CITY When Cpming to Terrace Make Arrangements With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, B.C. To Greet You. We meet all trains. Freight Sz passenger service anywhere. Lakelse Lake and Lodge, new boat (II. A. 8,1 now in service on the lake. Fare anywhere on the lake, one adult. $3.00; $1.50 per head additional. No crowd too big. No job too small. riCNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY LAKELSE HOT Springs Lodge An Ideal Place to Holiday Finest of fly fishing, hunting, bathing and boating. Arrange for transportation with W. II. Burnett. Terrace, B.C. Rates from Terrace to the Lodge including boat service: One adult, $3.00; each additional adult, $1.50. Write or Wire V. II. BURNETT We Look After Your Wants THE DUNES Bathing, Hunting Fishing Modern Conveniences No FlicsrNo Mosquitoes Home Cooking Par Excellence $11.00 Per Week Children under 12 half rate MADAME RAJAVT Hell, Q. C Islands 11 Transfer Phone 950 Hemlock and Spruce Cfl per cord, delivered COAL FOR SALE Furniture and Piano 3Iovlng HOLIDAY RESORTS INTERESTED VISITOR William Irvine, MP. lor Wetas-kiwi, who is spending a few days in the city, paid a visit to the Canadian Fish Cold Storage Co. and local dry dock plants yesterday and today Is being taken for la launch trip around the harbor las the guest ot the local branch Jot the Socialist Party of Canada. While here Mr. Irvine is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Ben Dilgarno. He is a -former Presbyterian Church minister and comes from the same part of Scotland as Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Sandison of this cKy. He will sail for Vancouver on the $s. I Prince Rupert tomorrow night: RARE Opportunity For Finest Tailor-Made Suits We all are tired of cheap clothes, now times are better and depression has come to the end. We take this opportunity to offer to the better-dressed public our finest-English Worsted, Indigo Serge, Blarney, Heatherhlll and Foxhound Tweeds, Flannels, Etc. At a bigger saving than ever was experienced in Prince Rupert. Reg. $10 SUIT- 32 Special for Y Reg. $15 SUIT J7 Special for Reg. $18 SUIT IQ Special for v Reg. $50 SUIT 40 Special for (Extra Trousers, $10) Tltls price good for 30 days only LING Tailor The high class tailor and reliable dry cleaner Second Ave. Near Post Office KAIEN ISLE : Where the sentinel mountains brood ; In eternal majesty O'er the storm and smile of our j Kalen Isle Wn 4V, at nnvaa, of .Via, ..VM.. ... , V ttaaUf) Ul Mlt OTU, IV, 111 g aJUUa Where the mighty Pacific roils And its stately vessels sweep JTo the stretching hands of the 'shelt'ring land, Out of the stormy deep. Where never a painter, limned, Such glory of sunset skies-Crimson and gold and purple unfold Their hues as the-daflfght dies. Where the silvery spoils of the sea Are heaped at the island shore, When her sons speed home on the rolling foam With treasure of richest store. Dear port of the fisherman's dream , As he tolls with his nets at sea; Haven of rest, our Isle of the West. In the apns of the sparkling sea. WINIFRED O. BRASS. Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Tom! capacity 20,019 toas Shipbuilders snd Ship Repairer for Steel and Wood Vessels Iron and Brass Casting gleetrle and Acetylene Welding ton Derrick for Heavy LlfU sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled "TILLJE THE TOILER" SI MCE VOU PUT THAT MIMD-RLGADIM ATTACH MEM' OM no.F ljifr VEAH, I'KA VWOWOtB I MO WHEUMl I'D Bbttwu TAKE IT -1 OPf r 'IN third with -228.000 pounsa in six trips. The Relief had made the greatest number of trips, thirteen, while the Tramp, Capt Sam Hougan, was second with twelve trips for a total producUon of 179,500 pounds. Boats which had made eleven trips were the Atll, Catft. William Bussey, 179,-600 pounds; Capella, Capt. Dan Larsen, 161500 pounds: Ingrid II., Capt. Charles Lundqutst. 131,000 pounds; J. R.. Capt. J. P. Reld, W.-)00 pounds; Prosperity A., Capt. A. C. Christiansen. 260,000 pounds; Pair of Jacks. Capt. Peter Llland. U3.000 pounds; R. W., Capt. Anskar Wick. 126j5O0 pounds; Rose Spit, Capt. Axel Olsen. 168,000 pounds. md Viking I.. Capt -II. Ericksen, -V.IltG , VMIBH COUU5 READ VOUIZ MlMp AfiOOT ME -t TiB - IfVMHAT VOU 'RE ft VOUP elk J "UIBMtS YOU UKU k V ME - LITTLE 1 operating salmon. on 130.500 pounds. yesterday afternoon, hating on As tar as volume of landings at board 30.000 pounds of spring sal-Prince Rupert was concerned, the mon and lOjOOO pounds of eohoes. Oceanic was leading the American-The vessel is expected back again fleet with an aggregate of 166 .000 tomorrow ontbovnd for North Isl-nounds In ten trips. The Sherman and after discharging at Butedale. was second with 151,000 pounds in She will not be making many more j of n off two trips ano ine uaiuc inira wwn inns. , H29.000 pounds In eight trips. The I visitor had landed the greatest .number of tares at Prince Rupert I for the American fleet, namely twelve for a total catch of 61,500 Ity of the Prince Rupert veaseis op- pounds. The Thor had made eleven trips for a total of 66.500 pounds and the Oceanic and Viola ten trips each for totals of 186.000 and 71,500 pounds respectively. While working on a pipe wrenching Job at Victory Cove on Wednesday afternoon ot Ahtst week. Bert Plewtn had ice misfortune' to fracture a rib as a result of which he will be confined to camp pretty much hors de combat for the coming fortnight He was In port on Thursday afternoon with the fish packer Taplow II and. while here, received necessary medical treatment tor the injury. Flewinj St Brown during the past week reopened their camp at Warka Canal and are packing the coho salmon taken there to Inveraeag cannery on the 6keen River. Previous to this they had been packing salmon from Klemtu and elsewhere down the coast to Inverness with , the Taplow II. Skipper O. P. Smith, who has recently been chasing the elusive salmon In the Banks Island vicinity with his well known trolling boat Billy Boy, was in port late this week, arriving on Thursday after noon and leaving again the next day. "O P.," who is disgusted with the way the fish have been running in northern waters this season, Is now heading southward. He will try the various flshlnit grounds enroute to Vancouver where, as usual. It is his intention to spend the winter. Six Canneries Running Six salmon canneries are still In operation packing fall fish In Prince Rupert district, these being Claxton. Inverness and Oceanic on the Skeena River and Lowe Inlet, Butedale and Namu In the central coast area. The Skeena River canneries are getting their supplies of coho salmon principally from some two hundred boaU which were still engaged In gill-netting on the river while some fish Is also being deliv ered from the trolling grounds. The canneries In the central area are erate, only one Canadian halibut boat landed Its catch at Prince Rupert during the week end ing yesterday, this being the Ingrid II. which brought in 19.060 pound! which It sold for 6c and Sc. Sixteen American boat sold catches ag- New-Boats IIUII.T TO ORDER 28-ft $250 36-ft $500 JOHN GROUP Oona River A Cast-Iron Cupid Vou'fisa TlkUB .-. l. l k-n- i. l imm Mints vouel "Htt It DOW-T n t: it ... PAOE FOUR TIE DAILY NEWS Saturday, September , I FOLLOW THE CROWDS OF SATISFIED SHOE BUYERS TO The Slaughter SHOE SALE Here are a few only of the wonderful values we are giving you. Famous, Leckies, Ilewltsen, Chums, Strider, Cismens and Royal Quality Footwear. Leckies' Skookum for Boys Leckies' Columbia Boys' Boots The best Boys' Boot made'. All solid leather selec- Oil Grain Sturdy Boys' Boots. All solid leather ted uppers and hard wearing soles CO Q with rubber heels. Sizes 1 to on rj( Reg. $4.95; Special ipOVO Reg. $3.95; Special Ladies' Dress Shoes Ladies' New Arrivals Pumps, Straps and Ties in nifty patterns, all In Brown or Black Pumps, Straps and Ties, heels. Regular to $5.00 1 Qff Snappy lasts and wonderful styles QO Qf? Extra Special Offering vwU Specially Priced at QiVO GOODRICH AND FLEET FOOT TENNIS AND OUTING SHOES Boys,' Youths' and Men's feas Ladies' Tennis Oxfords Brown Duck Runners, ankle pads ' Hjk.l . ... , whUe or wlth contrast trkns of and trim. Men's 95c; Bays' 85c L . Youths" ncn fcijjd nd' blue or Breen Q5c up from tJi g-gg?1 ' Selling Out at MEN'S ALL RED KNEE RUBBER BOOTS, Snap . , $2.95 Men's Royal Quality Arch Shoes Leckies' Skookum Work Boots Black Calf Oxfords with bullt-ln arch supports. Tne best wor boot made. All solid leather. Hard Comfort and wear In every pair QQ QC wearing, comfortable. Reg. $6.50. 04 Or Reg. $5.95; Special $0.33 Sale Prlca 4. . : Ptn Leckies' Work JJoots lfM,cn's Ca,Jl!gC IJH00tts B1c CaU' ed' duty Oil Orain, all leather work boots, built QQ ftQ leath!r ,heaTy S2.95 boots. Reg. $4.95; Special for service. Reg. $4.95; Special Men's Work Boots Panco Soles. Reg. $255 Sale Price S1.95 Misses' and Children's Strap Slippers, calf and patent, with leather soles and rubber heels. QCn QTZn Sizes 11 to 2 Hundreds of Shoe Bargains for all too numerous to detaH here. See the windows. Note the savings. CUT RATE SHOE STORE "We Always Sell For Less-Third Avenue WATERFRONT WHIFFS Prosperity A. Leads Iocal Fleet in Volume of Land ings Salmon Fishing Falling Off Week's Halibut Business IIIIIMV n, KATITIHIAY fMMUMMMfl SATURDAY u... two snows 7 St 9 9MMelK l2, Admlsjlon - 50c & 15c llll.Milg EMISSION-. 15 t, ROMANCE AND ADVENTURE AHOAIU) "THE SILK EXPRESS" Starring At 7:55 and 9:55) NEIL HAMILTON and SHEILA TRIinv TTUCnnfnmlni1 tho PfnciWD-itv A nnnt A n Phrm. I nlrl Thtrlrrn Mm fantive on Death Kxnri A vu...... - tinnspn. with 250000 nounds in eleven trins. was the lead- "."'..'..r '"'..v.::, r..j;iz rw :v.::. ' ing unit of the Prince Rupert halibut fleet for volume of production in the 1933 season. The Relief, Capt. Merrill Sollows, was second with an aggregate of 238,000 pounds in thirteen trips and the Cape Beale, Capt. Edgar Arnott, PITTS Si TODD In IIAKliAIlM Or THE CK.NTUKY" METRflvr STAR'S VOICE TRAILER at 7:30, 0:30 and 3-00 on the Stephens Island, Dundas n're w uw "lienor mi.MMi ano mraiMi iiif, ninir, s 1' on board. The vessel left here on the esteemed ri. .v .. seine-caught chum Monday mornln of thU week for a hearty welcome b. , the Islands. Col. Pragnell arrived Ishtoners. ' last week from the south In the The trolling season Is reported to be about over at North Island course of his annual northern In-There are fair runs of cohoes U11 Motion tour and will proceed from there are no packers to carry the fish for the trailers. Very few chums and pinks are reported to be showing up In the streams around Sktdegate Inlet and it U beginning to look like Utta la to be very much there. After having spent the summer Utile Canadian Flh In 'in command of his old love, the Owing to the cessation of f tailing mission boat Northern Croes. which j in Area No. J in which the major , has now been Bed un for the winter. Canon W. F. Rushbmok on Sunday iMt resumed his ministrations In ! St. Peter's Anglican Church at Seal , Cove. In the morning there was children's service while. In the eve- ! nlng. the usual adults' service was held. There were large com relations which taxed the capacity of greeting 30.600 pound at prim the church on both occasions and ranging from &6e and 4c to 7.1c and 46c. A number oTthe larger- Canadian boats left daring the week to fish in the further distant Area Nb. 3. where fishing is stlU being permitted by the International Fisheries Commission, and It Is expected these wilt be in with their catches later in the month. Landings for the 1U season at Prince Rupert up to and Including yesterday totalled 10.9tt.f00 pound as compared with 10.870.300 pounds at the corresponding date last year Canadian landings so far this season have reached a total of 4,041.500 pounds as against 3.406.7M pounds last year, while American landings for 1933 have reached an aggregate of 5,968,100 pounds In comparison with 7.481.800 pounds last year The Indian Department's power cruiser Naskeena returned to port Thursday after a trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands with Col. O. S. Pragnell of Kamloops. Inspector of Indian Agencies for British Columbia, and Indian Agent W. E Coillson The 13-ton St. n D;. , Chalk, which ha t. . Alaska waters ir weeks with her ovu.. lwana ana warxe uanai grounos, IJoynton. and Dart with probably more fishermen than John Oroup of Oona River has (n Wednr vi , the quantity of fish Justifies. Most, been In the city this week-end In ghc t u of the troll caught fish Is being d- connection with his boat building no(iU . tl( livered to the Canadian Pish St Cold operations. So far he has turned out Rwln & y h( .'. Storage Co. at Prince Rupert and fight fine fishing boats snd expects , rf ed ,h( , the Canadian Pishing Oo. at Bute- , to be busy during the coming win- cnJoyblf " ,,,, dale. ter. I On Its way from the North Island! Quite a large run of spring and troll ing grounds to Butedale. the coho salmon la reported from fish packer B. and Y, Capt. Don Marble Island and Kennel Soond on Yelf. was in port for a few hours I the Queen Charlotte Islands but' 11 i t i i . 1 1 it i i i n For Sale or Kent Phone til The AUCTIONEER os uci rill r uii; w nn List your goods wth a Phone Rises IU GEO. J, DAWES Are You Troubled For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Hays Intra Red Kays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASIMNALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 211 Phones Orcrn SIS Exchange Block with "Flats" these warm days Replace the old jhUWi 0 TILHU COM'-V 1G VOU, tH ' THAT'S A LAUflhl bub iivms Vj Morn -TVWKl smul ADMIT" THATI? 1M AKBS Me I n b i km overcome this trout Gutta Percha Tires are good Tires Prices are right S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers Fresh Miik d Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRf I'honc 6o7 By Westover. a. L 1. 1 I .Mill . i I wv I I POM CUPlfH j rf 1