Slesr December 3, 1933 really falseB ECONOMY TO USE 1E1 DOUBTFUL BAKING H fMY POWDER. INSIST ON H EJITS v M MAGIC , IT ALWAYS H GIVES DEPENDABLE SAYS MISS A LICK MOIR, DMiUn of on, MtntnoTlfiM gptirtmtnl-luittl riHurni MAGIC Lf.r.: not quite '4 of a cent L. pir luLlnil llun Ihe cheap- If . L.tlMxinlM, U'hu , , c ? (hi fine-quality baking Thr Itetsll Klore L - ami b utf of luitUfac- VsHBW j .m , lilt? ift-V PIUaNCE RUPERT, B.C. Mail la CaruuU CONTAINS NO ALl'M." Thl. tun men, m ftrrjr tin la your Cuaranlta that Matte Baalnt two I rrvlram alum nt aa harmful IntraJUnt. CANADIAN PACIFIC CUP AND SAUCER SPECIAL c are offering: l & SAUCKIt Hog. $1.00 PFCIAL at 1- I' & SAUGBK Ilof. $1.95 M C IAL at 50c 75c CANDY SPECIAL (For This Week) MARY AL1SS CARAMELS 30c a pound lie sure to vote for your candidate in the Doll Contest Ormes Ltd. Jit Pioneer Dntqtjists fhones: SI U Hefish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Dally Ity Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, Lid. mers leave Prince Kupert fer Vancouver via Ocean Fall and way rtmsi Princess Adelaide, Fridays 10 00 p m. '"i VANCOUVKIt: direct: Princess Norah, Dec 1st, I7h, Jan. 1st, J KKTCIIIKAN. WltANOKI.U JUNKAl! and SKAt.MAV. Pilncess Norah, Ic 13th, 28th. Jan Hth-l-ow Winter Exrarslsn Fares to Vancouver and Mium Tickets on sale Nov. 10, 1033 to Ffb. 38. 1934. Flral return limit March 31. 1034 W. I. COAYES. General Agent. Prince Itupert. H.u UNION STEAMSniPS LIMITED leumws lrv Princ ftHlwri for Vinn-'uvrr TSS. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY. 1:30 I'-M. ThnrMl, Vi.i ixn rn kita wyiim, arriving vhimx-iw alifrttcon T-S.S, CARDENA EVERY FltlDAY MIDNIGHT. Arrlvlrm Vancouver Miniiv AM ,rvl " N , Wnklv )llln to Tort 8UiJwi. Alk Ann. Anyox. T"" . P "NCR IIOUNH SOCIAL WINTER EXCUItSlON RATE. Ul'I'ERT TO VANCOUVER, $St CMeah and llerlh "r;",'fd-) On Sale Nov 10 to Feb, 28, return limit March 31. iw. JJ", i; y'-rmnlinn renaming Ml nvlnK ai " ' 1 r1()M, sM "..,r, iiii-r.iir .1111,1 1 iinrn I! 8. J. Jabour returned to the city on the Catala this morning from a week's business trip- to Premier. Anglican Baaaa r poM poned sale of Japanese novelties, Japanese Mission, Thursday, Dec. 7th, 3 to 5 p-m. 232 ! Mr. ami Mrs. E. L. Lewis and i Miss Mildred Lewis of Poreher Is land have been visitors In the city the end of the week. Vlstt the Dollar Store Annex on 6th street and ee their display ot Xma toys and noreltles. Bveryv thins; marked at' our usual low prices. 28 Father Coaanet O.M.I of Smith era retarnea to Uie Interior by yesterday afternoon's train alter hav-inz been here tar the past week attending a retreat of Oblate Fathers. Montreal Importers an6 Cut Rate 8hoe Store are ofl;:1n? live per cent discount to all cwtomer M.epjilng wHh etty rlpt This wu; enable people on relief to set a little more for their money. Father N. Oocola O.M.I.. veteran missionary priest of the n.vrth who hua been atteFxitag a retreat ot Oblate Fattim here daring the I put week, wUt be in the city for Lee rvatlvr Industrial school on Fraaer Lake danger f causing delay to itre department passing in the event f fire calls. DetaHti by calling at WWes It- ! nttle staff of the PTtrtce Rupert Fist rrt?s Epertaietital Station was the speaker at thv regular wrefcty luncheon of the Prince Rupen Gyro Olub at the IfcMtoH Cafe to day. IVeftkhut T. W. Brawn was Int the chair. a Wong Hong. Chteeae. charged with driving to the eotnmon dan-rrr as an outcome of an automobile smah-up on SeHion Two hrklge lat Saturday morning, wa fined $10. with option of seven days imprisonment, by Magistrate Mc-GlymaMt In city police court yes-rrday afternoon. He paid the fine. Hotel Arrivals Royal P. D, Bannerman. Vancouver: Fred Laaoriok, H seel ton; John Miller, rlty; S. Snidal. Onapaeo. Crntral J. Hadsand. Oona Rlwt; R.Het ten. T. JOhannsen. C. H)er!can amt R. BeH, Prtnee Rupert; Roy Late nd Bd Storey. ONJl. Prince Itupert O. OHlesjie. Oceanic: WittlamA. FtMind. Ottawa. Announcements W. A. Canadian Legion Bazaar, Eagles Hall, Dec 3. United Church Baaaar Deo. 7. Sons of Norway Xma Tree Dee. 30, Moose Hall. Saltation Army Christmas program, Dec. 37. Hocmanay Dance. Queen Mary Chapter. December W. Moose Hall Basketball. 7 pin, every Monday and Thursday 6th Moose Lodge meets. 8th-vrc H Whlst-Hrldge, Uth W. O. T M. meets. 20thMoose Lodge meets. 23rd-Boxlng Matches. 24th Moose Christmas Tree. 26th -8, O, N. Xmas Tree 20th Lief EKkson Xmas Trte .TH2 " DAH.T NZWa vasai LOCAL NEWS NOTES Coats. 29 discount, "Demurs'." Mr. and Mrs. A. Rowing of Lewis Island arrived in the city at the end of the week for a brief visit to town. a bay your Christmas f present fram Gordon's Hardware.. A large selection or gifts at prices to suit every case and pocket. A small deposit will hold any arttrle. tl Ends a Cold SOONER Miss Christie McLeod has Jolnec. the stat! of the Annettes Ladies another week before returning to . 9r Company W E. Drake, local manager o: Etfward Lipsett Prtnee Rupert i Ltd.. sailed this afternoon on the Tiw city poKee are urging auto-Jcaa-ia to, . art. t uimmm- mobile owners, while tte snow 1st on the atoand to refrain. far as , K. OabVik local manager of jHrtb)e, from jawktog ears on nar-lth, trfTt-Cnairlan On returned ow streets so at share- may be nol lhe clty ctala aIter making. Um routM. trip to Anyox and Stewart on bustaeaa. Maud Vena ladlaa, for drunken ness, was fined $40, wlU opuon oi lano to load canned salmon lor ..- imnrt,m.nt k Vancwunr. Vntan steamer O-! jftnratc McUymont m cKy poMce Caot. Janus Fiday. awivd yesterday afternoon. She paid kji l ij ft.i nuun uimj iiwh u XJtkt fin 6 points and the south sailed at 1:30 fm. tfx Dr. Robert Bedford of the set Woodworking Class Evening dnsses m woodwork and cabinet making wtti be organteed i Booth 8chool Friday. December 8. W. V Tattersall.-tnstructor Fees -men, $1.66 per month: boys. $1.60 per month All Interested are asked to attend. Phone Blue 378 for further Information, Time 8:00 p.m. net oulck remit with a want ad UaViat B 1j !.! Bi BUB J aUl SUMMIT CASH MEAT MARKET fresh Killed Bulklcy Valley Meat Hound Steak- per lb. frime Rib Rofl par lb Homp IWasV-pec . THoe Fteaaf- per lb Dtef Ir 1 tea. ... Fresh Best Tongue per lb "ueg of Veal Pr lb. Leg of Lamb per lb Pork Chop per lb Veal Outlets per lb. Lamb Chaps per lb Shoulder Lamb per lb. lUmburgef 3 lbs. Stew Beef 3 lbs Bologna per lb. Pot Roast 4 lbs - Corn Beef 4 lbs Spare Rlbs- ; pw ib Fresh Flounders ' 12ic 15c 12ic 15c 25c 18c 15c 18c 18c 15c 15c 10c 25c 25c 15c 35c 25c 10c We accept city scrip PROMPT SERVICE ASSURED We Deliver Phone 6C6 Night rhftne: Red 911 P, HERTEL bib twrmru rurumimmmicMvm COURT IN DECEMBER Fire Civil Cases and Two Appeals On Docket For Consideration or Judce W. E. Fisher With five civil cases, two appeals and three naturalization applications on the list. County Court was In regular monthly session before judge W, E. Fisher yesterday. The calendar for the- month U as foU lows: Canadian Lumber Yards vs. H. R. F:ot. $99.78. R. L. McLennan for plaintiff. Patmore It Fulton for de-; fendant, stands. ' Christina Onrtleh vs. VJetor An-televich. $109.95. account for board and lodgings. R. L. McLennan for pi.iuauff . WillianH, Manatn. Brown It Harvey for defendant, stands. BrynHdsea & Sons Ltd.. i Bella C ota. vs. Dick Show. $18850 L"ods sold and delivered: Brynlid-n ti Son Ltd. vs. Timothy 6nowv $1J80. Bryniidaan & Sons Ltd. va. WilHam TaOta, $207.40. Patmore & Fulton for plaintiff. Williams, Man-son, Brown It Harvey for Defendants, stands. Appeals Rex vs. W. II. Msikin Co. LUU appeal of crown against dismissal by i Magistrate McClymont m city po-I lice court of caaa under Game Aat. R. L McLennan for crown, stands. Re vs. Frattk Oomez appeal of crown aeatnt dismissal by Magls-! trate McClymont in city police court 'of charge of taking automobile , without consent of owner, stands. WHY BAKE XMAS CAKE? It's easier and better to buy it at Vans Bakery Makers of High Class Bread, Cakes and Pastry Your Announcer It-E-G-A-L Speaking News Flashes After a delayed trip through rail troubles the Regal Shop has received a fresh supply of 'Monarch Yarns." This is the last aMuntent at the aid prices. Ring Red 836 and reserve your winter and spring requirements, thereby saving 30 s Our Christmas Cards are finding favor. Reserve yours while the assortment is large. Step In and look over our fine assortment of Inexpensive gifts. Oood night, see your tomorrow s. R. s. ; lune m topics HIGH LIGHTS MONDAY. DEC. 4, 1933 fl 30- Big Show. KOIN. 7:30 L. Romanelll Orchestra, CFCN. 8:30- Will Daly Orch., with Richard Crooks. KOMO. MS NBC Drama. Hour. KOMO. TUESDAY. DEC. 5, 1933 6:30 Nina Martini. Tenor. CFCN. CRCV. 7:00 Darlc Quartet. KJR. 8:15 Memory Lane, KOMO. 9:30- Magnolia Minstrels. KOMO. WEDNESDAY. DEC 6, 1933 6:00 H O Rangers. KOIN. 6 .'30 John McCormlck. KOMO. 7:00 Old Oold. KOIN. 9:00 Walt j Time, KOMO. THURSDAY, DEC. 7. 1933 6:00 Imperial Grenadiers, CFCN. 6:30 Dramatic Oulld, KOIN. 8:00 Josef Hornik's Orch., KJR. 8:30-Slng Sam, KOIN. and Remember We offer you a ' modern, efficient and reliable Radio Service Superior Radio Service Phone Blue 320; 336 2nd. Ave. LOOK FOR THE TOWER Kts i COME TO TOYLAND! Toyiaod. Jojtand. Oome and et the largest display of Toys ever shown in Priae Rupert. Bigger and better than ever. Wonderful value in Toys of all kinds. The entire stock Is plainly marked for your convenience, so oeme, without obMaatien and see tham all. f Boats - Trains Airplanes - Steam Engines - Magic Lanterns MECCANO ABC Blocks Picture Blocks Sleighs - - Tlnkertojr - - Games - Tay Kitchen Sets - Brooms - Sew&g Machines - All Kinds of Pull Tys - Fluffy Animals - DOLLS - Doll Carriages DeH Outfits - Blackboards - TOY DISHES. Etc., Etc., Etc. BOOKS For Everyone . And don't forget Tree and Home Decorations, Seals. Tags. Tissue, Faney String. Etc. LADIES' FUR COATS received a shipment of Ladies' Fur Coats, In latest styles, at very attractive prices. We guarantee these coats to be as represented. Your inspection is cordially Invited. Buy or arder your Coat or Neckwear with confidence here. Opposite McCutcheons J. CLONES very -i-iaaaaiiiuiaiaiifi si Third and Sixth St WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS Owl , aL, in ii w ch&rACter we cell It's sure to you REPLENISHING PHONE US We have coals suitable for all your requirements and at prices to suit all purses. PHILP0TT, EV1TT & CO. LTD. Phone 618 Coal Prices Alberta's Best Lump $12.50 Alberta's Best Egg 11.50 Alberta's Best Stove ; . . j 11,00 Pembina Etjtjr . . . lliSO Dry Jack and Cedar, per load 5.00 Local Wood, per cord 6,00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 COAL! COAL!; i Out Famous Edson, Alberta, and ! Bulkley Valley Coals are gu&ran- teed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. Wt also sell Timothy Hay, Wheal Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. u rnones s&s j For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W, C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Or en 241 Pbsnes Green SI9 Exchange Block la 'SB Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping Ss General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me Phone Blaek 121 GEO. J. DAWES ii r i i . m r i