r Phone 77 TAXI (TOMMY'S) Stand, Capitol Thratre Mock Any time, anywhere, 50c Is the fare. 7-Passenger Chrysler Car AT CAPITAL itlrf lierullvr. f United States Hick In Washington After Two Weeks at Warm Sprints -JJINCTOK. D.C, Dec 5 -' be ireaUy benefitted ' i ' t the two weeks' chante. ' ."SSrsSS, Vancouver Boy 1 1 in spring. Oa . and waa k at work at hU office In House with many crtU- ' ms requiring his Imme- ni ion. v announcement regard- monetary policy w in the President. It Is an- Pin.!.' .... -'iauiuu iiniiir un Rhodes Scholar ratrirk Duncan MrTatgart Cowan, Aged tt. Awarded Coveted Scholastic Honor : that he will make some VANCOUVER Dec 5: iCPi -Pat- statement In favor of rick Duncan McTaggart Cowan. a-" 'V " i year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Me- i proclamation of the re- Taggart Cowan of North Van con ''in- Eighteenth Amendment, ver. has been chosen British Col urn -Hie end of national prohl- Ma Rhodes scholar for the year .'i Uie United States, was to from a list of thirteen candidates. ' by the errtef execuUve to-, He was born In Edinburgh. Scotland j and has lived here nine years. New York Exchange jbhot liy DlITglar; V YORK. Dec. 5: CP-After tuatlon during the course Dies In Toronto the British pound sterl- ' i at $ft.M' and the Cana- TORONTO Dec 2 Johnny Cox l ir at $l.01 on the local well known Toronto rugby player 'xdiange yesterday The died here yesterday from wound : fiune closed at .0602. All sustained last Thursday night when 'J ousiderabIy for the day , he was shot by a burglar. Devoted Mother and Three Children Safe in Hospital At Ketchikan After Wreck KETCHIKAN, Dec. 5: (CP)-Mrs. K. H. Cameron" and three children wore safe in hospital here yesterday after a harrowing shipwreck experience. Three days ago a small gasboat with Mr. and Mrs. J'ameron and a man companion, John Valchek on ward crashed during a storm Into the side of a rocky jsland and sank almost immediately, those aboard wing barely able to escape to shore with their lives. After building a fire, Cameron and the other man out in the dinghy to -get help. The dinghy swain-Pert .and Mrs. Cameron, seeing this, believed the two wen had perished. A short time Inter, the tide came 1P and almost extinguished the fire but Mrs. Cam-wn was able to carry the embers to higher ground ami re-kindle it and keep it going. Cameron and the other manafter the swnmpinu of the dinghy, had been able to struggle ashore and leach n fox fai 'nior who summoned a forest patrol vessel. Mrs. Cameron and her children wore rescued after being marooned for two days. DRY LAW Slronr liquor To Be lipcnc, Across IJne More freely Than Here WASIIINOTOK DC. December a - National prohmhMon. which was imrxwed In 1919. came to an eiui in uie united states today with th lasuaoe by President Franklin D. Roosevelt of an official nroclama- Uon of repeal of the Bghteentn Amendment In awenty states oi Union K became legal today to ,U sUong liquor and half a doseii more are rushing through legisla tion whereby It will be leaallse i bfore the end of the year. Regulations under which Hquo may be sold vary consloerablv In the different states but. generally peaklng, H sale will be perml-1We tn hotels, restaurants, taverns nd wholesale stores. With the legalisation of liquor ale and the new revenue becom- ng available to the federal government thereby. It Is expected hat a number of the so-oalteo 'nuisance taxes" will soon be re- Utah delegates, casting their of- fletal ballot today unanimously In favor of repeal following the recent referendum, made that state Uie twentieth In which sale ot liquor becomes legal today. Members of Royal Air Force Killed PEWSEY. Wiltshire. Eng., Dec. 5: tCPI-Pilot Officer C. Llewellvn and Sergeant J. C. Hopkins of the1 Royal Air Force were killed vester-! 'day when their plane crashed in! I names. Three Million Men Get Employment on U.S. Public Works WASHINGTON, D.C, December 5- A total of Uircc million min ilme been returned to employment ir tnis country as a result of various undrttokmcs Instituted bv th public works administration, it Is announced by Secretary of the In-" tenor ickus. mllti DEFUNCT United States Wet Again Today Af ter Thirteen Years of Aridity Manner of Sale meeting here today, issued a statement expressing Italy's opinion that without partld- nation of such nations as Unl- ted States, Rustle, Jtpan and Germany, the Limsuo nf n. Uons had lost Hi effectiveness In connection wtwi interna- Mortal affairs. 4 a Upward Swing In FUNERAL OF SIR ARTHUR Last Kites For Great Canadian Soldier Solemnized With Full Military Honors MONTREAL. Nov. 5: i CP (With full military honors and representatives of all phases of Canadian public and educational life in at tendance, the funeral took place here today of General Sir Arthur Currie. principal of McGlll Univer sity and commander-in-chief of the Canadian Army Corps In France during the latter part of the Great War RELIEF IS DISCUSSED Pattullo and Other Western Premiers in Session New Proposals Made VICTORIA, Dec. 3: (CP-About mid-way through the conference of the premiers of the four western provinces here yesterday, Premier T. D. Pattullo of British Columbia announced that new plans for taking care of single unemployed men had been under dlscuslon. General proposals on the subject of unemployment relief would be submitted to the federal government following the conferenco, Premier Pattullo stated. 4 Britain Continues. Many Employed LONDON, Dec. 5: Hri-tish industry continues its steady upward -swing. The number of employed on November 20 numbered 31,000 more than on the same day in' the previous month and 597,000 nvore jjian a year ago. EARNINGS INCREASE Substantial Improvement Reported Ry Two ItrilKh Lines Operating To Far East LONDON. Dec. 5: The P. and O. I -tnd Orient Lines, both of which op-! rate steamship serviesa to Austra-; tasla vnd the Orient, announce substantial increases in evenue for the lt fiscal year In comparison with Ute one immediately previous. The P. and O. Line announces an increase in receipts for the year of ll.seo.oeo while the Orient Line an nounces profits increased by $900.- 000. Tomorrow's Tides H1?h 3:58 a.m. 18.2 ft. 15:24 pjn. 19.4 ft. 9 O. Low 0:42 a.m. 9.7 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMMA'S NEWSPAPER 22:20 pjn. 4.7 ft. xxiv No. 28 1 v.: PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1933 PRICE: FIVE C0. jresidet 0 United IN SESSION Twenty-One Nations Represented ! At Pan-American Gathering 1 In .Montevideo Many Problems Mexican Dclecate Makes Proposal For Central Bank and Silver Currency J i CKNTH y OOSEVLLT IS MEETING OPPOSITION LARGE PARTY OF INTERIOR VISITORS DUE HERE TONIGHT Seventy-Five Persons Coming This Evening On Special Excursion Terrace to Have Largest Delegation, Numbering Twenty-Five or More Dinner to be Tendered on Thursday Evening me seventy-five visitors are exiiected in town from us interior jwinU aboard tonight's train on the spe- o-nt-a-mile round trip fare excursion which hag been n !y the Canadian National Railways. Some fifty are to be coming from various agency points between v'.v and Prince George with about twenty-five from .Terrace. Those coming from non- n A AOrt 7T! HP ency P"u more or less of KllllNr Vrl I an uncertain quantity as they will 1JJULj T UU 1 . buy their UckeU on the train. The train was reported thli morning to be due to arrive on time at 10 pjn The Ulterior visitors will return home either on tomorrow afternoon's or Friday afternoon's train. Under emptc of the Prtaee fUmri Chamber of Commerce a dinner is te tendered tu their honor Thursday evening. GRAIN KING IS CHOSEN Frank Isakson of FJfros, Sask Gets Prlxe at Bit Show In Chicago CHICAGO, Dec 5: (CP) Frank Isakson of FJfros, Sask, with an exhibit of Iteward wheat, was yesterday awarded the title of Wheat King at the International Hay and drain Exposition here. William Rogers of Tap pen. B.C. carried off the reserve champion-ihlp In the wheat sweepstakes with mindum type of Durum. This Is the eleventh occasion on which the coveted award has been received by a Saskatchewan far mer. Alberta has won eight times and .Manitoba once. ITALY FEELS LEAGUE OF NATIONS IMPOTENT Grand Council, following a States Criticised On 4 Kcpublicans Charge Chief Executive With Trying to Set J Up Dictatorship bv Muzzlinc PnhhV Onininn Keorganization Coming? : WASHINGTON. D.C IW 5 P iooseveIt is continuing to meet with increasing opposi-montevideo, Uruguay. Dec. 5: tion and criticism both from within and without his party With twenty-one nations reore- in ennnprtinn u-irVi liic fic.nl ..1 'v..' .... .. . v . .i.-vui ciiiu iilUHCldl V JI iL' I tl ill. 1 n&. aU the South and Central America, trw seventh Pan-American Conference opened its sessions here on Secretary of State Cordell Is the head of the United States delegation which Includes Mrs. Breckenrtdge. it being the first oc casion on which women have been admitted as delegates to the American currency backed at least in part by .silver ARRAIGNED IN CHICAGO Trial of )r. Alice Wynckoop. On Charge or .Maying Dauthlrr-In-Law, Set For January CHICAOO. Dwmber 5 Dr. Alice Lindsay Wynekoop was arraigned here yesterday on a charge oi murder tn connection with the -trance death of her dauajrUer-ln-lw, Mrs, Rheta Wynexoop, whose ciead body was found recenUy on an operating room table In the basement of Dr. Wynekoop s mansion here and who is alkri tn have been shot after an overdose of cloroform had been administered. Dr. WynekooD Pleaded not tullty to the charge and the teki was set for early In January. The 62-year old woman physl-'lan collapsed after rising from the 'ot in her cell before being taken i the courtroom. Cattle Stealing Charge is Laid Serious Allegation Laid Against Two Rclla Coola Men Cow Belonged to Indians Inspector John A. Fraser. provincial police, sailed this afternoon for Ocean Falls where he will conduct the prosecution in a cattle stealing rase from Bentlnck Arm In the Bella Coola district. Two men. John L. Fisher and Garfield Germyn. are -harged with shooting and butcher-Ing a cow belonolne to Indian. They were arrested at the south enn of Bentlnck Arm on McCoskrle Til. and In Johnston Channel. They have engaged counsel from Van. couver for the defence. His Financial Policy f ..... v....fe...b jMtoiutm, wiui-trymu to esiaDiisn a - . . .. . . .... JTSS Patients Brought Out By Planes to Edmonton Monday Is Worse Again TOKYO. Dec. 5: CP Hon. Her bert M. Marler. Canadian minister to Japan, recovering from an attack ot pneumonia, suffered a relapse yesterday and returned to hosnltal which he had left only Sunday for nome. HEARST IS VITRIOLIC Delivers Sharp Attack Upon Former Governor Smith For Opposition To Roosevelt Plan NEW YORK, Dec. 5:-WUllam Randolph Hearst, newspaper publisher, has made a sharp attack upon Former Governor Alfred E. Smith for his opposition to President Franklin D. Roosevelt's currency plana. Hearst makes the statement that Smith represents the factor in United States financial affairs which "has robbed and plundered the country before and wishes to do so again." Northern Pioneers In Big Re-union Nine Hundred Sourdoughs Gather At Function In Seattle Eat Moose-Meat , SEATTLE. Dec. 5: Nine hundred sourdoughs. Including a large delegation from Vancouver, ate moose meat at the annual reunion of the Alaska-Yukon Pioneers' Association here. SILVER AND COPPER ON NEW YORK MART NEW YORK. Dec. 5: CP Silver dosed at 43 on the local metal market yesterday and copper at 8c KJicuiMfrenip oy suppressing public opinion, u alleged that the chief executive was attempting to muzzle the press and radio. "The financial policy of the president is not working because it Is not workable," the statement. Is sued In pamphlet form, said A new rrnrraniTttlan nf the nn. Trade and financial problems af -v tUJf,lUNIUN- Uec : tCPt- jSWent's economic and fiscal advls-festtnc the vartous nations of Bf,nJ,rlK In woman and y ataff is expected before the end North and South Amerlea Wlfi pm-, JW JlJMJdjaeieif the yearSeaetamjUie Trea-ride the main subject of discussion aMd Irom polnte furthr rrorth. fry Wlffiim vWfn.TbW taking At Uie opening a plea was made for Arcftl McMUn and Punch leave of absence owin to illness, U restoration of peaec among eon- Jkkf!Ia o Canadian Airways pecied to resign as well as other riicUng nations of South America.1 pwn nere yeieraay.i"rci ui ine iTcaasry Depart- i ment. can delegation offered a draatie pro- HnrrtAff Mnrloi rwsal for Uie MUblkhmnt nt ..HUUCll lTlctlier central banking system for United States, Central and South America and the setting up of a new Pan- Canadian Minister to Japan. Who Has Had Pneumonia, Suffers Relapse Yesterday General Hugh S. Joruuon. of the National Recover? Act. yesterday yielded to demands of .the labor unions to be represented on the general N R A. advisorv board. CONTROLLING EXCHANGES New Pederal Legislation To Be Introduced at Forthcoming Session of United States Congress WASHINGTON D.C Dwr a It was announced yesitttay that irgisiauon wowd be Introduced at the forthcoming session of nan. ?reas by .Senator Fletcher of Hor- Kia providing new fedml nmh. Uons for the control of trmdinc , the stock exchanges of this Impeachment Of Rolph is Asked Resolution Maklnr ThU n..,.. Passed by Los Angeles Lawyers Club LOS ANGELES. December 5 The Los Angeles Lawyer's Club paased a resolution Mstardav ask. uig for the Impeeohment of Governor James Rolph by the State Assembly for his attitude In connection with the hmohkng of Thurmond and Jack Holmes, kid- murderers of Brooke Hart of Jose. Light Trading In Stock Mart New York Exchange Had ((ulrtest Hay Yesterday Since April Wllh Little Change In Values NOW YORK. December 5 Yes-terday was marked by the lightest trading on the New York Rtnrk Exchange since tast April The Industrial average at closing was wuw. ou .78; rails. $38 54. up 43 UtUrtioa, 33.20. up 18 and bonris j81.12, up .40. 1 ' i 1 i . ; Mil i ti '"1 'J' 1 '