i t Pays! Third Avenue DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE BUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. T. PUELEN - Managing-Editor otHitr Saturday, August 19. 1933 HOW FRANCE DID IT ' After the war France found herself in a position some-' what resembling that of Canada today. Borrowings had been large and interest charges were high. Instead of cutting the rates of interest, the currency was inflated until three-fourths of the internal debt was wiped out. In Germany they went;one better than France. They gradually reduced the value of the jnark until it altogether lost its Talue and the whole inteitoal debt of the nation was wiped out . ; X" ' In United States ?a commencement has been made in controlled currency inflation biitjiiot much has been done w far. Great Efrjtafn'has to sflme "extent done the same and so has Canada, although the latter does not officially a limit it lmiaie uie currency ur reuuee me rates ui interest, ine difficulty with this country is that much money has been borrowed abroad and payments of interest have to be made at a disadvantage if inflation is carried on. i When you get so much for so little to Shop at Cut Rate Shoe Store Wonderful spect our v values are on display, never seen in this city before. Come in and in- ery complete stock of High Grade Footwear for the whole family at unbelievable prices. Rubbers, Tennis and Outing Shoes j. See them! Buy now! Cut Rate Shoe Store Right Across From the Montreal Importers NEW Kitchen Ware MIXING SPOONS CAKE TURNERS APPLE CORERS BOWL STRAINERS ETC. With all genuine Cata-lin Jade Green Handles Permanently beautiful. Priced at 25c ea. 0 In Canada it seems aB if the government would have to 1 KcUCIl H&rdWcirC FAILURE OF CONFERENCE The failure of the Economic Conference Was due to a difference of opinion between the gold standard countries and those whieh have gone off the gold standard. The Royal Bank monthly report says: "Great Britain and the United States have contended that first efforts should be directed toward the restoration of price, profits and activity of internal industry. When these resulU have once been attained,!he next major problem will be that of securing the stability of the restored price level. Relative stability of international exchange Will follow automatically when internal price levels have once been stabilized." Smelters Gold Mines BOUGHT SOLD QUOTED J. H. HJrshhorn & Co. LIMITED INVESTMENT HANKERS 302 Bay St. Wa.3011 Toronto COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and BuIUey Valley Coals are. guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. Wr also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 6 Phones $58 CITY Phone 950 i I Hemlock and Spruce Q per cord, delivered j COAL FOR SALE 1 Furniture and Piano Moving Smith Block Nebauo I Have us install one of our new,,eeU In your boat. No B or C Batteries required, operates directly off any six volt lighting or ignition system. A demonstration at our shop will convince you of the simplicity and economical operation of this set. Superior Phone 3 Radio Service 77ft Cekan1 A vanna Phone Blue 320 P. O. Box 132 A. O. BARTLETT C. H. INSULANDER Ji A A TOT DAILY NETT9 WATERFRONT WHIFFS Sockcve Fishing Season Closes Larger Local Halibut Boats to Continue OperationsArrival of H. 31. S. Dragon is Event of Interest A very disappointing 1933 sockeye fishing season comes to a close on the Skeena and Naas Rivers this evening with the termination of operation of sockeye nets but all canneries on the Skeena River are expected to continue operations for some time further in the hope of filling their cans with fall varieties. Seining for pink salmon in the central arvu is now general and - some gill n tUng with coho nets will I c. C. F. CASE PRESENTED also be continuing. With the can-, - nertea, apparently, prepared to pat up all varieties, it U expected that operations may continue at some of the plants until well into October. Seining in the Naas River district has been ordered closed today re sulting in the automatic termination of canning operations there for the season. Despite the order of toe Interna-Uonal Fisheries Commission closing bsJfettt fishing in Area No. 2 of he Pacific Coast on August M owing to the expectation that-the quota for the season will have been reached by that time. It is expected that at least a doaen or ao of the larger vessels of the Prince Rupert fleet wOl continue fishing operations in the further westward Area No 3 until possibly into November. Of course, a large number of the large American vessels will also continue operating there until well into fall, there being no prospect t of the Area No 3 quota limit being reached for some time. This will I mean that landings will continue to be made at Prince Rupert for an Indefinite period despite the near approaching closing down of fishing in the nearer Area No. 2 where the majority of the smaller Canadian boom operate. Cast. Norman Brodhurst was In port for a few hours yesterday afternoon with the packer Coho with which he is now engaged In packing pink salmon from Maseeh Inlet and Laredo Sound to Inverness cannery. Ute Coho. which Is under charter from the B. C. Packers to Inverness, la being used in place of the KlesntU Cannery which is at present laid up with engine trouble. The J. P. Todd Interests, in turn, have th "acker Provincial under charter to the B. C. Packers at An event of major interest for the local waterfront, of course, waa the arrival and mooring yesterday afternoon off headquarters of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve on the local Canadian National wharf of the trim, grey light cruiser H. M. 8. Dragon of the American-West Indies squadron of the Royal Navy which is In port for a six-day visit which will terminate on Thursday of next week. Hun dreds of spectators lined the dock as the warship glided smartly up the harbor, took a long swing and gradually warped into her moor-li'.a. the strains of the musk of the xhips band being heard from the .ifter deck while squads of sailors and marines stood at attention at various points on the vessel's decks is the cruiser was brought to a ittop Soon after the arrival of the w.nship. city Commissioner W. J AM. r. Lieut Walter Hume, local iinandlriK officer of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, uid other officials went on board to ..n officially upon Capt. W. F. W ik- Walker O. B. E.. commanding frier and r-xtend an official wel- umc to Prince Rupert. Prince Rupert has prepared to give a right, warm welcome to H. M 8. Dragon and her officers and men and, Ing the ship s stay, a full program of entertainment Is planned. Hard ; times or no hard Umes, rtftta from vessels of His Majesty's fleet to Prince Rupert are always acceptable and the stay of II. M. S. Dragon will be no exception to this rule. 8hort reckonings make long friends. Miss Nellie Lawrence Teacher of VIOLIN and THEORY Phone 177 315 Second Avenue West (Continued from patre one) and its Issuance should be a matter for the state and the state alone to control. There should be no limit to money except that of the needs of the people and their capacity for prouucUon. Certainly there was no justification of Us exploitation as a medium of exchange by a minority of the people. The C. C. F. the speaker emphasised, did not want chaos but merely to take over the present economic system aa a gome concern and readjust It in an orderly way. Ibe idea waa to take over mearu of production of wealth with the object of making and distributing the things the people required, not with the object of making profit bat with the idea of providing the people with the nsisaatllss of life in the way of food, shelter, clothing, etc. After ail. this was what the most of people were striving to provide themselves with today and many were being ground down to early death by the worry over their inability to do so. War Upon Poverty "Let us declare war upon poverty." urged the speaker, "and conscript the nataukU resource the machinery for the production and distribution' of wealth and the services of the am and women of the country say between the ages of 20 and 44." A plan tor the organisation and administration of a new economic system designed to socialise the natural rssouroai. means of dlstribuuon and tranaporUUon. banking, education, health, social services aod recreation waa outlined by the speaker wtth the aid of a large chart. The object waa to get men and women back at work and give them full vara for their toll and provide them with economic security Under this system, be that would not work neither should he eat nor should he that would work be allowed to starve The greatet opoortunlty possible would be afforded for self -development of every dtlaen. A prosperous country the speaker described as one that "produced all Its people needed and gave Its people access to all that It produced.' Human rights should be placed before the rights of vested Interests. To secure health, happiness and security for the people was the Weal of the C. C F To effdet an this, men must be selected to govern public affairs who were pledged to put a new economic system into effect by endeavoring RARE Opportunity Tor Finest Tailor-Made Suits We all are tired of cheap clothes, now Umes are better and depression has come to the end We take Oils opportunity to offer to the better-dressed public our flnesv-EmlUh Worsted, Inrllgo Serge, ItUrncy, Healherhlll and Foxhound Tweeds, Flannels, Etc. At a bigger saving than ever was experienced In Prince He. $10 SUIT Special for Keg. $15 SUIT Special for Keg. $18 SUIT Specla' for Iter. ISO SUIT Soeclal for Extra Trousers. $10) $32 $37 $39 $42 This price good for 30 days only LING Tailor The high dan tailor nnd reliable dry cleaner Second Ave. Near Vo Office T FRIDAY and SATURDAY BMsauaoesaeaaao SATL'lU)Ar tut) sunns 7 & 9 "mmwfnrjR t.r Feature starts 7:40 & 9:40 WnfrffTsa'sal Fealure Start .1 --mi tu.iii.iJi uu.iiAur; COMEDY JAMES DUNN and SALLY KILFIIS in "SAILOR'S LUCK" With VICTOR JOKY. SAMMY COHEN, A Vex R,u. A 1119 OAIJUI IMS. II mW v Uivima 1 II Alt (J F rf ll Musical "U'av of All Freshmen" t:ariiw, ,fVIllU METRO NEWS ",ra,l MONDAY and TUESDAY "TUB Ml'M.MV to remove some of the old abuses. Honest and sober men must be selected to meet the problem. The British Columbia provincial election was the first opportunity that the C. C. F. had to help In bringing about a new social order. It was a people's movement entirely and. so far. it was meeting wtth a vastly greater response than had ever been anticipated. The movement appeared due to become even better than a strong minority which at first, had been toe moat that had been hoped for It. In a question period which followed before Dr. Telford left to catch the evening train for the Interior, the speaker emphasised the fact that the Intention of the C. C P. was to put Into effect economic changes by constitutional methods He urged that a local candidate be placed in the field but that care be exercised in the choice of candidate who should be a person of characVer. honesty and Integrity Among the critical questioners of Dr. Telford was William Chapman. local Candida', i A eoliectk)!, i resulted in Ui. .obtained. SOFTIiAU rosTpoxJ i Thursday tliv sortball gam. v Kali-its was t - of r;in Oviru rlr Board u ball game ., Softball gaim morrow an wv Wit is thr ;., footbalJ MONDAY ici H. M.S. I)Hf,o, ( ANADIW IE , CHURCH NOTICE 57. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England! Very Rev. J. It, Gibson. Desa Orrsnivt refer pen ' 1 A-V.. Harjr Communion 10:M AM.. Morning Prayer and Brm U M AL Ordination Servtr.; T:M PAt. Kveamg Prayer and ? Please note the change of hour for mm Kingsley School North Vanrouvrr. I1C. Aa Ideally Situated Day and HonrrimK s Separate Junior. Intermediate and Jv Course of Studies to Junior Matrtculstiot. Attention to Backward By CHARACTER BUILD INO 8FKCIALLY FM5 All Oames Fully Organized Carrfi Boarders Return Wed Sep' " FEES REDUCED FOR BQARDFlo Seniors. $490 per annum. Juniors. $ , HEADMASTER. BERNARD ROUND. BA TheToi&nio Concr;aiortjofMiiiJ iii'ji COt I SOOCIIMta.LL Ctltu lar :( IltTMwNUtl..A..lt P- ri C t I ' ' NIAltTlll. SM. SM..r.S.C O -V .(I 'M -t RcopcnJ September lit, 1933 " DEPARTMENTS Or INS"' (..titita tki ruat.nti titi , ti.iocml Mll ' tlCXITItlUlTMBItll ' MIDWINTER MIDSUMMER EX" Rrtidtiirc for Y"iim W rt4t OOl AND IVII4H I , :,rf i MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE NO, 1 IIED COMrLETK Wulnut flnljih .struct, coll spring, frit mattrew NO. 2 RED COMI'LETE Walnut finish stoad with panel. swuylesN coll spin spring filled matireM with air circulation. Tva Ilione 775 OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of the I'Uherman, Logger, Miner ROOMS $10 per month, $3 per wet k. 50 per night SHOWER ItATIIS Third Avenue I'hone 048 JLMMIK C1CCONE S24.01 S43.01 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll. .- "A HOME A1VAY "BM HOME' Rales f I.M P ' " 60 Rooms, Hot St rnnw it i ." . Phone 281 1 L-