Watch For Announcement of the New Chevrolet Six Tomorrow's Tide Hfgh .10:52 3.m. 19.4 ft. KAIEN MOTORS LTD. Chevrolet Sales k Service fZ Low :.. 4:35 um. 11.0 ft. I'lionc 53 and Black 379 17 51 pm. 3.5 ft. ' NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER , 4 xxiv no s. PRINCE PRINCE RUPERT, RUPERT, B.C., B.C., SATURDAY, SATURDAY, JANUARY JANUARY 7, 7, 1033 1033 price five vol COMMISSIONER IS REFUSED COOLIDGE BURIED AT PL KILLED BY REVOLVER William Sugtuman, Retired Vancouver Merchant, Itisl life Accidentally Yesterday VANCOUVER. January 7 (Canadian Piess) WUIUm Susanna nkji-d 57. TeUrtd merchant. u a , idrnully kilted by the dlscharg nf liu revolver wnue ne vn umn-the weapon In the bamnsnt IiIn home on Osier Avenue. SI. . iKhriesny Heights, late yester- (1.. M'CAFFERY NOT RUNNING Savs He Thinks Receivership U Only Way Out of Present llnanetal Difficulties M P McCst teey. for the past u days has been considering Ute inability of being a candidate for the mayoralty, decided UUa taorn-int that it was Impossible to bring the rlty back to a sound financial condition without Uw aomtAnt l a eonMawkmer II aald be had iiorouihly Investigated the condl-i.iii of affair and had given it ev- i consideration and the result waa he would not be a candidate He thought the appointment of a iinmlaftoner the only feasible way "lit and would support such a move. It he thought he could handle the Mtusuon successfully he would not ix-Mtate to offer his services but be tmld see no way out. Pioneer Resident Of Vernon Passes Samuel Cameron Smith Had lived In Oka im ran Community Tor Forty-Three Years VERNON. Jan. 7: I'm'sai -Samuel Cameron (better known as Dad") Smith, aged M. nuident of Varnon tor the past 41 yrars. died here yesterday. He had born long associated with the lumber Industry. He Is survived by throe sons, one at Yakima, one at Wenatchee and one at Vernon, and two da ighters. one at Ojrsma and the other at Vernon. British Pound nnri Canadian Dollar on New York Exchange NEW YORK. Jan. 7: -The British pound sterling closed at tlJ4H on the local fortlgr exchange yeatrr- iay The Oanadlin dollar cloeed at 88 0-lOc. OATH OF ALI.FCIANCi: TO CO SAYS VALKItA DUBLIN. Jsn B: Tli oath 4 of allegiance to the Urtlieh crown will go forever from the Irish Free State If his govern- ment la returned to power In the general election on Janu- arv 34. HivLirw! PmsWunt Eamonn de Valera in a cam- palgn address before an and- lence of 80,000 persons here last night. He will not again balked by a polltloftlly adverse Senate, the 8lnn Ftln leader declared. As Japan Hit ffLNl gflgBgH KgHggS js- """Vj 1 hS'' '''sgtMtggBgaKgggggggvln nBHt BjaYM ItvgggggggggggSgK Sggggggggggfl M gggggefw ItHsw ?CjSlgWL .tggggggggggEa iPsjji gggfe "gggggggggggggggggmriSi Yusuke MaUuuku Jip;u. rrj,rr v :.utiw at the Leaf ue of Nu-taans. to shown a.s he idri-.'SN.vl th pe ia! ivsrmbly called at en -va to ct"isder the turnups ! the lction icuort on the Man-, ehvrien Attattvon MaiMioka -xp :v..r"d uu r,intYy TtaT eonTra-dtction if ihr report which pUc.d the bl.itne for the Manchurtan bivaalon on Japan, adding tht the lnvusini was not in as China had claimed MEETINGS CONCLUDE Dean (libten Pravtr Week Speaker Ut Mcht A Katheiinf which filled First BpMst Church to capacity last venlng listened to the final ad-dress In a series of four given Ly members of the Prince Rupert Ministerial Association In connection with the observance of the Univer-esl Week of Prayer. Rev. Dr. P. W. Da foe conducted the service. Re. C. D. Clarke led In prayer and Dean Olbson preached upon "Christian Fellowship " With many Illustrations from .oly Scripture and from the life of today the speaker sought to show Ute practical Implications of fellowship. Involved In this Idea were the thoughts of mutual association, mutual participation and mutual ohlttmtinn. Coneladlng. the Dean made a itirrlng appeal 4 or a rc-ronsecratkm of life. "Tour life Is one of the greatest witnesses for Clod if you put It Into His hands." he said. j Dr. Dsios. president of the mln late rial association, extended the ' thanks ot the association to the prtss for its hearty co-operation In bringing, the meetings before the public Fire Rages in New Building At Washington - WASHINGTON. DC. January 7 Fire raged for an hour yesterday viln the scaflolding of the new In- jterstite Commerce Commission tbuildlns here but wss extlngulrlied by the city fire deparunenis De-fore any sertou damage was done to the structure 111KTII There was born Tuesday. January 3rd. in the Bella Bella hospital a son to Mr and Mrs. William Wallace. Lytton Report HINKLER HOPS OFF Airman Lcavs Finland Today in Attempt to Break Speed Record To Autialla LONDON. January 7- CaiMdlan Press i The Australian airman Bert Hlnkler left reliham airdrome early this morning on a sow fight to Australls In the effort to set up a new speed record for the distance IS DEAD IN FALL Unidentified Man I'limrcd From Nineteenth Storey of Seattle Bulldinc Yesterday 'i SEATTLE. Jan. 7 An unldenU-fted man. believed to have been nearly destitute, either tell or Jumped yesterday from a nineteenth storey window of the Medical and Dental Art BuUdlna here to his death on the roof ot an adjoining two-storey building. The man is be- ueved to have been killed Instantly, in his pockets were found a few coins and a broken medicine bottle which doctors say contained nerve tonic A check-up of offices In the bulkU fruj failed to reveal any visit having been made by the unfortunate man who is believed to have been between 65 and 60 years old. Oregon State to Boost Its Taxes Solon runtidcrittt Measure tnl)ou ble Income 'Fax and deduce Hxemptloni SALEM. Oregon, January 7 A bill providing for a doubling of the income tax rate and the lowering of exemptions as well as Increas ing the real property ta has ven Introduced in the Oregon state leg- IsialHTO. YMOUTH NORTHAMPTON RITES FUNERAL jS HELD Utmost Simplicity Marked Final Rites Today for Former President Covlidfe Many Mourn 1 Interment Beside Father and Sou in Vermont Follows Service at ( Northampton NORTHAMPTON. Maw. Jan. 7: AJlhough attended by Prwudtnl Hid Mrs. Hoover. Chief Justice iurles Bvans Hughes and mem bers of the cabinet. 8enatc and j of Representatives as well many owier aunuiorie oi mis ana : other countries, the utmost simplicity mat-ked the funeral rites fo: the late Cahdn Coolldse. form?; President of the United States, which were conducted In Edwards Congregational Church here this morning. The funeral service was conducted by Itev. Albert Psnner who also delivered, an tnspirtai mssiorlai' mldis 111 which he nabl JUirv.- lUSJ UIUvTe to a-rTgfrjr Ow nrMn niiifc wuun ii n of the former chief executive The CHERBOURG. France. January hymns were O Love That Wilt Not 7 A dispute between five nations Let Me Oe" and "Lead Kindly over the salvage of the French lux-TJgbt." ary liner rAtlantique. which waa Prominent citlsens of New Eng- badly burned in the English Chan-land, all of whom were old friends nel earlier this week, new looms of Mr. Ooolfdg before he went to After having been abandoned by Washington, acted as honorary nd her crew, the PAUanUque w. ictrre pallbearers. towed safely tr Le Havre. A nrr. The casket, bearing the mortal ber of vesseU of various remains of the former president, took part in the salvage. was removed from his home st 8 Vcteck this morning to the church D Fflnrofnr where the body lay In state until I lUIlCCl nppr LiUUlcUUI 16:33 16:33 when when the the fnncral funeral service service be- be- van. Immediately followtns the' service at 11 :M. the remains left) here for Plymouth. Vermont, the villas birthplace of the former nrcakJent. where Interment wis made this sJernoon in the family plot beside his father snd son. Details of Service NORTHAMPTON. Jan 7: 'Canadian Press i The nation he served paid Its last honors today to the memory of Former President Calvin lOontlnuerl on Page X) MRS. PAUL SMITH IS CHAIRMAN OK VANCOUVER BOARD VANCOUVER. Jan. 7: Mrs. Paul Smith has been unanimously chosen chairman of the Vancouver Board of School Trustees for the year 1933. Trustee R. H. Neelands was chairman last year. Former Resident Was Held Up In Vancouver Monday!."; chewan. D. W. Bone, formerly manager of the Family Shoe Store In Prince Rupert and now proprietor ot the Belmont Shirt Shop, Oranville Street, Vancouver, was ou Monday held up and robbed Just after he had alighted from a street ear at the corner of Fir Street and Broadway. The bandits kept hint covered with re - volvers until the loot had been taken and than escaped. SILVER TRICES LONDON. Jan. 7 Bar silver was selling at 18 11-10 pence here NEW YORK. Jan. 7 The priee.ove of bar silver on local metal market yesterday was 35c. per ounce. ACTRESS IS VICTIMIZED Bandit Gains Acre, to Betty! Com peon's Home and Hobs rter of 59,000 in Jewels HOU.YWOOD. Jsnuary 7 -Ca- nadtan Press A bandit, dtetutsed as a messenger satd entrance to 1 .. the home of Betty Comp4on - - jwrreen artrers, here yesU-reday. botmaand gauged the a"tre and escaped with Jewelry valued at between $ Tind seooo. Fouowiac. the robbery. Miss cumpson raeetved messages threat- to kfr ..on thj. sont " P --iw. IV tsmv v IWIVSj Investigated. Tfce wtross wss In a hygUriPa, condition last night and verging on collapse. , SALVAGE DISPUTE Fire N'alions r.xpcttrd to Make Claims in Connection With . Frcncli Liner I'Atlantique " MfiSSSwgv. JUW.- .. -i ri m i 1 (Jrj OlirffeOn S 1 able 9 !j - S. Gordon. Superintendent of Vancouver School. Undergoes Major Operation VANCOUVER, January 7 J S. Onrbon. superintendent of school for the City of Vancouver and pioneer educator of British Colum bia, entered hospital here yesterday and underwent a major operation. He is now reported to be do mg nicely. Edmonton Has Cold Weathei Alberta Capital Chilliest Place on Prairies Yesterday Swift Current h Warmest EDMONTON. Jan. 7 Recording a thermometer reading of eight degrees below aero. Hckaooton was the coldest point on the prairies yesterday. Swift Current. Saskat with 34 above, was .the Today's Weather Prince Hunert Overcast, fresh southeast wind; barometer. 30.00; temperature, 43; sea smooth. Laruura Island -Overcast, Strong ; southwest wind; heavy chop. 1 Triple Island-Part cloudy. Ilhtj southwest wind; westerly swell, I Tree Point-Part cloudy, lllaht southeast wtnd: barometer, 2986; temperature. 40; light swell. Terrace Cloudy, calm; temperature 36 above. . Haselton Cloudy, calm. 26 above. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, 23 ab- Burns Lake Cloudy, calm. 30 above. cento BY COURT North Vancouver City Wins Fight Against Going to Receivership SuprcSu ' Court . . Declines . to Mvjc by Britisli Columbia Bond Dealers' Asso- ci&tion Was i.,;,,,,.,.,,,, VANCOUVER, Jan. , 7: .. Application .... of . the British Columbia Bond Dealers Association for authorization of rhc nnuointment of a commisgioner to take charire of the lfYnira of fhp f'it.v nf Nnrth Tll ltntVI r 1 ! I7ttl1nir TaVtU VnntnlllAM Unr) nMHMHlI. 'jt' wuu ' avuiwi Tsuwutn i u unguictny oeiuuiieq on a sman payment eity council, by majority vote, later decided to pay the amount and contest the application for a commissioner. Slashes Salaries Hon. J. W. Jones VICTORIA. Jan 7: iCanadlan Press i- A saving of $400,000 annually Is expected tj be made by another all-around reduction In salaries, it was announced yesterday by Hon. J. W. Junes, minister of finance. Salaries of cabinet ministers and all civil servants rill be cut by frorr three to 13 percent on top of eductions on April 1 last of from three to 13 percent. Mr. Jones said that a saving of approximately $750,600 ( had been made by retrenchment policies in the last six months. Probe of Stock Market is Being Resumed Shortly NbW YORK. Jan. 7: The stock market investigation being conducted for the United States Senate wUl resume its wor k on Wednesday of neat week, it was announced yesterday. Their will be particular Investigation Into the activities of the- Krucser and Iiisull Interests in the market. Compulsory Wheat Pool is Started In New Zealand AUCt -LAND, January 7 - The New Zealand gover-unent is setting up a ewnpulsorv wheat pool. A mlnumunf ot 60c. uer bush) will be set on wheat for export and '$1-06 on wheat tor domestic use. 225222!s?i Comnlv With Anniiratinn S"i Opposed by City Vanrniivpr waa r.fncol in in interest on Donas out the STRENGTH INMART Marked Advances Recorded in New York Trading Fridaj Doe to Confidence In Future NEW YORK, Jan. 7:-Due. it was believed by experts, to confidence In the fiscal program of Presidentelect Franklin D. Roosevelt and the economic recovery of the country, che New York stock market showed marked strength yesterday as all issues, led by rails, showed substantial gains. Gossip in the mart was to the effect that Pennsylvania would be the first of the Important railways of the country to resume dividend payments. The industrial average at dosing was 83.96. op .73; rails, 28.24. up 1 29. and utilities, 28.78. up .47. The bond average waa 7937. up .16. The 'u mover for the day was 1,141,-810 shares. Owing to the funeral of the late Former President Calvlri CooUdge. the stock market was closed today. APPEALING TO LEAGUE China Asks Geneva to Insist Upon Japanese Withdrawal From Chanhaikwan OSNBVA, January 7 The Chinese delegation to the League ot Nations yesterday received instructions from the Nanking government to demand that tfce League insist upon the taamediatc with-urawal of the Japanese fromGhan-halkwan, which was occupied this week, and that reparations be paid by the Japanese. e DUAL WITH RUSSIA OFF ON ACCOUNT OF ACTION OF rilRMIEU BENNETT a OTTAWA. Jan. 7 -Owing to the refusal yesterday of Pre- mier Bennett to permit funds frort the federal treasury to bo used in connection with the deal it Is believed that the project to exchange a large quantity of western Canada cattle for petroleum from So- viet Russia will fall through. Western farmers sre under- stood to be critical of Premier Bennett's action In refusing to 4 endorse the deal.