fAXJX 1W0 DAILY EDITION Her Heart Was Weik Rerves Shaky, Nights leitttM Mr. A. BlMk, WailaWj, OaU, WrttaSS "I Mffer4 fr kesrt vetkioi, atui karvw, ul rectlow sights. I hw ytrai t4rtisaeat for liUbari V Hrt ud Kerr PiC ud decided to try Htm aiUeufi I did t Vt mack, faith, bat mw I u rcry Unakfnl I did u thtr hs trvvtj ei wsUarful Uif U ZM. I an saw strsag sad wD tola, tot aaa svw wilkwrt a bos ta tJu boose." THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Alteraoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third AVenue H. P. PULLEN I r f r TW T. ktas Ctfc US, Managing. Editor Saturday. June 17. 1933 SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $se For leaser period, paid in advance, per week ". .10 By maU to all parts of BrrUsh Colombia, the British Empire and United States, paid ia advance, per year SCO By-iuu j all other countries, per year 9,80 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display adwrttslng, per Ineh per insertion 1.40 CJawifhed advertising, per word, per Insertion j02 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate Use .15 Local readers, per insertion, per line 25 Cob tract rates ait application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporter Telephone ;. 8S Member of Audit Bureau of Circalativhs BANK OPTIMISTIC The Royal Bank of Canada has just issued a very optimistic report. In its monthly letter it says: "A marked increase in the activity of business In the united States during April and May has generated mount-mg optimism which is of itself tending to produce further improvement Iron and steel production has doubled since April 1, car-loadings have risen sharply New York State returns show an increase of nearly three per cent in factory employment and a greater increase in total payroll. The index of automobile production rose from 10.2 for the week ending March 18 to 47.1 for the week ending Slay 20. The combined index of business activity in the United States, published by the New York Times "Annalist " rose from 60 to 78.1 in this interval, and tile Fisher Price Index has risen from 55 to 61.2 since the beginning of March. These definite developments are indicative of an improvement which has taken place all over the country. They constitute evidence that the public is of the opinion that the new administration has entered upon a program which will restore general prosperity." POLITICAL MOVEMENTS These are days when everybody is talking politics and watching the various shuffles whirih are going on in the south. Only recently it was announced that party politics was a thing of the pait, that people were sick of party poli tics and that Bowser was the only salvation. Premier Tol mie also announced that he was through with party poli tics and that, before the election, he would have a union government for which he would ask support. Neither of these groups was to be Conservative. Far from it! Now it is announced in all the newspapers in the south that an effort is being made to unite these two groups un-ier ll?e Conservative flag with a new premier and with Premier To mie ami W. J. Bowser on the dump heap. This is probably being done on the advice of Hon. H. H. Stevens, One paper says Premier Tolmie is ill and should retire. Another says the Premier had a day off and is entitled to i holidav if he wirhes it, as all other ministers have hall their holiday. The Sun savs the Premier is planning to commence at once a speakine tour which is to cover the whole province in support of his unionist party. The result of all this is that Conservatives in this part of the world are wondering whether they are Conservatives and, If so. whether they should sunport the unionist or the Bowperite non-partizan branch of the partv or just tie low until wvmethine more definite is before them. So far as Prince Rupert is concerned, a number of people are suggesting that T. DPattullo should be given a unanimous nomination in view of the expectation that he will be premier of the province directly after the CHURCH NOTICES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Rev. W. D. Orsnt Hollingworth, BJt. Orcahlst, John E. Davey 11 AM., Sermon Subject: "OUR LORD JE8U8 CHRIST" It: It, Sunday School 12 30. West view Sunday School 7 :30 PM Sermon Subject: "MAN'S UNCEASING QUEST" The minister preaches at both services All visitors welcome THE DAILY NEWS 8aturtiajr. June l 7 ', 4 SATURDAY SERMON God's Grace and Glory , 1 By Ret. P. M. Fosse. 8t. PaWs Lutheran Church) "For the Lord ts u sun ahd shield; the Lord will give Grace ami lilory: no good thing: will he withhold from them that walk uprightly." Jehovah is merciful. It is His joy to give. His gifts are unlimited and precious and are oestoxvtd freely as the rays of the sun. He gives prace to His chosen ones because this Is His will, to riis redeemed for the sake of Ilk covenant, to ItU . faithful because they seek for it, to , sinners because of their need. I X (J N U VJ1 T Jul" r He gives grace abundant In the riant lime, at all times royally. The 1TTM1V fa "V PI"1 value ot the gift multiplies Itself IN T W r I l I the way It is given. Orace In ahy I lJ-l'l? 1 JJ k form he give freely, consoling, pre ,, . . . , serving. saneUfying. leading and "'l,1" orm' HupeH. Oels Imperltnl t teaching sufficient without any break in the heart of his faithful Appointment Sickness may come into their " ' , homes and families but the Lord (,N rh"t; ' shall give grace. Poverty may afco C'lf 2?? 'r eome but God's grace ThaB never CIT.H ol Annm' be withheld. Death comes but God'. gmce shall illuminate through the fUMf" wh ' darkest hour months ago for Buffalo. NY. a dt- Beloved reader, how blessed this ' III is while the years bass away to rest a!e , ?lh ? th Pucl,lc securely in these glorious promise. 'f'" J- of -TheLordwlUglvegraceandglory.- iSLa0""0" "L? These smaU words. "Orace and !'rLJ!V? l " 1 n' Glory- aremore magnificent than ."f the brilliance of the most glittering flher1lbb b??J?T -dkrnond. te weM with him to Orace and glory come jntetenartes lh tht and go together. Ood has united anA has been confided to his charge. He them. The soul that Uves on Ood's Grace, the Lord will honor. Just how soon we shaU be honored we do not know but, whether we yet shall wait a while. It will only at any rate be short as time passes as in a dream. May we. while we wait, make use ot this time of grace to win our fellow brother and sister for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and His eternal glory and peace? What a wonderful promise "The Lord will continue to give grace and glory." No one can prevent Him from doing so. He is as able as He ts willing. The Almighty Ood. our Heavenly Father, we live by Him in Iris sacred promises from day to day. Let us rejoice forevermore Amen. Farewell is Bade To Terrace Pastor Presentation Made to Rev. IL T. Alter) by Usk Community Church USK, June 17:-iChurth service at U&k on Friday evening of last week was augmented by the Girts Choir from Terrace conducted by Rev. and Mrs. H. T. Allen. The verv delightful and varied selections rendered by the choir reflated great credit both on the girls and their leaders. At Ihe close of the service. John WiUmah. on behalf of the Uik Community Church, presented Mr Alttn with a gift of a desk pen a a token of appreciation Tor his sr-tlces during his sojourn in the district prior to Ms leaving for a new pattorate in the south. FotJowlh Mr Allen's fitting reply on behalf of his wife and himself, the serving tt coffee ahd cake brought the evening to a close. Leander Miller, Local Fisherman, Dies Here Today Leander Miller, local halibut fisherman, died this afternoon at the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital where he had been a patient since May 3. He was a native of Newfoundland. 45 yean of age. had beeh In Prince Rupert 17 years and was qulle well known here. He was a alngle nan. He has a brother who la also a local halibut fisherman. Funeral arrangements are lh the hands of the B. C. Undertakers. ALAskA PLANE HERE Piloted by Ahscel tckmann. well knwh Alflika commercial aviator. Hying machine from Ketchikan, with four hasfteneers on board put In here at 12:30 nooh today from KeUMlkan ahd. after about an h6ur's stay, continued on 1U flleht t Victoria. It was moored while here at the floats of the Prince Rupert Rowing U Yacht Club, wax v iiw lid VI J 1. Father Webb came to Prince Ru pert from Buffalo. N.Y in July. 1930. and remained in charge of the local parish of the Church of the Annunciation, assisting Btenop Burn O.M I untfl November M. IMS. when he was recalled to Buffalo Many friends of Father Webb in Prince Rupert, both Oathettes and Protestant. wW be pleated to hear of hk recent prompt i and wffl ttfeh htm stieeesa in his new field of missionary work. HOMES TO BE BUILT City Disposes of Two Sites as Well as Soldiers' Housing Property During the last thktr days the city has sold two home sites one in Section 0 and the other In Section 7 which will be unproved this summer, it is announced by Crty Oomm4mer W J. Alder who reports the transactions were in cash. Also yesterday the city disposed of a house and lot In Section 2. it being one of the Soldiers' Housing properties of whkh four were ad vertised for sale ht the Dress this week. As a result of the advertising. the eoenmistsoner says, no less than tu?nty personal inquiries made THE PLEASURE of having a radio oh your boat this LM summer will more than repay the cost of lnsta nation. Battery type, all ware receivers can bf designed built to meet your individual requirements. m Out of town service Calls made. LOOK FOR THE TOWER Superior Radio Service . 4 a a Phone Blue 320 i A A r. o. Ros is: A. O. BARTLETT C H, IN8ULANDER Is Promoted JAMES R Mitchell Won: a r- i.atj :: m W.-t Vanrniv : .:. :. weg of the promotion to the poMUgnt . supervising prinupal of schij4s In that munfripalttv ,-.f James R. Mitrhell. son of Mr and, Mrs, John R MHctiHl of Westlew He had been vice-prlnclpaj of he High 8choj4 for miral ysors and. in the course ot a recent shuffle of positions, he was given the promotkm. Mr Mitchell was educated in Prince Rupert and taught for some tkne at Anyox before go-l g to West Vancouver Mrs. Mitchell is also a local girl, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Kemp. Both visited bore last summer during the bjoMdays and had with them their young family. Today's Weather Prince Rupert Overcast, nght southeast wind: barometer. Mi4: temperature. M; sea smooth. Dead Tree Point Overcast light southeast wind; barometer. 3.M: temperature. 54: light chop. Triple Island-Ctotdy. Moderate westerly wind: sea moderate. - Langara Island Part eJoady. light southwest wind; sag ataodth. Terrace Oondy. sottptyad. mnperaiure S3 az Alya-sh Part elottdy. th wind. 55. An vox Cloudy, calm. S3. Stewart Cloudy, calm. 3i. Hsrelton- Rain. calm. 33 Smitherv-Ctoudy. calm tool Bum Lake -Cloudy windy. 47 ANOTHER IS TJra T i rvvirN. JlDfl Al f L U William Hamm, Si. Paul Millionaire. Threatened Canadian H Named In Plat 8T PAUL. Minn.. Jon 17: iG-nartlan Press) Polies mnrxmv- that Wlliiam Hamm Jr. 3-year old mllllormire. is being held by kid-.. tiappers for SlOOiXM) ranm aarf name VTiif Sankey. Canadian railroader, already sought for two ah-(! action, as a figure in the it rot pint TV ransom note threatsswd 'I' tth foi Hamm unless the demand was met. NO FISH SALE N n boats being in with ealche. "r waa no sale of halibut on he ' fish exchange today. LOCAL NEWS A E. Kbtcaid. wall known Revol-stoka insurance man. who has been In the city for the past few days In the course of one of his period leal northern busineas trips, sails by the Prinews Notah this afternoon for the south. Charles Sutton, whewe father is in the undertaking bnsMoM at Courtenay. VkMowver Island, arrived in the etty fronfi the south this morning and is vtoHlng wHh friends bore Oref the week-end before proceeding to Butedale where he will be employed for the summer C. N. R. Trains -r Hie East Mondays' Wedncsdayr and Frt. lv ..8.J0 pm "rnm the East-Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturday 10 :13 p m. GIANTS LOSE ! OUT AGAIN Head of New Yorkers in Nat lain! Lrarue Further Cut I'liite Lose Ataln ' BOSTON. June 17 (Canadian pn. i Fallowing Thur-iiy's play In whkh the New York Yankess look their third stralifet lailng here from the Borto. Red 86k. t there were no Amr' -a-i t times yesterday. The Yanks' mar! fin of league leadership over the Washington Senators Is one-and-a-half games. At New York, the Olants suf-' fered defeat at the hatx) of the Brooklyn Dodgers in a seriea opener yesterdiy. their lead over th-v-oiid pfte St. Lcuf' Can. mats being; reduced la one gome. Tti-Plthtirg PiralM had another bad day. losing agttn to the CrHrao Cubs. . Friday s Big League scores NATIONAL LCWl'l: Brooklyn. 3: New York. 1 ' Ptttebvrg. 1: CtJeage. 9 No American. 1 'Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L Pet' New York 31 34 8C ImiH . 31 33 Mi, Pittsborg 29 3 Ml Chicago 31 CtncinaaU 31 37 soo Bpoosdyn 23 28 .4M Boalon 33 31 .4M, PailatfeJnM 30 M Mil AMEltiCAN LE.IGUE Now York 31 30 .833 ' Washington st 2t Mil Oheeaoo M s&v PhlWltplHl . . . . 2S 33 Hi! ClevalaM MM A27; Detroit M 2f 43 Boston I 34 3t St Loots 34 357 Edward Esmon is OYrTier of Winner Gold Cup Race ASCOT. Eng.. June 17 Edw tr i ri to the owner of Pothunter two 2i to 1 ooUMe whkth wo,, , arte OoM Can. leading distant , nee or the Btgnah turf e.i. hot this week Sr Alfred Butt t-1 the owner of Orpen. the serondj Grotto Defeats Elks in League 1 Softball Match Otntto defeated Ek by a r r of 3 to hi Thursday night .1. th-1 City League sofibsli fixture twn Usm ate now tsed for mmd Plnot In the leaawe standi. u which is as follows W. L. Pet 9- N R. A. JM Nks 4 T71 Orottn - 4 fill Kaiens 2 333 R. C. N. V 3 233 Empress 2 2M Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Ttteaday-oatata 1 30 p m Thura.-sa. Prince Oeorge 10 pm Fridy-s. pfin. Adelslde 10 pn. a. Cardena midnight Saturday Pr. Rpart 19 pm June 34 -as. Prtn, Lautoe pm from Vsncoavei Sunday-s. Catala pm Wed.-sa, Pr, Oeoig i M am. Frlday-aa, Pr. Rupert M:30 am Ss. Cardena pm June lg-as. Prin. Uutee am June 3o-sa Prin. CharhMte am For Stewsrt 8unday-. OaUb 8 pm. Friday-as. Prince Rupert 10 p m. From Slewarl Tuesdayas. Catahi . 1 1:30 a m Saturday-aa. Prin. ItUpert 0 pm. For Anyoi Sunday-ss. CtUts ft pJn. Wednasday-as. Pr. oeorge 10 pm, From Any 01 . Tueaday- ss. Catala 1130om Thursday-s Pr oeorge 0 p m from Nsak River b r0rl Simeon-. Tueaday ss. Catala 1130am. for Nasi River ana Port Mmpson-Sunday-ss. Catala 8 pm. From Ocean Fans-Wed -ss Prince George 0 30 am Frtday-- Pr Rupert 10 30 p m, 8 Prin Adelaide p.m 8s Cardena pm 1 ifoenihoiaitm) r We healing t rvam former Qurnfi frmr, MAPS IN C ANAPA Wc Stock Everything For Hie SPORTSMAN Pishing Tackle Pack Hoards & Sacks Tcnni Rackets Tents Gold Ign SoftiKtlls PlnshlightM. Etc. Kaien Hardware Smith Rtk Pbone 1 Notice, Rupture Suffer All Ruptures Yield To tb InfUUble Air Frt-ore Treatment by RrasW' the Famous Itrithh Fnpert Complete CamfertaMe un trol Ouarantr'd Ihts great British has the approval of "' dleal arofeastoo ev rytv : J Is accented as standi r-'4 leading hospi a 1 Once Used Alsn Approved Write "Hetslevs" i if idi M4 Burrarfl S' Van.-ouver H 1 EVEN simpie r "i are apt to cause a 4 a! of nam and wrtry I if 'Sprtnf flM nm AlBPr. t i m. Sft dttfcd m' ol imy hiu I'Ui ' MilMtMl it 10 ittsck r rl pos4 ft pise sn4 ' P lrtHr( nt boad-pct r KmoMI IlkS. Ik 1K 'o t' kefr takes iw chsrict- M lwyt Utrs bes sn.!utic Zsai-Bitk bsnilr 7an)Buk Tblt !mou btrbsi ! c r ' ' falls 10 -otr,c ifsf.a sul, btlS4 scrst. nes, t ums. scaUs and abraiiont, 2am-Uk bill a.aeaa ftrmt, prtla wida gvt' t h wrong wir.' ami gro "w , It ts Im lar ana awav. ih " kucMtalal rtnttdy lot iresWM Uk ecarma, pimp!- P'4 sf ti, piles, uktrs, ate Oet quick result w v.u u