PAGE roc Slippers and Moccasins Cosy, Comfy Slippers and Moccasins make Ideal Christmas Gifts that are always appreciated by everyone. Our huge stock offers you a wonderful assortment in all styles and colors at ASTONISHINGLY LOW CUT KATE PRICES We have WONDERFUL VALUES in our huge Stock of Samples. RUBBERS Men's English Felt Slippers, cosy Qp and warm, up from "v Men's Romeo Slipper? fine kid in Q-f QC black and brown, up from vAtJ B'ys" and Youth Felt? R(n osseu up from TOOMBS' RADIO SERVICE Reliable and economical repairing of all maHes of radio "guaranteed" NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" lUtes $1.00 up 60 Rooms, Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phono 381 p.o, Doz 190 Phone: Blue 901 Central Hotel American and European plan Housekeeping Rooms Wc Also Sell Coal That Gives Perfect Satisfaction Phone 51 See Our Windows. Inspect Our Stock. Buy Now Before It Is Too Late Five Percent Discount on AH City Scrip Sales Both at Cut Rate Shoe Store and Montreal Importers Xmas Gifts Women's Genuine Indian Made Hiawatha Moccasins Q4 OQ up from WM.AV, Boudoir am! Felt Slippers (fig up from . . UUC Misses' and Children's Moccasins, up from i til Misses' and Children's QQp Slippers, up from Oo We Accept City Scrip J RUBBERS CUT RATE SHOE STORE - - 3rd Avenue XMAS Gift Suggestions TIES (Boxed from 50c up) HOSE BATHROBES SHIRTS SWEATERS SCARFS PAJAMAS BELTS CAPS HAN'K'FS. GLOVES SUSPENDERS SMOKING JACKETS, ETC. You arc welcome to come in and inspect our stock LAMBIE & STONE FREE! Quality Men's Wear FREE! SUNSHINE SUSIE DOLLS at DEMER'S A Sunshine Susie Doll riven with a $3.00 purchase A Large Fancy Dressed Doll given with a $10.00 purchase VOLCANO ERUPTING Manualoa Pouring Forth Lara and Smoke Following Earthquake Shock At Week-End HONOLULU. December 5 Pol-lowing a triple earthquake shock at the week-end which drove native In terror from their hornet. Matmaloa, "devil volcano" of the Hawaiian Islands, has burst into violent erruptlon, hurling rocks and gasses tfor thousands of feet Into the air and pouring enormous I streams of lava down one of Ha No property damage or loss of life has been reported as yet. 'Quick Divorces' in Mexico Are Invalid Decrees Granted to Manr Movie Stars Affected by Ruling-J Of Court MEXICO CITY. Dec. 5: A Mexican court has ruled Invalid all "quick divorces" which have been granted In this country In which jthe defendants were not represented. The ruling affects decrees , which have been granted to a number of members of the Hollywood moving picture colonies. Give 'Him' The Best For Less Money You can save here on your Christmas Purchases Full ranjic of suitable presents for men G. C. Arseneau's Men's Wear Second Ave., Thone Hlackll .THE DAILY NlWfl READY FOR OCEAN HOP Col. and Mrs, Llndbcrg Poised At Uathurst, Africa, For Flight to Natal, Brazil BATHURST. OabJa, West Africa December 5 (Canadian Press After having failed In repeated attempt to hop off with their heavy load of fuel owing to Insufficient wind to raise their big Lockheed-Vega seaplane. Co. and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh have been awaiting the kit breath of wind tocay to take off on their 1800-mile hop acruM the South Atlantic Ocean to Natal, BrasJl. They have been here for the past few days on account of unfavorable weather conditions. FOUR DIE INCRASH Engineer. Fireman and Two nrakc-men Killed When O. X. Train Hits Slide SPOKANB. Dec I CP-An en-' gineer. fireman and two brakemen were killed and a conductor and third brakeman were injured late Sunday nlaht when a Oreat Northern freight train crashed into a rock slide 35 miles north of here The men were killed riding In the cab of the engine The huge loco, motive was pulling 87 can. Harvester Head Passes Away CHICAGO. Dec 5 Alexander Legge. presktwit of International Harvester Co. passed away here Sunday. He .was the tint chair- j man of the Interstate Commerce' Commission. The funeral wiU take place here tomorrow afternoon. Mrs. C. McR Smith and II A Breen left today for the south, being called there on account of the death of their mother. Mrs Rachel Breen, in Powell River The funeral will be held In New Westminster GOLDBLOOM'S FUR SALE All Furs Selling at 20 Percent Less Than Cost Must be sold because cash I needed to bur raw furs. Get some of these real fur LET THK CHILDREN HAVE SOME . FUN NOW! Don't make them wait until Christmas Steering Sleighs With Pull Rope, $1.75 Others from 80c Kaien Hardware PHONE: 3 A Satisfactory Place to Shop Don't Forget Your Huy at Home Essay Tlie Prize is $25.00 We urc doing our part and more Four Hundred Are Dead as Result of Chinese Earthquake PEIPINO. Dec. 5 - According to reports received here yesterday four hundred persons were dead and $3.-000.000 damage done as a result of an earthquake shock in interior China. Advertise in the Dally News bottle Monday & Tuesday TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 Admission 15c Si 50c AN OPEN LETTER - VMmMltt Ilfll .. v "UW'YWOOD. uiiuii I'ui.iiA or HUMANITY LIONEL BARRYMORE in "LOOKING FORWARD" a m Zn With I.KW1S STONE. III.NITA HL'MK. FLIZAiIt0 . Love and I.uiury Were Dearer to , lr Th,'"7 1 LlAX Lomedy-'SAII.OK linVAUL CartooiwroV lie Til I'AltAMOrXT I'lCTOHIAl "l 8A,U)t iVBiniHBgm From Your Christmas Store If you arc one of the inany people that experience difficulty in ,i ectinK lMth useful and novel Christmas Kifis wc feel sure thai th Christmas message will interest you. ms In our store we have made preparations for a popular price ChrUi mas, and for that reason you will find well selected Kift merchandise prices which will accommodate the modest pocjietlmok as well as ihZ at c interested in more elalxratc things. Wc must confes our Inability to describe in this letter the many dc liK itful presents on display; but there arc present for mother and dad sister and brother and sweethearts, too. Perhaps you have felt that lew. ellry store Rifts were just for the fortunate few, but we hasten to a4ure you that we welcome you to our shop. Come in, feel at liberty to look at everything without hems: pressed to purchase. It will be a pleasure to show you the gracious and beautiful thins which arc suitable for th, many names on your Christmas list. Jewellry, silver, jjlass and china will appeal to mother. Wc havener sonal things for men such as leather-goods, smoker needs, handsome toiletware including baggage and accessories. Rings arc always favored while nothing could be more practi-al than a watch for someone in the house. Doesn't it all sound exciting? Here is your Christmas store ready to serve you. Will you not drop in? Sensational values in our Down Stairs Store. Hundreds of Fine Items-Dozens of Suggestions. MANY NEW WAYS TO CUT DOWN YOUR CHRISTMAS lit IH.ET MAX HEILBRONER ... XMAS BAKING SPECIALS Save on your Christmas Making at these low prices. Our last offer. AUSTRALIAN SULTANA RA18IN8 lo Crown V H' 3 lbs. lbs riLEACHEU KAiStNb 2 lbs FANCY CLEANED CURKAN18, 3 lbs. SBBDBU HA1HINS Bulk 3 lbs MXXKD PEKL Whole 2 lbs. PRE8ERVKD OINOHt P Jar CRY8TALIZBO 0 WO BR per lb. ... QLACEO CHKRRIB8- Whole. per lb. , PINEAPPLE RING Assorted colors. 2 for ... SHELLED ALMONDS per lb SHELLED WALNUTS ''4 S per lb. . GOLD BAND BOILED CIDER, pint bottle EXTRACT LEMON St VANILLA- ilLLA- 2-or IQn 4-ot JLUC bottle SI 33c 40c 39c 39c 23c 23c 39c 9c 39c 25c 19c' 35c Othrr llakinr Krquirrments at Reduced Trices We Accept City Scrip MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" 1719 Third P.O. Box 575 Avenue West Phone II WOOD! WOOD! ll-ln, Illocks, delivered Q( per cord ?0 Split, Ready for Stove CJQ per cord OO Klndline Qin per cord tj XU Half rr Cord PU Phone IJltie 825 FURS! Diamond Specialists FURS! TRAPPERS, FARMERS AND COLLECTORS wnt your MINK. MARTEN. MSHKHS. LYNX n- ?8JLudr,Rfa t?xw' woLV. wrTsels , t once Our prices in these articles cannot be bet. rl.'iCe,Rup5rt nu, l"d as a fur logical i. place for you to ship lor quick returns .; lust as much if not more A trial shipment will rnw All shipments kept separate until our prices are . you When ypti are in Prince Ruprt nuke our stor y.. una feel tit home John Clones P (). Itox 367 Prince Rupert, B.C. Third Ate & Sixth St MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Gifts for the Home Fitter Lamjwv Shade Q-f f, and Rtrtnd ?U Walnut Btnuker MaMZine End Tables End T,bic And don't fori t u. b your kitchen with a leum Rug Phone 775 Third Avenue Prince liiip' rt Practice Economy Get from 10 to 25 percent more heat units for your fuel dollar. Order Bulkley Valley COAL The Economical Coal