wd > ian thr ~ atin cartel ten hee eect eee aed hinted = Csenestaphb anti teat nat ca ae fd ee ene eer ee oe eae as The Insurance People EVERY CLASS OF INSURANCE. GET OUR RATES The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. Phone 150 Third Avenue and Fulton St LADIES’ HAND BAGS We have just received a shipment of the newest styles and latest designs in ladies’ Velvet and leath- er Hand Bags. We es- pecially invite you to call and let us show you our new goods. ..... C. B. WARK Jeweller Fort George For information, free maps and literature call and see me. JOHN DYBHAVN Open Evenings Pattullo Block A Mirror { That may be safely **packed’’ on a trip is much in demand, We have them in dif- ferent sizes. : : : WATCH THE WINDOW C H. ORME The Pioneer Druggist PHONE. :-3 ): 4&2 IN TODAY’S POLICE COURT tention. Several Remands. Indian Drunks, Stowaway Case, and Careless Blasts. A number of cases occupied the attention of Magistraie Cass the police court this morning. Jeannie Dinster, an Indian woman from Port Simpson was fined $88 and costs for having been drunk yesterday. The man who sup- plied her with the liquor has un- fortunately managed to skip out by thd May. The woman was ordered to skip herself back to Simpson, and skip lively too. in Nick Perich, one of the strikers who was tried at Victoria and was acquitted, was up this morning for careless blasting some time ago near the Continental Trust Build- ing. He was warned. OFFER PRIZES FOR DISPLAY Dominion Day Decoration Com- mittee Prepares for Bright City. Citizens Ready to Excel Themselves. Prizes are offered by the Dom- inion Day Committee for the best decorated residence, and the best | today. decorated place of business on Dominion Day in Prince Rupert. For the best decorated residence a prize of $10 is offered, and for the best decorated place of business a prize of $15. value of the prize as the attraction | Ice Cream 25c pint, 50ce quart.— to live citizens of having the|C. H. Orme, Pioneer Druggist, credit of making the best display in the city on Dominion Day is the idea of the Decoration Com- mittee in offering these prizes. Not so much th Already a number of citizens are making preparations to ar- range a brilliant display for Dom- inion Day, and the reputation of Prince Rupert in the past is sure to be well upheld. As judges of the decorations For Sale New 5-room House, 8th and McBride. 2-room Shack on reserve, section 2. 2 Lots in section 7, $250 each. 2 Lots on 8th Ave., section 6. Lots on Summit Ave. Low Cash Payments John Dybhavn OPEN EVENINGS LAND LEASE NOTICE Easy Terms PATTULLO BLOCK Land District of Coast Skeena Take notice that William Munford :» Princ® District—! B, C., occu m prospector, intends to apply for fermion to [eam the folowing Reserve on the east 100 post planted about ) sais side of the peninsula Messrs. W. N. Lailey, A. Ward, and Morte H. Craig have been appointed. Try the special lunch at the right price at the Royal Hotel Cafe. Where It’s Done We make suits to suit your satisfaction. Call Rudnick & Sweder, Helgerson Block Basement, Sixth street. and see us.— LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Coast Land District—District of Skeena Take notice that I, Paul Brendler, of Porcher Island, occupation farmer, in- tend to apply for permission to lease the following foreshore: Commencing at a post planted about 12 feet from the location post of lot 1301 on Porcher Is- land, thence in a southerly direction following high water mark 1200 fect; thence west to low water mark; thence northerly following low water mark 1200 feet; thence east to point of com- mencement. PAUL BRENDLER, Dated March 7, 1911. First insertion March 11 Skeena Land Dstrict—District of Queen Charlotte Take notice that George Frizzell of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation butcher, intends to apply for n to purchase the following lands: Commencing at a planted about seven eat two miles south of the mouth of miles w and two m woe Skeena Land District—District of Queen Chariotte oor mente, am Tram Sates, of petnede oceu| in kkeeper, intends appl ree se peiee urshene ths 1Olowing mmenei at a planted about seven omens © aks cork of tye maith a Creek where it empties into Naden raham island, thence 60 —en, Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V Take notice that I, J. Lorne MacLaren of Prince Rupert, B,C., occupation real estate agent niente to gp. 7 for permission to purchase the ng dese: 8: Commencing at a post gee 40 chains west and 80 chains south of the southwest corner of lot 1788, vicinity of Lakelse Lake, and S MacLaren’s nortwest corner, thence east 80 . th 40 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 6) chains to point ti wer mencement, containin, acres more or 5 5 LORNE MacLAREN Geo. R. Putnam, Agent Date May 31, 1911 A Number of Cases up for At- re Ce ommercmeet=e AUS! ADVENTUROUS Experiences. Last night the plucky again to make for the grounds. scene of their recent thrilling ad- ventures, but are ready for active work all the same. The Fish Maid which actually capsized, and vas abandoned for lost is little the worse for her mauling by the seas, and the Old Maid which got off lighter is as spry as ever. SHIPPING REPORTS Wireless Stations Report Wea- ther Clear Along the Coast The wireless stations report clear weather and smooth seas all along the coast today. Ikeda reports speaking, with the S.S. Porter at 9.30 p.m. on Tues- day. miles northwest of Cape Flattery. Tatoosh reports the following vessles: In—U.S.S.° Manzanita p.m. Tuesday, SIS. Awa Maru at 6 a.m. today, S.S. Alaska 2 a.m. Out—S.S. Tallac and steam whaler Peterson this morning. At The Fountain Ice Cream Cones 5c, Ice Cream Sodas 10c, Sundaes 15c¢ and 20c, Phone 82. Fruit & New Groceries A big shipment came to us today ee Musk Melons Strawberries, Cherries Vegetables of all Kinds PRICES ARE RIGHT —=_= Ideal Provision House Third Ave., near Sixth St. Phone 190 (WEATHER METLA Returning last boat leave: H. B. ROCHESTER, Agent LITTLE MAIDS Gasoline Schooners Fish Maid, and Old Maid Put out to Sea Again after Their Thrilling little gasoline fishing schooners Fishmaid and Old Maid put out of harbor fishing They may not visit the The vessel was then 240 at 6.40 wGORONATION DAY EXCURSION... S.S. Inlander will leave G.T.P. Wharf at 2.00 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 22nd, 191], for Round Trip Tickets THE DAILY NEWS Pt 5 9s — ed ts tg eed pt “The Ne ==(Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== REPAY A CAREFUL LOOKING OVER— —~THEY WILL ws” Classified Ads. BARGAINS —IN— Furniture Crockery Stoves Glassware Linoleum Lamps Ename!ware Table Cutlery Blinds Baby Buggies Curtains Screens Quilts Pictures Blankets Washing Mirrors Machines Ostermoor Mattresses Every Description of House Furnishings. The Big Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. F. W. HART & COMPANY PHONE 62 Do away with this. Patronize a white laundry. White labor only at Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 Over-Seas Club of the The usual monthly meetin be held on Thursday next (Coronation Pythias Hall, Helgerson Block, p.m. é a place and members are invited to bring their friends. Coronation Dance Will take place in the K. of P. Hall at /10.30 p.m, Gray’s augmented Orches- \tra. Admission, Gents $1, Ladies free | HARRY W. BIRCH _Assistant-Sec. PERMITTING) | KATLA Metlakatla at 9.30 p.m. 50 Cents 8 PHONE 115 ———— = Coronation Postcards Coronation Pictures.. | |: OF KING GEORGE V AND QUEEN MARY We've just received these from the artists, Raphael Tuck & Sons, London, England. YOU SHOULD GET ONE OF THESE SOUVENIRS McRae Bros., Limited SS SIXTH STREET Phone No. 78 Red SECURITY NATURAL RESOURCES COMPANY, Ltd. Farm and Fruit Lands Massett Townsite BUILDING, VANCOUVER, B.C. Pee rene hy omer PAID UP CAPITAL $250,000 Skeens of v ake netic that Bah Aliow re of —OFFER FOR SALE— Sas to. apply’ for purchase the Townsites thfwing seer ata pont planted a ‘t BoULN cust er of surveyed igs Smt 5, Coss Die -~-JOINT OWNERS AND SOLE AGENTS OF— lot, 95 chains fees 20, Soe, Sotuerly Fort George Townsite Hah ag ena ik eos , to a " : erly direction 35, cneing. to the aad HEAD GFFICE:— 606 BOWER ON ation 60 chains more or lems io 4 point of commencement containing 210 acres Local Office: Alder Block CROWTHER Sixth Street BIG FURNITURE Store Lost and Found LOST—Time book and Bank book. Finder please return to J, G. Weston, Sth Ave. and Tatlow St., and receive reward. 136-188 FOUND- Eureka Cleaning and Pressing Com- any. Men's suits cleaned and pressed $1.00. Bradtes’ suite pressed and cleaned, Dry clean- ing aspecialty. Room 18 Westenhaver Block, phone red 69. 121-147 FOUND-~—Elegant rooms; newly furnished. The Bulkley Block, 6th Ave., near Fulton, 109-1m LOST—On Sixth street, between Third Avenue and Queen's Hotel, $184, two cheques in roll, one for $17, other for $5, rest in bills, Reward Billy Polus Candy Store, Sixth St., one door from C.P.R. Office. 182-135 For Rent Commodious house, corner 6th Ave. and Thomp- son St., furnished or unfurnished. Phone 206 or P.O. Box 588. Four-roomed House, partly furnished, with bath- room; close ip on Summit Ave., back of Bowden street. Apply at et os P.O. Box 269. 1- 2 Furnished Roomsin apartment house, opposite Clapp Building, 2nd Ave., near McBride. Ap- ply on premises nerereess one and th:ee p.m, 128-134 Apply J. Young, Maple Boarding House, Srd Ave. 128-134 Furniture of three-room flat. Apply Room 15 Westenh Block, corner 2nd Ave. and Sixth Street, Nicely furnished Front Room in new house, Ap- ply Mrs. Saville, wigs sr ae near McBride. -133 Stores and offices for rent. Apply Dr. MeIntyre, Third Ave., phone green 59. 125-tf Neatiy Furnished Rooms; gentlemen preferred Apply Mrs. Mullin, over Majestic Theatre. 119-Im Phone 296 if you want to rent a house, furnished or unfurnished, corner 6th Ave. and Thompson Street. All modern conveniences. | Eighth. members of the Overseas Club will | Day) 22nd of June in the Knights of | at 7.30 | An impromptu concert will take Cosy furnished rooms. Mrs. Bower, Somerset Rooms, Third Avenue, between Seventh and 17-tf Nice Furnished Rooms. Apply Mrs. Kirby, Alder Block, upstairs entrance, Third Ave. 117-124 Nice, clean, bright outside rooms, Buikley Block 6th Ave., near Fulton. 1 109-1m Nice furnished rooms single or for housekeeping. Apply Drexel Rooming House, 2nd Ave., near McBride. May 3-lmo ss es es Help Wanted os os ms ts rs ees ee | Waitress Wanted. Apply French Joe's Restau- rant, Third Ave. 139-141 | Nineteen youne men to take cosy rooms in the Bulkley Block, near Fulton. 09- Lm | Wanted —500 good men to join the Order of Owls F. Madiem 108-114 Pg et es me Boarders Wanted eter Call room 28, Empress Hotel. L A few cosy homelike rooms cheap to steady roomers. King George Hotel, 2nd Avenue. 131-138 mt ets eres eres es Real Estate - ed in the Bulkley Kooms, 6th Ave., near Fulton 109-1m For Sale Phone Red 139-tf A Dining-room Table, good as new, 293 for particulars. Two rooms of New Furniture at bargain. cabin, close in, can be rented. Phone 823 black. 136-139 Before buying your Stove or Range see A, J. Galland, McBride and Fifth Ave. from $14. All kindsof second hand goods bought and sold. F. M. Crosby, Third Ave., between 7th and 8th streets. 117-tf eee ere er meres Situations Wanted Je oe ms es ee ss OS Good reliable woman desires ition. Thorough- ly experienced in hotel work or would like small rooming house work. Not afraid of work. Apply Box A, News Office. 133-184 Business Chances Good money in Moving Pictures. Wanted-A arty to start moving picture show in Prince upert. Write me for particulars, H. Davis, Watertown, Wis. 137-wi Fire Insurance THE British Union and National Fire Insurance Company of London, England, with capital of $2,600,000.00. See us for rates. The Mack Realty and Insurance Company. 1-tf Notice ‘The Plumbing and Sheet Metal business lately conducted by H. Wood, successor to Mathescn & Wood, 2nd Ave., has been taken over by Smith & Mallett, to whom all outstanding accounts are payaine and who will pay all cleims against the usine: 184-141 SMITH & MALLETT Notice Bids will be received up to June 22nd for the construction of atemporary sewer between 6th aad 6thAvenues. Plans and specifications to be had from Dr. J. O, Reddie, bth Avenue and Tat- low street. 136-139 Palace Ice Cream Parlor STOKES’ ICE CREAM Best made in Seattle. Fruit and Candy, whole- sale and Retail, Look for flash sign at night, SAM GOWEN, Proprietor Phone 860 ESTABLISHED 1909 UN PERTAKERS F, W. HART & COMPANY Corner Second Ave. and Sixth St. Geo. Barrie, Licensed Embalmer, Man‘ gr. PHONE 62 NIGHT OR DAY LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 6 Take notice that L, oe pA see Se aves Ru B. C., oecupat - nater, inte’ to apnty. ler permission Yo pure the following deseri bed lands: Commencing at 4 t planted at the north west corner Lot 1756, Range 5, Coast District thence east 40 chai thence north 26 chains thence west 81 chain’ thenve north 20 chains thence weet 10 chains, thence south 45 chains to point of commencement, containing 112 acres more or leas. Dated April 4, 1911, CLARA MAY LITTLE Pub. April 15. Skecna Land District—District of Coast Range 6 Take notice that Mary Beaton Gildersieeve of Victoria, B. C., oeeupation housek , intends to apply ————— to purchase the following deseri| 8 Commencing at a post planted at the southwest corner of Lot 996, Range 5, Coast District,thence 80 chains south thence 40 cliains east, thence 50 chains north, thence 40 chains wert to point of ommence! t, containing 320 acres more or leas. ARY BEATON GILDERSLEEVE Dated April 17, 1911. Pub. May 6. Skeena Land District—District of Coast Take notice that Fred W. Kohler of Kitsum- fear to purchase the following nds: | Commencing at a post planted at the north- | Two-roomed Cabin on Fourth Ave., near McBride, | De sted April 10, 1911. ril 22. hs ms es mers ta Nineteen young men wanted to rent cosy furnish- eae oy ene errs eet meee errr treme Nice Cook stoves 129-1m kalum, occupation farmer, intends to apply tT ri bec |east corner of A. MeLecd's pre-emption, thence } 20 chains south, thence 10 chains east, thence 20 enains north, thence 10 chains west to post of t containing 20 acres more or \ess. FRIEDRICH W. BOHLER Fred Pub, Ap: Hampton, Agent Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 6 Take notice that I, Frank Hicks of Port B»- sington, occupation merchant, intend to apply aor © purchase the following described lands: Commenci. at a post planted on the south bank of the ‘Exebumslke River and about four | miles from ite confluence with the Skeena River, | thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains east, thence south 30 chains | to point of commencement, containing 640 acres | more or . Dated April 21, 1913. FRANK HICKS Pub. April 29. LAND PURCHASE Novice Skeena Land District \ - List Take notice that Cx ha Ee Queen © therine H © Chari nets, Opeupation spinster, toe of gay © oe msion to vurchase the { nds ty lands: n@ following 4 ot Commencing at a post miles west and half a mnile oan about § 19 4 Stank y Creek, where jt oe TOM the Mout arbor, Graham Island, (| ane to Nadas thence 40 chains east, ‘thene. o Chainn south thence 40 chains west to point of a etut tort, and containing 160 acres mory or je etna, Dated March 17, 1911 cee Pub Apr. 7 CAT HERINE HARR) ° Numa Demers, ee Skeena Land Distr: Take notice that 1, Mra. jep ttiet of Coay, Rupert, B.C., occ spation married 2% Pring to appiy for permission to purehan in desevibed lands mimon to purchase the follow Commencing at a post plar and 220 chains south from th lot 1788, Coast District, 5 chains, thence east 4 , chaing, thence west 40 chains ; point of commencemen more or less, MRS Date Mar. 20, 1911 Pub. Apr. 4, 1911 JOHN Skeena Land District — District Take notice that |, Alfred Kk os) pert, B. C., oceupation apply for permission to described lands: Commencing at a pos miles south of the forks rivers, thence 80 chains 3 east, thence 80 chains n orth, planted oe Dated April 18, 1911 ALFR . Pub. May 13, Francis & Preston _ Skeena Land District Take notice that i, J Stewart, B. C., occupa apply for permission described lands Commencing at a post planted a! north from the Naas river and about ; One alle above the forks of the Naas river "ine tailag chains, thence west 80 chains ther “5 nora @ | chains, thence east 50 ¢ ea eee | ment, containing 640 ac r JAMES MILL | Dated March 24, 1911. Frank | Pub. May 17. Skeena Land District Take notice that 1, Bertie Edw: Stewart, B. C., occupation piu apply for permission to pur described lands: U istrict of ( hase Commencing at @ post planted north of the Naas river and about * above the forks of the Nuas River teas thence north 80 chains, thence vast so thence south 80 chains, thence west 19 chai point of commencement, containing 6 ~* more or less. * BERTIE EDWIN BADGER Dated Mareh 23. 1911 Pub. May 17. Skeena Land District —Distric: of ‘Take notice that |, Lio 2 ver, B. C., occupation min ‘ for permiamon to purchase the fu lands; Frank Sidney Wright, Ag ' | Skeena Land District—District of Coast Take notice that William McTavish of Vancou- | C. oecupation physician, intends to apply | ver, bb j eee to purchase the following deserbed lan Commencing at a post planted at the southwes | corner, 40 chains north and 40 chains east of the Harvey's Survey, | northeast corner of Lot 1116, | Coast District, Range 5, thence 60 chains east | thence 60 chains north, thence 60 chains west | thence 60 chains south to post of commencems:s | containing 460 acres more o7 less. Dated May 2,1911. WILLIAM A. MeTAVISH Pub. May 6, Fred W. Dobler, Agent Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 6 ‘Take notice that Lettie McTavish of Vancouver, B. C., occupation married woman, intends to apply for permiasion to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the north west corner 100 chains east and 2° chains north from the northeast corher of Lot 1116, Harvey's Survey, Coast District,Range b,thence 20 chains south, thence 80 chains east, thence 50 chains north, thence 40 chains west, thence 60 chains south, thence 40 chains west to post of commen- cement, containing 400 acres more or less. Dated May 2, 1911. LOTTIE MeTAVISH Pub. May 6. Fred W. Bohler, Agent Take notice that Charles P. Otter of Prince Rupert, B. ©., occupation surveyor, intends to apply for permiacion to purehase the following deseribed lands: Commencing at a post planted at the north east corner of surveyed lot 3984, Range 5, Coast Die trict, thence in an easterly direction along the southerly limit of surveyed lot 3991 and the pro- jection thereof 40 chains to a point, thence south parallel to the easterly limit of surveyed lot 3954 aforesaid 60 chains more or leas to the northerly limit of a timber limit (No. 42663), thence west 40 chains more or less to a point in the pro ection southerly of the easterly fimit of surveyed lo 3984, thence in a northerly direction along the preonaen of the said limit and along the said imit 60 chains more or leas to point of commence- ment, containing 240 acres more or less. Dated March 8, 1911. CHARLES P. OTTER Pub. Mareh 25. Skeena Land District District of Take notice that Grace McTavish, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation married woman, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southwes corner 100 chains east and 20 chains north of Coast Range Coast District, Range 5, thence 40 chains east thence 80 chains north, thence 40 chains west, thence 80 chains south to post of commencement containing 320 acres more or leas. Dated May 2, 1911. GRACE MeTAVISH Pub, May 6. Fred W. Bohler, Agent Skeena Land District —District of Cassiar Take notice that I, Charles M. Knouse o Prince Kupert, B. C., occupation farmer, intend to apply for Sm besa ye to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about (3) three miles south and (2)two miles west of the forks of White river and Flat river, thence south 50 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains. Dated April 20, 1911. Pub. May 13, CHARLES M. KNOUSE Francis 5. Preston, Agent Skeena Land Distriet--District o Coast Range 5 Take not ce that Murdock McKae of Vanvoy ver B. C., occupation real estate broker, intends to apply for permission t) purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted op the sou.h bank of Exchumsiks river about five miles froim ite confluence with the Skeena river, thence 40 chains west, thence 20 chains north, thence 40 chains west, thence 40 ehains north, thence 40 chains east, thence 20 chains south, thence 40 chains east, thence 40 chains south to poift of commencement, containing 520 acres more or less Dated April 21, 1911. MURDOCK MeckKAb Pub. May 18. Skeena Land District—-District of Cassiar , Take notice that I, Isase O'Brien Forbes of Prinve Rupert, B. C., occupation carpenter, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following descr! lands: Commencing at a post planted about fiv milese south and one mile west of the forks of theWhite aud Flat rivers, thence north 80 chains, thence west 50 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains ISAAC O'BRIEN FORBES ele. Dated April 18, 1911. Pub. May 13, Francis 8. Preston, Agent Skeena Land District-—District of Cassiar Take notice that I, Brenton Jordon Moore of Prine sy rt, B. C.. coeupation contractor, intend apply for mm nto dwt on purchase the following Jommencing at a post planted about (3) t miles south and (2) two miles west of the forks of White and rr svete, Caenee 80 chains south nee chaing west, thence 80 spemee ie esau ‘ait chains north, INTON JORDON MGORE Dated April 20, 1911. Francis 8, P Pub Mey 1s. c! Preston, Agent _ Skeena Land District—Distriet of Cassia Take notice that I, James Webster Poplin of —, BC, fepupesion Sustionsee, intend to ir perminsio ; pe Ae eae n purchase the follewing Commencing at a post planted t bank of the Naas river about io. eae a the forks of the Naas river, thence south 40 chains Fiance cat en thence ports 80 chains, ehains int containing 640 acres More or ae Saree eS WEBSTER BESPLIN Dated March 24, 1911, F) ight, A Pat diese 24, rank Sidney Wright, Agt [Skeena Land District-—Distriet of Cassiar Take nuiice that 1, pyeney Fitzgerald of Stewart B. C., occupation cook, intend to apply for per- mission to purchase the following deserlbed Jande Commencing at a post planted about five mile south and one mile of the forks of White und Flat rivers, thence south #0 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence the northeast corner of Lot 1116, Harvey's Survey , | described land: Commencing at « post west corner of Lot yi, thence west 40 chair thence « thence east 40 chains, thence port: aint of commencement | Dated March 24, 1911. LIONEL Pub. April 22. Skeens Land District Take notice that bi Ont." oceupation doctor, inte | mppagcg to purchase the fol) ands: District | Commencing at a post planted | weet corner of lat ly the | more or leas, thence » thence west $0 chair 465 chains more or less to poi A containing 140 acres mor Dated March 41, 1911 | Pub, April 16° Skeena Land District —Distri Take notice that Mr Paul, Minnesota, occ intends to apply for p< following described |a Commencing ats post planted att corner of Lot No. 1738 marked ) hortheast corner, thence west south 80 chains thence north 80 chains to pos taining $20 acres more or | Dated March 20 1911 Pub. April 15, Skeena Land District iat Take not ce that |, Jobe Rupert, B. ©., cecupat on clerk for permission to purchase the ands Commencing at a post one-balf miles distant trom a blind slough [rc the same touches t west 60 chains, the east 50 chains, thence sou | commencement, containing 64 Dated April 14, 1911 4 Pub. May 14. nh & sou Skeena Land District Take notice that Prince Rupert, B. C., to apply for permias described lands Commencing at a j bank of Exchur K from its conti ‘ |} 80 chains east, thence chains west, thence commencement, contai Dated April 21, 1911 Pub. April 29. Skeena Land District Take notice that 1, 5¥ i. C., occupation carpen for mission to purchase lands: Commencing at a south and one( 1) mi and Flat rivers, thence chains east, thence 50 chains chains west Dated April 18, 1911 Pub. May 15. Francis Skeena Land District ) i 1 ‘Take notice that Geor Rupert, B. C., intends to apply fo foile, ng described land Commencing at 4 po miles and one-half mile # from the mouth of Stanly thence west 50) chains thence east 80 chains, Lh Dated Mareh 17, 1911 Pub, April 22. Skeena Land District Take notice that I, 4 Rupert, B. C., oecupats to apply for permiasior descri lands; Commencing at & po south and two miles we and Flat rivers, thence least 80 chains, thence west 50 chains. Dated April 20, 1911. ALAS Pub. May 138. Fr Stikine Land District Var © Take notice that 5 py Hod graph Creek, bi. ©., « 5 apply for permission to } Commencing st a poet p'* mile north east from Glacier ‘ bank of Stikine Kiver, | ee thence north 40 chains thence south 40 chains to | and containing 2¢ seres more OF Dated Feb. 11, 191}. Pub. April Skeena Land District? Take notice that |, ‘ t of Stewart, B. C., occupa” apply for permission \o | described lands: Commencin, bank of the forks of the Naas river thence west 80 chains, ' thence east 80 chains We | ene * paxil YD ve HoDGhee 4, Ter¥® trict of rick MM veel @ c, {reighte . fo. irchaso the at a post - aas river containing 640 acres more oF © “ 23 F ete Dated Mareh 26, 1921, CHA. i Pub, May 17. Frank Sidney "8 sriet of OM Skeena Land Distriet--D! riet Of ad Take notice that |, Wi) Prince Rupert, B. ©., ocern a, to apply for permiasion to PY described lands: nted at them ‘ht Commencing at & post PI8P\ istrith tag corner of Lot 3068, Kang® % © "19 chalos wo south 20 chains, thence 8 9 chains Weg north 20 chains, thenee A bo aie of commencement, contain! ; lens, TAM jon cont Dated April 8, 1911, WIL) Pub, April 29. * a pistriet of C*igigal Skeena Land Disirict Herrymaa Take notice that |, Altre cupation ett of Prince Rupert, B. CO. cc¥Pi) yurena® jon Dated April ia 1 rn 8, 1911. SBYDNK ZGB Dated April 16, YDNEY FITZGERALD 5S. Preston, Agent intend to apply for perm aa following described land® vad siost 2 Commencing at & poe pan white A miles south of the fork» the en 0% rivers, thence 80 chains 8 | once 80 ; west, thence 80 chains nortly ee east. : ovata wi ws ' ALFRED 8! RR fy Prostate Dated April 18, 191). Francs Pub, May 18.