Prince Rupert, B.C. STOCKS AND BONDS Best service possible. All orders executed promptly. Jf you wish us to advise ypu, our lopg expspence in t$e Qck is at your' service. Collart & McCaffew Ltd. New Fall Models Swagger Sujts and Coats MRS. .. H. S. - PARKER 'The Exclusive Indies' Ready-to-Wear. LANSEA SPORT WEAR P. O. Bos 365 210SUth Street Phone Green S02 Prince Kupert, B.C. ORMES LIMITED The, Pioneer Druggists All kinds of Photo Supplies. Developing films done at snort notice. FRESH CHOCOLATES English Candies in sealed containers aULKLEY MARKET Poultry, Egjjs, Butter and Groceries Fresh Meat of Best Qualjty FRESH FISH DAILY ThjnJ Avequ? Prince Rupert BRYANT COMPANY LIMITED, Headquarters for Stylish Apparel since lflU Quality Mien's and Boys' Wear. Sixth Street Prince Rupert, B.C. DYEHAVN & HANSON Insurance and Steamship Agency Prince RyperJ, B.p. McCUTCHEON'S DRUG STORE Soda Fountain and- Drugs Fijmji, Carrjjira unjlics, Films Developed Third Avenue Phone 70, THE DAI1 J. NEWS Welcome SOUVENIRS Genuine Indian Carvings Nugge.t Jewellery otejp. PolSc Wood, Bone and Ivory Third Avenue Heilbronen to H.M.S. Dragon RATHER infrequent internals Pripr;c, Rupert is yisitg AT by vessels of Uic British Navy. Tliey arq. alway wejf come. Both officers and men find 3,qme.lMJj f inre.s in the city and district and Prince Rupert people find it a good thing to meet men from the old land who have travelled- qui their vhjwpojnt oij. wor.ld affairs.. At a time like this when.therc, is. much looge talk tjoiryr arojjntj it gives us a feeling of stability to feel that we are still in close touch with the British Navy the fighting force lhat has dis tinguiJiCfjjJf. ip.Uie n(a4 and thgj still holds premier, gpsjtion. We are glaatp.kijpy. thatTrjgnjjiers.qf. the shjp's company will fyte'US S?) te'SSSS fiSSIlIfi heartily iq tl)is. welt W. WIS-fiS toani acquainted: FOR THE BEST Third. Avrnue Xl'h In Eanc and Sjaple Grp.Gerie Fresh Fruit and" Vegetables, Boxing! Boxing! At The Moose Hall TtJESQAY, AUGUST 22 C. Hickqy, y& Seanian, McMarts. 1 2:minuto roumls , J, .IcLeod vs. Seaman KempV.B, j 2-minute rounds ' Seaman Hadloyv v.s.SeajjjanKcnJ. , jinl BoutHJ 2.minute'ropmis ! Wte V8- Seama PoweH AjB. i , 2-m.inqtfl wimi8. 4M(lf Bail Mprn and Lieutenant Reid, R.N.; Referee B. Skinner Timekeeper Max Heilbroner; AnnouncorlJRjiy '. ftUUniSto a(30p.m. ADMISSION-Ringside, 1.00; 75c; 50c SjAILORS! ! il'a ,nrf' npparel yoM . desire we have, thq verj latest in. ladiofl' ter. i You are welcome to pay us a yisjU ; Annette Ladies' Wear Company Limited, (The Store of the Better I) rewed For Lew) Brown Cigar Store ' . & 80 TAX' ' . Next tq Capital Theatre ! 'T'iS M,0 dern Soda KounlaJo. in tljg rjgrjl Meoti your friends her,e and have a cup of our specially blended- cgffej Neilsonfs, an4' IW.oir's Chocolates Palm Ice Cream. COMMODORE CAFE Qfljy PJase to. Etf ip Town With i Lalett Equipment Pleasant Surrounding P. R. Im&zc 105; Loyal Order of Moose I) IRVING Pv Hky Vmioou-rer trip ticket UkM place at boxing match in the Moote 1UU, Tueadajr evening. Lacasse Bakery Hir.llEST tJIttLITY BREAD Cakc, Pastry. Bun and Rolls ' Third Avenue Prinre Rupert . ERASER Stationers t 50UVBNIRS, POST j QARDS, NOVBLTIBS n r-lnre It u pert. B.C. HnilCPC Vnr .Qolo A lew than jon could build. Tar for like rent. T. - See mont M, M. Stephens & Co. Ltd. Insurance Third Avenue Irlnrr Rupert STEVE KING MILV8 CI.OTlllUt Welfqmp to Rripqc Rupert McKenzie's Furniture Cornpjete Horne Furnishings See aa for your requireirirr ' H. G. Helgerson Limited 0 Inwirance at Lowest Rate 0 Property imniihiuih kiv ciait at(atUon Munro, Brothers The Quality Grocer ooo . FRESH FRt'ITS llilh CUh Confectionery You can awk no mtouke buyiiMr from u Kxtend to the Ship's Comjmny of Hi'M, S. Ursgmi ah qprty wlpgn). The Officers and. Staff of the Northern B. G. Power Go. IjIMITM) xteiiij a hoqrty wolpqpiQ tp the Of(iCera an.l Rating of the H. M. S. Dragon. WELCOME TO. OUR VISITORS TjO our homo peojde vq sugt patronizintj homr dealers. Keep your money ijj" vn. - PartH Tirci Af cessoric. S, E, Parker Ltd, Ford Dealers