i (933 SPECIALS For This Week. "rubber aprons Special at 25c "ROLL-UP RULE 62 Ft, and Menthol Shaving Cream. 63g Betty Ann, Chocolates I In, me Made lib,..!...."... 69c 2 lbs $1.10 Ormes Ltd. Jim Pioneer Druqg is ts THE CHRl'AN BROTHERS v OF IRELAND nrtj spost. gv4SVMUM. MOililKW nktmTlcs AND MUSIC 1 io Cr " G-adM Hijii f SeoiOf M;rvrlii led OPCN STPTTMnSR H 0 .' M M. I I ANSON MA rWrf ul Phones: 81 12 Vancouver colleg: FOR RESIDENTIAL AND DAY STUDENTS r iiiiii i- ii av m avr a mm .rr.L i n n ir - - w Mr f S) V M - t w af - Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily Hy, Fish & Cold Storage Co., Udj PUIXCE KUPERT. HC. I NION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Biner, uv, fnao, Rupert tr Vaneevf: 5J Cmu EVWIV TUESDAY, liJO PrM. Jc v.- v- r Thursday p.m. s CAKHPNA EVERY FRIDAY MIDMCIIT. : ,.,ivk j. ' it to Port aimpaort, Alice Arm. Anjoi, Stewart nd Inc.; Itunert A n . . , . .nriiij; orcona Avrnur. v CANADIAN PACIFIC "ve Prlnre ICitjperl for Vancouver via Ocean FaJ'l "4, Prm Mr: kr. .'.!!!:? 'lOU,.e' Ar "Ih, 26th. Sent. lih. Pr,n . ' w"ANOEl.L, JNEAJl and SKAOWAY. n.fHs lxuhe. Louhe. An. AugKlh, iu. zf.t, c' . 2nd. Sept. u. , ,)r llMervalloiu and Information TtCM DAILY KklWi fttOa TSX33 1 LOCAL NEWS. NOTES For daj nd( T nlehW " Taxi sej Sllversldes Bros, for Wallpaper. vice PhVne 32. ' tf lass, paint ana Muresco. Si way mttnje tchefi ui postponed uieji ioz; tonigni, Fr'ulU'.tlnl ' ntie lift. "TW tblt ttKt Miq M BliiS tribl now u ib lik that tot vaAUua. Vn. H 1 te4 4brjt ftt-a-llf'l. . oM krta HHwfipwrjilr, Tty reJhr tan dam n wMrt .-4." Fruli-:ttttt . , . aUdruf ilere$ Mrs A AntoneUI will sail tonight on the Prince Rupert for a trip to 'insurer. Mr and Mrs. WUllain Millar sail ec last night .01 th Prifyccas Ad- eiaioe ror a vacation uip to Vancouver and Vtetorla. David Taylor reinroed to the city on the Prlneew Adelaide yesterday afternoon tram Vnneoover where he was called to attend the funeral o bis father who died F. 11 lloadMy. prtiMteal of te-irf aupeilori StiooT agLtih. Hoadky will sail W the dRlk tomorrow evening on then return to Stewart ater barl spent the uinuner hoUdays in the city Lloyd Orrer, ten at Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oreer. fanner ly of this city, tailed by the. Cardne this momlnc on his return to his home in Victoria after haying spent the sum mer ro the esnow of Inverness cannery OjD the Skeena River. Mr. and Mrs. A. H BeAkaodorf. to have bom raoMenU of the city. for the pnat yar or p. tailed last nlfbt on ")e Hiincess Adelaide for Vattle. Thejr nlat on resuming their reslencje In the United States of wrurh cpuntry toej are citiaens. Archie Wsttt CNJR. divisional master mejihlc Prinfe. aeprfc and Mrs. aty tnd daughtar ar rived in, tge city on uus a iter-'oon'i train from the Interior and will tail tonight on the Prince Rupert for a trip 'to Vancouver. Mi. A. R. Holtky and grand- daughter. Miss Daphne Hemmell. aft sailing this etering on the ss mnce Kuper; mr Vancouver en-foute back to Ottawa after having spent the summer vacation here and at Lake Kathri "as the guests of Mrs.' Hoitby's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. L Holtby. For Saje roUR-room house with bath and Ipintry, fine yiew. on Orahanj Av enue. Just Psintefl. aajy psnienvs. Apply. Cltv ifji, 1?5 AjinouRpein.eptSi Salvation Army Annual Congress Aug. 20.' 27, 28.' Presbyterian tea Sepfmber 7, Catholic Baiaar, Qc.topir, 10,, V,0h SALE Morcllo Pr.cscrvlrtff Cherrle per crate, 1,25, JV, J. MARTIN, j. . Terrscef B.C. . 3 av a iter noon 120 tn'honor of the visit, oftke Hu Dragon. Son or Canada vi. JJIkj. - rt '. - Concert by HAia. Dragon con- Mr. and Mrs. AT R. Nichols left, cert Party tonleht. at s nm. in, on lat nlzht'a train for SmlthersJ nuuifuion JDC. iwitciOiMic win ojjciiu- lire ween n a vl1t in TrtfAntA 1 Tht TI M ft rtrairr- Rupett yeiterdgy, hiving made- herj Sunday and on Tuesday from rrtLmjourheyW Vla VfincouveV5 P-m-' M Prince Rupert Football iAsocla-1 M1m Annie McLeod. who hasj tlon will hold thlr annual Smoker i Den on a vls,t to Poj Albeml, re-!'n the Regiment Hedauartes' turnl to the city from the south i Monday. Auguat 21. at 9 pm. Pre- on the RrlpceM Adelaide yesterday lenUtton of trnrile A!T IhntHAi ! afternoon. enthusiasts are requested to at tend Why stay RUNDOWN? Pill J. W. McAuley, locomotive foreman for the Canadian Nattenal Raitiwys here, returned, to the city ion the Rrince Rupert ysterday from a vacation trip to Vancouver Mr. and Mrs. T, C. Wilding and 00. Malcolm, who hare Jen spending a holiday at Kamkwps. returned to the cl$y from the south on the Rrtace Ruprt yesterday. O, M- OoWsrrjlUi, Vancouver, manager of the. SlejMng Foods atoras. u apeiKllfif the day In the citf on bualnfii an4 goes soith this evening on the Pke Rupert. Cyril H4g of Opcv FalU arrived Ip the city on tfce PriiwM Ad elaide yesteriay aftraqoA fronj.tlje pafer tqu-p tq ilUfii a "'fm ipejetg last nt aUe whVcVhe reutnt) to. Ocean tpUt oo the nme MmT. 8. W. Smith, editor, and proprle tor of, the Ratar H(va Ieoord oi Ralnv Rtex Qntorfc). aceoinpn- I0JS rv Mjf. $nftli and son aad daaghter. has "been to the ejty Uw Thnrraay nlgb anc U njo- reeamc to Vancouver on the as Pjtpcg, Rjnet th evtiouv Delayed bv hAvUv aiftCT trejghts j. -ji - ii '-- t . . ainex QaWsaCatL Er Mbob.' dKoWarHte hi n?r untlV o'eoei nWiUB? rrom xne aoma. seqngl " nour later on her reuno. to Van- "outer and waypotnts Cant. J. B. Colihurat of Tamee. who has been on a fxln to Vaneou- vef and Victoria with hit nephejj; Patrick Cotthurst of OambrMge. England, who has been paying a visit to Brttlah Columbia, arrived In ' the, dy from the south on the Prince Rupert yeaterdaj and is mnaihlng' oyer here until tonight's train on which he will return to Terrace. Ounnar Andfrton. Un fortnjan here for the Nqrthern Pipytf Co . and his bride. Miss Bttajaeth Ross, foiiowing thlr map-lae at 3 o'clock this afternoon by Rev. W. D Orsnt Holltngworth at the Manse of First Preobyterlan Church, will sail this evening on the Prlnc Rupert for a honey-mopn trip io neouvfr'ictorla.. Seattle and eitewhere in the south. Jones' Family MEAT MARKET Phfipc 957 Leg of Lamb per lb. Lamb Chops per lb Ph.pne 937 2.5.C 25.c houlder Lamb 15 C Let of Ven- ! "per lb. j?h6ulder VeaJ ' ' 4 lbs yeal Chops 2 lbs boneless Stew Beef !'3 lbs. 18c 50c 35c 25c T.bR,Deef 25c Prime Rib Rolledr- ; pe?, ' Pot Roait per lb pymp Roast o(,B,f per lb. Stew Va 3 lbs. 18c 10c 15c ?5p with a double value Tm T(Pbfc lui a doubt vu??r, ,00. quality and a profi. .nn v.u .n . SAVE Tria Cigarette and Pip Tac V'PPf'h . nd .vtry T ToWcp pl, wrapper (citirettV iLi IrV W'PPn .(kw Exci Swial Number and portion of t lab. Redeemable .for cash .in S1A) lota at Marcher'. Umitl. "Blended to The Popular Taste" IMc Jaclown and Fred Wesch of the Dally News delivery staff left on Jast nights train to spend the neelc-end at Terrj-e. John Dybhavn returned to the jelty on Thursday night's train fnvjK his sunoier home at La; Kathlyn. accompanied by Jjjrj. Dybhavn and son' and daughter who haw been spending the sestr son there. Notice NqQe is hcrchy given that Toe. day afternoon 22nd instant to d clared a civic half holiday in eon. hection with Fair Board Csrniva tp load, at Merchants and citiaens 'general! jue reelected to observe sam. W. J. ALDERj 41951 CooiniUion FOR Diarrhoea THERE'S A REMEDY III This valabl prrpAntion has been ta tbe ma.rlr4 for th.- put M yrsrs, ' and tmltU a reputation arrond to oeAe fr the reiirf uf to-l tnUiDU. Priee, 90c. a tn.lt k at all drucKvis or dealera; put up onlv hy The Tr MaWn OW limited. Toronto, Oot. MI LAJDY BEAUTY SIJOI'PE SrEC(AI FQIt AIT.IJST Steam Oil Permanent Wave '5.00 anl $3.0Q Marcellf & Curl with Hair Cut $1.00 Shampoo, and Finjrr Wave 75c PHONE 3 TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rqp, Cowan & Latta Thone 231 i I 1 V Fresji Milk and; Qrem Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 t ! jgj ho H Classified Ads FOR SALE CHRYSLER Sedan, good condition Walker's Music Store. FOR SALE House, 4 rooms and bath, in good condition. Apply ' 661 Fifth Avenue Cast ltt! t Rand Block. Max Hefibroner. t! r alar ,i i, RlfQliiS tin has room to rent or suite to share.. Central location. Pftpae Oreen 414 after 0 pm Write R6. Box 5. qQQp Lcapon, for small buttnaai m centre of the new busineat djatrjet. Third Avenue. Will renovate to suit tenant. Rent only $20 a month. MeClymont. tf CLAPP Building Apts 4 roosM. Monarch range $17i0 and $30.60. 9 rooms over Ttte's Store $30.00; 4 roojn Apt. over Braekrnan & Ker Store. $15. H. O. Helgerson Ltd, agent. m TRANSFER CAMERON'S TRANSFER Furniture moving, wood. coal, chair fox rent. tf MiTire rntittx-'MiTii necatw ot Oiartaa 'Snlth forra4ly of PreraMr (ii the Pryrum of Britia CWumbaa. who dM on the BUl day of Mav. lSSi art rmufewd on or before tlx SStti day of Bastantee lass, to Mimr or atnd by prfcii lNr full particular of, tttttl (May duly WftTMi to THl HO- ; YAL TRD8T COMPANY, Adatniatrtor r EMat of the aM OlaHHs Smith mxt TanSMilrtr. BC. ANT) TAKE NOTICK tht Harvi PERSOiVAL PRIVATE home Kindergartens pay. We start you. The Canadian Kin-. dftrgartcAr Institute. Winnipeg. HELR WANTED: FOR SALE 16fl afies, Lot 5ff7..l(OW to gt a Range 5. KitsumkaMim. $10 an, ' Booklet acre. Terms. B. H. WHson, 31ft Lee ; 'Wlhhipeg. uwg., vaueouver. imb lousEs r. FOR RENT W. Hart. Government Job. The UCJC. Ltd, OsfTELEilEN Purohase Personal Drug Sundries by Mall Bargain ! Prices. Assortment of fifteen High Grade European Imoprta- l". Uons sent pqstpaid in plain wrappex tor $1.00. Catalogue, Free. Adults Only. National D&-tributors. Box 443. Reglna. Satk. HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVlNg! "Oil- SSJfl, -RlnKlette" 'VJOj, Nelson's Beatily Shoppe, PAINTERS 'AINTINO and Papgrhangtor " Ueller. Phone Red 802. M I'MHKR riHTTEI. MORTO.tOE I hereby offer for aale bv twufer'a cenala gaa bat 31 taat kwc. V (eat ati lontaaa In brcadUi and thra tee ait taeha in aaaifli axl duly Itaaari A at Kv WeattnlastM. BrttMh OotliMta, aa No 1V7S. to wbaah la inatallaaX.ofu; VW. rln riacltne angme IS HP No. 10S3. wfclrh.boa ta nam at the Ooajt of Pa '3aratjt. I CoBapaay Ltmread at Utr Rupan. ,b c, aad wst anaed by mT balUtf So Wiiitm paymrtM XVdf n uoaW mr raMgltt t&r&s, wJl b rarrledVaT M H M. nt Win UlMMI . BiUri . 1 Prtnat nufwrt BC. watafl Asq PM en- August im as twrraray accent j ,V tMtVD at nce Rwet BAX i Ibla llth dty Of Aiajuat. 1S37 ' vmx vrvjAif CertWleatr of ImaVetemeota TAKE NOTTCl that i. W. )L Uaaon. tV-ceaW. at tta ofTJc 6M Woat Fender, free mlner'a tMtUleaU Ma 4H7. ktteftd. ISO dan from the duo hereof to aeolv aftar Um to th MMtas IteooMar tor a ontlfl Uat menu toned dat tha Aamlntatrator eat of ImiaWTtBam for ae yutpoaa will proceed to daatrtbuta the aaeta of ' of obtaining a crows snMS ot tha. iat UFeeaara araoof uil prrama en-' aooi ciaan. tlUad theroas. havlna ragard only to AND further ak aoUot ttaU the ttatM ot which h ahaiT then have had ucrttc DATED at Vancouver. B.C., this Mth day of JkOv tua. ROBERTSON DOUQLA3 S: 8TUW S40 Pedder Street Weat, Vancouver, BC. Sollcttora tor The RoyaJ Ttuat Ocmpaxur WATER NOTICB TAKE NOTICE 0at J. B. Woodworks, addreaa 3457 Pcaot Ortf Road. Vaaoou-vey. BC. wUl apply tor a lloenae to t aad uae 300 cu. ft. per ancond. and atart too.ooo acre feet ou of Cucv Ui into Surf Inlet. Thla betnc tSe rvotMlKioninff of, otuvuttorjal watef K-tepae HB-S Thla weWwUl be used for qwr purpoae. Thla notkw waa poatec Ui the ground on the trrtrteentfc day or June, nee ana an a to ted to A oodv of thla ns- tdplkaUoa purautat there-1 t& "Water Ait" wUl te! ttied In tha offtccof tha. water recorderi t Prior Rupert. Oblertfona to the ao-bllcaMon may be filed rtth the atld k-ater recorder or with th CVitnptrofwr u water Righu. parUamt4 tmmmt. nctorft. B q Mthla tbltty dAVi tSttr th flrat asbvaranc Of thla noflr hi a local newapaper The date of the flrat i putuicMioti m thi noaice la July it. IMS. J. B. WOODWORTH. AnjMa tniMtlim gaa t. INS. M of MM mum ha oomoavnerd hefpre the Uouanre. of tuch prrttftaatc ot UnprovBeaA. 7 Dto sard jsv. t wa. f advaaUitunut AU- Truth is the hidden gem for which we should all be digging. Lawa Mowers; Ground' Made to Cut Like New Star Welding Phone 313. ' 4I jrqfy los any thlnjr, try. a classifipdj at!..