r X" Tomorrow's Tides mi Today's Weather .. 5:00 a-m. 16.1 ft. me lfl&j pn. 18 ft. ..10:43,'V 8.9 ft. Prince Rupert Clear, light south lv 23:50 Pfb 8.9 ft. cut wind; barometer. 30.05; temperature. 57; sea smooth. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V XX N.. 211 INQUIRY IS BEING MADE arl'l Adusorv Committee ef Brl bin U Look Inta Russian Lumber Importations ' Rept 8: CP An- 1 ( imports of Russian thr United Klnfdoja. r has been ordered at . i n of Tremler R. D the unfa aomnatl thow 'who haw deserted ranw 1 ! umber against Ca Brlttah market. Vancouver Stocks " k o JakMtea OM Vancouver 't "tin. J9. X M' B Kivrr Com.. H. 1 ld. 4M. M ; , ; V' ! r r n i? K l'i"wnce. 41; ' Hiver. S). Jim. 01. ' n 46 '"K HUr. 3L . " "u. 10V. , . nsi silver. vo M. 1 i.lr. l.ftj. ' 1 2 M. r)onIC .18, H. I 20 h u-' Trt. J4, '"vTaiujlaf.tt, Oil 1 '''van. 0). 1! .in.' on. 2 ,q r K 145 . .27. ' ''illlnut J5 F,,,1"iK ' Pacific, .43, Toronto -"""'.ciria OoW. .OJVi. ' "'lllirln. 15 '' Patricia. .52. f :l:';l l-ke OoW. x !':""1u S5.35 f ' "M. 20.70, M. Halibut Arrivals l, ,f';t)0 'uld 8toiaB' 1 Touaw wiui a view w iouiw - cs to "ensure pattuilo's edfeat Mr Bowser stated that already two conferences had been held with Independent candidates and another conference was to be held to reach a final understanding on Monday 1 There have bean a number of In dependent candidales headed by Bruhn In the city for tne past day or so. Many Are Making Mystery Cruise on Coastal Steamer With Hiurlton iHrai weather conditions tuMlltna. the sunshine being bril- Mant and the waters calm. C N. B ataainer Prince Rupert, with Capt. Kail MeLean. leu ai i - . ..r . rnvKUrv cruise" with miwwi iwi ' - r two hundred local ex- ZnlooUu on board. While It was pat announces oeiommim ..v,v u. tunniri bo. It was understood liiat she would spend the afternoon KUl.lni leisurely along the coast in sheltered waters without stopping due back WlUl ner 10 o'clock tonight. VISITED KITWANOA kiwwjvs. sTpTjhi: M,rlC O. McKay has returned to Kittys .tending the There was a day at Kitwangs. LM -ports P?m . t fr" ghM McKay much enJoyed Dur, ...i.ktinn a blacK bear down -.1 -Uu-hiJ; chiefs of tho HH by ono of the village. MltftJiell Newmsn Prince .'"l"1 1 ftlv WtV " I" v who lias been n a pendmg the -mn,;r va?t . i i i ,,ioht. on the . . SIllU'll Lis' ii' V i s.'hooi PRTMPP. PRINCE PTTPRRT RUPERT, P. B.C., C. SATTTRFiAV SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER SRPTTTAfnP'.P Q 9, 1933 10QQ immmmmmmammr NEW ElJmrFOMEDBYW How Storm-Tossed Liners Looked in Grip of Storm aammmmaBBm InaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB Canadian Aruiiery. ana me snxui Regiment Col. Doultbee's recreations were fishing and shooting. CHURCHILL IS CLOSING Final drain Ship of Season Sails From Hudson Bay Port Norman Fraser and James Peacock sailed lust night on the Prince J.'l t"i a f tp to Sundsplt unci ..thiT Qii"-n Ch.irlti; I.sland point en r.; U Bi....ni 4 kltrrr-U -composite picture depleilneHlHsenan. h si DEFICIT ANNOUNCED BV QUEnEC ntOVINCE QUB8BC. Sept CP) The goteensnent of Quebec yester- day announced a deficit for tbe fiscal year ending June to of ow HJSOOjm. The deficit, It was stated, wai "directly attributable to the tunes in which we live." Well Known Gulf Island Hotel Man Dies in Vancouver VICTORIA. Sept 8 'CP-W!l-llam Brook Naylor. proprietor of Orandvtew Lodge. Mayne Island died In hospital here yesterday at the age of 67 years. FRED PERRY IS WINNER Defeats CalifornUn In Semi-Flnal of United States Tennis Championship FORS8T HILLS. N.Y.. Sept. 9 defeated Lester Stoefen of Callfor HOSPITAL BOARD MEETS where In the east on business ini connection with the affairs of the t'.midiiin Blt.herhood of Railway Emoli'vor, of which ho i.v a p'.'im W Um terrtltc atoizns: 'sweeping the Atlantic seaboard Two Uvea were last and two sailors : juxed w.'.": a tremendoui ware ripped away the deck house shown by arrow The ship sen: out an SOS off Capt Charles. Va. The storm, one of the worst In years, swept along the Atlantic -oa: d .n millions of dollars damage sod killing at least eight people DEAD AT Col AGASSIZ itoultbee. Resident of rroWnce For Forty Years, Tasses at Aie of Serenty A0AS81S. Sept. 9: (CPl-Lleut.- Col. Prank Washington Doultbee. aed 70. a resident of British Co lumbia for 44 years, died here Thursday, lie was one of the heads of the ChOIiwack Implement and Produce Co. Ltd. Dora at Ancaster. Onl. May 33. IM4. Oot. Doultbee was educated at Hamilton and at the age of 19 joined the engineering staff of the Manitoba and Northwestern Rati way. coming In 1867 to British Columbia to engage In snow abed work on the Canadian recuse nauway engineering staff. He was with the Vaneouver waterworks department from IBM o 1911. Serving with the Winnipeg Field Battery. Col. Doultbee played a part In putting down the Northwest Re bellion In IMft. After coming to Bri tish Columbia, he continued his Interest in military affairs and was an officer with the Fifth Regiment. ! milkhrr J Cf ir'AT F FOR MONTH Production In August Totalled OTer Ten Board Feet Tbb Year Million Log scaling In Prince Rupert forestry district for the month of Aug ust this year totalled 18.735.732 board feet as compared with 18.-04I.OM board feet In August. 1832 For this year to date sealing has totalled 3U18.8S4 board left as against 57.387.171 boanj feet In the first eight months of 1932. Scaling per specie this August was as follows, figures for the same month last year bajng also shown for comparison: Douglas fir Cedar Spruce Hemlock . i Miscellaneous Totals 26,438 447 MS, s.aoo.aat. 3.1240KT 13398 96 48437 9.17.W7 7,47fl38 U3tJK 2.875 10,734.722 18,644.034 Forest Products Production of poles and piling In the Interior this August amounted to 75.662 lineal feet 64.744 feet cedar. 123 feet spruce and 10,55 feet hemlock- as compared with 430,148 lineal feet In the same month last year. Cord wood produetton this August was 564 cords aa against 228 CP Fred Perry of Great Britain ords ' yar hllp 22.8TP Jaekplne nla In the semi-final of the United States men's tennis championships today. 6-3. 6-2. 6.2. The regular monthly meeting of the board of directors of the Prince Rupert Oeneral HoapitHl was held PORT CHURCHILL. Man.. Sept.' last crenlng at the hospital. Bual-9: (CD Tills Hudson Bay port Is neas was lanrely of a routine nature preparing to close for tho winter and Included th recelrlng of the following the sailing yesterday for usual monthly reports, passing ofi the United Kingdom of the steamer accounts, etc. Oardenla. ninth ship to load herei this year, with a cargo of over 200.-1 S J. Mavei of Smlthers returns 000 bitthels of wheat in her holds to the interior on tonight s train LM than 40.000 bushels or grain Is following u two-day visit Ui town left In the local elevator iFor the past month Mr Mayer has , been on a tri to Montreal and elsc- ilea were recornea inis auru in compariaDn with 11.713 pieces in the same month last year. POLICEMAN IS KILLED Constable James Markle Receives Mortal Wounds in Attempting To Arrest Two Men I MOKTMKAU, oepv v: uon I stable Jamea Mackle. aged 43, Cana- dlan Pacific Railway polite officer, died tonitcht as a result of bullet wounds received while attempting m arrest two men In th railway iv.itd- t Lunonme early today. VANCOl'VEK WII1UT VANCOUVER Sept B: CP' in the EXPOUNDS FOR C.C.F. Large Audience Turns Out to Hear Frsirie Member's Eloquent Address Crisis and Way Out William Irvine. M.P. for Wetaskiwin. L'rges Change of System The Present Crisis and the Way Out" was the subject of William Irvine. MP. for Wetaskiwin. Alta, who addressed a large meeting last night at the Moose Hall here in the Interests of the Co-operative Com monwealth Federation. Mr. Irvine spoke for about two hours and. de spite the fact that he devoted the most of the time elaborating upon the crisis" and theorizing as to Its cause and had. apparently, little but rather nebulous generalities to offer as a "way out," he was given an attentive hearing. An orator of the eloquent and spell-binding type, his speech was punctuated with fre quent witticism and. If not very enlightening, was, to say the least, entertaining Ex-AW. Oscar Larsen xcupied the chair. In opening. Mr. Irvine enumera ted what he considered the out standing factors In the present cod. nomle situation. First, the agricultural Industry had been producing i for some years at leas than cost wrth the result that the standard of living of the farmer had been gra-dually lowering until he had now reached the point where he could hardly furnish himself and his de pendents with the necessities of life and the whole Industry was Jeopar dised. Second, there was the grow ing army of the unemployed which In Canada had now reached over we million persons who were being penurlously maintained at the ex-' ' oense of those who still had lobs or part-time Jobs. Both private and public business had become para- lysed. the country's trade was dropping, despite wage cutting and tax increasing the government were becoming Increasingly Involved financially and private and public debt were continually grow-, lng. i Canada, a well as the other na lion of the world, was reaping the bitter fruits or capitalism In the form of continuously growing unemployment, the concentration of the national wealth among the tew ! while poverty Increased among the majority, staggering debt and international strife and war Never had there been such universal want In the midst of such tremendous abundunee Out of the colleges and SChOfuV '-f 'I:- . ".!! :v wero nnT.uul PRICE: FIVE CENTO PK4n7 C0P AGAIN TO BE FINANCED BY GOVERNMENT Former Premier Has Thrown In Lot With Independent Forces Denies Report That He is Withdrawing From Contest Is Merely Consolidation of Opponents of Tolmic and Pattullo Conferences Being Held VANCOUVER, Sopt 9: W. J. Bowser has dropped ' f i !i rship of the non-partisan movement which he rW I A t I 1 t t B-g-E B P ui-inir thi nriMnl nrnvtruMiil pltmn Mmnaiim nrown in his lot with the indeendent candidates i the formation of a real union government. This mr-nt was made todav, following a conference betw'ea Uic former premier and the Independent, by R W Bruhn The statement la part nld : "Mr. Bowser state that, after the election, th iodapandint member, when in evRtrol of the House, wttl. M a matt f .... " ? Km cnrir www umuii . 4 . The Bowser noa-partisan party had already nominated 12 eandt dales and the Independent 24. "Emphatically no. I am net "Hi-drawta." declared Mr Dowser L . . u M was made yoatotoay 1 wnen oa iwrawn wmm bhw iff advisory committee ' a rumor from Victoria that he was t.orta4 ta kMUtre Into 1 about to announce hU retirement entirety iron ine eampasgn. "Par from withdrawing." Mr. Bowser aald. "we are oonaoMdaUnc or force" He stated that eonfer- nda who ha been eoces were now protreaatof with Ottawa To Assist In Marketing of Wheat Montreal Report Says 1 Advances to Canadian Co-operative Wheat Producers Limited to be Guaranteed, Grain Circles of East are Informed MONTREAL, Sept 9: The federal government has decided to finance the 1933 wheat crop on the prairies, it i was reported in authoritative grain circles here yesterday. Advances by the banks to the Canadian Co-operative I Wheat Producers Limited (Wheat Pool) in connection , with marketing of grain will again be guaranteed by the 'government. It was stated. This u following out a policy which has been exercised In recent years and which la designed to assist In order ly marketing of grain. 401dlCountr.y. Soccer 3. ENGLISH LEAGUE First Division Arsenal 1, Manchester City 1. Aston Villa 4. Liverpool 2. Blackburn Rovers 4, West Brom- wich Albion 0. Everton 2, Sheffield Wednesday HuddersfieW Town 0, Leeds Uni ted 0. Leicester City 1, Tottenham Hot spurs 3. Middlesbrough. 0, Birmingham 3. Newcastle United 1, Derby County I. Sheffield United 4. Chelsea 1. Stoke City 2, Portsmouth I. Wolverhampton Wanderers L, Sunderland 6. SCOTTISH LEAGUE ', First Division ; Aberdeen 1. Dundee 3. Clyde 3. Partkk Thistle 3. Falkirk 0, Alrdrleontans 2. Hamilton Academicals 1, Mother well 2. Hearts 0. Hibernians 0. Kilmarnock 3. St. Mlrren 0. Quean's Park S, Third Lanark 2 Queen of South 2. Ayr United 4 Rangers 2. Celtic 2. St. Johnstone 3. Cowdenbeath 3. Today's Weather ! Dead Tree Point Clear, light easterly wind; barometer. 30.21; temperature. 66: sea smooth. Triple Island Clear, light westerly wind; sea smooth. Langara Island Ctear. calm, sea moderate. Terra e Clear, calm, 43. Anyox Clear, calm. 48. Stewart Clear, calm, 43. Hazelton Foggy, calm. 43. Smlthers Clear, calm, 48. Burn Lake Clear, calm, 43.. Card of Thanks We wish to thank our neighbors and friend who so kindly ass it-led us In any way during our re-lent toss The floral tribute, ears, and all other kindnesses extended, and the sympathy afforded iu. we are truly grateful for. Mr. and Mrs. Jarvls McLeod and Family Donald Maclver leave on this evening's train for Montreal where he will embark on September 15 aboard the swamer L.ltla for a . tc t.. ca- -!. fccae (0 ScoUxid. WjVs 'jsM ft i .- It 1 l- my.