MERRYFIELD KEEPS BUSY Mullen Orianltlng on Vancouver hltnd and doing Soon lo the Interior '!'! A. July 8:J. BAlerry- r known to the old time ' 'ivrs as "Joe." has cotn-' in organisation work; at "lis hi uommerc here tprrl ... Ik tt.iii.i. yea- pound pouna 4 w jiiuwii -vvniiig ascended to a new high " oi in Montreal. The Unl- T lu Ht. 4 I w a .. mtm Jim. I' and la now rounding up 1 Columbia ana u.c 1 "".i u havim no tMnaruu ob- a .iiu.1 In thi. GOHMM-Al- . e" ' " " ntueney, after whleh tt m r bout midway be- l.i will nmMH tn tha In An attempt U being mad to many randldatea as posatbto ii' id in the outaMe points tn ''i Ulfllira tnnu "omv4 nvn M "n.ibly good OoitMraUVOS, to mi nominanon in vanoou- il Vlctnrla hIum lkj final n 'Hons to the nnpartttlln,, U1 be mack. rotMi ur ? TO M.01 YKSTKHDAY . IN MONTIIOL MAItT a A, ' ""it"g to'telearBDhlo ad- Mi " l' r. rciclVMt , rived hv by lha the nannillai Canadkm 4 tween Ntmie and Dawson u ne wa. ordered t do so and moot Mattern there and fly him out. McClusksy madf It char that he could not move on such an expedition unUl Instructions to do so he received from his principal. Col. Spencer. It "TJ!rr-..-unw fexiav that Col. 8pei-r's plane was lmpractleabK for the purpose - boat. conroyinK the Tacontte yaeht-Ini lrty on a cruise In northern eliminated yesterday waters, vm also aitrnoon being lmprctl. able. i' tearing this mom Ing and Mlot McCluakey of Vancouver is about to leave tot)unmx nroute to Carnow with Col. Vie-tor Speneer'a piosctinf party. WIUlS still anxious vo w "r thing possible to speed up Uw m .... I-Hr i. u r wus doubtful as to in lUSurr I IUf avtwwlltlon. . trii.;. " r t'OUIMf v n.w It was at first Continue) on Pe 3 Tomorrow's Tides Today's Weather ii.g .. 2:03-a.m. 22.7 ft. ft 15:06 pjn. 20.4 ft. t Prince Rupert Raining, moderate 8:40 am. 0.2 ft. southeast wind: barometer, 21:'". m. 5.7 ft. 29.98; temperature, 54; sea choppy. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V XXtV No 158. WOktD PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1933 ENGINEER ISJAMED WASiltNOTON, DC. July 8-Arttrar E. Morgan, president of Anttoeh Coikte. famous experi mental technical school at Yellow Springs Ohio, has been chosen by Preatdent franklin D. Roosevelt aa director of the United SUtea gov ernment's vast U&eeejDOO Teanes- see Valley conservation program. Mr. Morgan, who la one of the most eminent civil engineer In the United Stale, has been consulting engineer on drainage and flood control DfolecU an over the nation ittd dratted revised drainage eodoa fejr Minnesota. Arkansas. Onto. MkMBMrtppt Colorado and New Mexico. Arthur Morgan M a nephew of John R. Morgan, well known pioneer logging operator of this district Indeed, he was raised as a boy by Mr. and Mrs. Morgan. Vancouver Stocks (OMrtoj 8. D. JtMVn Oo. Reno. SJ8. rend Oreille. 13s. Noble Fire, IS. National Silver. Porter Idaho. .!,. Dridge River Cons, J 4 ft. Qtorgls River. M. Noranda, 1408. Inter. Nickel. 11.60. gherrltt Oordon, lJt. Reeves, . Whitewater. M. Cariboo Ookl. 1M. Reward. .14. MerWlan. Al. Dig Missouri, Liseky Jim. .04 V. Sliver Crest, S. Sterling raeiflo, -M. A. P. ConH .18. Pabyan. .01. United. .06. Mercury. .14. Freehold. .06. Calmont, .06. C. fc H, JO. B. n. X, M. Wayelds, M. Native Son. .10 V.. niueblrd.Hi. Cork Protlnee. .01. fjmndvlew, .06. RUUi Hope. .09. Toronto MaoMM, .06. MtVilftttert, .80. Oratvada, 152. skmoe, 1.60, Klrkland Lake Oold. J9. San Antonio, 1.14. A scene duriris maims : .i .1 m ::. Munich. Oermany. In which the pri r.pir oi the N..' oi;ai So.UlisU and Adolf Hitler are held up Cor acclaun This s.ene depris a young follower of Hitter Just a&er being shot by a Communist and snows two of Hitler sionn troopers coming tafcoa l&VwKh ao of them hetd- im r WrOo-tut oefmmay- - Representatives of European Bloc Have Paris Session Today Plans Drawn Up For Partial Embargo on GoldHuge Fund lo Holster Currencies Sidetracked Hut They May be Kept For Emergencies LONDON, July S: (Canadian Press) The world economic conference today marked time for the week-end while central bank representatives of the European gold bloc, meeting in Paris, drew up plans for a partial embargo on gold and sidetracked a plan for a huge fund to bokter gold currencies. Later, however, such a fund may be maintained for emergencies. The conference will resume sessions on Monday. Insurance on Vessels Coming To Prince Rupert Matter Was DUruMed Ulth linder-writer in London by T. 11. JohnaL President of Local Chamber At the mertkic of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce last rilifat Presldtstt t. H. Johnson thanked Vlce-Prealdent John Dyb-havTi for carrying oa during his absence. While In Lflodon he had been la touch with Secretary Oordon of the Underwriters Asnesfttlon tn regard to the Insurance on vessel Using this port. Mr. Oordon was quite conversant with the local situation but was firm that the He cate Strait route was considered Hanson Tells of Ottawa Attitude Deelaree Members of Government Always Keady to Cooperate In Regard to Looal Affairs Called on by PrestsVtpt T. II. Johnson at the meeting or the Chamber of Commerce last night. Otof Hanson. M.P. for Skeena, thanked the chamber tor Its assistance in keeping him posted from time to time on local affairs. Members of the government had given hearty co-operation In matters which had been brought before them. While he had not agreed with the general policy of the govern ment he had found the members aulte ready to discuss matters af fectlng' his constituency and also ready to do what they could to lm dangerous and that Teasels carrying , prove conditions Insurance must use Dixon Entrance Mr. Hanson said he had tried to when entering or leaving Prince Rupert. Mr. Johnson said he had gone up to London from Hull to attend the Canadian Chamber of Commerce' dinner, an event that was also attended by Ool. S. D. Johnaton of this city. keep the chamber posted n what was taking place at Ottawa and had forwarded copies of the rtiigratx, ment prior to its bettog,put in forta. The boards of 'tradend' ehambcri of commerce were looked upon as representing the sound elements of any community. previously urged by the Chamber, A Canadian National man had sug gested that at least the capacity of the House be set as the quan tlty and that the rent be decreased Hanson that Messrs. Ramsay and 5even had done all they possibly could tn view of the situation. He believed the minimum set tn the advertisement was as much as could be done. It would be an improvement over the present condition. A lot of time had been given to the leasing of the house and the resolution might be looked on as criticism. Mr. Hill old not like the pro spect of the elevator being tied up for another three years, practi cally Idle. City Cossunlstsoaer W. J. Alder tsid be had had some corrtspen-dence tn retard to the elevator nd he bettered aQ that was pos sible was being done to get It un-oer operation. Mr. Stevens had urged that the Chamber of Commerce and eit teens sjet back of the grain marketing ind try to help. It a resolution were passed he urged that tt Halibut Arrival Canadian Pair of Jacks, 20JM0. sSfrc and 3c. Ookl Storage. Cape Spencer, 17.000. 5c and 3c, Cold Storage. White Hope. 13.000. 5 te and 3s, Booth. 7 w SILVERjPltlCE NEW YORK, July 8: (Canadian Press) Silver closed at 37c on the 'local metal market today. PRICE: FIVE CENTS CONFERENCE MARKING TIME JIMMY MATTERN MAY CONTINUE FLIGHT AROUND WORLD florid Flyer Had To Come Down In North With Motor Trouble FRAGMENTARY REPORTS FROM ANADIR INDICATE PLANE IS INTACT BUT OTHER ADVICES CONTRADICT THIS RELIEF EXPEDITION IS HALTED HERE. MOSCOW, July 8: (Canadian Prew) FraRmcntary report which have been received here from Siberia since mterday state . that Capt. James J. Mattcrn, younp a a m a S Texas round the world J Iyer, whose saieiy ai anauir was reported yesterday, was forced down forty-nine miles ; from Anadir by engine trouble after leaving Khabarovsk j for Nome over three weeks ago. Russian Riiards Rave ; every assistance and it now appears likely that Mattern miv be provided with a new motor so that he may continue Ins flight around the world. As far as can be learned, Ins plane was little, if any, damaged. SMASHED TO PIECES? SAN FRANCISCO, July 8: (Canadian Pns) A mcs-Mp picked up by the coastguard cutter Northland now ullehrinjr Sea and relayed here in Russian as translated h the Han Francisco Examiner said that James Mattcrn, Aferican round the world flyer, on June II had had an sMdent eighty miles west of Anadir and his plane had tashed to pieces, Mattcrn Iniinjr unhurt. On July i Mat-lennus found and brought to Anadir where he is now mcsHagc picked up at Moscow by the Tass News Aftncv. however, said that the flyer was forced down ry engine trouble and that a new motor would be supplied to enable him to continue his flight. ! ! i . ared likely Friday night that plana to fly north f ; . . . to bring out James Mattcrn, American world ' " A Muld be abandoned ami that, instead, Mattern, f l i i own ability to fly out, wouW probably be v from Siberia to Prince Rupert or some other point ,.ast by the United SUtea coastguard cutter North- f u h i. now proceeding to Anadir. ...m in h the obvious course particularly since MaUcm la reported to be alive and well, sp-p re nlly. In no personal danger, and hU own plane little If any dinned and needing but a new engine to continue the world trip William Alexander, Immediately after arrival here but evening with other membti of the relief party, rot w L ascClusaey. pUot of the Junker seaplane belonging to Ool. Victor Spencer oi Vancouver, U here awaiting a break to weather brfoie conUnulng a proa- dkUiir Nlaht to rrorwwro urww NO VOTING TILL FALL TwItC Says Contest Cannot Be Held Before November Tolmle Opening Union Campaign VICTORIA. July I: (Canadian Prew) There will be no provincial election before November, srrordlng to II. D. Twice, former ConscrvaUve orcanlier, who stales that the voters' llt muit be prepared and no Urt hat yet been made on It. It Is not known what part Tulcc wiU take la the romlng election. Premier Tolmle opens the Unionist rampaicn this afternoon at a public picnic at Reaver Lake under awplrcs of the Saanlch Unionists and ConscrraUvrs combined, lion. William Dennis, minister of labor, and C II. Dickie M. P. are alo speaking In addition to the Premier. German Chancellor Glorified Greater Use of Prince Rupert Grain Elevator Advocated in Chamber of Commerce Debate A rather interesting debate was precipitated last evening at the regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce when George Hill moved a resolution urging the federal government, before again leasing the local elevator, to insert a clause in the lease contract providing that at least five million bushels be shipped through it the lira year wltn another million each succedlng year. He further urged that a strong committee be appointed from the various organizations in the city to get concerted action In regard to the matter. Olot Hanson MP. explained that he had been In close touch with the Titration He had been In discus sion with the chairman of the grain commission and Hon. H. H Stevens. Minister of Trade and Commerce, together. He had strongly advocated a guarantee as LOG SCALE STILL LOW Timber Production in District This Year Considerably Down Forest Products Make Fair Showing The timber scale In Prince Ru pert forestry district for the month of June thk year totalled 1.387.-OSS board feet, bringing the total for the year to date up to 2,992.-694 board feet Last year the total for Jne was 11,665,021 board feet. the-raorr grain-was shipped. TWsfkl production up to was finally agreed upon. Mr. Hanson did not think this was a proper Ume to pass the resolution suggested. He knew that the federal minister and Mr. Ram say were working On the problem and were doing their best. He did not think It would serve the best -nrrpose to pass Uiat resolution new. The Chamber of Commerce was looked to for the best possible information and advice. J. H. PUlabury agreed with Mr.; the end of June 21,158,343 board Ifeet. The saw leg produotte tat thU June was classified per varieties as foDows: Board feet Cedar 3L3-S9 Spruce ...795420 Hemlock ... wMUS Balsam Miscellaneous 1.612 Forest Products Production of plies, poles, etc, in the Interior this June totalled 55,- 318 lineal feet, of which 41,677 was in cedar and 13,671 In hemlock, as compared with 79,867 board feet In ; June 1932. A total of 551 cords of cord wood was recorded this June . as compared with 486 cords last . year while the hewn Ue count this ' June was 33.757 pieces, of whkh 2.676 were hemlock and 31.081 Jack., pine, as against 33.157 pieces in the same month last year. YOUNG MEN ARE INVITED President of Clumber of Commerca Commends Dally News Article-In Recent Issue President T. H Johnson, at the meeting of the Prince- Ruqpr,, Chamber of Commerce last night' pledge the Chamber to give ae-, referred to a recent editorial art Isle lve co-operation tn getting the In this paper urging young men to building leased. take an interest in pubHe affairs Finally it was moved by J. H. arid particularly in the work of the Pillsbury and seconded by John chamber of commerce. He eommen-Dybbavn that the Board express ded the article and aald It would appreciation of the efforts of Hon. be a good thing to get the young 11 H. Severs and Chief Oommls- j men interested. NoV was the time stoner Ramsay In regard to the el- when work for the future should "be evator and thank them for their planned. efforts. This carried unanimously, j It was moved by John Dybhavn 'and seconded by Max Hellbronar I that such young men of the city as might be eligible for metnbersfcty be Invited to attend the meeting) of the chamber. In Memoriam ' In loving memory of father. Nick Cittrvieh, who passed away oa July 8. 1931 Hh memory we shay, always keep. ' ; Ever remembered bj. devoted wife, sons and daughters.