Hi Tomorrow's Tides ., ' J7 ajn. 17.C It. t P.m. Hi ft. Sjti. 10.0 ft. 1. TC. M ) Indtso - prtntes.Wbea i:i -lurtrnU at the Unlver-f Oklahoma held their aU-pow-wow. recently, they d Miss Nell Thomas ai ytintw The Mood of icr iir s '. in her veins JAPS WILL TAKE BOAT C'rrw lltprctrd to Arrive Here To-morrow- For Canadian Seigneur ;t.nn 8a low, marine suptrtn-' it of the Yamanshlta SrUp- ('.) arrived yesterday from i. with R Knox and Captain .tilorth to make preparations 'li- sailing of the Canadian ! ' ur which has been purchased .it company. U panes crew is expected to Friday on the Teimpo Mara i .imn to take the Seigneur to 1 uvrr where she will load be-ir.tving for Japan 11 iv from deterioration. '')"' company has notified the Mimrnt that should the, strike mi lime tor any length of time Uie ' win be let die out and the I'1 hi ' loscd permanenUy. Whiv u number of employee ''"it n thousand only four hun-'i voted to go out. Funeral Notice funeral service " wmiam lMNrttan. He. W. iinit HolllngworU officiating. Engagement Mr. ano Mrs. James A. Knox, rort EaslngUHi. Ii.C. announce the engagement of their only daughter Helen Margaret IUU Gaynor. lUI.. granddaughter of Dr. John J. Oaynor. M.D.. and Dr. Kather-tne n. Oaynor. Ph. P.. of Ban Francisco, California, to William Riiart Oladstone Dowy. son of Mr. -. .- win h.M ant Mrs. Josenn uovey m vuouu- "venlng at 7:S0 In Uie dil;w. n. C. Mr Ivey is P B C. Undertaker far tiWmtnlater of the United Church at D. Port Ksslugton. UC ine nwrrwgo m ANYOX, Feb. 2: The strike which will ovcntually tie u the big plant of the Uranby Company here started yes-tcrtlay when all underground workers quit. The tie-up at the mine wan complete. All surface men were also out. Tomorrow all workers at the smelter concentrating mill and coke ovens will quit when the graveyard shift come? off i .tJii. All Mirlarr workers in- ijdiiiK m.xiunc shops, electric w UTIT i W Impv etc.ari cxpecfd toalsojoln HANNA IN inc trlkers Over one thousand a. ' ii are affected i Eighteen poUcemrn have been brougrrt in from ouUied potnU but rvcrythlng i quiet so far ; Tom Bradley, who completed the i strike arrancrmcnU here and who ' al.vo was organizer of the coal min ers strike al Princeton recently is being sought by the poise out has evaded capture. 1 SiMft.tfee laajt cut 1 wes tfee. men were secretly organised by the Mine Workers' Union of Canada, affiliated with the Workers' Unit League of Canada the the Red Interna Uonal Their demand pre-tented to the Oranby Company on Monday included fifty cents a day raise and reduction of house and room rents and board. This the i company refused to grant, stating that at the present time reftc"! I copper Is selling in New York at from four and three-quarter cents a pound and the Anyox cost of production Is much more Copper has been stored by the company for the past year and a half. Lack of market was the cause of the strike. Low copper prices resulted in low wages which bred dissatisfaction and caused the outbreak. The monthly payroll of the Oranby Company is around $100.-000 a month and the cost of supplies about the same. The strikers seem to bo wen organised. If no settlement is speedily reached It means the complete closing down of the plant for an In definite period. Granby Company Will Close Down Permanently If Strike Lasts, They Tell Government VICTORIA, Feb. 2: Demands of the striker at Anyox 'II for r twenty percent reduction in the rates charged increase of 50 cents a day m nn mil os of cornier ' avc been mnde since 1031 and the plant had been kept running ng at a loss to keep the force intact and the roach- and AAATUliWa, All Elks of Anyox FAVOR OF TWO LINES former Head of Canadian National Thinks it Can be Success If Uconomy Exercised OTTAWA. Feb. 2: Appearing before the Senate Hallway Committee yesterday I). II. Ilanna, former president of the Canadian National Railways, opposed the limitation of a board of trustees to three members, suggesting five Instead. He was opposed to an arbitrary tribunal and was against any suggestion of amalgamation of the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific. .Mr. Ilanan said he believed that if the Canadian National business was conducted with rigid economy it would still be successful but there should be no more spending money on steamship, hotels, golf courses and the like. Elect Officers M. J. Sheen Is llxalted Ruler ror Pfcsent Year at Smeller Town AMYOX, Feb. S: On Monday. January XS. the installation cere- hnony for the newly elected officers of the Anyox Lodge. B. P. o. kiks took nlace. Fred Noel of Smlthers wm the Installing officer. The of fleers elected for Uie coming year are: Bxalled Ruler- M. J. Sheen. Leading Knight H. lUUcrow. LoyaJ Knlght-M. Webbe-. Lecturing Knight- K. A. Hunter Clwvplatn D. M. Campbell. Esquire T. Strcllon Inner Guard J. Weir. Outer Tyler U. Buttery. Secretary E. R. Oatman. Treasurer R. M. nuek. Trustees S. Armstrong and II. Williams. Historian P. Powell. At tills meeting an initiation cer emony also took place. There was a large aUendance of members to honor the visitor from Smllhcra. After the meeting the members ad journed to the Dug-out where a upper wns served and n social Ume sptnV ABOLISH SPKKII LIMIT OLYMPIA. Wash.. Feb. 2 A bill Is coming before the state legist ture here to abolish the present speed limit or 40 miles an hour, leavtng the matter of speed to the will tu'tet jbfl U' Ulc ncr uture- discretion of the driver. No More False Alarms m NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Tree isn't sorbs, to.ee much' fun in fire atoms -eajecialsy "IaW alarms" since they've Introduced his contraption which holds you tight till tne reels arrive Setback Given to Amalgamation Scheme For Two Canadian Railways In Report of Committee of Senate OTTAWA, Feb. 2: The possible amalgamation of the Canadian Pacific and Canadian National Railways re ceived a decided setback today when the Senate committee accepted the general recommendations of the Duff Royal Commission. With only one dissenting vote, that of Senator J. S. McLennan, the committee accepted the pre amble of the bill, incorporating the report of the commission and in effect accepted the principle of closer co-operation between the two systems, with a board of trustees toi manage the Canadian National Railway and an arbitrary board to settle points in dispute. The bill has not yet been reviewed by the Senate as a whose or by the House of Commons. Senator Raoul Dandurand. Liberal leader, and Senator James Murdock. one of his followers, eras-1 aed swords. Senator Dandurand charged Senator Murdock with re-, presenting "spoetal Interests" for ; the railway men. Senator Murdock j countered this with a charge that Senator Dandurand was represent- i lug the bankers. The incident closed j with Senator Mordock claiming that the banks hid forced the rail-1 ' ways to institute, the second 10 v:ge cut which was announced in ! Montreal last Sunday. Twenty-four senators endorsed the preamble of the bill and Uiere were 35 absentees. Princess Royal Has Been Sold VANCOUVER, Feb. 2: The stettnuhlp Princess Royal, veteran passenger carrier of the Canadian Pacific Coastal fleet, has been, sold to Harold 0. Alwotthy of Uie Island Tug and Darge Company of Farmers arc the founders of clvl Usatlon and prosperity. Daniel Webster DISTRICT ESTIMATES Amount SM !n For Operation of Sua i boat and Wharf Repairs In Constituency OTTAWA, Feb. 2: Estimates of the federal government for expenditures In the Skeena riding contain the following appropriations: Operation and maintenance of siUKboat, $37,000. Stewart wharf repairs, $11,000. Port Clements wharf repairs and improvements, $6,3-00. . Mail subsidies and steamship subventions. Prince Rupert and queen Charlotte Mauds $15,750 Today's Weather Terrace Cloudy, cauru. 33a. Alyansh CkMidy, calm. 18a. Anyox -Cloudy, calm. Ma. Stewart-aoudy. natal, Ml. Haselton Cloud). lm. 14a. Smlthers Clear, east wind. 5a Bums Lake -Cloudy, calm, &b. lnrara Overcast, light south erly wind, smooth sea Triple Island Overcast, lih'. southerly wind, smoot sea. Dead Tree Point Overcast, light south westerly wind, baromstci 30:34. temperature 36, choppy sea. Dlftby Island Rain, light south easterly wind, barometer 30:94, temperature 37. light swell. A Written Guarantee For One Year With Every Goodyear Tire Sold By Us in 1933 KAIEN MOTORS LTD. Chevrolet Dealers Phone 53 v.. xxiv . no 27. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1933 price: five'cent MmmMWMM tod a y ORGANIZER OF ANYOX STRIKE SOUGHT BY POLICE THERE Miners at Anyox Were Organized Secretly by Tom Bradley Who is Being Sought by Provincial Police Indian Princess ' sggsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBhBBBBBBBW ; Strike Expected to be Complete Tomorrow Morning When Graveyard Shift Comes Off at Eight o'clock Plant May Ik; Closed Down if no Settlement Soon Another Election In Germany Is Announced Following Dissolution Chancellor Gets His Recommendation Accepted by President and Promises to Rebuild Germany and Make Her Prosperous BERLIN, Feb. 2: Germany is to have another election. The Reichstag was dissolved yesterday following a con-"erence between President von Hindenburg and Chancellor Hitler and Vice-Chancellor von Papen at which the last two mentioned, strongly urged upon the President the absolute necessity of clearing the air and getting rid of the .resent Impasse by means of an- ther election. Finally the president rr f-j ry fx 7T"isT ;ave way and the election will be I III I , 1 1 H INJ opto niarcn o. t No sooner was the announcement nade that the new election was cal-, led than Uie Chancellor announced hi.-, program. He promised that If e were given control, Germany would experience a national recur-1 cUon. He stated that he would suppress communism and do away with unemployment. He said he would provide the mortar and brick with -which to build a new Germany. There would be no experimental legislation. A number of communist demonstrations since the appointment of Hitler as chancellor had resulted in a dozen deaths at various points. TIa 4 tf t vK nm Kt kan mi aI IawI SALARY OF THE CHIEF Colonel Kdgett Gets Dig Reduction In Pay at Secret Meeting of Vancouver Commission VTOTJVncreB:2:-The board of police commissioners at a meeting held In camera test night reduced the salary of Chief of Ponce Edgett to $4,500. He had been receiving $7,500 lees 10. but the effort to secure an admin- n j nn p . 1st ration representaUvc of a num-IDaO lime V0Y ber of opposing groups had proved a failure. Former Crown Prince Frederic WUhelm. who is a elose friend of HHIer. expressed his full agreement SUnford with the course of Fatherland events In the Aged Resident Died Yesterday William Robertson Tassed Away at Home of Capt. and Mrs. Caldcr wood Remains Go South The death took place at the re sidence of his daughter yesterday afternoon of William Robertson In his eighty-fourth year. He leaves two daughters. Mrs. H. CaMerwood and Mrs. W. Smith of Smlthers. Mr. Robertson was born at Camp-belltown, Argylshire, Scotland and came to Canada 46 years ago. He lived In Victoria for 30 years and on the death of his wife a year ago he came to Prince Rupert to make his home with Capt and Mrs. Calder-wuod. Fourth Avenue Bast. The remains will be forwarded to Victoria tonight for burial. Capt. CaMerwood will accompany. A funeral service will take place before Uie boit arrives. GOVERNMENT University-. Finding it Difficult to Carry on Through ReducUon 1 Of Income , PALO ALTO. Feb. 2: There is a : crisis hi the affairs of Stanford . University. The deprestton has had.' the effect of reductng the income j received from endowment to suclf an extent that only the strictest -J ' t vi I hi Mwnomv will Miable it to. carry on. The students who In many cases are without fends are llvlns on ten cents a day. determined W secure an education at any price. - Lightkeeper In Alaska Died Body Was at Lighthouse Ten Days. Before it Could be Removed KETCHIKAN. Feb. 3:-Preventect , from landing a small boat for several days because of high seas. the. lighthouse tender Fem yesterday I made a landing at Eta red Rock Light Station on Lynrt Canal and took off the body of Ford J. Rhinos, who died ten days ago, ' Rhlnes was second assistant keeper of the light Death resulted from natural causes. ESTIMATES Lower Rates Feed Reduction of .Over K.leven Millions' Shown In Figures Submitted Ry Hon. F. N. nhodets OTTAWA. Feb. 3: -The total main estimates for the fiscal year 1933-1934 were tabled In Uie House yes-tarday by Hon. E. N. Rhodes amounting to $398,969,488. showing UuU Uie government has cut controllable expenditures by $11,862.- 163 over the total estimates both main and supplementary of 1932-33. Grain to Coast' OTTAWA. Feb. 2: The Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Railways will shortly submit a' schedule of freight rates on low grade feed grain from Uie prairies, to the coast reducing the rate about 50 of the difference between the present rate on export grain sod' that on domestic, Hon. R. J. Mankm announced In the House Wedneg-