that iwo THE DAILY- NEWS THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT' BRITISH COLUMBIA Piiblls'ned ve'ry kftefnoon, tototpt "Sunaay. by Prince fRurrt Dally News, Umltd,l'JThtrdfAveEoe fi. F. PULLEN - taanaglng-Edltor Classified advertising, per word, per tiuurtidn 301 tTegSl tfotlces, each Insertion, per agate line 15 'Local readers, 'per lnse'rtloh. "pet line 55 Contract fates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Editor and Reporters' Telephone - 86 DAILY EDITION IS HITLER JEWISH? Saturday, Jy W33 : An effort is being made, 'with-apparent success, to prove 'ikat Adolnh Hitler. anti-Jewish chancellor ot Germany, is himself of Jewish descent. Accordinc: to a despatch from Harbour SHEDIAC IS ALL READY New Rrunr.wick Tort lo Jteceive Air 'Armaria o'f Italy Now In Iceland ntfri fr rwenity-ithree shltw TSheilac "Day located en e east coast o: fttf. "Bru swt?k. oh Nor-tbtwbertftnd Btndt. h a bwiuWful landlocked bay of about 20 square SURSCRIPT10N RATES mUes area. City delivery, byitoaU'o'r',earrlei,.yearty!perioat pald in advance . $5.1)0 Possibly the gmtest Inducement For lesser periods, paid In -advance, per week "... .10 for air craft to use Snadiac -Bay 4s By mail to tfll paftS'ol British Cohfmbla. the Brftfsli rilre and the abMritse af leg. -1Mb 'teat 'eon , United "States, paid In advance, per yeat 3)00 trtbuted iMRe dftMt in w By mail to all other countries, per year 9j00 aelectlefc r Mmte "By by th- Tlalla - Air TVllttl k Mt1 !hw World Flyer Had to tome Down Jn Nordi Willi Motor Trouble (Continued Irom Paee 1 Hhdnght Wt firt Northland mtgHt bring Mattern to Prince Rupert or some point Tn Southeastern Al-skti Where he '-could be mote easily , -. .picked -np-than wouW be possible t Beautiful Iilorkfd Bay To Re Nome and then bring him via Canadian Ba?e For 23 Planes tTlnee Rnpert 'to Terrace or some") , . other Interior ("point where he, BHEDIAO. N.B-, July "8 fC P c6uldbe taken abord the Alexarr- Itf CWuftan tending place of dgr plane and flown back to New Italy's Eleventh Year Fascist Cm- York. This was before ft was lear- ade planes, flying from kame to that he Mattern plane was wiTOgo. oi.cawc nas oee- an agog undanmged and able to .proceed TOT SCVCTWI 13 ays "ftWttmg We 3T- Alexander iUtd that, in order to nhLainpd and meet Mattern. Alex il 5neral Ita, Balb0, ItaII2 ship H.t ef the fMd -iwarder also -intimated that, after avr wun later, amd o.s reat aerial -u... ,m j. k tnCMriMi tending on Wettneselay afternoon, "ihe off vifh the relief ptafee light It weuJB be rtessay for film to Trffl Terra ant ptoeeed lo 8m- Uke off alone with a light load of h-r:: or Prince Oeorge where he gas and fly to the small flying would b? able to take on the entire field either at Haaelton or Smlthers irry and fry beeic -to New York, where It would still e problemati- 'Other ePwlhle Aircraft cal whether or not it would be pos- Two otrn wirctbft are ateo trr the Con44nue his flight to Bdmonton. Atrarwfmerrte ham altaaty been ADVERTISING RATES fft. th- -frt. nlaH( TmMfcKby tek!rt(r'ddw a fence display advertfHrffe.-'piS Irilli, per Insertion 1140 amMM 'Air' otcT m,Pe -cutUrg Another feature of imptfftanee Is down arne tree to gie he the fadt that the loealfty .par- TMWW P"I?r w-rmncr ron. tfmterty strtted for the transmls- ma 1n 5nn lrie sftm nd reerjtWi of reitvme- "Personal fHend Prague his grandfather was . named Abraham and his diac ts th eniy stpiommn to 4 lexarwar . tuma of the relief grandmother Esther and the nameAvas originally Hiedler rtea. 'expeaitwn. aHhai an African. 'whiPh was enrrunted into Hitler. It is sumrested that the mrt1 yJr Bervefl mFfaneea a ptiot with the .ofl1U. mo,r tnvnaA Vv ffrft SJqc tr, vpsifm if it is . Hoyal Canadian Air found that he is a Jew. But he won't. The Nazi movement making preparations for the ar- "Was created by Hitler. Without him the country would rival f the squadron wweh eon probably have gone Communist. MYSTERY OTCHANfiE Today the pouhd is above.par but nobody seemsto know just 'why. For years "tne Canadian dollar has-been at a discount in the United States bat-none of rthe explanations as ststs ot 38 large sea-planes, with about 160 men under the eem-mand of General Balbo, the Italian Minister of Aviation, wrtb General Pellegrini as next In command. Still At Ireland The expedition, which is bound for the Century of Progreaa Bxao- sttton at Chicago, was still at ReJ- Force and is now engaged In commercial Hying In New York. Fred Fetterman and Harold Pdraon are engaged with the mechanical department of the lock heed-Vega -AlreraR Oorpom-l Uon. and Thomas Abbey is a New York poMee officer. Their Bettanoa plane Is equipped with a XM h p. Wright Whirlwind engine. The relief eapadWen has been keeping hi -etefle touch wtth Mat- itothe reason for it have been-satisfactorv. Some bankers v.v ti.i -w tern'a wtfe, who is staying with re "WlllsaV it is because the balance of trade is against Can- favorable wwther eendWans be- UUve l Walla Walla, Wash., and 'attaWt that is not a satisfactory answer because the cost eaaarteg the i6ooniep to h0""' Ray "u-wno u " 6? cash from Canada United States vice oTSe sending to or JnS Z way m t-re from rerre 6TSa lS.very small. There must become Other reason. N&- I4jfM,kr plta, rJ yeaterday-aiterneon. the speeder on turally if a currency is inflated it. becomes worth less in bean making almost a toiri p"y Mn .tKo-mnrVRtsnf t.hP wnrlrlJuit Tin intimation hntl neen rfven holldav in connection with the alight accident and Abbey that Canadian currency was inflated. Possibly it was. via ot the airmen, asoonimg to t 1 11 ? ii. . advices tuiviAM rrsinhlnr reaching hr here, people naniiiii cam- ran am What it wotiKl seem snoum be tne simpio&i filing in me World is really the most mysterious. METAL5 CLUvmnsT, The price tff metals, particularly silver and copper is climbing -Steadily in spite of the 'apparent failure of the Ijflrftlnn econonlic cdrifercnce of which so much was expected. At the present rate of increase the silver mines should be operating again soon -and copper production speeded up. Copper companies will be looking for new .properties and there will be a general stimulus to mining the baser metals. This is one of the signs of the financial recovery which is taking place. HURRY UP! Our special off ercloses Saturday. To -get the low rate send in your clothes now. Men's Suits and CI 1,UU Jflft Overcoats Xadles' Coats $1.00 Ideal Cleaners Second Street Phone 858 We Call and Deliver ran fi For Your Health 'Chiropractic Ultra Violet TUys intra Red Rays Massare All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINAlX D.C. (Chiropractor) '0reen41 "Phones Green 541 Exchange Block Summer Price on STOVE COAL $11,00 a ton HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 lf ytm Hose -anything, try a classified nd. lag Iron over the ejttait latacd t-view the great arvtatlon apeetaele. FACTOR IS STILL HELD Son -and Wife of -Jake thelUrber" Unable to Raise StS.OOO to Secure Millionaire's Releate GHIOAGO. July 8 John Farter, poitlWy better known as "Jake the Barber." notorhms msUtonatre speculator, was still belg held captive yesterday for S7S,000 ransom with his son. Jerome Factor, vainly striving to raise the money to secure his father's release from gangsters by whom he ws Irid 61 -year ofd speculator. LOCAL NEWS Ulned minor head cuts which were bound up by a local physician after his arrival. Forest Banger S O named Hall who. as a fuember of the Ambulance Corps during the Great war. reamed hhu (Alexander! tn an uneonaetmn condition after he had been shot down back t Amiens -while engaged ta an aerial combat wtth the Oermana. Alexander, on that occasion, was the only member ot a "dawn patrol'' of tlx Royal Canadian Air Force planes to "easne back." lie saatamed Injuries whleh gave him "Mighty" te England. Physical Impossibility" "A phyttoal uwyasatbUtty'' waa the skeptical remark df Alexander napped hMt Saturday. Desoto the this morning on being shown tele-elder factor's great wealth, neither graphic reports that the world Hyson nor wife have been so far able or would be able te continue bis to lay their hands on enough world flight from. Aaadlr. Siberia, monev to secure the release nf tiw after btfene asovided with a new motor. Alexander, apparently eon vlnced that it would have been lm poselble for Wattern to cerfttnae the M fuaht in Tils own tnaatiine, rmow- mg nu toreeo. wncmig, munaua p jpaHs; alanned to proceed north rOm TfRT. tffther byTfiaTlne waft or I alrcrafi. If a suitable one could be McLaren D. S. "O. vaneonm. wtem -ovnada m water if the uu Thlia luKiu mi) -ro Ihk TK i.almr iltf Am rlirf Cnl)lii 'AttWtTS. In diarve and faet t a -sfnan prtWe sfcftton vxemtm ate all peraenal -friends C. Shefly . fomw Tiawflweiai im-eraeted by the ltrtten Ah- force of Same rten tram 'BtookJyn nrf minister on baart "VJ" ln a mmnteatofl wWi vha -rfftet the MrorM flyer ecame Thte hsp waa expected to RC8n" mlaaf rig en efaaWfb to Nome Mtw' Crosrng Atlantic The other is also a r' THJp f Ms ttebegaelfftWwg flight. In w present ease the Itl-eraTy the 'Hmmetol aapport of ftwn Alrwiays wwen n'f tiw Tin Run tmw4mn n ih t.ii timih.. tmmr is ennced in fOuliiM peral iiymg 1 A I Y II r& lit vTJ limn, wfttjn w. . - weatrd Vonw is .Itcriv Heiiand. v.inin k. Ti.n.. MMniiu from Barns LCT t - u - ' wimTnl( I f V f . n. 1 Ireland, leelana. Labea. She- "King 'Brewery wfefch b now at ane rallott. pflot. A aiac, Mamreai CMeato. The Te- Yrtraee. 'ftfr the trameonttnenud turn b by the southern route -and fHght -ana. abandontnc their own js umeato, rrew Yore, tReoe iXhw. fr th MMitime. set out to oee. sen. -itaty. sw nv. - mb1 aeareh. WU as base with Snw Off Regularly The tuoeeasful flower garden needs a lot of aarberlna and manl- Cooper of Terrae was 4n eharge of rurtng to keep the speeder far the trip m bloom. o get it in conUSMKMs the sclaaors and A rather unique Incident for Pi- tmn rody snap off atl lading lot Alexander occurred while at woatns every day or two to prevent Terrace this week when be renew- 4 ictmatson whseh tennfeietet ed aoquatatanee that wtth a man the Meomlnt tMavod of moat .pianu. Panataa naed oanaaant attention in this line If the pansy Is given a chance te seed It atops and does 11 All smtruals need 1Mb wttehtlon and a large number of the perennials as well Canterbury bells, peach-leaved bell-flowers and columbines will give two craps of bloom If seed pods are nipped as fast as the flowers taste. Today's Weather Terrace Cloudy, southeast wind temperature M. Aiyanah-Llght wind. H. Anyox Cleady te rata, aalm, StewartCloudy, -ealm. 54. Ilaselton Clou. eahn. VI. Smlthers Chmdy, oakn. ram night. M. clouds, south lOU BROUILLARD HAS DECISIVE VICTORl' IN r MICKEY WALKER ROOT : BOSTON Julv : (Canadian iJWfrirt M service to go north and Press -Lou Broulllard. for- meet Mattern on the Northland. He merly of St. Eugene's, Quebec. ,xiirnrtn was sitta assumM that ''beedme a cwrtewdet "it the-, Mtin'R dun nlane was out of world's middleweight twr s -eoTrttnulng HMonsmp he world flight was concerned. AlrMntw ffftftefl 'rhis 'morning wMih his backers In ?New York by 4m dtMMfce lleHfkhdne nd lntl-nted to bem that he and hls In Bums Lake Part etear, wtndy MacOallum. maiMaw ot the Thomas H. Priest, who lias been airrttely that he naa given up tne Bnk of Montreal. la leaving on a holiday trip to Bdmotitdq, returned to the city on this afternoon's tfgffA. Idea of flying north from here In rltv tonbrht on the Prinee Rupert hU ov.-n.pbHe and announced that for vtctorta where he wl.)oln Mrs. he was now endeavoring to secure trie tervfeeaof a United Steteegov- Mles Swatia Otafson returned to emmeflt marine era ft or a suHaWe AaflMt 2, the Htf bn this afternoon's twin """ran n wracn w.-proeeeo wmrw eutter 'Northland, bring Mm baek to Prtnee Rupert and 'fly htm back 'to "New York In the relief plane whleh is now t Terrace. Seaplane Avallsnle Alexander about noon today was advised toy the United States consul MacCallum. who laakeady hetiday-lng there. He plans to return about frem'B'brWftrlptoherTKimea'tOs- to'meet Mattern on the eoaetguard f4.4.44e land. Mrs James Robertson df Cams by arrived In the city from the Interior On flUs wftetnoofl's twfln to enter the Prinee Ttupeft OenerftlHos-pMal Idr treahnent. ASKWITII WINNER KIAMONI) RCIlM.S e HiLBY. Bng.. July 8: (Ca- nadian Pneav-r. o. AtkwUh, Cambridge, won Ihe 'Diamond cham- of -Uie weoM n 4 Thursday night by thoroughly trouncing Mickey Walter in- ten rounds, winning eft-lit of' them. MRS. MOODY WINS AGAIN American Woman Defeat English! Opponent lo Retain Wimble- ! don Title WIMBLMX)N. Bna. July (Ca bbie 'for Wm to take off with his tllftrict -whlchiraiht be used by tb nadian Press) Mrs. Helen Will. wbol nartv and fMh aas to aitfaaader naMv to north if ne- ataoay remnea uie wimoiraon , . - - I 1 mi 1 I I kkl. One is a Junkers seaplane of the mmlrg by defeatlttg Miss fearath) Canadian Atrwwya IBlte! vUfch Round of England 6-. 8-J. Thr tnrs weatrwtbtnmd at Bella 'Bella set Von by MUMrtlound marked the' first the American star has dnoppaoi vrtferrfcrv -en route ta the -YMkon on a prospectlns trip with Col D. H. rn ttx years of stngles rompetlUon Baseball Scores Nationally rue New York ft. Chicago 6. Brooklyn 10, St. Louis 4. Boston ft, Cincinnati t. Amrriain(Lfagac Ottlmge 1, Thttaahilrta 1. Betrolta. N York 4. Hvth hH hks ntoiatsaath homer of the season In the first inning with one on. Bert Cameron is Honored by His Musical Friends On TrMay evening the Junior Bympheny Orchestra isembers and their friends invaded the heme of Bert Oameron In a saprprlse party To bM farewell to 'Bert who Is leav-.' ing for Banff to bike a course ta muite The evening was spent tn games. oenteata nd 'dancing Dainty re-freshmen U were served by the ladies. A TMsaesTtatlon was made by the yeuneeet Member of the eMheetra, T'hytHs KambMn te the MKder for his efforts in making the arenas tra a success. Oueato included Misses Kdith Jotmseone. KHeen Hantttln. Ehde Fratiba. Audrey Partem Ttielma Bawte, KUiyiiwaV Styles. Irma 'Bas-santeh. Messrs 0. McKlnfcy A De- vey, J. reer. T Johnstone. O and, wm i-fc. . - . r. fl . Mrs 7 8 Black. Mr and Mrs Oeo ' Johnstone Mrs A Iverson. Mr and Him P II Linsey and Mr and Mrs 8 Tlamblln JOHN D YBHAVN IS DELEGATE TO SMITHERS At the Prince Rupert Charriber of Commerce meeting last night John! Tfbhaim was appointed official jj tepTeaentaUve of the chamber at it the cenvenOon ot the Associated Boards of Trade of Central "British 1 rtehnnhla tn h hM at mirhan' August 3 and 4 Other members will probably be attending end the secretary was empowered to give credentials to any members who found they oouM make the trip The president sett it was very desirable that a strong representation be present. 'Norwegian Choir Coming to City The Nartka Singers' Club, num bers by-whleh featured the program of a big banquet which was staged by the 'Sons of Norway Lodge at Ketchikan on Tuesday of this week tn honor of visiting members of the Prinee Rupert Sons of Norway Ledge, Intend to visit Prinee Rupert this fall to put on a concert, ac cording to word received here. The 'hCre'tham flve-paaserer seaplane Sculls today wtth vrwo-Jrngth t Ketchikan Norska choir is resorted F. Dalby. who haateen -on Vtrlp was wvallable at keteirtkan and victory over N. L. Warren of to be a splendid musical organtsa- to Vaneeuver and BdmentAn, te- "reafdy'to fry nywtiete " Alexander Trinity School. Uon with fine voices and a high turned to the city on 'this -after- Immediately started to 'make eon- a class repertlre. Charles Homan la noon'a Ualn. tact with this plane with a -view toe ethe conductor. Saturday, July 8, 1. NEW GOODS Just Arrived Kitchen "Scales K'.trhon Srales WrtgU up "I. IWs "Bv"y feexfl cook will want one. You can wi-tgh baby o Qt 7? VfU-t iu wily Itf 0 T?rnlt Jars Wid Mouth Fruit Jttrs. dux. 0 S1.60 Roller Skates Boys' and OlrLi' Holler Skat- meed fnim S1.75 Kaien Hardware Smith Rlork Phone 3 Too many are trying 10 m- i. tar down they can go into h-n .. tot be badly burnt- Harry Km on Fosdick. A QoHar dollar leu leu v u u IJI take advantaKr of oar sununer service calls Have your set conditioned for the best reception, as summer reception regattas the utmost of your set Oet those baseball and special btoadeasu on the short waves -with a can Tei Wn rented from us for the event at reasonable rate Superior ry r 1 1 m Radio Service m 'Second Avenne. Phone Blue 320 r. o. iiox m A. O BARTLETT C. II INSULA NDRff M The AUCTIONEER Packing -Crating Wrapping ta Oenerat Furniture Repairs List your goods with me CEO. J. DAWES I'lione Black 120 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total rapacity 'ga.aao tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for liteel and Wood Vessels Iron and 'Brass Casting tier trie and'Aretylene Welding SB-ton 'Derrick for Heavy LIU Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled