vt TWO DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PWNCtf ltCPEKl - BRITISH COLOMBIA Publlsned Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert; . DallyNewa. Limited. Third Avenue ' . H. V. PULLEN Managing-Editor THE BUILDING TRADES. , tThe population of Canada is increasing rapidly but no pjroVisibn ih being made: for this increase either in increase housing acdommbdation or in those'public works wmclji "usually keep pace with population increases. The result ik that Canada is running behind in her building and, as soon as the people again acquire sufficient confidence, there is gvery prospect of a building boom. Statistics provided through the Royal Bank of Canada show'1 that sine statistics have been compiled there lia$ been no time at which the building trades have bej?n so slack as they dre today. The condition of the industry is W8r?ethaft it v'as in 1915, the previous low point, whicli followed the boom days of 1912. ,The business slump from which we are now beginning to recover is due to a large extent to the almost total stoppage of building operations. The moment building commences again the unemployment slack will be taken up in that' trade and in the hundreds' of other trades dependent upon building for their life. ; Mn employed in the building trades are mostly skilled men' whd earn good wages. Once they get back to work their buying power will return and the general revival of business for which we have looked will be with us again. ' So great was the agitation a couple of years ago for reduction of wages and general economy in all walks of life that it takes time for people to regain the amount of confidence necessary to encourage them to engage in building njogram?. With the cutting down of wages and the pruning of expenses has come also the cutting down of rents C'ith the result that the rents paid today are not sufficient tjb encourage investment in buildings of any kind. 'The suggestion coming from Ottawa that Premier Bennett is considering the launching of public works to take care of the unemployed is the most encouraging news heard of late in connection with recovery plans. It is the scheme advocated and promised by T. D. Pattullo in his public addresses. The announcement of such a scheme would have the effect of inspiring confidence and would he the first step toward activity in the building trades. CHURCH NOTICES FIRST PRESB YTERIAN CHURCH MinhUr, Rev, W. D. Grant HolljnjwortU, BA. .11 AM. Morning Worship Sermon 8ubject: "THE COIN IN THE CORNER" li:15, Sunday School reopens In all classes 12:30. Sunday School In Weetview School There will be no evening service. The congregation Is re quested, to attend First United Chnrch on the oceaskm ef their anniversary. ' FIRST UNITED CHURCH Uev. C. D. Clarke, Pastor T TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY SERVICE f 1 1 A.M.. "BUILDINO CHURCHES" 12: 15, Sunday School 7 VM, Organ Recital. Miss S. Ola f son, A.T.C.M. 730, THE FUNCTION OF THE CIHJRCir Anthem. 'TE DEUM," The Choir Splo, "Nearer, My Ood. To Thee." J.- E. Davey Mrs. MUlei Mrs. Large. J. S. Wilson, Dr. Large Quartette. "Come Unto Me" We a.preclate the splendid spirit shown by the Presbyterian and Baptist Chqrchet In withdrawing their evening services to worslip with us on this occasion. OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Horn of the Fisherman, Utter, Miner KOOMS-318 ptf month, $3 per week, 50e per- nltM SHOWER BATHS Third Avenue Phone 948 JtMMIJS CICCONR NEW ROYAL J. Zarelli, Proprietor "A HOME WAX rROM IJOME" Ratrs up 60, Rooms, llot aVQold.Vyater Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Dox 189 il Boys' Gym Club Starting Soon Activities Will be Continued For Yeuths of From FJght to 11 Wih T. Barton In Charge There was a good attendance of boys and fathers at the meeting held last night In the Armory to re-'fjrganize ' the Junior Bears' Oym fflub. It was decided to continue ac- tvltles during the coming winter . unaer me instruction or Tom Bar-' ton and the first class will be held i on Tuesday evening of next week. (The classes will be open to boys be-; tween the ages of eight and four teen years. R. II. Ourd, aoeountant of Cassia r cannery, was a passenger on board the Cardea last night going through from Ihe Skeena River to Varxouver where h Will spend the winter. EXPOUNDED FOR C.C.F. (Continued from page one) I-pburlng & quarter of a million young- Canadian for whom life had nothing to offer. ' System Disintegrating In short, declared the speaker. the capitalistic system was dfein- attempt to resuscitate the broken down system Instead of endeavoring to devise a new plan to meet the new and modern order of things. Declaring that the Intention and Vinvxa nf t Via r C f Ten c tn hrlllff out precipitating conflict or ser iously disrupting the present social order, the speaker the only hope of bridging the chasm was to act Intelligently now. It things were allowed to drift as they were now going and unemployment permitted to Increase, there was danger ere lonf of the elemental urge to live dominating the Hua-tton with dbMtreus. and ruinous results. All the industrialized nations of the world were today producing a surplus of the same goods with the result that there were no foreign markets for any estmtry. The debts of the world eeuld not be pafel fn gold for the simple reason that the debts of the world aggregated four hundred billion dollars In gold with but eleven bMfon dollars of gefd existing. "There can be no Improvement," declared the speaker, "until a type of statesmanship has been developed with the courage to wipe out the great weight of debt and abandon the cot lapsing capitalistic system." There was no reason why the people of Canada should have to go without thnae thirura urhieh th country produced In abundance. To I save wealth it most be realised that ffeHlth mast be consumed. The government should be able to provide trie people with the wherewithal to obtain the goods which the country produced. By this means alone' could trade be restored. Turning his attention to what the C. C. F. proposed to do, Mr. Irvine gave his views as to the economic philosophies of the three groups capitalistic as represented ly the Liberals and Conservatives, Wjrnmunlstle and C. C. F. The first was conservative and reactionary, the second radical and short-sighted, t&e third, based on common-sense and natural principles. The speaker told how the C. C. F. had been formed by the joining together of tanner. labor and other groups for the common object of bringing about an orderly change In the economic system. The C C F. would KADIO SEASON Enjoy the full sea-son with your set tuned to maximum efficiency. We can insure you of this by having your set gone over now. and ad-Justed to first class condition, as Inefficient operation Is a poor Investment. Battery sets modernized with the new economical two volt tubes. Superior Radio Service ' 33(1 Second Avenue Phone Blue 320 P. O, Box 132 A O. BARTLETT ; CJl 1N8ULANOER m THE DAILY NEWS Saturday. 191 substitute "brotherly co-operation" for the bloodthirsty struggle for 'things whl$v,were no longer scarce. The attitude of the (?. C. F. approach wal"wlth scientific methods and 'wjth due regard to naturaf and. orderly processes. Must Make Start "We do not know," said the speaker, how long It wltf take us ,, " " . r v to develop V the " new system but we tlon, the system had been success- . . . do realize that there must be nn no nnorarmnc aa t n t i iiianra irnnnri'ji fill Vnif Ir, MLtrthntlnn If huH hen MK "'"C a lamentable failure, besplte such, fJf " . Was MTC iSlbCMLlUll Ul uc v It - ....-. esUbUsh national eco a "pianned conference and the world economic . . conference, which might . . t.A- .. I moaern me ana u ormg bdoui .w.fSocUIIzatlon of finance and credit .... I . voting their entire efforts In vi thef naM.A to provide themselves with and use the goods which the country put upoo the market The C C F. woW take the administration of currency Land credit out of the hands of the about a nTwnomlc system Jtl' be eminent where It rightfully longed so that It might be admln- deelared that uu?red wiU? lu. per economic junction in inf interest of the needs of the people. The speaker concluded by urging hs listeners to exercise their franchise In support of an organization whose object it was to bring about by orderly means the much seeded change of economic system. If. this were done1, there was bo tfaatfer of Canada not being able to come through. Following the addess, a few questions were directed at Mr Irvine by communist sympathisers In the audience. Mr. Irvine informed his questioners that the C. C. F. could do, nothing ontH it "obtained power by eonstrtoUoml meaaa." He made It clear that the C. C. F. was not In favor of resorting to measures of force but to obtain power by means of the people's franchise. Ex-Aid. O. B. Casey took the floor evidently with the Intention of making a speech rather than asking a question and finally was prevailed upon to resume his seat after which the meeting adjourned. Size 3U x 3'2 4.40x21 4.50x20 4.50x21 4.75 x 19 4.75x20 5.00x19 5.00 x 20. 5.25x18 Provincial Head Of Eastern Star Honored at Tea In honor of Mrs. Effie M. Schmeelk. worthy grand matron of the Order of the Eastern Star for British Columbia, who Is a visitor here from Victoria, a tea and reception la being held tht afternoon at the home of Mrs. Samuel Massey. assisting Mrs. Masse In receiving the guests. Other members- of the local chapter are assisting in pour ing and receiving. Mr Schmeelk. who paid an official vu.lt to BeUst Chapter last TEAM FOR SMITHERS At a special meeting of the exe cutive of the Prince Rupert Baseball Association a team consisting of Jack Nelson. Nick Chenoskt. BIH Larable. Sonny SUlea, Eddie Smith. Walter Johnson, Doug. Stalker, Alex Mitchell. Stan Morln and Scoop Bury was chosen to represent PrlnrA Pnnort In Smlthert Ul a Ser- nomy" an economic plan . wniFourt .fttl Fourth Avenue Avenue West, west, Worn rrom S ' to to S 9 M M w. nlaved on Seoftmber 17 mlit temporar o'clock. Miss? Caroling 'Mitchell, and 18 with an al,4r ufe wprt- must eventually die. Unfortunately. , , "'":r".7.": rT.' nung the Buixiey vauev tMstoau Leatue. Johnny 0mWM was Pnamed as a spirs Jn the eveai of any of the previously mentioned players being unWe to task tas trip. The local team. wMcb will be In nlgfct is leavm this evening ic I charge of Jack Campaell. wUl leave Prince George. for Smith r oa Saturday evenlnK Surprise Party , Happy Affair Mrs. Helge Oden and Miss Chris-' sle McLeod were Joint hostesses last night a C a delightful surprise party, In honor of Uls Mary Robertson and Johnny Pierce whose marriage Is taking place this afternoon. A toast to the bride was observed and there was a treasure hanf, the winner of which van Miss Mary McDonald. Dancing and games were enjoyed and delletaM refreshment! served. About thirty friends of the eentraetfng couple were present. N'atianal Leoc Mew York X Ptttsbtrrg 1. Brooklyn 0. Cincinnati 13. Boston 3. Chicago & Philadelphia 5, St. Lou Ik 8. America league St. Louis 3; New York 5. Cleveland 3, Philadelphia ' Detroit 4-4. Boston 3-3. Chicago 3, Washington 1. Regular 4-ply Speedways also at, reduced, prices Regular $4.64 6.45 6.95 7.25 7:95 8.30 8.60 8;95 9.70 ef next week and retarn the Tuesday evening following. Man in the Moon The Elks' so It bull team wa beaten by the children and the old men both. How are the mighty fallen! The printer's devil watched the game. ( Then took his pen in hand. i So that posterity might learn ! ' 'About teat srrUered band. ! Proud mona rests 0 Use forest boM That reared their heads so high. Bad victims of tbeirowa false pride. llow low today they lie. fooHalh too. in his treat strensth. Bagged tend In (toys of yore. Bur David took a litUe atone And made his forehead sore This lee from the children take Avoid that lofty tone. Mix greatness with humility Or youth may make you moan Hear lJ uty $8.20 8.70 8.90 9.50 10.25 10.55 11.05, 11.75 Excise Tax Extra ' Nota-Tour old tlfta rtroorad, your rims scraped free of rust' and new Goodyeara concctt? mounted, without extra charfie! FALL CLEANING This is the time fo get curtains and rapes freshened up f i the winter Winter Coats Will be needed tftWiy be clean ! Ideal Cleaners Secern!' St. fbone li P5al Do You Know? We Sell the Finest FL00RWAX Made For Onlr 50c per lb. This la not a However, It did v . as maptracaln a ago. Ask tu ai, IJrillo Steel A 10c pkjf. sr i.sfesf a v AH Goodyear Spmlway trslaht-U tires re fully giiarantevd for 9 months. MORE PEOfll RIDE PN GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND Prince Rupert, H.C. KAp MOTORS TJiird Av-nue fj.: Kaien Hardware Thone 3 Smuh BWt Get your new Goodyear- HEAVY DUTY Tires NOW at Sensationally low prices! THEY'RE THE NEW GPQD.YEAR 6-pty SPEEDWAYS