. ftb. V Pioneers' baiKraet-danee, Mach 10. Catholic Spring' Sale and Social April 18 th JONES' sir ! M i iramuy meaij Market Loin Veal Chop - 2 lbs. Lumb Chops 2 Ips. Pork CfcW 1 lb. - Round Steak 2 lbt. Stew Beef 3 lbs. Ayrslilre Bacon ?, lbs "BUts Bgga. I doz. paoon, 1 lb Ppt Roast, 4 lh. Carrnis, 5 lbs. Shoqder Lamb. 5 lb. Tjarlilps, lj. Shoulder V(Stk, lbs. Apples. 5 1. Leg of Pork- ' pfr lb 057 f!)iU) 9W 35c 35P 35c t- 35c 35c ?5p 3c 7P 50P. 15c Essingtoii THJ5 DAILY NEW Local news NQtES ' Inst tiw 1 For Jay and nitlit Taxi " W C.L.D.L. Dance inntehi. Special F Davey of Tprt ' if ington 1 In! tvvn and is staying ai the Rupert' Hotel. C. R Gilbert of Ten.f wOl be a passenger on t as. prince Bji-;x n fur the south Wailgtt. Dunns t'-e ir.nth if January the fire ed part men t had only1 eight cls. the majority of them being chimney fires' which resulted in no damage. Thomas William M.nphy. who ha been out on bail fpr some time awaiting orders from the immigration department fpr deportation. Ss now being detained at the pojtre station under iostucUotu from the department. Hotel Arriyals PRINCE IJJPEUT, F. Davey. Port Easing ton; C. F Ha!ey. Vancouver. Mrs A Aldous, city; Mr and Mrs Jas Knox. Port LET'S GO! Jltre are a few of our specials which ' you can't afford to pass up. Quick Quaker Oats- Small sue, 3 pku. Robin H,ood Oat China-ware, per pkg. Dried Apples Fancy quality, t lbs. Popping Corn 3 lbs. Kresh Rhubarb per lb. Economy Creamery Butter-Parked specially for us HA p lXj BpecUl price. 3 lbs. fresh Bjtead per loaf ; .Umuiu Granges Good stse 3 doa jSilverlcaf Bulk Lard 3 lbs , H C FTesh Extras Eggs j 3 dor. iOxydol So4ip Chips For your laundering. 2 pkgs. Empress Marmalade 40-ot glass, each Ayhner Jam 40-os. glass, each per tin 25c 25c 35c 25 c i 9c 5c 65c 32c 74c 15? 33c 33 c Johnson' Liquid Floor Wax Pint tin with duster C(n MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store We deliver alt orders, $2 or over il7 19 Third Avenue West P.O. Rox 575 Thone IS I eaaaaBSBVjamsaBBavaeBMsnvasxssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaSBasmaaax RENT A Rio, Typevriter ltAE llJtOS., LTD, icer$ JJ. y, Siffpa Comluctrrt Ccre-Ti 1938 officer' or Prii.i Hu- ieri. Lo(jge, Layjil Orde of Mobse, were installed lust evaning by in- The small steam freighter Sjtf-j stalling officer B M. Simpson. Af-: vor. CaDt. .Toreenson. came into ter thr ctiiaiony. which was well' OddlcUs' ta... ium. 25c! 29 port this mornlrg anti Is tied upiattend-d by meiVrs and visitbrs.l ai .iDen 6i Mcuaiiery .'. coai oock jreircnmenti vern tervea jwoweo j bv cards and dancing until the . " :;!. t-.ouis. It was announced during 'hr evemns that Dve MlUlgan of Van'ouver. B.C.. has been atppotn-t d district deputy supreme dictator f;r t he Royal Order of Moof in the Province of British Oolitm-b;a. Mr MJHwan is very well known anl this has proven to be ir. popular apoolnlment '' Tite riil'jwing officers werj 1 C';'l' in r Pa i Dictator yr. jc- U ' if.r D C $cjbuber. V '.--Ui. aor' M S. Brewer. P .' f red Sradden Treasurer -C. R Bigcart. Trustee- G if.' UujJ; Serrant-nt-Arm-"A. K. Nelson Inner puard, -jc OJtrbn Outer duard--0. P. Connelly. Robt Baird. inspector of municipalities, who arrived in the city v-tprOy on the Prince Ruper ind who since has been in conference with, the Mtyor and city efficiils over city affairs, will return south on the prince Rupert tonight LOW PRICES On Quality Foods For Friday and Saturday Shoppers BUTIER Fine Alberta Per j-lfe- Hlc PAS-rKY fUpyiV-9. & K rO-lb cotton saek per sk MACARONI Ready Out 2 lbs CHEESE Fine Canadian per lb. EGOS Storage Firsts Cartoned, per cka. tUi WHOL4 CLAM4- Ir Up AsflCBOfT rHfsyiv- per l4m. bottle Br ' piece 74c: 35c 13c 16c 00tV'VJasa"- 24c 15 c AKWQ POWDE-Em- lOn press. 12-i tins, per tin -f PV 13c PS4 Sdbp-Oood quality 1 4p Ko. 2s tins, per tin ipmx HOOD OATS- iAo per pkg. . COWTEb BB-agular 4Qp stee tin. 2 tins T QAINSR-8 ?WUIC HAMS- Q p per lb, : LAUNDRY STARCH per pkg. RINSO per large pkg. KIPPER SNACKS 21c 5c 4c lie SWIFTS, PjRfWIUM BAOON-Ovlisd, by the side 23c we OQUj WJST WASHING OOp POWDER, per Ige, pkg 5V' PEARL WlrTB SOAP- 20C S ban ""V WHOLE GREEN BEANS 40n Ensign. No. 2 tins, per tin xoy AYLMER PEAS Choice 1 J,fit Op Sieve 4. per Un MALKJS B.ST TA- OQp ' per 'lb. jmtT O PURE LAntV- AINU'S Qjj 'S'ST 20c $5J)0 Prdrrs Delivered Free Thrift Cash & Carry phone P9 201 Third Av( "CARRY AM) SAVE" Mail Orders Have Our rrompt " Attention Two Stores Reopened Todjy J. 15. Miller announces that both of his local stores will be dolnjf business today1 arid the reopening "Mill be celebrated by siting his patrons some extra' bargains. He will have a special, announcement to make soon antfhe asks his c'ustoniers toValch for bargains. 11 but Fn the meaiitfme he would liloe them . to see his reopening Montreal Importers. Qyt Rate Shoe Store Mr. and Mrs. BlaJte Wilson will (from Burns it Co. Ltd. by the sail on the Pxir&e Rupert tonight .Un Food Markets Limite of VanC0UTer for Vancouver. Mr. Blake Wilson who Is president. an& general manager of the Sterling Company has been In the city for the past two days in connection with the purchasing of the local meat market 3LS$1 rm save STORE tqr Rent, pitrd Ayepue. adjoining Wratbail's. low rental McClymont t. j VERNON Apartments. 13S Seconc Avenue. Housekeeping roomis I newly renovated. Phone Red 421 ' tf FQjjiyn fOUND Lady's Wrist-watch ply Pcliee Station. PJASO TURING sic Store. PAINTERS Ap- PAINTING and Paperhanglng. Molfcr. Phone Reo 892. ILmpRES3ER PERMANENT ' WAVING , SW0 Ladles'. Men's Hair Cutting. Nelson's Beauty Sltoppe. The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping & Oenerai Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO, J. DAWES Phone Black 120 Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone G57 Ity: Unoin ss. Caraena Is due to arrive from Vancouver and way-tfnt at n o'clock tonight and wluf sail on her return voyage at inidjolzht. TOR SALE bronze monolite sUnd-ard electric lamp with 250-watt gpbe, giving delightfully soft indirect Ugfct, particularly recom-mendec (or bridge parties. dH-gina'i price WW Will seU for 110. Phone Blue 27Z FOR RENT 4I1.1J liJUl.Pli.UIM Ujm JL-J i HOUSES for rent. Best value pet v Btevrn Ad WANTED. s WAITED - First-class Clerk fir Oenerai store. Tnterlor, state experience, age, reference and salary expected. Apply Box 160, Dlly News. tf TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer Wood, Coal mvfng. chairs for rent tf GLEANING & PRESSING PRICES, reasonable Benkendorf, TWrd Ave., nest door to Dally News. "OOVEKNMENT I KJI OIt .ICT" ( NprnCE or 4FTUCATION FOB GCX-SBMT TO TRAltem OF Mffi LfCSKCE . : noticz is Has Ear aiyaK tt . the lftfc (Ui or Sry test tii einlaWd Win to to agdy ss4t to so tkeUg tkeUeamr ex OootMl BaaM tar cocvM to wtmttr of tmr UecnorNo. 24S1 and tmsd la respect of prtmlan bring pt H 4k buUOlac known m CMb1 Ustet tltMS OTANrw Tim tinn nrivar iw, .' oonvrr or Mvanw m - . t- ipkm JIkhhk kji Ux CBy U Flhxce R Um land daaorbr ssfiaw ill). TwJt IMfteni Ut) sua Rnuttao (it), or Bioe TM rtoi. Section Oct (1). Uap tSS. Print Rupert Land RefMraMon Otatrle a( k Prortnae of Brtttah CaluaaMa. trooi Canusl Hotel Umltcd. Ltoraoa to Oars BUaabatb Bfctek of Prtoar Huprrt. Brt-ttab Columbia, lot tranafarree. CM Tax k Prlnac Ruprn. BfWah Oo-liuBfbter this ISth day of January. IMS. OORA K BLACK. AppUcaa; and Tnuiaferree. PRINTING Office Supplies Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 231 For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet, Rays Intra Red Kays' i Massaje AH at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green til Phones Green 519 Exchange Block Advertise in the Dally News The Fish which made, Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED -BUCK COD- Prepared Dally By Ponorllon Inert JPe Pnirl Qlntrnrfa Cn T fri irauauiOjii llOll VX VU1U UIUIUU VU., LilU i PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. I