mber 9, 1033 rifll DAILY NVWIi ffcOa T22133 Jasmine Cosmetic Table Ho Display in Our Window This beautiful Prize for fcknow Your Actor's Voice" Contest A Dental Plate Brush Free With each purchase of Dental Plate Fix, 50c For holding plates i ' ill wilL be pleased to- learn thai we have the ajjency for PAGE- & SHAW CHOCOLATES A full assortment just arrived Latest Razor Blade Prices (jlle'te Blue Blade, 5 for 2Tc ( iHette Blue Blade, 10 for 50c Auto Strop Blades, 5 for 2.c uto Strop Blades, 10 for 50c Ormes Ltd. J i a Pioneer Druqejists Vt Reiall Store Phone It U 82 QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SHINGLES. foul o. 1 nx The Best Made x per thousand &I.35 per thousand $.35 Cr r - Shinflrs. Air Dried Retaining All the Cedar Oil HYDF. TRANSFER-PHONE 580 JhtF$h which made Prince RapertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE KUPKKT. B C rt VAN( CANADIAN PACIFIC awni U4VB prince Ituprrt for V-neouver vis Otn ,nd. " ' '-tll; dlrerl: Way Ports: 1' .... ... . - .. . UK L. 1 wwe. sept. nn, istn.. "., wi. av. KETCHIKAN. WKANQEU JUNEAU and SKAflWAY. 1 1 a Louise, Sept. d.. 11th., 10Ui . Oct. is, lot Keservatkins and Informatten " t COATF.S. ttcneral Agent, Prince Rupert, n.C. VNI0N STEAMSHIPS LIMITED "teusr l4T( r-rtno Rupert for Viwww1- T- ftis CTU EVRRY TUESDAY, 1:S IVL '"uv-r Thursday pjn. Du.Cv R,)KNA EVKV FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. ' "uver Monday hU, I ti v P,rt Btmp.o, AJk Arm. Anyo. 8 Ztt Atency: Second Avenue, rhene 56S It !aicr tloen not arrive, telephone tbe off LOCAL NEWS NOTES "' f ,jrM' Bllvewlde Bros, for Wallpaper. Glass, Paint and Muresco. Woed and Coair One- Load of Wood and One- Too of Cal $14,Q0i AiDert u. McCaffery. tU Pete Cravetto, who has been on a trip to- Vancouver, returiied to ptee etsy Ironj. the south, on the Prince Rupert thi morning. Matter Billy Drake, son of Mr. fand Mrs. w. t. Drake, returned on the Prisces Adelaide yesterday if ternoon from Vancouver where the baa beea visiting. T. W. Hall, Irapeatoc of sehoota. aad Vts Hall returned to the city on Uw CwdMA but evening after having cpeel the summer wcatlon In Vanwei aod Victoria. 'What we expect from, the Christian Cfeuseb towards tbe aatahliah-meat of tbe C-OpesaUve Com-moUwealtt FderAtkm." Sunday, psMnt, Moose UaU. Speaker fWm. Irvine. MP , W. J. 8eUg of Ketchikan and Alec Rue of Seattle, who arrived In the cttjr from Ketafetkan on the Prince Lots! Thursday after-noo3. continued fawn here to Seattle on tbe Princes Adelaide last night. rom tfce dbrtb aboartS the steamer. PrWeaa Louise and will leave onf tDttsgM'k train for a Wo to Tor-1 onto. cently as the faest of Caps, and tVis. James OrfffttfH aboard thetr tvajtar Sorl. CXR. steamer Prince Rupert. Oaat 'eU MeLean. afrired hi poet oo sisse at 10 otetaek this mafrtitkg from Vancouver. Powell River and Oesaa'FlBs and. after contpietlng Is mjrstory cruise wtth looal ex-cursionlsta. will sail Soon, after 10 o'etotX Urvifhi for Stewart wbenea it Is sejheduled to return here to morrow evening southbound. tboaftl tbe Prknce Rupest today enroute to Stewart where he wltr u end part ot his vacation. He ex- gmm vo oc oac& iwrr mm iu aoout a week's time southbound. Children who wftl attain the age of seven years on or before February 1st. 1934. may be accommodated las Orace 1 at the BORDEN STREET SCHOOL ONLY on ap-pitoatton to the Principal. W. J. ALDER. Cummtvuoner Miss Nellie Lawrence Teacher of VIOLIN and THEORY y Phone 177 SIS Second Avenue West Miss D. Hogan Will Reopen lLViN0 CLASSES and. PRIVATE LESSONS Tuesday, September 5 Pnone Black 232 C.L.D.L. Dance Thursday. , , C. P. Balagno has resumed his musle'classes. Phone Oreerr280 for terras. Union steanur Gardena, Capt. Ernest Oeorgeson, arrived to port at 3 o'clock last nlgbt from the south and sailed at 12 midnight on her return to Vancouver ami wajf polnt. FOR Diarrhoea THERE'S A REMEDY 1& gggVLjiL4flgfcgS This vthuble preparation has beer on tt market for the put 88 jnn,r and hold a rrmiUtioo second to none fur the reliH of bowel complaint. " Price, 50c. a bottle at all druggiita. or drenr, pot tip onhr by The 17 Milbum Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont. Mrs. William Good rick, who has -been spending a vacation visiting I In Victoria, returned to tbe city Capt. Agnes Ooxson, local com-from tbe south on the Princes mardant of tbe Salvation Army, i Adelaide yesterday afternoon. was taken to the Prince Rupert OVnerml Hospttal last nlgbt suf Felicity Abraham. Indian wo fering frn an attack of tnfhtensa. unan, has been fined $5. with op- She was reported today to be progressing favorably. rtal headquarters of tbe provincial Miss Katbryn L. Osiea. who Is.Pohee acre nave been advteed. -nrsred tn the life insoranee bw- J hwss at Cordova. Alaska, arrived , m the ettj Tharsday astemoon i Notice Prof. Iloy ill read tea cap and coffee cups at the Commodore i Cafe starting Monday. Sent 11 daarhteri Uon 10 5 "d .to 11 and will Msan MtLeod. .avi.-,l,:u iiwibiu u wir cny on tor run- if cess AaetaMe yesterday aftemooa from Seattle whenee she went re Tliis is different. Afternoon teas 2Sc. Tea cup reading, free. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: I assure you that yoti will enjoy the cup readings here. I am well known from toast to coast of Canada. PROCESSOR COY. 312) Commodore Cafe. Announcements 36th Anniversary Supper United Church September 11. Arthur Noble, customs officer at Ocean fblft asd In tbe eny days I L.O B A Bridge, Whist and dance a weU known resident of PrtneefSeet. 14. r EuperW-h-avlog been Uw first looal; from the Great War. to In fee dly son ladles tbe. Oento 36c. r-fciLTIP, School Notic( freehinetits Oddfellows OMttme Dance. Sep-tetaber 32. 1 Lutheran tober 13. dwreiT- Bazaar. Oq- Qatbolic Baiaar Octootr 10 Jones' family Hi MEAT MARKET Phone 957 Rump Roast ot Beef 4 lbs . Rib Roast ot Bee- per lb. JL..... Sirloin Tipper lb. ... T-Bone per lb. Round Steak per lb. Sirloin Steak -3 lbs Leg' oi Veal per lb, . Leg of Lamb per Shoulder iaa Lamb at ni . n B6ned mn and rolled, per lb Lamb Chops 1 3 lbs. Fowl-each Swift's Pure Lard 3 lbs. P, hone 957 50c 15c 15c 20c a r? A i Mrs. L. W. Patmore will sail on the Erlnce Bjipert, tonwrrow night for a visit to Vancouver. The case- of Ernest Lewis, charged with; supplying liquor to Indians, has been turner adjourned for eight) days in. city police court P. Cr. Shakross of Vancouver arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from the south being here for a brief, visit on fire insurance adjusting business. Miss S. hi. Earl, who has been on a trip-to Chieago to-attend the World's, Fair returned to the cftj .on (he Prince Rupert this morning 8h made the trip East by motor from. Vancouver with friends. Miss Elizabeth Sheldon of Hat nes, Alaska, who arrived In the ?itjr (com tbe north on the Princes Louise Thursday afternoon will leave here on tonight's train for a trip to Chicago. Miss Dorothy Maedenald. wm has been on tbe staff of the gov ernraeac agent' office at Nanabne for the past couple of yea re- 1 tamed home on tbe Prince Rupert ! this morning a."d will again Joir ; the government agent's ntaff here is sueeession to Miss Metiy Cros who to by married, shortly. Mis; Matdoaald is tbe daughter of Mz and Mrs. S. D. Macdonald of this dtr. Mr. and Mr. Ralph M. Bag haw whof have been spending the past few weeks in tbe city, safled las night ou tbe Prtee John tor Queer. Charlotte City whence they wil proceeef to Victoria. Mr. Bagshaw t- a travelling auditor for the provln the north on official duties. Mrs Bagshaw was formerly Miss Cathk J one, at one time a resident ot thl cltjt They were married recently tr Vancouver and will make then home tn Victoria. SOFTBALL BATTERIES Batteries for the -Children" ii tomorrows softball game will b Lindsay and Tobey and for ihe OU Men.' SlUes and Ourvtch. . Get Your Requirements At these special prices. Some these Items are advancing. Buy now' dPLIT PEAS 4 lbs. VUITE BEANS . .. rAPlOCA- 1 lbs. ICINd SUOAR 2-lb, pkg. .MACARONI READYCUT NA RAISINS Australian, 2 crown. 3 lbs VEGETABLE SOUP-Aylmer peVttn QUAKER KETCHUP No,2UBS.XUns PITTED DATES 3 lbs. REMO FRESH PEAS 5 lbs, REMp FRESH BEANS 3 lbs. FIELD TOMATOES 3 lbs. CELERY Large 3 for CUCUMBERS each 25c 25c 23c 20c 50c 35c 9c 25c 35 c 25c 25c 25 c 25c 7e Plums, Pesrs, Grapes, Apples and Oranges at Reduced Prices Out of Town Orders Given Prompt Attention MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store HT-II Third P.O. Ro 575 Avenue West Pbene 18 5QcssiaaaaaMSSSSissM 15c; FT. , COAL! COAL! 50c 65c 25a Our Famous Edson, Albert and Bulkky Valley Coals are guaran teed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. I Bulkiey Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley, Prince Rupert Feed Co, II Phones 551 Aireraft Transoo rtation A Four-Place Eastman Flying Boat Based at Anyox, B.C. la available for passenger and charter serVfee throughout this district. For Information, Write or Wire J. MacCohnachie, Pilot Anjox BjC Charles Backing, president a-.d pert this morning from Vancouver nanaglng director of the Consoll- and proceeded to Anyox on"lhe latvd Mining- k- Smelt In? Co.. ar- eompany boat Oranby which came ivec in the city on the Prfcce Ru- here to meet bim. DEER HUNTING Commences September 16 We shall be pleased to supply your hunting requirements. Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. 233 Third Avenue West Developing and Prmting Send Your Films Direct to WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Rapid Service Prince Rapert FOR SALE 'HBYSLER Sedan, good eoudition Walker's Music Store. OR SALE Winchester 32; special, price $20. Apply Dave OTreni. Vanarsdol B.C. 'Iff SUBSTANTIAL Oak; Couch, solid leather, adjustable seat. Excellent condition. $12.50. Apply $73 SevenUi Ave. East. 211 FOR RENT IOUSES-F. W. Hart. HELP WANTED 10V to get a Government Job. Free Booklet. The M.C.C, Ltd, Winnipeg. nAII?DRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! "OH" $3J0. "Rlnglette" $J.0, Nelson's Beauty Shoppe PAINTERS PA-lNTlNO and Papethanglng toller. Phone, Red 802 last mCrr mineral rttiM Crttlflrle al ImprovnutnH TAKX NOTICE ttal I, W H Umoo. ttf vnaert oirutlct No 4T87. tnUad SO day rrom the dt hertat to Dplt to Xbt Utnlnj Rcordr (or crrtio ete or ImprevnrDt (or tbt purpoM o( obtklnlnj trove. grat o( tb AND (urtlwr UXa notvc thtt tton Under Section 83 of th MUwrl Act must b commencvd b(or th Uunc or tuca ceruncsu or imprortmrots. ura jimj. in. ! Pim InMrttoa ot 4rUiotat Au- gU4I v, 1HS. li Phone lot Lawn Mowers Ground Made to Cut Like New - - sr Star Welding Phone 313 Classified Ads PERSONAL PRIVATE home Kindergartens pay. L Wa start you. The O&nadlan Kln- if . dargarten Institute. Winnipeg; - - - GENTLEMESi Purchase Personal Drug- Sundries by Mail Bargain Pries. Assortment of. fifteen H'gQ Oracle European Imoprta 1 tkms sent postpaid In plain wrapper for 1LG0. Catalogue Free. Adults Only National Dls- trfbtttors. Box 443. Regfna. Sask. TRANSFERS X)R RENT apart. - jsbed rAMEROjrs transfer- Farm-ments. Phone Red 444. 2l2.j tare vood thTS MALL Crrooax modern house srwg and warm tor the whitest 147 Eighth Avenue East 214 "HREE-Roomed Cottage tor rent, furnished or unfurnished, 15? Fifth Avenue Weat. t! TJR RENT five-room cottage on Third Avenue. Good location for anyone wishing to reside clese snop, ciotnes pressing of ouier small business. Phone OS. WANTED VANTED English baby pram, Good condition. Apply Box 457. 211 for rent te ut Id or for a tea room, shoe repair fyonfteny W.tTER NOTICE rtttcn-tMi a4 V tf TAKt KOnCB ta4 TW Lake Srn-dteate tM. (XQnlae) bot osMrtaa U 101 4nnbrKon Bktt. Viator. B O, w-UI B4f ICT ttOMM bm Tm cubic m ptr Mesnd OI - oi ktoMUs OMfi. titss flow l tato Tta Uti Bub aK IS bssIm KWtk of B f i- gimp v TIM -irr win b SttMr M . pUnt boot IMS itwdT buadred) IM( tort MHMin TM Ute and wtM b m4 to BSDts: tag pawtr purpwr upon ta mtnr awsrltes M Ttd Lk SyndtcM mtnini ciklOM. aprinc K. SSS MM) F1oiw r mkntBt eSBUmt and ad- nil a wu pootod on thtgrouad th sth . of Anew, tass a roM of tate otc sma mi ft&oae. tton parttiUM tbrroto nd to Uw -Water Act" vtt be nVd tk ofTtce c( the Wkttr Recorder M Prise Rumtl BC. ObleeUone ( the tooUtUoc maT bt fUed vMl the aM Mtt Seaorder or wn me tymisxrauir or wt-r Rit, PrtloiDt BvAdSsft. Ttasorte. Bp, vttbto thlrtj d after the AM appearance of tai notiee tn a loo aev. Pper TiDl LAKE SYNDICATE LTD.. Apfent. Per W J Jancowasd Ageat The daite of the ftrat ouMtaMUan of tat notice it Auguat W. ltS. WATER OTlCE TAltf NOTICB Ut J. B, Woodvorta, .ddreM SWT Fotat Orv Road. Vaswoti. r B C , HI apply for Itcenao cotake o4 um 900 ru. It. per ngnt and ort 1 00.000 aere feet out of Ousnr ' tato 8ur( Inlet. Tbt btn the recortaMQeaiAr of ottniuueaal water n HtH UVS. TbU r m bo uaedfor ter purpoMte Thl noure poMed on tb round ott ttM thtrtrritttl dV oi June. ttsa. a eer or t&u m tire od n apptlraMopureuaat there, o tnd to the "Water Act" wis) be fUtd to the off toe of the water reoorder at rrlace Rupert. Objection to tbe p. pllcaMon, mar be Wed -Hh trie Mid water reoorder or wRb the OwnroUt 4 Wkttr Right. PwUuMut OiSk!itc. vwtorta, BC wttwa tnfrty dan twr the ftrat pperoee of UUa ootic in s lot! newapaprr The date of tbe drat puUkatloa of thu Hot la July IT, J B. WOODWORTH. AppUfit Mi if s. f ST- 4 IT g I ,tJaaH itAa ft